Monday, November 16, 2020

Language and Other Catastrophes

I'm sorry but I never apologize -- including for the junior-voicity Joycity of the previous post. 

First, when I said a couple of weeks ago that  I was going to stop making so much damn sense, I meant it.  Second, I had a larger point that I was avoiding, which is to say, the mixed message of language -- not this or that assertion of language, but of language itself.  It is at once a chiaroscuro of light and dark, or as Joyce would say, clearobscuro.  So let's see if we can shed a little more darkness on the subject!

Again, prior to its appearance on earth, there were no problems.  Does this mean that if we can only eliminate -- or at least control -- language, we can eradicate our problems? This is the left's strategy, but it can only give the illusion of control, while denying the real problems and projecting them elsewhere.

For example, all of the talk about "structural racism," "critical race theory," "white privilege," incarceration rates, etc., are just ways of talking around and avoiding the real issue: black failure, i.e., the achievement gap. We all recognize it.  But the left quickly transforms the concrete perception into a linguistic abstraction, and the purpose of the abstraction is to help one not see what one is seeing.

This is not a new phenomenon. The left did not invent mental illness. "Human nature" (at least the fallen kind) includes an arsenhole of psychological defenses, the most important and pervasive being -- in this order -- 1) denial, 2) repression, and 3) projection.  

In fact, some theorists would eliminate the second and say that the first and third always occur together simultaneously, analogous to location and velocity in quantum theory:  what is denied is necessarily projected.  After all, denial doesn't actually succeed in ridding the mind of what is denied.  So, what happens to it?  Where does it go?    

The correct answer is "all over the place," in that there is no end to the psychic transformations that repressed material can and will undergo. Once it's out of your control -- once you are no longer master of your domain -- the permutations will be endless.  

I didn't intend to travel down this artery in this vein, so perhaps we can apply a tourniquet to stop the flow before this post bleeds out.  But consider the example of something as seemingly simple as "low self-esteem." A perception of inadequacy is rather straightforward, while its denial can take infinite form -- from somatization to substance abuse to promiscuity to narcissism to pathological lying and ad infinitum.

But enough about my ex-girlfriends.  

It reminds me of Tolstoy's crack to the effect that all happy families are alike, while each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.  I don't know about families, but it certainly applies to the mind, in that happy minds are alike in certain fundamental ways (there is such a thing as normality), while unhappy minds have an infinite variety of ways to pretend they're not unhappy and to render themselves unhappier still in the process. Does Trump Derangement make its victim happier or more well adjusted?  

That's a loaded question, Bob.  Okay, how about feminist ideology, or critical race theory, or queer studies?  Suffice it to say that happiness and gender/race-based paranoia are at psychic antipodes.  If one were happy, the theories would never need to be conjured into existence. Does a happy woman imagine there is such a thing as patriarchy? 

Back to language.  Again: Mixed. Blessing.  Oh, it's a blessing alright, maybe even the greatest, in that in its absence there are no blessings at all.  Nor any curses, so are we even-steven?

Sprechen sie Joyce, not only was he well aware of the double-, triple- and quadruple-edged s(word) of language, he knew that he himself was the worst offender.  Among the thematic binaries that repeat throughout Finnegans Wake are the brothers, one a man of action, the other a man of words: concrete and abstract; doing and mere talk about doing;  building and criticizing; etc.

Joyce knew he was a scoundrel because he knew what language can do to a person.  First of all, it makes one a liar, and the more facility one has with language, the worse the liar.  Consider, for example, the fake news and phony pundits.  Or academia.  

If we conceptualize it in a Darwinian manner, we see that there exist human environments that demand that we mentally adapt to them with lies of various magnitude.  Truth is not only unwelcome, it is punished.  You will be canceled.  The borgs on TV know exactly what they can say and what they can get away with. They know where the line is, even if the knowledge is implicit. I am always aware of the line, being that I live in the Democratic Republic of California.  

One of the primary purposes of punitive political correctness is to make us all aware of the boundary between the Truth and the Lie.  In between is a kind of demilitarized zone of phony neutrality, but make no mistake: get too close to the truth and the bullets will fly.

Bad language and the people who utter it. A perfect opening for me to discuss a book that's been patiently waiting in line for over two years, The Infernal Library: On Dictators, the Books they Wrote, and Other Catastrophes of Literature.   

One might be tempted to ask: what lesson can be drawn from this disparate collection of logophobic psychopaths?  I'll tell you what lesson: in the past we've discussed how one can learn a great deal about normality by studying the most abnormal among us.  My internship was at a state mental hospital, and when you deal with psychotic patients, you have the opportunity to vividly see the operation of various defense mechanisms that are more subtle in the "normal" -- e.g., denial and projection.  

A normal person deals his unwanted psychic material in relatively benign ways such as sublimation, fantasy, humor, rationalization, etc.  An abnormal person projects it into birds, or communication satellites, or space aliens, or white men, or President Trump, what have you.  

As it so happens, an elderly paranoid lady lives right across the street from us.  Her projections are rather fluid, but can go from the mailman to the DWP to even my son, whose baseball flew over a fence into her backyard.  He asked if he could retrieve it, and she responds -- in a voice dripping with suspicion and hostility -- How did it get there? -- implying at once How did it get thereHow did it get thereHow did it get there

Note that it's not a "real" question but a loaded one.  I mean, the answer is obvious, so the question implies something non-obvious.  Is this just a pretext for you to spy on me? Are you in cahoots with the gas company meter-reader?

The other day she interrogated me, with the same tone, about some dog poop near her driveway. I'm surprised she didn't call 911. But she did pour bleach on the street.

In any event, my son is learning all about mental illness (and the wellness of which it is a shadow) without having to toil in a mental hospital or cable news station. All our happy neighbors are alike, while each unhappy neighbor is a Democrat.  

Getting to our main point, isn't it interesting that the Worst People in the World were all writers? Lenin, Stalin, Marx, Hitler, Mao, et al. Is this surprising? Or inevitable?  

Many dictators write theoretical works, others produce spiritual manifestos, while still others write poetry, memoirs or even the occasional romance novel. Indeed, the best-selling book of all time attributed to a man rather than a deity is the work of a dictator: Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung.

If the worst people in the world were all writers, I wonder if they still are?  No, check me on that.  I don't actually wonder.  Rather, they must be.  It's just a matter of identifying them. Or perhaps we've entered an age in which the Lie is so pervasive and diffuse, that we can no longer point to this or that particular author.  So many minions, partly because so many of them have attended Satan's own seminary, AKA college.  


Oh please. Let's not even digniphooey that one. I attended college, and lots of it, so I know as well as anyone what it means to be a proudly intellectual anti-intellectual.  

In the previous post -- or was it the one before? -- we spoke of the boredom of leftist writers and writing.  Why are they so tedious?  And is it merely an absence of something -- a privation -- or the presence of something actively soul-killing?

With all this power and unique knowledge, the dictator of even a small and geopolitically insignificant country should thus be in a position to write at least a moderately interesting book, even if by accident. And yet to a man, they almost always produce mind-numbing drivel. I want to know why.

How, for example, does Obama so effortlessly produce such mind-numbing drivel? Is it a gift, this ability to crank out bestselling autofellatiographies on demand? And who gave it to him? Is there something like "satanic grace"?

Yes, as a matter of fact, but that's a slightly different subject. It occurred to me a week or two ago, but if I discuss it now, we'll never finish with the dictators. Suffice it to say that, just as there is a kind of "spiral of grace" emanating from and returning to God, there is similarly spiraling energy from below, or perhaps even from man, then circling down and back up. 

Why study the blather of a tyrant? Surely not to learn anything he wishes to teach us. But you can nevertheless learn a great deal from a tyrant  -- as did I from patients in the loony bin and professors in the looniversity bin.

A deep study of dictators' works might enable me to map devastating wastelands of the spirit while also exploring the terrible things that happen when you put writers in charge.

Forget about dictators. Let's talk about presidents.  Is it just a coincidence that the worst presidents since 1912 were first known as writers, Obama and Wilson? 

Is there anything better than books and literacy? Or, is there anything worse? "A moment's reflection reveals that"

books and reading can also cause immense harm. To take just one example, if Stalin's mother had never sent him to the seminary then he would never have learned to read and never would have discovered the works of Marx and Lenin. Instead, he would have been a drunken cobbler like his father, or perhaps a small-time gangster in Tbilisi. He would still have spread misery, but on a much smaller scale...

Our bottom line for the day is that "literacy is a blight as well as a blessing," and that we need to figure out why this is the case and be able to distinguish between the two. 

The lie is the muse of revolutions: it inspires their programs, their proclamations, their panegyrics; but it forgets to gag their witnesses. --Dávila

True, but at least big tech is trying to gag us.


Gagdad Bob said...

Laughable projection: Obama Compares Trump to Dictator.

Gagdad Bob said...

Obama projects. And has been doing so his whole life. Yet, no one has ever calmly and dispassionately brought it to his attention. Proof of structural racism.

Gagdad Bob said...

Quick, gag that witness!

julie said...

...once you are no longer master of your domain -- the permutations will be endless.


A perception of inadequacy is rather straightforward, while its denial can take infinite form -- from somatization to substance abuse to promiscuity to narcissism to pathological lying and ad infinitum.

But enough about my ex-girlfriends.

Ha - if I didn't know better, I'd think you were with me recently when I had the displeasure of overhearing a lover's quarrel between a psychotic she-beast and the poor sweet spineless fool who fancies himself in love with her. For a few moments, I wanted to murder them both and put us all out of their misery.

ted said...

Speaking of crazy ex-gf's, I had a friend say he liked Trump but couldn't vote for him because of all the drama. I asked him if he ever noticed that Trump was cool and steady and that everyone else was losing their minds. He said yes, but he couldn't vote against them. Doh.

julie said...

How, for example, does Obama so effortlessly produce such mind-numbing drivel?

To be fair, at least some of the time he uses a ghost writer. Which means that someone else has to listen to him, then translate his drivel into something people supposedly want to read.

Anonymous said...

Well Dr. Godwin, quite a post you've written here. It has that cranky irritable tone; I guess Trump's election loss has got you out of sorts.

The post flails around all over the place. Things are brought up and as quickly dropped without much coherence as barbs against people you don't care for are flung in all directions.

Of course you are a man of the spirit, but even so can indulge in a bad day here and there, which this certainly was.

Now I know you don't want to evangelize, but it only a matter of time until you realize evangelizing is really the proper use of language and most other things are deviant uses of same.

A man of the spirit has a duty to counsel the sad, inform the ignorant, and admonish the sinner. Which is really what you are up to with this post and others. It doesn't have to be so glum though. The spirit man is happy! Like all happy people.

Cheer up.

Daisy said...

Not sure what post you were reading. Things must look very different in the land where Biden won.

Back here in the real world, given that the electoral college doesn't officially determine who has the most electoral votes until December 14 and the results thus far are still very much to be determined, it would be foolish to state with any certainty that either Biden or Trump has actually won the presidency.

MAGA said...

I was one of the Million marchers. Proud to be a white Christian in a a White Christian nation! I’ll be watching President Trumps new channel if Biden and his Marxists try to take over the country. Fox News sucks!!

Anonymous said...


Unless you live outside of the US, the land where Biden won is the land you live in. In that land, in the lifetime of everyone still alive, while the official naming of the president is December 14, when states have reported results which shows that one party has enough votes per state so that it is mathematically impossible for any other party to win, the other party acknowledges defeat and the transition peacefully advances. Every other losing candidate whether Democrat or Republican has acted in the best interests of the country and our democracy. Their tiny little egos didn't outweigh what is best for our country.

The Toddler in Chief, is throwing a tantrum and having planted the unsubstantiated seed of widespread voter fraud that the gullible accept without rational thought. He is loosing every frivolous case that he files and getting laughed out of court. His own agencies have stated that there was no widespread fraud and a handpicked commission he had investigate fraud in the 2016 election, because his fragile little ego was hurt by losing the popular vote found no widespread fraud.

Try to turn off the Fox propagandists and do some objective research and see what you come up with. You may be surprised. I have tried likewise and examined the arguments from both sides. Some hold water and others just plain don't.


Re, "ever noticed that Trump was cool and steady and that everyone else was losing their minds". Are you serious??? There has never been a more unstable child-like person who held the office of president.

Nicolás said...

Because he does not understand the objection that refutes him the fool thinks he has been corroborated.

Anonymous said...

In 2016 Hillary did what was best for the country. Notice that she didn't throw a tantrum and plant unsubstantiated seeds of a widespread Russian conspiracy to "hack our democracy" that the gullible accepted without rational thought.

Anonymous said...

Likewise Al Gore. You didn't see him cherrypick a few pro-Dem Florida counties for recounting in order to overturn the 2000 election.

Anonymous said...

And even you conservative dupes must know that if the situation were reversed, Democrats would accept the results without question, i.e., if Trump were way behind in the four most corrupt Republican city machines, only to pull ahead after they inexplicably stopped counting overnight and in the following days found just enough votes to put Trump ahead. This happens all the time.

Anonymous said...

Even if Trump overturns the election results and is declared the victor, he will only gain 48 additional months in office, hardly worth the effert.

Trump will have to vacate the Presidency one way or another. A sad thought.

Unless, _____________________________ (fill in the blank).

Be creative. This is not the time to lay around the house bitching. I'm talking to you both, Daisy and Nicholas. Put your heads together and get some ideas going here.

White House staff are standing by to take suggestions by email or telephone. Act now.

BTW all of you are on mandatory mask usage. Don't let me catch you with your nose out.

Anonymous said...

Totally normal, nothing to see here, folks. Pay no attention to the computers behind the scheme.

julie said...

Fox news does suck. It has for years, but now the mask is really off.

On the plus side, Newsmax actually is quite good, and readily available in a variety of places. Was watching a bit with Greg Kelly last night, there's a qualitative difference beyond just what they're saying, you get the impression that they aren't just reading from a script like the mockingbird media. I mean, I'm sure there's a teleprompter, but there's an easiness there that you don't see with mainstream stations. Not slick, just (seemingly - time will tell) honest. At least, that's how it comes across, but of course I could be wrong.

Cousin Dupree said...

The election results in those four corrupt cities exhibit a number of mathematical impossibilities. Which is right in the Dems wheelhouse, since their whole worldview is anchored mathematical impossibility.

Gagdad Bob said...

Although I have nothing against a conservative network, I'm afraid journalism as such will always favor the left, being that it is in the moment, of the moment, and for the moment -- ahistorical, emotional, and preferably hysterical -- conveniently, just like the leftist mind.

Looking at the world "journalistically" is the opposite of taking the long (and deep) view and interpreting it disinterestedly and philosophically. A true conservative is someone who doesn't need a weatherman to tell him which way the wind is blowing.

As our friend Nicolás would say, "News stories are the substitute for truths."

The most important things do not change, and we must always interpret change through the lens of the changeless. Which is again precisely the opposite of what the left does, e.g., interpreting the timeless principles embodied in our founding documents through the lens of change -- AKA deterioration masquerading as progress.

Anonymous said...

"The election results in those four corrupt cities exhibit a number of mathematical impossibilities."

Based on what? The article you previously referenced didn't demonstrate anything. If the Democrats had the ability to change/manufacture ballots, why would they only change the president box? Why not also the Senate votes? With 150 million ballots there are going to be isolated cases of irregularity. Where is the proof of widespread fraud that was enough to change the election.

You are willing to throw away our whole democratic system without any credible evidence. You don't like the way things turned out - I get it. Be honest with your self and do real research and think this through.

How can you or anybody take Trump's baseless accusations seriously? I find it so disheartening that thinking people can accept things as this as truth. So, our elections have always been fair. A propaganda savant starts making baseless claims to protect his insecurities, and people buy it.

So what should be done in your opinion because your candidate didn't win? Revolution?? Luckily we don't have kangaroo courts, so the baseless claims aren't going anywhere.

Keep in mind, that when democracy is eroded, the next person to take advantage of it may not be as incompetent as Trump and may be leftist. Democracy isn't always pretty, but it is the best system that has been come up with IMO.

julie said...

Ha - yes, that's a good way to look at what journalism is. Even Newsmax is essentially "hair-on-fire" storytelling; it's goal cannot be said to promote wise action or virtue among its viewers, but simply to "raise awareness." To the extent that they are being honest, this isn't necessarily a bad thing, but even when they're telling the truth about things that are happening, one must still exercise discernment. Perhaps especially when they seem the most appealing.

Cousin Dupree said...

--I find it so disheartening that thinking people can accept things as this as truth.

My work here is through!

Anonymous said...

You may be asking yourself: how can I or anybody take the baseless accusations of Russia collusion seriously? Easy. With no principles, anything is possible.

Overheard Yesterday said...

If you see fraud and don't say fraud, you are a fraud.

Anonymous said...

I didn't ask any questions about Russian collusion. I was responding to baseless claims of widespread voter fraud.

If you see fraud where there is none, you are a fraud

Cousin Dupree said...

When the left calls a claim baseless, you're over the target.

Baghdad Bob said...

There are NO AMERICANS in Baghdad, and there is NO FRAUD in the 2020 election.

Anonymous said...

Another baseless claim thrown out by the PA supreme court this afternoon:

Not a shred of evidence of widespread fraud, yet there are people that believe it. Astounding!

But I guess that the legal system of this country doesn't matter, the constitution doesn't matter, our democracy doesn't matter. What matters is what Donnie and the propagandists who sell their souls for ratings say. Talk about being a poor sport. Suck it up. Your candidate lost fair and square. I wasn't happy when Trump won in 2016 (not that I liked Clinton either), but I didn't whine about voter fraud and entertain other fantasies. I accepted that he was our fairly elected president was ready to give him a chance. You'll get another chance in 4 years.

Gagdad Bob said...

I am touched by the outpouring of concern-trolling over this literally unprecedented failure to accept the outcome of a presidential election.

Anonymous said...

There are people in intensive care from covid who cannot believe it. They literally die thinking it's all a hoax. Their beloved news sources cannot possibly be wrong.

Anonymous said...

Delusional. No prominent news source claims COVID is a hoax.

Anonymous said...

Indeed. Yet nurses are saying they have patients who cannot believe they have a deadly disease.

Daisy said...

I know a man who is battling cancer. A couple weeks ago, he was checked in to a local hospital, where they allowed no visitors (other hospitals in the area allow visitors), gave no food for several days, tried really hard to claim he was getting pneumonia, and there was a strong impression that they hoped he had covid. The hospital gets a real nice sum of money for treating such patients. Not so much for complicated cancer treatment, though.

Dying of a deadly disease? Yes, absolutely.

Is it always covid when they say it is? There is reason to doubt.

Gagdad Bob said...

Seriously -- I know people who don't even know progressivism is a deadly disease.

Anonymous said...

There’s a conservative Christian website which emulates The Onion, except it satirizes fake (leftist) media. They had a recent article which made fun of a newly developed vaccine company claiming a ‘95% success rate’, making fun that a 95% success rate was a lesser rate than without a vaccine.

Think of how messed up that is. But I guess they can just excuse any backwards insinuations, calling themselves satirists, the way Sean Hannity excuses himself by declaring himself a talk show host and not a journalist.

Anonymous said...

Mindless tribalism is the disease, Bob. Progressivism can be as intelligent or stupid as conservatism.

julie said...

Bob, like anybody could know that. To a progressive, a riot is a mostly peaceful protest and looting of stores is social justice.

Anonymous said...

Daisy, false equivalency. The nurses story is easily found in video. My in-law is an evangelical conservative, and a doctor. Says the same thing. He's distanced himself from Trump.

Anonymous said...

Julie, do some homework. Peaceful protesters themselves say they were infiltrated by unknown troublemakers. Should I just go ahead and taint all conservatives as white supremacist bullies?

Again, tribalism is the disease.

Petey said...

Invincible ignorance is proof of God.

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