Saturday, November 14, 2020

Joe Biden: Not Just an Idiot but a Perfect Idiot

The diffusion of a few drops of Christianity into a leftist mind transforms the idiot into a perfect idiot. -- Dávila 

Language must the last word in ambiguity and ambivalence and equivocation. And first.  Alpha and Omega -- of sense and nonsense.

Looked at from the luminous perspective of Helen's Bang, it is indeed All Good: upon her discovery of, and entrance into, the logosphere, she was, in her minervous wreckoning, the Happiest Child Alive.

And why not? You'd be happy too if you'd unexpectedly removed your blindears & dug your way out of an unocculated eyewitless foggus of soiliteary confoundment.  Humanness.  Didn't see that coming!  Or hear it. But she felt its scaly fingers, and that was enough.

But then she did a vertical eww!-turn and became a grazing herdcore socialist. Even-steven? Or something worse?  

It seems that a cosmos without language or consciousness is neither good nor bad, just nothing. Neither nether nor nothing ethereal. But introduce man onto the stage, and you'd better reach for your revolver because the revolution is about to eat you, and he who hesitates is lunch.    

So, what went wrong?  Not just with Helen, but with everyone?  Is it true that language was given to man in order to conceal his thoughts? Or in order to straight-up lie? Look at Slow Joe: says he's a Catholic. But he's really a Democrat. Effin'-stephen? Or a hatin' Satan?

In the Christianity of the leftist Christian, one of the two elements sooner or later eliminates the other.

The Catholicism of the left is the pretense of baptizing theses that have not been converted.

The progressive Christian’s error lies in believing that Christianity’s perennial polemic against the rich is an implicit defense of socialist programs.

Atop the bell tower of the modern church the progressive clergy place a weathervane in place of the cross.

Religion under the influence of the progressive clergy, instead of being the opiate of the people, is their poison.

So brief is the biblical gap between man and liar that we might well call these snakes Homo slipperyones. Man is created on page 2, but by page 3 he's already lying to God and trying to weasel out of responsibility.  

You could say this (o)urtext is about the creation of man.  Or you could say it is about man's creation of lying.  After all, there wasn't any, nor could there be any, falsehood prior to the appearance of man.  

Language is a vehicle or carrier of light.  How then can it possibly become the carrier of such haudible darkness?  How does it become what it isn't?  Before language starts running innerference for the prince of darkness, everything is what it is, not what it's not.  

Let's wind our crocks back to before zero. No, not 13.7 billion years ago, but up above to the timeless source of time itself.  How does nothink become somethink anyway, unless somethink was langlishing there all along?  

What happens when language vacates the head and begins running around the world unsupervoiced? Well, that's what language does.  The world is made of language;  or, rather, what we call "the world" is saturated with the stuff. The adversary knows this. Why don't we?:

The left is a lexicographical tactic more than an ideological strategy.

Some people say there is no such thing as truth. We all them leftists. But if there is no truth, then there is no honesty. Convenient!  

We'll conclude for some reason with this bit of honestogod etymological mansense: man mind mental manners memo memento murmur memory monist mantra monster mania demented mentors & more!

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