Thursday, November 19, 2020

With Anti-Intellectualism, Anything is Possible!

It's true, or I wouldn't say it.

Perhaps the major reason why most people reject reality is that it places so many annoying constraints on what we can do or think or want. 

For example, people want more money (or more votes, to be perfectly accurate), so they pass a "minimum wage" law in order to make it illegal to pay someone what his labor is worth. The entirely predictable result is that unemployment increases and businesses close. But the politician feels good about himself, and that's what matters. 

Policies such as the minimum wage, rent control, racial quotas, et al, can't work in reality. But they do in theory, and that's enough for the anti-intellectual.

In reality men and women are quite different, and thank God and natural selection, in that order. But here again, for some reason this bothers a lot of women (of both sexes), so it isn't just rejected but attacked -- as if reality is the problem!

Well, reality is the problem. But it is also the solution, and indeed, the only solution to the problems intrinsic to reality. 

In this regard, it is no different than nature as such.  Nature causes a lot of problems -- little things like, oh, disease, death, accidents, etc. Wouldn't it be nice if we could just magically wish these away, or bribe nature to leave us alone and take the next guy, or perhaps conduct a human sacrifice to appease and get her off our backs?

Maybe, but nature provides a means to her own mastery and transcendence. How? By being rational, or subordinate to reason. This is why prescientific approaches such as alchemy, astrology, and haruspicy didn't actually help us, but gave only the illusion of help. They made the anxiety go away, at least momentarily.

Similar to progressive polices, although not as destructive on such a catastrophic scale.

There's an old gag... it's on the tip of my Tongan... can't find it, but while looking for it found this by Claude Bernard: "Science increases our power in proportion as it lowers our pride."  "Proud scientist" should be as oxymoronic as "humble ideologue."  If only.

Anyway, I recently read an outstanding book by Fulton Sheen called God and Intelligence in Modern Philosophy, originally published 90 years ago but as true today as it was then and always will be. Yes, always, for 

It is only accidentally that St. Thomas belongs to the 13th century. His thought is no more confined to that period of human history than is the multiplication table.  

Supposing we are to be born at all, we have to be born sometime and somewhere. For Thomas it just happened to be Sicily in 1225.  Only a parochial bigot or tenured ape would hold it against him. 

This dovetails nicely with one of our obsessive preavocations, which is the discovery and elucidation of principles, axioms, and perennial truths to which we are entitled by virtue of being human. Yes, being a man has its share of inevitable burdens. God knows this, and for this reason provides certain compensations and consolations. 

What would a human life be in the absence of universal truth?  Well, for starters it wouldn't be human, just another chapter in the pointless story of animals.

Since the crock is running down, I'm just going repeat some important passages with or without comment:

If a progressive universe is a contemporary ideal, then the philosophy of St. Thomas is its greatest realization.

Our self-styled "progressives" hold an implicit metaphysic that renders progress both unintelligible and impossible. 

The modern God was born the day the "beast intellectualism" was killed. The day the intelligence is reborn, the modern God will die. They cannot exist together; for one is the annihilation of the other.

Which certainly goes to the depth and intensity of our current political divide. Truly, the two sides are absolutely and permanently irreconcilable. The difference is, our side must be understood, while theirs can only be imposed; hence their barbaric hatred of free thought and expression. 

Here is a lifelike pneumagraph of One Cosmos:

The intellect, then, is the perfection of the universe because it can sum up all creation within itself. In doing this, it becomes the articulate spokesman of the universe and the great bond between brute matter and Infinite Spirit.

"What happens, then, when a philosophy rejects the intellect?" Same thing as when a political ideology does: it "knocks the world into an unintelligible pluralism."  These relativistic anti-humanists "are suffering from the fever of violent emotion, and so they make a philosophy of it."

Or misosophy.  Being that Sophia is the primordial feminine, this is truly the last ugly word in misogyny.  

St. Thomas is not "premodern," because this makes the elementary error of trying to discern truth by clock or calendar. These latter measure time, but even then, not really; rather, just space. But truth transcends both.  It is neither ancient nor modern, and most certainly not dumb-as-a-post modern:  

It is ultra-modern, because it is spiritual and is not subject to decrepitude and death. "By its universality, it overflows infinitely, in the past as in the future, the limits of the present moment; it does not oppose itself to modern systems, as the past to that which is actually given, but as something perennial to something momentary. Anti-modern against the errors of the present time, it is ultra-modern for all truths enveloped in the time to come (Maritain)."

Oh, and speaking of pleasures we share with neither animal nor Antifa (but I repeat myself), "The intelligence is life and the greatest thing there is in life."  

But "The spirit of modern thought, whatever else it may be, is anti-intellectual." How so, exactly? Well, "To begin with, there is a confusion of the intellect and reason."  

The Intelligence does not explain; it does not reason; it grasps. It sees an intelligible object as the eye sees a sensible object. Reason, on the contrary, is related to the intelligence as movement is related to rest; as acquiring a thing is related to having a thing.

Having said this, while they are distinct they cannot be separate, which is why things aren't true because they are rational, but rather, rational because true. Do not make the crudimental error of confining truth to reason, or you'll be waiting for Gödel forever.  

I guess that's it for today.  


Gagdad Bob said...

How did our dark, racist, sexist past (anything before yesterday) bear as its fruit such wonderfully woke people?

I think today's post provides the answer.

Anonymous said...

Hey there GDB: Grand post, good reading. In it I read "...just another chapter in the pointless story of animals."

I thought that over for a bit. Up until 2 mya BP animals were what was popping on this world.
God had assembled a trove of animals, some extant and some not, that was astonishing in diversity. You would think He got some value out of all this animal play. How could the story of animals be a pointless story if God was doing the telling?

Is God amused with or entertained by microbial life forms? How could He not considering the eons of time where microbes reigned supreme?

Much of the cosmos has no life at all and yet God upholds all and presumably loves each star and planet and will pick them up an admire each from time to time. The swirling energy of the fusion furnace is quite a work of art.

Are Black Holes purely utilitarian or did God glean some enjoyment from these robust objects?

These questions are good to contemplate over a deep bowl of superb California medicine.

Anonymous said...

I'm so woke I don't need coffee.

I'm so woke people use me as an alarm clock.

I'm so woke I know what is politically correct not just today but tomorrow as well.

I'm so woke it hurts. And I get a lot of chicks.

Anonymous said...

I'm so woke, I put you to sleep.
Wait. Every woke person does that.

Anonymous said...

I just heard Trump won Michigan on a recount. This is the beginning of the reversal! Pennsylvania will be next I suppose.

Gagdad Bob said...

"This is not your standard partisan policy disagreement,” he continued. “This is a conspiracy theory fueled belligerent death cult against reality & basic decency. The only actual policy debates of note are happening within the dem coalition between left and center left.”


julie said...

Lord, the invincible ignorance...

This is why prescientific approaches such as alchemy, astrology, and haruspicy didn't actually help us, but gave only the illusion of help.

Funny, you'd think way back in the day when the Athenians bribed the oracle to dupe the Spartans into a war, you'd think the ancients might have caught on that the whole thing is a racket. Didn't stop anyone from consulting the Pythia, though.

Gagdad Bob said...

I don't like to get all fired up about such things, but I'm glad Ace does.

Anonymous said...

Conservatives should be banding together in their neighborhoods. It would be good to know who stands for what in your locale; friendly homes and vehicles should be marked with red so they don't get confused with hostiles.

A list of who has what arms and what ammunition on hand should be prepared and the neighborhood group should meet biweekly to discuss strategy and tactics. Each group should appoint a leader and substitute leader. A communications officer should be designated and a phone tree developed.

Police precincts, grocery stores, drug retailers, dispensaries, radio and television stations, cellphone towers, courthouses, fire stations, libraries, hotels, power stations, water treatment plants, and hospital medical facilities should be reconnoitered in case these assets have to be seized and held. Lines of fire and sites for defensive emplacements should be prepared ahead of time.

Hoard anything and everything. Don't delay on preparations, act now.

I'll continue to keep the One Cosmos family updated as this crisis unfolds.

-Big MAGA Hat.

Anonymous said...

Big MAGA Hat, methinks we'd just be fighting ourselves, much to our PTB amusement.

Lindsay Graham tried to get the Georgia StateSexy to throw away legal recount votes, but none were. So now StateSexy is getting death threats. Georgia will go to Biden.

Then Kamala Harris saw Graham walking up and put out her fist hoping for a bump. Instead of slapping it away, Graham obliged her with a friendly fistbump. He said afterwards that he was simply being friendly and saying hello.

I’m trying real hard to use my new anti-intellectualization skills to believe that they really are just “loyal opposition”, and not actually all on the same lucrative antidemocratic team that wants us dead.

Gagdad Bob said...

We're waaaaay past the idea the left is the loyal opposition. Here's in in depth article on state of the art progressivism. Although the author is secular, what he describes is satanic.

Gagdad Bob said...

Yesterday a friendly colleague of mine who reads the NY Times every day and actually thinks he's getting objective journalism (he dismissed out of hand the idea that it isn't) asked me to recommend a conservative source, since he's never been outside the bubble. He knows I'm a conservative, and yet he likes me, so I think it puzzles him. I didn't know where to begin. I certainly wouldn't recommend me!

Anonymous said...

Trump has secured victory in Georgia. This is great news! The new tally revealed the President won by a landslide in that state.

More than 25 other states are on the verge of reversals including Texas and Rhode Island.

Every new count undertaken showed the President won over Biden by at least 12 percentage points.

I wonder what the liberal media will say about these results...can't wait to hear.

Nicolás said...

The fool has no confidence in a truth that public opinion does not endorse.

julie said...

Huh. I honestly don't know who I'd recommend as a news source for a non-conservative, since most leftists I know automatically dismiss any of my usual sources as evil right wing propaganda full of hate speech.

Gagdad Bob said...

Exactly. I suggested he just watch Tucker Carlson, but that triggered him. Even Dennis Prager is way beyond the pale.

Anonymous said...

I was a Fox News original, watching from day 1, appreciating the brave new "fair and balanced" back-n-forth philosophy. But during the Lewinsky scandal I figured out it was becoming just another megamedia corporation trying to sell advertisements to people who are easily addicted to angst, just like the rest of the MSM. There had to be more to life than just one blue dress, show after damned show. I wanted to know real news again and switched to multiple sources. I can decide for myself where veracity lies, no matter how many times tribalists need to tell me I’ve been brainwashed. Since my politics is eclectic, and personal to me, I get it from both sides. I say it's an illness.

I know lots of very nice conservatives, personally. Most of them just want more freedom and less taxes. I know white macho conservatives, personally, who've bought into the Republican branding of the self-reliant white man defending that which they work hard for. But I'm seeing increasing numbers of conservatives living in alternate realities of Qanon, prosperity gospel, “the Dems are Marxists”, antivaxxers, flat earthers, Trump is an ubermenschers..., while shunning conservatives personalities which they once respected, as apostates. They're the ones who've gone round the bend, not the other way around.

The real problem is that humans in unrestricted unchecked power, regardless of "ideology", tend to develop into megalomaniacs. It should defined as a pathology, like alcoholism.

My country preacher uncle is one of the less taxes, macho conservative types. In his prime he could’ve kicked John Wayne’s ass. I watched him punch an unruly stallion in the gut when it wouldn’t stand still for a hoof cleaning. Wrestle steers. He taught me lumberjacking and deer hunting. He built a denominational church in his growing town, with a very nice building with much of it built by volunteer labor. But recently, his parishioners have gotten sucked away by prosperity megachurches. Many of the remaining became loony conservatives – the type who place politics above God, and they drove away many of the meeker folk. Today he works in his retirement as a volunteer preacher at his church (for free), because his shrinking denomination can’t afford to pay a minister. Unlike the loony conservatives (or far lefties) he doesn’t see enemies everywhere. He doesn't blindly believe that his tribe is always right. He just sees humans as having souls to save.

Very old school I know, in this modern age where nobody cares about what Jesus actually preached anymore.

Anonymous said...

Hello Anonymous 8:36 PM

Great comment. There is now Newsmax, which is supposed to be the heir apparent to Fox News after the decline and fall.

You have identified the subcategory of the "loony" conservative; we all know some of these people and shake our heads sadly. But no one is immune from getting that way.

The constant, prolonged fear of the left and the provocations of the Media have driven these conservatives into a paranoid neurotic state where they can no longer think straight. Witness the QNON phenomena, strikingly reminiscent of the hysteria over Jews supposedly drinking the blood of children that was noted among Germans in the 20th century and before. The fantasy the election was rigged is another example.

The President himself is gravely impaired by paranoid delusions of persecution and is acting out in bizarre ways.

Is all that fear justified? You bet it is. Just wait until we get our microch--I mean vaccines into you. Then the real fun starts....

--Big Government Blue Cheese Conspiracy Debunker, Disinformation Officer, Plumbing and Electrician Contractor, Space Cadet.

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