Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Upped Jumped the Devil

At risk of captaining the good ship Obvious, let's call this crisis what it is: spiritual warfare, except with only one side fighting. Thrones, dominions, powers, principalities, the whole menagerie of nonlocal cosmic influencers are present and accounted for.

I suppose I've always regarded that passage as more of a poetic inventory, but this website defines principalities quite specifically as "one type of spiritual (metaphysical) being which are now quite hostile to God and human beings" (for hostility to God is always hostility to man, and vice versa).

Well, who but Petey and his ilk can really see the unseen with perfect clarity? We only have privy to the effects, while the exact causes necessarily remain obscure for us.

But that's true of purely human behavior as well. Obviously, no one has direct access to the mind and motivations of another person. Rather, we can only infer or deduce them. Nevertheless, this isn't nothing, and one of the privileges of the human station is the ability to distinguish appearances from reality, even if we can never fully grasp the latter on this side of the area rug.

Indeed, I was discussing this just yesterday with the young master. There are so many mysteries to which we simply assign words, as if this eliminates the mystery, but it only does so for the incurious and easily mollified -- as if anyone really understands the nature of, say, energy, or metabolism, or organism, or consciousness, or even just existence.

Back when I was in grad school and pondering a dissertation subject, one idea that occurred to me was something having to do with The Remystification of the Mind. We typically equate "progress" with demystification, and that is true to a certain extent and up to a point. But we must never forget that any demystification is always in dialectic with Mystery as such, so that to imagine the world has been demystified is a grandiose delusion and even grounds for tenure.

Imagine, for example -- even though it is impossible for readers of this blog -- the mind satisfied with "the selfish gene" as an adequate explanation for human existence and experience. Or dialectical materialism, or scientism, or any other ideology.

You all know the drill, so I won't re-belabor this dead horse. The bottom line is that Mystery isn't some peripheral nuisance to be eliminated at a later date, but The Perennial Fact of the Matter. Literally, because it dwarfs our modest area of illumination. It is a sea that always surrounds and permeates our isle of knowledge.

Which is in no way to celebrate obscurantism or ignorance or irrationalism. Rather, it is to highlight the permanent and ineradicable truth of the human situation, which is again -- as we've been discussing these past several weeks -- always situated in a developing and differentiating space between the mysteries of immanence and transcendence.

I've mentioned before that you can learn a lot about normality by studying insanity, because psychological defense mechanisms that operate more subtly in the normal neurotic become quite vivid and hypertrophied in the borderline or psychotic patient. These defenses don't differ in essence, only in magnitude.

Well, it's the same vis-a-vis spiritual warfare. It's always going on, except sometimes it's so obvious as to be undeniable. But if we lack the vocabulary to describe it, it will probably be ignored, or worse, mischaracterized in deceptive terms that will only make matters worse.

For example, if you are a spiritually normal person, you will have noticed while watching the chaos play out on your TV screen, a very specific and ancient feeling bubbling up from your core (even if you never felt it before, it will still be familiar for vertical reasons related to species memory).

This needs to be given its proper name, and not transformed and renamed into something it isn't. But this is precisely what the left does, which is itself an important strategy in spiritual warfare, i.e., appropriation of the language.

Again, you will have noticed that once the Adversary has successfully seized, defined, and renamed the terms of debate, he has won the battle. Now everyone is talking about "police brutality" instead of brutal criminality. Everyone knows the statistics, for example, that a police officer is 18.5 times more likely to be murdered by a black criminal than the other way around, or that the greatest threat to black lives -- by orders of magnitude -- comes from fellow blacks. Such dangerous statistics are among the first casualties of spiritual warfare.

It reminds me of Pearl Harbor, a daring mission to preemptively decimate the US Navy before it even knew it was at war with Japan. With regard to the present spiritual warfare, it has been going on in its present form for decades, as the left has successfully softened the linguistic battlefield with its ceaseless campaign of logocide, such that merely conveying a banal truth is sufficient to to get oneself "cancelled" --which is to say, to become a spiritual battlefield casualty if not fatality.

Tucker Carlson has been on fire about this subject for the past couple of weeks, but even he can only go so far. Remember Patton after victory in Europe? I don't know if this was just in the movie, but he supposedly wanted to continue rolling right into Moscow and strangle the Beast in his nest. Which was more or less unfeasible even if his heart was in the right place. Turning on our "ally" would have been seen as a betrayal after so much propaganda had successfully transformed Satan himself into benign "Uncle Joe."

When is the last time we truly adopted an unapologetic No Half Measures approach to spiritual warfare? Nothing comes immediately to mind except the denouement of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, when the Manson girl gets it with the flamethrower. Or maybe Inglourious Basterds, when Nazis are reeducated with a Louisville Slugger vigorously applied to the cranium, and conveniently identified by a swastika carved into the forehead.

Does this mean Bob is advocating cruelty and sadism? Hardly. But let's understand whom we're dealing with. A little perspective is in order before we devise strategy and tactics. Going back to what I was saying about the exaggeration of psychological defense mechanisms in severe mental illness, we see a similar distortion in spiritual warfare.

In other words, certain activities we consider immoral under normal circumstances are sanctioned in war, e.g., violence, killing, and destruction. While we try to set limits on these, Satan honors no such limits. We see this in the French Revolution, in National Socialism, in communism, in Islamic terrorism, etc.

And of course we are currently seeing the same pattern play out with Antifa and BLM (which is a Gnostic ideological movement hiding behind race-obsessed white liberal guilt). Their violence has no limits -- which goes to that funny but distinct feeling you had in your tummy last week while watching the barbarian invasion. It's the same feeling St. Augustine had in 430, when Vandal Lives Matter sacked Hippo and looted the place.

Aw, look at me, I'm ramblin' again. I had intended to begin with this timely observation by Schuon, that

It makes no sense to believe in the devil and then each time, when he appears -- most often exploiting a specific situation [!] -- to deny that he is involved.

He also speaks of hypocrites "who secretly harbor grave faults" which break to the surface because they were never properly "dissolved by humility" to begin with, but rather, were simply "gilded with pride."

Which brings us to the very real problem of virtue signaling, which is nothing to snooze at, but rather, like political correctness, can be quite deadly.

A couple of aphorisms come to mind, that

1) The devil can achieve nothing great without the thoughtless collaboration of the virtues (i.e., gold-plated pride and hypocrisy),

and 2) Man does not call a solution the formula that solves problems, but the formula that hides them (which goes to the abuse of language which renders the actual problem unthinkable and unsayable).

But in the current maelstrom of willful ignorance masquerading as deep concern, one does well to remember that

Only the very intelligent man does not possess the solution to current problems.

For permanent existential problems have no political solutions, so pretending to solve them actually makes them worse. Or, if you do have a political solution to greed, lust, gluttony, laziness, anger, envy, pride, hypocrisy, ingratitude, racism, and the rest, let's hear it.


Gagdad Bob said...

"Two world-views are presented: in the one, the 'good people' among us, empathy their only motive, must be in a constant state of mobilization, to compel everyone else to be the good persons they are; in the other, all of us are caught in a drama, as sin is within each of us, threatening to defeat us, for which we need God’s help."

Gagdad Bob said...

The war on language continues apace. Fidelity to the dictionary is resistance to tyrants.

Gagdad Bob said...

"Have you ever asked yourself if there’s something you can say today that you will not say next week?" Then the spiritual warriors of the left have breached your cranial walls.

Anonymous said...

In ’07 I was hired into a place to be a future project manager, once the business came in. After a year with no business coming in, I went to the VP to ask where all the business was that he’d promised me. He said: “Everything’s different now. Now, it’s all about relationships.”

In other words, in normal functional capitalistic times vendor bids were pored over by business managers in smoke filled rooms late into the night. Now, jobs were just being given out to friends as political favors.

That business is still one of America’s top technology, national security, and exporter businesses.

But now those technologies were being given away to rival companies in rival nations, just to earn a few stock point bonuses for the powers that be. While looking for another job I did a study of 30 top performer dogs in that business, co-workers I’d known who I might Linkedin with. I found that a third of them were treading water. Another third had left the business. The final third was whereabouts unknown.

Curious, I did another study of another 30 who I’d seen as chronic slackers, troublemakers, and worthless kissbutts who spent most of their time walking around wearing ruts into the office carpets. I found all of them. None had left the business, and a few had even gotten promoted. Apparently in that business, according to my sampling, the Age of Meritocracy had ended. Everything really had become all about who you knew.

Recently, major troubles in that business made national news. I’d seen it coming twenty years ago. The entire culture of meritocracy had collapsed. I’m assuming that now that business is going to be deemed “Too Big To Fail” and will eventually have to be bailed out with taxpayer money.

Some progressives say that nationalizing that business is the answer. Libertarians say that allowing that business to collapse on the merits of its failure is the answer. But it’s a major player in our national security. I honestly don’t know what the answer is.

Besides praying, hire only Christian management?

julie said...

let's call this crisis what it is: spiritual warfare, except with only one side fighting.

It seems that way sometimes, but appearances can be deceiving. I think there's a very real battle going on, and I think both sides are fighting, quite literally to the death if you consider how the murder rate has skyrocketed in the newly declared anti-police zones. Somewhat like dealing with our trolls, one side is particularly loud, annoying, and destructive, while the other generally uses quieter tactics, especially considering the degree of infiltration that has to be dealt with.

Anonymous said...

You folks are upset because order is breaking down. But it shouldn't take much imagination to understand that it is breaking down because it is fundamentally unjust and people just aren't going to put up with it any more.

I know, the real problem is black-on-black crime. You should really read this.

I wonder if it's possible for anybody here to acknowledge the simple fact that blacks have been shat on by the United States for hundreds of years and might have legitimate grievances, even if rioting is a poor and destructive way of expressing them?

julie said...

In light of my first comment, sometimes one of the best tactics is to give them what they want, good and hard. If Seattle has any sane people left, they'll just helpfully reinforce the walls of the new "commune" from the outside and let nobody in or out. They get what they want, and everyone else gets a respite; everybody wins!

Cousin Dupree said...

Our readers aren't generally among Vox's target audience, since most of us are beyond our teens, and I myself have nearly completed my GED.

Cousin Dupree said...

It tells you a lot that white liberals have literally had to invent whole academic disciplines just so they can call a black person "Doctor." (For example, the Vox expert teaches "Gender, Race & Identity.") It has nothing to do with actually helping blacks, just making white liberals feel good about themselves.

Cousin Dupree said...

I had the privilege of seeing the profound Dr. West on TV last night, another "expert" created by white liberals.

julie said...

One of the saddest things about it is that by faking the accomplishment, or by giving blacks a passing grade they never earned(as students are now demanding and apparently getting in the UC system), it completely undermines the efforts of those who have actually earned it. Who wants a black doctor, if you have to assume he only got the degree because someone didn't want him to feel bad for failing to understand the material? Or lawyer, or any other position of authority or trust?

It's a far worse form of racism that believes they can't possibly succeed at life on their own merits. I wonder sometimes what my ancestors would have thought of what their community has become.

Anonymous said...

Heh, that Vox article/interview concludes with -

(1) There should be less policing in black areas. Yeah, we’ve seen how that works out in Chicago when the cops are dealing with rioters on Michigan Ave and not patrolling the inner cities. Chicago actually hit a record for homicides per day, going back to ‘60.

(2) We should invest more in the black socioeconomic structure. As if since the 60’s, literally trillions have been thrown at just that and all kinds of other programs designed to help minorities. Of course so much of that jingle goes to keeping blacks dependent on the government along with a sense of victimization, both of which have destroyed the black family.

Data point - the black family was actually *more* intact than the white family before the 60’s arrived, and this was in the face of genuine oppression, occasional lynchings, and Jim Crow. Then the 60’s rolled in. Gee, what do you think happened?


Anonymous said...

Cornel West is better, like most people, when he's not being shouted down by shitheads.

It's pretty telling that the only responses here are to attack the sources. Vox is too juvenile, West and Muhammed have no voice of their own, they are merely tools of white liberals, their academic qualifications are phony or worthless.

How does it feel to be on the wrong side of history? Oh well, that's the NY Times so it may be safely ignored.

Cousin Dupree said...

If black lives mattered to BLM, it would obviously support the police. BLM aren't just stupid. They're evil.

julie said...

let's call this crisis what it is: spiritual warfare, except with only one side fighting.

I came across this today. Interesting assessment. Certainly at least some of it is true, we all heard about the pallets of bricks.

One thing that occurred to me, watching the areas where police were kneeling in solidarity with protestors, is that if as an observer you can take the emotional aspect out of it, you might be seeing a somewhat shrewd tactic much like that deployed in The Happiest Toddler on the Block. In some sense, an angry mob is a giant-sized toddler throwing a tantrum; if you can defuse the tantrum, you can take the air out of the riot. The key, though, is that it must be used not to appease the tantrum - much like we deal with the toddler not by giving in to his demands, but by acknowledging and redirecting. Or in this scenario, the police quell the riot by agreeing with the rioters at a lower volume, but they should never give in to demands to defund and disband.

Petey said...

I wonder if Americans who claim to support BLM realize they are supporting

--abolishing police & prisons
--eliminating the nuclear family
--aborting more black babies
--normalizing transgenderism & other mental illnesses

and other radical left policies that have nothing whatsoever to do with race.

Anonymous said...

Ironic thing is, as a whole, black Americans are among the most conservative re social values. But BLM didn’t exactly come up out of the streets or from the black churches - it was organized on college campuses with full influential support of the white academic structure. Now it’s funded by, among others, G Soros.

Colleges - “we make tomorrow’s totalitarian brown shirts!”


Cousin Dupree said...

BLM is just another Democrat institution aimed at keeping blacks down & dependent on their white masters, as destructive to them as previous Democrat institutions such as slavery, Jim Crow, racial quotas, and state run education.

Anonymous said...

Re "I wonder if Americans who claim to support BLM realize they are supporting

--abolishing police & prisons
--eliminating the nuclear family
--aborting more black babies
--normalizing transgenderism & other mental illnesses"

The world isn't black and white - there are most always shades of gray. To equate someone who believes that blacks are treated unfairly with the bullet list above is not a serious argument. Most people who believe that there is something wrong with the way blacks are treated don't believe in most if any of those things (I certainly don't). Picking the extreme of any supporter of a position and equating all that support facets of that position is also disingenuous. Same goes for saying LEFT = anything you don't like and anyone who supports something that you don't like is equal to someone extreme who agrees with one of those viewsis also disingenuous (i.e. Democrats support positions you don't like - someone that is a Democrat says something dumb, therefore all Democrats support that position and Democrat = the evil left. People should be treated by what they specifically say. If A believes in Z and B believes in Z, that doesn't mean that everything A believes in is the same as what B believes in. Unless this was facetious and I missed it, overall you make some very intelligent observations - some of which fly over my head. This isn't one of them.

Gagdad Bob said...

Funny -- I have a brother who, like today's visitor, regards outlets such as the NY Times, Washington Post, and Vox as legitimate sources of news. We haven't spoken in, I don't know, 10 years or so. No hard feelings, at least on my part, but when the chasm is that deep, what is there to talk about? Can't even talk about sports, because the left has politicized that too, along with everything else. Not just different opinions but different different realities, and there's only one. At any rate, I can no more imagine what it must be like to regard Cornel West as a serious man than I can imagine what it's like to be a bat. Both are impossible absent a head injury or brain tumor.

Cousin Dupree said...

Question for our visitor: 85% of interracial violence between blacks & whites is perpetrated by blacks, even though they constitute only 13% of the population. So, do you believe that whites are treated unfairly by blacks?

Glodean said...

Speaking only for myself, it's awful how structural racism prevents blacks from having fathers, getting married, and taking STEM subjects in school.

Anonymous said...

Blacks have a lot of problems, including being both victims and perpetrators of violent crime. Do you think this is because of some quality inherent in the condition of being black, or because of the structural role they have been forced into by society, eg enslavement, systematic economic discrimination, etc?

[never mind, I know the answer: neither! its the fault of white liberals!]

julie said...

There's a graph going around showing frequency of mentions of "Black Lives Matter." Originated in 2016, then completely disappeared after the election for four years (they pivoted quickly to pussyhats), only to pop up again just in time for the next election. There's nothing organic about this whatsoever, and it really isn't even for black people. In Denver yesterday, the "protest" was made up almost entirely of white girls who feel a compulsive need to expiate the sin of whiteness.

If people really wanted to help black Americans, they'd stop trying to help black Americans. Especially with welfare and handouts that reward the behaviors that destroy communities.

Glodean said...

Whites have a lot of problems, including being both victims and perpetrators of violent crime. Do you think this is because of some quality inherent in the condition of being white, or because of the structural role they have been forced into by society, e.g. feudalism, racial quotas favoring blacks, Asian Americans who surpass them in IQ, etc?

Anonymous said...

Rather than defund the police to finance programmes for social equity for the black community those who are the root cause of the problem should now be caused to resolve it. Namely Portugal, Britain, Spain, France, The Netherlands and Denmark who were the major players in the Slave Trade. They all being members of the European Union maybe that institution could be persuaded to pay restitution.

Anonymous said...

Re "Funny -- I have a brother who, like today's visitor, regards outlets such as the NY Times, Washington Post, and Vox as legitimate sources of news. We haven't spoken in, I don't know, 10 years"

My brother and I are at opposite sides of the spectrum also (although I play your brother's role). We just have an implicit agreement to limit our discussions of politics as they don't ever end well. We can talk about other things and when something that grates me pops up, I try to bite my lip and he does likewise. We aren't always successful. We also do try to find common ground which can be difficult, but there are slivers...

I do have to admit though, something that Julie said about the intolerance and arrogance of her family regarding politics (not her exact words) is something my brother said to me and I do have to admit occasional guilt. From his perspective, people on my side can't accept his views and have to try to convert him and he doesn't feel a need to convert others or preach to them. My guilt of such arrogance lies in how strongly about how I feel what Trump is doing to our democracy. I have never been so worked up about someone before. It doesn't make it right, but it is tough to turn it off... Although my brother's perspective is that he doesn't like Trump and does think he is of limited intelligence, immature, of of questionable ethics. He just sees him as better than the alternative.

Not that I like Ole Gramps... As always a lesser of evils choice. Just that IMO the other evil is so bad... BTW: I have voted for Republicans at the gubernatorial and legislative level before. There are moderate Republicans that I would vote for over Biden if I had the opportunity.

Re news sources, there is no perfect news source. The media is in the business of selling advertising with journalism being a side business. You can't take anything from any source at face value. I do however consider the NYT and Washington Post a more reliable source of news than Fox. Having said that, you can't disregard everything someone says even if you don't agree with most of what they say. I do look at to see what the other side is saying and shockingly I found 2 instances in the past month where I agreed with Hannity; that protesters shouldn't be carrying AK47's and that people should be more prudent about Covid (don't go overboard in any one direction, but take reasonable precautions).

Anonymous said...

Uh oh, panic in Seattle’s “free zone”. Homeless invited in, but steal AntifaBLM food, cries go out for immediate resupply of soy-based products.


Linda Mc Cartney said...

"Rather than defund the police to finance programmes for social equity for the black community those who are the root cause of the problem should now be caused to resolve it.
Namely Portugal, Britain, Spain, France, The Netherlands and Denmark who were the major players in the Slave Trade. They all being members of the European Union maybe that institution could be persuaded to pay restitution."

A rather wise idea! imo...
might remind us all, we're all on the same ball of dirt?

julie said...

Will - it's even worse than that, apparently they already have an honest-to-goodness warlord in there, laying down whatever law he thinks needs to be applied. It's amazing how swiftly "might makes right" takes over when there's no authority to appeal to.

The thought of a soy-fueled warlord is rather amusing, come to think of it, but somehow I suspect this guy is keeping all the meat to himself.

Gagdad Bob said...

The return of Chief Seattle, and no more Mr. Nice Guy.

Anonymous said...

Could it possibly be that you are credulously taking up and reproducing lies? Could be!

Some people will believe anything if it feeds their ideology. I don't understand why bullshit is so fucking tasty to these types.

Cousin Dupree said...

I'm all for a homeland for barbarians, so long as they stay within their zone and don't bother the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

People shouldn't get all bent out of shape over mob rule. It's just progressivism without the middle man.

Anonymous said...

Ideological purity mandates that the Autonomous Zone immediately cease its cultural appropriation of electricity, clean water, and medicine from the White Man.

Anonymous said...

It's so chill in the Autonomous Zone that its leaders can peacefully walk the streets with AK 47s and no one bothers them.

Gagdad Bob said...

I understand that some of the people living within the Autonomous Zone aren't happy with the current leadership and are demanding a new riot.

Gagdad Bob said...

I would give them Seattle, but only on condition that they take New York & Chicago as well.

Gagdad Bob said...

I see they're busy building a wall around their territory. Make the Autonomous Zone great again!

Gagdad Bob said...

Wait a minute, this isn't anarchy. Defund the warlords!

Karen said...

Why don't they have a woman in charge? I want to speak to the manager.

Anonymous said...

Why cant American working blacks just accept that they’ve got a tough uphill battle and just fight to get into one of the few remaining promising career tracks left that cant be easily outsourced or automated away? Is becoming a real estate speculator, programmer, physician or dollar store owner really all that hard?

Akshully said...

Prior to the WuFlu and the riots, blacks had the lowest unemployment rates since they've been recording unemployment rates. They had jobs. And even their own businesses. Shocking, I know.

Anonymous said...

That's all well and good but Dems can't win if blacks leave their plantation, so Orange Man Racist!

Anonymous said...

Oswald Spengler called it. As civilization decays, “Caesars” (based on the model of Julius C) will arise to prolong civilization. We have our own Orange Julius now in the White House. Still, it is inevitable, as Spengler points out, that warlords will come forth, internal and external, and it’s quite possible that if Trump is perceived as going too slowly in his efforts to restore order and his reversing of the economic policies that have impoverished millions, a warlord could arise to replace him. And if the Left thinks Trump is bad news ....

This Autonomous Zone thing has been done here before. Back in the 70’s a black area in Boston sealed itself off from the city, called itself “Mandela”. Didn’t last long bc they didn’t have any public support and no funding. The Autonomous Zone in Seattle has both, as I bet would other blue cities.


Anonymous said...

The Seattle PD is still responding to 911 calls from inside the Occupied Territory in case the McNuggets run out or someone tries to smuggle in a copy of Gone With the Wind.

Gagdad Bob said...

Will -- it almost looks like the old Viconian cycle: Gods --> Kings --> Men --> Chaos. Then the gods return, and not the nice ones.

julie said...

The Kipling ones, most likely.

julie said...

Letters from Wokanda

Anonymous said...

Akshully @6/11/2020 11:04:00 AM,

Maybe good for us that as many blacks are being kept as busy as they are, but with all the metrics out there, do you think that blacks will buy it?

Getting them to watch Fox News is another uphill battle.

Akshully said...

Why should they watch Fox? Under current leadership, it's just as fake as all the rest.

Akshully said...

Including Jeff Bezos' blog.

Anonymous said...

Rationalizing to oneself doesn't make reality go away. Trying to get blacks to rationalize to themselves, to just do their two dead end jobs or whatever, living paycheck to paycheck with no hope for any advancement for themselves or any of their offspring, probably wont work either. Not for long. Sooner or later they'll get all uppity.

But what's amazed me, is that when they do find that white comparable decent career income, they really do tend to shut the hell up.

Anonymous said...

If you adjust for IQ & other critical variables there is no racial inequality at all. But a merit system has its downside, as people without much talent, intelligence, or discipline will be loathe to acknowledge it, such that there is a permanent temptation to externalize blame, which is why "systemic racism" was invented.

Anonymous said...

Merit systems must be maintained. I learned so myself the hard way, that this isn't 1989 anymore. Corporations must keep the short term profits rolling, lest their leaders get ousted. So they cheat.

Amongst many other examples, I quit doing business with one of those incompetent chuzpah companies. So did many others. But through the magic of, they bumped up their reviews by two full stars and now it's business back to usual for them.

I went through 3 mechanics including the dealer, 7 times to try and get my truck clutch hydraulics system fixed, without success. Their average rating score was 4.5 stars. I finally found a guy with no star score rating who fixed it right. Myself. Thank God for Youtube videos.

I keep my 40 year old fridge, still going strong, because the new ones are said to only last for a decade or less, anymore.

I tried to circumvent the "gatekeeper" medical business model by going straight to my HMO's specialist. Nope, they said. I gotta go to the gatekeeper GP first and then they refer me to the specialist. I believe they call that "double dipping". And he tried to sell me additional services once my condition was cured.

Maybe there are still some prosperity bubbles. I still get my Amazon purchases though JC Penney is now out of business. Maybe Consumer Guides are still reliable.

But overall, it's not a meritocracy out there anymore. We're all on our own. You gotta be all caveat emptor these days. And maybe a John Connor warrior tomorrow. Try selling that to poor black folks.

Anonymous said...

Cmon guys you are supposed to keep the racism a little less flagrant than that.

Anonymous said...

Socialism requires paranoia in order to explain its inevitable failure.

Anonymous said...

If black people are so great, why didn't they enslave the white people?

Gagdad Bob said...

Because they had more than enough black slaves -- so many, in fact, that they sold the excess to the Europeans.

Anonymous said...

If black people are so great, why didn't they enslave the white people?

They did, to the Neanderthals. Cro-mags coming out of Africa. But then they themselves turned white. In fact, have you ever seen an American black and an African black together? Yep. They's already turning white. Which begs the question, do enslavers always eventually turn white?

But the more important question is, would our elites be willing to submit to a battery of combine tests the way they do for NFL draft prospects? We already do it for all those kneeling black athletes.

For Trump and Biden, besides the Wonderlic, I'd include bench pressing, vertical leap, national capitals, welding skills and basic vocabulary tests. As it is, the guy with the best debate comeback usually wins. Surely America can do better than that.

Akshully said...

I think I'm actually stupider for having read that comment

Anonymous said...

An interesting historical dynamic, via Spengler and Toynbee, that has been playing out before our eyes - when a corrupt ruling class wishes to protect itself against the populace that it has been royally screwing, it invariably plays the divide-and-conquer game. This happened in the Old South, ante and particularly pre-bellum, when the Southern Aristocracy demonized blacks and basically assured the poor whites that they, the ruling class, would protect them from the rapacious blacks. Of course poor whites were hardly more than serfs themselves, and if there was anything the Aristocracy feared, it was the downtrodden of both races uniting against it. (needless to say, the southern ruling class was Democrat)

Now the game is the same, only the corrupt ruling class (Democrat, mostly, but with a lot of Repubs in the mix) demonize the deplorables, lower class whites, who they depict as illiterate, superstitious, prone to violence, racist hicks from whom they will protect minorities, gays, etc. My take is that with the Populist Mvt growing - of whom Trump is currently the American leader - our corrupt ruling class is now fanning the flames of race war in a desperate bid to save itself.

I’m hardly a Marxist, but one could really understand this as a class struggle. The so-called Progressive ruling class has no interest in uplifting minorities - it merely want to hold onto its own power.


julie said...

Will, if memory serves that was how one of the South American civilizations maintained their empire. They'd conquer an area, then move people from one place to another to enforce a sort of diversity. Since different tribal groups had different languages and customs, there was no way to gather enough people with the same ideas in any particular area to engage in a serious revolt.

Enforced diversity isn't our strength, it's our weakness - as seen with the infighting among the various interest groups of useful idiots. When they work together with a unified goal in mind, they are horribly effective, but it doesn't take much to get them to turn on each other.

Anonymous said...

Exactly, Julie. Btw, I said “pre-bellum”, I meant “post-bellum” when freed blacks were terrorized, as was encouraged by the Aristocracy.

Yeah, “diversity” is such a shuck. Even the word itself implies division. Right now, “diversity” a contest to see who’s the most victimized and the contestants turn on each other like rabid dogs. But with recent events, BLM and the like have again elbowed themselves front and center, which, I believe, the corrupt ruling class sees to their greatest advantage and so they’ve been fanning the flames.


Anonymous said...

With kindest regards to Julie and Will, but wasn't it God our creator who introduced diversity that time we were getting too big for our boots that time at Babel.

julie said...

Certainly, thus illustrating the point. Diversity weakens. This same God later instructed His people the Israelites not to intermarry with other groups for a host of reasons. They disobeyed, of course, and suffered as a result.

Anonymous said...

If taken as a material literality, sure, the tower of babel story has God introducing diversity as a *punishment*, ie., not a good thing for us.

I read the story for its symbolism - if you assume God-like ambitions, eg., immanentizing the eschaton by trying to create a heaven on earth, you will end up harming yourself by separating yourself from divine wholeness. If you separate yourself from divine wholeness, you separate yourself from everything.


Anonymous said...

I think I'm actually stupider for having read that comment

Everything is happening exactly as I have forseen it. Bwahahahahahaha...

Dougman said...

Antifa is hitting soft targets in the rural areas.

Anonymous said...

Akshully, it seems that lecturing anonymous commenters on some little blog to try and get poor blacks to calm down seems pretty dumb to me. Why not go to one of their blogs and ask a few poor blacks what they’re thinking?

After completely ignoring them because they’re just silly children of a lesser, blacker god, tell them the media’s been filling their tiny heads with all this uppity truth to power talk and they just need to take a chill pill and appreciate their permanent working poverty.

Then tell them you'll be donating your money to your local police department. See if that'll learn em.

Anonymous said...

Or, if you do have a political solution to greed, lust, gluttony, laziness, anger, envy, pride, hypocrisy, ingratitude, racism, and the rest, let's hear it.

1. Know that most corruptive rot comes from a few genetically bad apples.
2. Eugenics.

No? Then maybe study up on Bernays (Freuds 'more practically minded' nephew I believe), not so much his methods but his core philosophy that democracy, (and all the silly little moblike citizen sheep), needs to be managed behind the scenes by the empowered elites, while giving an appearance of democracy for those silly little sheep. Then make it less of a rigged game so that unrestricted "greed, lust... and the rest" becomes culturally, less tolerable.

Ann K. said...

Fr. Seraphim Rose has an intriguing and comprehensive review of the historical machinations that led us here from the Enlightenment on:

His book "Nihilism" is on point, too.

Akshully said...

Anon @ 8:16, you said "Akshully, it seems that lecturing anonymous commenters on some little blog to try and get poor blacks to calm down seems pretty dumb to me."

Is that what you think is happening here? How very peculiar.

Anonymous said...

W Churchill said that democracy is the worst possible political system ...except for all the others. Sure, a corrupt ruling elite can try to manipulate public opinion up to a point before the lower classes really feel the sting of economic deprivation. Then comes the major advantage of democracy - they can vote the corrupt regime out of power instead of conducting a violent, bloody revolution. That’s why and how Trump was elected.

Given the ruling classe’s coup attempts against Trump in an effort to overturn a free election, if Trump loses re-election, the lower classes will likely suspect the game has been rigged, and there could be a violent revolution yet.


Jules said...

These are exciting times.... the Satanic side is showing its true face , in a desperate attempt to take over.
And its not.just in the USA.

Demonic forces coming out in clear view... ( antifa , blm, isis , macron to some extent, chinese comm party) versus the forces of good ( brexit, the police, the military, the regular people, trump, bolsanaro ) . 95% of violence in black and aboriginal neighbourhoods is gangs and feuds within neighborhoods. And the marxist post modernist bullshit of secondary ed. And the pushing of atheism which leads to addictions like ICE, which is directly demonic.
The satanic forces.will loose.. worldwide. Everyone.will. take a deep breath, and ex Antifa will go down to the beach with their opponents and chill, listen to a big duff party .... and all those rotten cities will reform.

Jules said...

Hi Julie, this is a global war between satanic forces and God/om/ krishna
We will win...and the satanically part possesed msm, big companies, antifa, dem party, chinese comm party, Marxist lecturers will dissolve, and some of them will repent.
You can already see the chinese comm party being resisted by india, Australia, usa, Indonesia, etc and starting to go bankrupt and panic.

julie said...

Hi Jules!

I very much hope you are right.

Anonymous said...

the forces of good ( brexit, the police, the military, the regular people, trump, bolsanaro )

Gag. Fortunately "the regular people" are not on the side of fascism. But keep lying to yourself.

Anonymous said...

What do call a communist and racist too dumb to know he's a fascist? Woody Guthrie.

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