Friday, June 12, 2020

No Amount of Walking Adds Up to a Leap

Have we hit the bottom (line) of the cosmos, or is there further to go? Yes and no. Although the truth of reality isn't subject to change, human beings we are always either approaching or fleeing from this Truth.

In other words, vertically speaking, the cosmos is asymptotic at both ends; recall the image from a few posts back with the horizontal time axis bisected by the ovoid vertical sensorium of human understanding. The larger and more luminous that space, the more of reality you understand (and not just know, which is a poor substitute for integral comprehension). And we do mean this literally, more on which as we proceed.

Actually, it's right there in the comment box, and has been for a number of years. In no sense is it meant metaphorically, poetically, mystagogically, or "in a manner of speaking." Rather, it's the way it is, and always will be in this life:

The quest, thus, has no external "object," but is reality itself becoming luminous for its movement from the ineffable, through the Cosmos, to the ineffable.

I want to say that Truth is eternal while Ignorance, Stupidity, and the Lie are sempiternal, the latter meaning they might as well be endless but are still located in time. Expressed another way, there can be only one Eternal, and it doesn't include fake news, secular idolatry, or tenured babble.

Also, far be it from us to try to convince anyone of our deuscoveries. We leave that drudgery entirely to the Marketing Department. This blog is all about pure R & D, while implications and practical applications are mostly left to others.

Put another way, we write only for... well, first of all for ourselves, and second for readers capable of understanding what we're going on about. But nearly all Bobjections come from people who haven't understood Bob at all, but merely imagine they have because they squeeze Bob into their own procrustean reality tunnel.

Having said that, we are always delighted to hear objections from fellow vertical travelers who do understand our perspective and our process, being that it is improvised on the spot and naturally can't have the finished elegance of a composition or score. Always check with your holy man to see if One Cosmos is right for you. Side effects may include second birth pangs, third eye strain, untimely chakra activation, ontological weight gain, existential bemusement, vicarious embarrassment, guffaw-ha experiences, and more.

Suffice it to say that we do not prescribe our medicine to horizontaloid beings for the same reason the Bible tells us that we shouldn't cast our spheres before circles, or Plato warns the free-range thinker of the consequences of assuming cave dwellers will welcome your insights about the Light from outside their cave narrative.

This no doubt sounds a bit abstract, so I will momentarily remove the coonskin cap and put on my psychologist's hat, and remind you that the human need for extra-biological transhistorical meaning is as intense and pervasive as any physiological drive or instinct.

We might say that while instincts are animal drives, the drive for meaning is the quintessential human instinct. It explains why all humans in every culture have come up with so many idiotic meanings, from human sacrifice to Marxism to BLM (but I repeat myself).

(Brief timeout and apology: I had had a proper subject for a post in mind, but I'm just going to continue with the free & loose associating and see where it goes. Who knows, it may eventually lead back to the subject I'd had in mind.)

Let's pull back and try to see what's going on here. And when I say "pull back," I mean 50,000 years or so. Or better, let's "pull above" and try to discern the patterns that continuously repeat themselves like currents in the oceans. Looked at this way, there is very little true "progress," mostly just a tail-chasing rat race on Sisyphus's own hamster wheel; nevertheless, there are, in Voegelin's terms, occasional "leaps of being" that are truly radical and revolutionary, for they change everything.

Looked at this way, a radical revolutionary such as, say, Marx, or Hitler, or Mao, isn't revolutionary at all, but rather, just the latest iteration of the regressive force that always pulls man and culture back to a more primitive and undifferentiated state.

Conversely, a conservative -- specifically, the American variety who wishes to conserve the radical leap in being expressed by the Declaration and given flesh by the Constitution -- is the counter-cultural radical. What we nowadays call the "radical" is but a reanimated fossil of the past, for he is an emissary of tribalism, relativism, animism and/or materialism (which are but two sides of the same dysfunctional ontology), etc.

From our vertical meta-cosmic perspective we see a number of outstanding leaps in being. In other words, these are "discontinuous," being that there is nothing in their antecedents that can account for or predict their consequences. I know, because I'm one of them. My life makes no sense in linear terms.

At risk of boring the Old-timers, let's briefly run down some of the big leaps. There is, for example, existence itself, which is either created or it isn't. This is the Greatest Leap of All, even the greatest leap conceivable, and we mean this literally, because this is what creatio ex nihilo means.

Ask yourself: is there a greater conceivable leap than that between nothing and something? No, of course not. Compared to nothing, even something as vacuous as the quantum vacuum is of infinite significance.

The alternative metaphysic pretends the cosmos is self-sufficient and that there are no leaps. This view tends to be held in a consistent way by its flatland devotees, such that no subsequent leaps are seen or permitted either.

Nevertheless, to paraphrase Galileo, and yet it leaps. For example, the transition from inanimate matter to life isn't a line but a leap; likewise the leap from biology to intellect. And there's another vitally important leap from mere animal lineage to human history. Animals have a past but they have no history.

So history is indeed a leap, but what kind of leap, and into what? You might say that Voegelin spent his entire life exploring and answering this question. And the answer is quite multifaceted, requiring familiarity with...

Let's just say with everything; and not just what has occurred outside, but even more critically, what happens inside, which, after all, is the only thing of which we have direct and unmediated awareness.

Thus, for example, the transition from cyclical to linear time represents a tremendous leap forward; likewise the leap from polytheism to monotheism, or from collective identity to the individual, or from rule of man to rule of law. And if you personally haven't leapt into the space between immanence and transcendence, you are nowhere, literally. And yet, you are still a nuisance.

Does any of this touch on the news of the day? Yes, of course. But the clock has run out for today...


julie said...

...the human need for extra-biological transhistorical meaning is as intense and pervasive as any physiological drive or instinct.

Oh my, yes. And yet, how few people know it (other than tacitly) and appreciate it when they have it!

Jules said...

These are exciting times.... the Satanic side is showing its true face , in a desperate attempt to take over.
And its not.just in the USA.

Demonic forces coming out in clear view... ( antifa , blm, isis , macron to some extent, chinese comm party) versus the forces of good ( brexit, the police, the military, the regular people, trump, bolsanaro ) . 95% of violence in black and aboriginal neighbourhoods is gangs and feuds within neighborhoods. And the marxist post modernist bullshit of secondary ed. And the pushing of atheism which leads to addictions like ICE, which is directly demonic.
The satanic forces.will loose.. worldwide. Everyone.will. take a deep breath, and ex Antifa will go down to the beach with their opponents and chill, listen to a big duff party .... and all those rotten cities will reform.

Gagdad Bob said...

In a very real way we're getting exactly what we deserve for not standing up to the totalitarian left decades ago. Now they've infiltrated everything, and the fact that we have to rely on cowardly Republicans doesn't inspire confidence. Tucker has been all over this aspect of the story. I too place less blame on the fascist left, because it is what it is, and always will be.

Anonymous said...

It's not fascism! It's the Summer of Love, only this time with AK-47s instead of flowers.

ted said...

The problem, Bob, is reactionaries will always be a bit more hinged than revolutionaries. Politeness does nothing to one who is unhinged.

WSC said...

If you have to shoot a man, it costs you nothing to be polite.

Anonymous said...

Dead-on, Bob. On a more mundane level, the advent of agriculture was a great leap, so was ending slavery, though neither was completely universal. I’ve gotta go basic esoteric here: it was some decades before the abolitionist Mvt started stirring in the late 18th century that Emmanuel Swedenborg, while in one of his visionary states, announced that the biblical apocalypse, the book of Revs, would take place in the year 1757. It wouldn’t occur as most Christians believed, on material earth, but in the subtle worlds where a great deal of darkness and mental/psychic soot had accumulated, blocking the divine light. The apocalypse would sweep away the soot and the regressive souls responsible for it. Did this really happen? Well, it has to be considered that by the end of the 18th c, the historically unique American Republic began, as did others around the world, the abolitionist Mvt would end slavery here and in England in the mid 19th c., and that the scientific world would really catch fire, mostly for the betterment of much of the world. If there was a Swedenborgian apocalypse, that would have marked a great leap.

But great leaps can be undone, and in Swedenborgian terms, the smoke can start accumulating in the upper worlds again, which is where, I suspect we are at today. Prayers can help immeasurably of course, perhaps prayers for another apocalypse. When the fires of negative thought and emotion build up in the upper worlds, they have to explode in force down here - which is what we may seen in recent weeks - but the negativity remains above. It’s really palpable now.

Another esoteric note - there may be a solid reason why people never seem to take a collective spiritual leap forward, always keep making the same mistakes. What if new souls are constantly born into the world as humans for the first time? They’d have to make the same slow trek upward that all humans before them did, and in the learning process, make the same mistakes all humans make at one time or another. Meanwhile, the souls who have reached spiritual maturity move on to higher realms and don’t have to return to earthly existence.

This just emphasizes that the earth will always be troubled with idiocies, greed, spiritual blindness, etc. One should do what one individually can to heal some of the wounds, starting with oneself, but it’s foolishness to try to erase the baser instincts with political programs, to try to create some faux leap forward. That kind of thing always ends up with a purely earthly apocalypse.


Anonymous said...

And yeah, screw the RINO repubs and all those of their ilk. A whole buncha retired military types signed onto an anti Trump statement, condemning him for using the American military to suppress rioting .... as if that’s never been done before, Washington/Whiskey Rebellion, Lincoln/1863 Draft Riots, Eisenhower/Little Rock, LBJ/Watts and MLK riots.

So what’s different now? Oh, right, the riots are expressing rage over the alleged pandemic of “police brutality” ..... gotta get on the right side of Prog history and in with the ins ....


Gagdad Bob said...

The left has insinuated its soy boys & mean girls into even the police, military, the priesthood, the (former) boy scouts, sports -- the last institutional bastions of testosterone.

Anonymous said...

I like to think the testosterone bastions will be called back to duty once the lefty-influenced really reckon with the monster to which they’ve sold out.

We might keep in mind all those folks in middle America who have been chaffing under the lefts handprint for years now, being patient and non-violent, trying to maintain their traditional values ....but they have a breaking point and we might soon see it.


Anonymous said...

Hello Dr. Godwin:

Great post, as usual. But, you have no clue what you are all about, do you? Doesn't seem like it.

You are quite intelligent but not very well versed on yourself. Psychologists ironically often have trouble seeing themselves clearly.

You wrote in a comment to your post:

"The left has insinuated its soy boys & mean girls into even the police, military, the priesthood, the (former) boy scouts, sports -- the last institutional bastions of testosterone."

I am a case worker for the DNC intelligence service. I can confirm your statement is accurate. We have agents literally everywhere. There is even a leftist mole among the "raccoons" as you call your co-conspirators.

They all report in. We know everything.

Now, if you wonder why the Left seems to be getting the upper hand, a prime reason is our muscular intelligence service.

Our competent leaders have funded the service at about two dollars for every dollar going to other branches, and this has paid off.

I think it is evident the conservatives have not kept pace. A pity for your side.

Well, as you contemplate what shall be your fate after the Leftist apparatus swallows you up, you might say to yourself, "damn, I should have been a spy."

-Dumb Drop

Anonymous said...

I don't know what leftism even is anymore. You'd think there'd be nothing more big government than the military and the police, yet the left hate them? So how do they expect to use government force to compel all their statist mandates?

OMG. I just realized. It'll be done with witchcraft. And an army of gays flailing their rubber dildoes. And Mexicans with switchblades. And blacks with some really sick break dance fighting protest looting moves.

But we have guns. Many guns. Jesus never said nothing about no guns. And we've been waiting a long time for this.

Anonymous said...

Antifa here. Hello.

I can answer questions you might have about Antifa.


Did you know, for instance, Antifa was first organized in 1942 near Orissa, Ukraine? Some founding members were involved in or witnessed a large SS Aktion at Orissa involving Bulgarian refugees. To say they till harbor antipathy towards the SS is an understatement.....

A few of our founding members were defectors from SS Einsatzgruppen South and a few Wermacht officers also joined. Nobody has ever told the stories of these brave defectors. These members are senior leadership today and most quite vigorous despite their advanced years.

Today Antifa is the premier way for youth to serve their country without enlisting. Membership in Antifa teaches many virtues.

Did you know most cities have an Antifa Chapter listed on Yelp? We are accessible to all.

Anyway, have a pleasant evening all!

Sincerely, Cara B, Community Outreach, Antifa SoCal.

Anonymous said...

I’m fairly sure that once the left has finished neutering law enforcement - or law enforcement obsequiously neuters itself - they’ll want to fill the vacuum with their own statist mandate-enforcing thugs, currently known as Antifa. The anarchy might be such that many might welcome a semblance of order, even if mandated by brown shirts.

In blue cities, to be exact. I expect it to be a different story elsewhere.


Anonymous said...

Yes w, if police are defunded or disbanded, Antifa can police communities if directed to do so. Now I don't know why you make references to thugs or brown-shirts. Where is all that coming from? We are perfectly fine security folk; we know how not to brutalize detainees. Antifa like British Bobbies do not carry/use fire-arms making us very safe and humane. Antifa does not employ pepper, tear gas, tasers or batons. Antifa does not use dogs.

Now if you broke the law and were accosted, who would you rather deal with, conventional police or Antifa? So of course fears about Antifa are completely unfounded.

Antifa traditionally will not operate in rural areas, being adapted more for built-up population centers. Security in the countryside would be handed off to Big Luau Brothers or ad-hoc militia groups.

There is no need to be in dread of the inevitable Leftist takeover. Don't believe the lies peddled about us. Don't be like an Okinawan citizen in 1945, jumping off a cliff after being advised that US soldiers were monstrous. Much in the same way, just keep your cool. You are all going to be better off and furthermore, we intend to make you all rich.

The sooner we come to power the sooner you'll get your money. Something to think about on polling day.

-Administrator X

Anonymous said...

For an obvious put-on, not bad at all. Covered all the bases.

That was you, right, Bob?

Anonymous said...

I don't even know what Antifa is anymore.

I know it's this really bad boogeyman, far worse than the ACLU ever was. Antifa gets blamed for pretty much all the bad stuff all the time, which isn't being done by uppity blacks or murderous Mexicans or sissy gays. Did the ACLU get morphed into Antifa, like a fat ugly caterpillar that becomes an even fatter uglier moth?

Is it human nature for every human movement's mission statement to eventually get addended into oblivion, upended into perhelion, and then whatevered into whateverdumb? Is this what all good intentions always being paved into roads to hell is all about?

So why even do anything good anymore?

I'd Google all this mysteriousness but then I'd get back all these ads for Antifa coffee mugs and ACLU trinkets. I remember back when Google was just a web surfing place.

I think of the finger snapping beatniks of old. They were once pretty cool, with laid back poetry, beret beanies, and sunglasses worn at night. But then the hair got long, the clothes crazy, and the brains addled by drugs. Our beloved beatniks morphed into hippies who famously ran amok terrifying good country folk, young and old.

Is this what happened to the ACLU? Is this why the country folk, with their ever stable school marm charm, Bible belt strictures, and M-16 rifles, are so scared?

Is it possible to ask honest questions about Antifa without being labeled "a Lefty"? I wish I could just call them evil/rotten/bad/Satan/commie like a good conservative but I don't even know what they are anymore.

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