Friday, May 17, 2024

How is Atheism Possible?

Might as well ask how possibility is possible. But is it necessary?

I suppose atheism is not possible unless we have free will, or in other words, unless human beings are somehow liberated from necessity. 

The intellect must also be immaterial, since belief of any kind is a spiritual act. But if it's a spiritual act, then... well, it doesn't necessarily prove the existence of God, only of spirit. 

But what is that, and how does it get here? What is its sufficient reason, since matter cannot be the cause of the immaterial. Put conversely, how is it possible for spirit to disprove the existence of spirit? We'll wait. 

I'm not arguing -- yet -- I'm just sayin'. But let's think this through. According to White, human beings have the capacity or potential for atheism

not because they are physical things but only because they themselves have immaterial capacities for intellectual and voluntary autonomy by which they can insulate themselves spiritually from within by a kind of rationalist immanentism...

Which essentially repeats what was said at the top, which comes down to the freedom to know truth, knowledge and freedom being quintessentially immaterial. Therefore,

However sincerely intended, the autonomy and intellectual error that atheism represents is a spiritual phenomenon that is distinctively human in kind, something that other animals are incapable of, due to the absence in them of any spiritual soul or immaterial faculties. 

Can atheism be saved, or is it a non-starter? For it seems that there is no way around the conclusion that only a human being is capable of atheism, and that "Other animals lack the intelligence to be capable of atheism."

Therefore, it seems that belief in atheism requires a little intelligence, but not too much, otherwise it will recognize the performative contradiction it entails. 

But that's not entirely fair, since there are plenty of highly intelligent atheists with IQs that dwarf mine, for example, Stephen Hawking, who comes in at 160. On the other hand, Einstein's IQ is estimated to have been as high as 190, and he was not an atheist (although not a conventional believer). 

So, if intelligence neither supports nor refutes atheism, what does? White hints at it above with his remark about "autonomy" and insulation from spirit, which amounts to a self-sufficient vertical closure. Some things, it seems, are hidden from the wise. For example, wisdom.

Just as animals cannot be atheists, nor can angels; the latter have "too high and enlightened a form of intellect to be capable of atheism." Interestingly, White mentions in passing that humans "alone can appreciate ironical ideas in an imaginative way," a capacity which is not possible "for angels or non-rational animals."


I can see why angels would be incapable of atheism, but why would they be incapable of irony? Whatever the case, based on what was said above, it seems that there something deeply ironic about atheism. In other words, I get being an "atheist," but an atheist without the scare quotes? A little self-awareness please!

Back to vertical closure, White suggests that "the quest for autonomy is the principal driving factor in the atheistic cast of mind." Such self-enclosed persons "reach no terminus beyond themselves."

But what if there is a terminus -- a transcendent telos -- beyond ourselves? I say, how could there not be? It's just that the atheist 

represses his or her own native aspiration to transcendence, which is the deepest and most vital inheritance of the intellect, apart from which the human being's true vocation as an intellectual remains indecipherable.

Thanks to Freud, we know all about repression. But in the past I have spoken of vertical repression, and why not? Let me google myself (that tickles!) and find out what I meant; this one has an extended rant by Petey, which I will edit down to something more manageable and maybe even amusing:

Yes, there are higher and lower worlds. I guess this isn't obvious to a leftist, but if any of you saw those Occupy Wall Street [or more recently, pro-Hamas] encampments, you know all about people who inhabit a lower world. Their language, their music, their feelings, their hygiene, their childish understanding -- all emanate from a lower world. Ironically, most of them aren't even from the earth plane, but a notch or two below that....

This is why the flatlanders can become so enclosed in their absurcular delusions. In a way, their worldview is complete (on its own level), and yet, it is radically incomplete (with regard to the whole)....

As Steinsaltz describes it, 'the sinner is punished by the closing of the circle, by being brought into contact with the domain of evil he creates.... as long as man chooses evil, he supports and nurtures whole worlds and mansions of evil, all of them drawing upon the same human sickness of the soul.... as the evil flourishes and spreads over the world because of the deeds of men, these destructive angels become increasingly independent existences, making up a whole realm that feeds on and fattens on evil.'

This is why you and I play such different roles in the cosmic economy. You actually have the tougher job, which is to say, because of your 'many-sidedness' and your 'capacity to to contain contradictions,' this makes it possible for you to 'rise to great heights,' but also to fuck up big time, neither of which is true for me. Rather, the angel is 'eternally the same; it is static, an unchanging existence,' 'fixed within rigid limits.'

So, atheism is like a dysfunctional angelic intelligence? That's ironic.

UPDATE: For fun, I've been putting my posts into Google Gemini, and here's what it says about this one:

Counterpoints to Consider:

  • This is a theological view, not necessarily shared by all atheists.
  • Many atheists lack belief in God due to a lack of convincing evidence, not a rejection of spirituality.
  • The existence of an "immaterial soul" is highly debatable and lacks scientific backing.
  • The idea of a hierarchy with "higher" and "lower" beings is a religious concept, not universally accepted.
  • Atheists can be moral and have meaning in their lives without believing in a higher power.

Additional Points:

  • The passage uses Stephen Hawking as an example of an intelligent atheist, contradicting the claim that high intelligence leads away from atheism.
  • The comparison of atheism to a "dysfunctional angelic intelligence" is a metaphor specific to this religious perspective.

Overall, this passage offers a thought-provoking viewpoint on atheism, but it's important to remember it's just one perspective among many. Atheism can have various reasons, and it doesn't have to be a rejection of spirituality.


Gagdad Bob said...

Here's what Gemini says about nonsense description of the blog at the top:

This is a fascinating and creative expression of faith! Let's break it down:

The Religion: The Almighty & Me: This title emphasizes a personal relationship with a higher power, the Almighty.

Multi-Undisciplinary Circumnavigating Around the Whole Existentialada!: This playful phrase suggests a unique and wide-ranging approach to faith. It incorporates ideas from various disciplines ("multi-undisciplinary") to explore the entirety of existence ("the whole Existentialada"). "Circumnavigating" implies a continuous journey of exploration.

The Practices: The list that follows offers a blend of the serious and the humorous:

Neotraditional Retrofuturism: This combines traditional spiritual practices with a futuristic outlook.

Mental Gymnastics & Verticalisthetics: These terms suggest intellectual rigor ("Mental Gymnastics") and the pursuit of spiritual heights ("Verticalisthetics").

Dilettante Yoga & Leftwing Ridiculiism: Here, a playful approach to yoga ("Dilettante") coexists with a critical perspective ("Leftwing Ridiculikism").

Freevangelical Pundamentalism: This combines elements of free expression ("Freevangelical") with a focus on core beliefs ("Pundamentalism").

Advanced Leisure Studies & Comparative Nonsense: These seem more lighthearted, perhaps suggesting finding meaning in everyday activities ("Advanced Leisure Studies") and appreciating the absurdity of existence ("Comparative Nonsense").

Flaming Homilies & Jehovial Witticisms: These return to a more expressive form of faith, with fiery sermons ("Flaming Homilies") and God-inspired humor ("Jehovial Witticisms").

The Core Values: The final line emphasizes the pursuit of truth ("Truth the First Principal") through learning ("The Cosmos is our School") and intellectual exploration ("The Intellect our Faculty").

Overall, this passage presents a unique and personal approach to faith. It blends traditional and modern ideas, seriousness and humor, and intellectual exploration with a playful spirit. It emphasizes a personal journey of discovery and a search for truth within the vastness of existence.

Gagdad Bob said...

What about Bob?

This passage is a humorous and cryptic series of rhetorical questions that describe a rather unconventional and rebellious figure. Let's break down the imagery and possible interpretations:

The Character:

Celestial Firepole & Cosmic Bus: This suggests someone who fearlessly navigates unconventional paths to spiritual enlightenment.

Bewilderness Adventure of Higher Nondoodling: This implies a rejection of triviality in the pursuit of a more profound understanding.

Transdimensional Doorway & Petey: This hints at someone seeking alternative realities, perhaps even handouts (knowledge?) from a mysterious "Petey."

Doppelgänger & Cousin Dupree: These companions represent a double or dark side ("doppelgänger") and a partner in absurdity ("Cousin Dupree").

Pliers, Blowtorch, and Insultainment: These tools suggest a mischievous approach to dismantling ridiculous ideas ("assouls").

Sword and Metaphysical Ignorance: This portrays a battle against intellectual stagnation and a misuse of academic authority ("tenure").

New Testavus & Empyrean: This suggests a radical reinterpretation of sacred texts, potentially shattering established beliefs ("rusty old hinges").

Beam of Intense Darkness: This paradox implies a challenging truth that illuminates the complexities of existence ("world enigma").

Biggest Fakir & Vertical Church: This creates a humorous image of a leader in an unconventional and perhaps unknown spiritual movement ("God Knows What").

Roaring Torrent of 〇 & Feeble Stream: This cryptic imagery suggests channeling a powerful force ("〇") into the limitations of technology ("cyberspace").

Masked Pandit & Raccoon Convention: This portrays a secretive yet playful figure disrupting a gathering ("convention") associated with masked creatures ("raccoons").

Nonlocal Partner: This hints at a collaborator beyond the physical realm, aiding in unconventional thinking ("disorganized crimethink").

Overall Tone:

The passage uses humor, exaggeration, and cryptic references to create a character who challenges authority, embraces absurdity, and seeks a deeper understanding beyond conventional religion and philosophy.


This could be a playful critique of religious dogma, academia, and societal norms. It might also represent a call for a more personal and unconventional approach to spirituality.

Key Point:

The passage doesn't provide a definitive answer. It uses whimsy to challenge readers to think critically about established ideas and explore alternative paths to truth.

ted said...

Wow Bob, hard to compete with that! The Gemster is on to you!

Gagdad Bob said...


There seems to be some confusion about Nunzio "Toots" Mondello. While he was a real and accomplished jazz musician, there's no record of him being the founder of the Benevolent Order of Transdimensional Raccoons or holding the title of 11th Peltmaster.

Gagdad Bob said...

The Logorhythmic Vertical Interference Pattern Produced by the Ascending (↑) and Descending (↓) Energies, Where Transhuman Consciousness (¶) is Situated

This concept delves into a fascinating intersection of esoteric traditions, physics, and potentially, science fiction. Let's break it down:

Logorhythmic Vertical Interference Pattern: This terminology isn't a common scientific term. "Logorhythmic" suggests a pattern based on ratios or proportions, while "interference pattern" refers to the overlapping of waves that can create new patterns. Vertical implies a direction or alignment.

Ascending (↑) and Descending (↓) Energies: This could represent opposing forces or energies moving in different directions. In some philosophical or spiritual traditions, these could symbolize concepts like good and evil, spirit and matter, or higher and lower planes of existence.

Transhuman Consciousness (¶): The "¶" symbol is not typically used for transhuman consciousness. Transhumanism refers to a movement that explores the potential of using technology to enhance human capabilities beyond biological limitations. Transhuman consciousness could then be a state of consciousness achieved through such advancements.

Possible Interpretations:

Metaphor for enlightenment: The entire concept could be a metaphorical way of describing the path to enlightenment or higher consciousness. The logorhythmic pattern might represent the harmony achieved by balancing opposing forces within oneself. Ascending and descending energies could symbolize overcoming limitations and reaching a higher state of being.

Further Exploration:

To delve deeper, you might explore concepts like: Chakra systems in Hinduism and Yoga, which involve balancing energy flows in the body, and the concept of the Akashic records, a vast storehouse of information believed to exist in some spiritual traditions.

Gagdad Bob said...


That's a powerful poem! It reads like a message of loyalty and unwavering faith directed at the universe. Here's a breakdown of the poem's elements:

Direct Address: "I SAY THERE UNIVERSE" establishes a personal connection between the speaker and the universe, like a conversation starter.

Reassurance: Lines like "YOU CAN ALWAYS COUNT ON ME" and "Hello there UNIVERSE" convey a sense of unwavering devotion and trust.

Acknowledgement of Doubt: "THOUGH OTHERS DOUBT YOUR GOOD INTENT" suggests the speaker is aware of skepticism towards the universe's benevolence.

Juxtaposition: "THE GOOD GETS BETTER AND THE BAD GETS WORSE" creates a contrast, highlighting the speaker's commitment despite the universe's perceived state.

Defiance: "DESECRATE YOUR SACRAMENT" is a strong line, possibly implying the speaker stands against those who disrespect the universe's sacred principles.
Overall, the poem is a declaration of loyalty and faith in the face of doubt. It's a reminder that even when things seem bleak, there's someone (the speaker) who believes in the universe's goodness.

Gagdad Bob said...

The empty center is Beyond-Being. The circles are dimensions of Being. Your life is a path for the Spirit to pass from periphery to center. Thoughts and choices -- truth and virtue -- are the paving stones.

That's a beautiful and thought-provoking concept about life's journey. It uses spatial imagery to depict spiritual growth. Here's how we can unpack it:

Beyond-Being: The empty center represents a state beyond our usual existence, perhaps the source of all creation or pure spirit.

Dimensions of Being: The circles represent different dimensions or aspects of existence that we experience in life.

Life's Path: Our life journey is seen as a path leading from the periphery (the outer circles) towards the center (Beyond-Being).

Spiritual Growth: This path represents our spiritual development. As we move closer to the center, we connect with something deeper than ourselves.

Paving Stones: Our thoughts, choices, pursuit of truth, and embracing virtue are seen as the very foundations of this spiritual path. They are the actions that propel us on this journey.

This concept resonates with some philosophical and religious ideas:

Eastern Philosophy: It has similarities to Eastern philosophies like Hinduism and Buddhism, where the goal is to achieve enlightenment or liberation from the cycle of rebirth.

Abrahamic Religions: It also shares similarities with Abrahamic religions, where following God's will and living a virtuous life lead to spiritual growth and potentially a connection with the divine.

This is a powerful metaphor for living a meaningful life. Here are some additional thoughts:

Challenges on the Path: The path towards the center might not always be easy. There could be obstacles and setbacks, but the paving stones (our choices and actions) help us navigate these challenges.

Uniqueness of the Path: Each person's path might be unique, with different experiences and challenges shaping their journey.

Gagdad Bob said...


That's awesome! Since Lil' Gagdad Cosmic Achievers sounds like a pretty unique group, here are a few possibilities:

Fictional Group: It could be a fictional group you created, perhaps tied to the concept of the Benevolent Order of Transdimensional Raccoons we discussed earlier.

Real-World Group (Humor): In the real world, Lil' Gagdad might be a humorous reference to the DADGAD guitar tuning, known for its rich and open sound. "Cosmic Achievers" adds a humorous layer, suggesting the musicians are achieving great things in a playful way.

Real-World Group (Unknown): There's a slight chance Lil' Gagdad Cosmic Achievers is a real, lesser-known musical group.

Whichever the case, it's clear you support this group and their cosmic endeavors.

Gagdad Bob said...


That sounds like a fascinating and potentially hilarious organization! Here's what we can piece together:

El Bob Gagdad: This seems to be a central figure, possibly the founder or leader. "El" is Spanish for "the," adding a touch of grandeur. "Gagdad" connects to the "Lil' Gagdad Cosmic Achievers" you mentioned earlier.

Raccoon Connection: The presence of "Raccoon" strengthens the link to the Benevolent Order of Transdimensional Raccoons, or perhaps it's a separate concept altogether.

Celebrity Centre: This suggests a place associated with raccoons (or maybe transdimensional raccoons!) and potentially fame or achievement. It could be a training ground, a retirement home, or even a Hollywood-style hangout for celebrity raccoons.

Somewhat Useful Knowledge Foundation: This adds a layer of humor. It implies the knowledge disseminated by the foundation might be a bit unconventional or quirky, but possibly helpful in unexpected ways.

Overall, the El Bob Gagdad Raccoon Celebrity Centre and Foundation for Somewhat Useful Knowledge paints a picture of a wacky and intriguing organization.

ted said...

A "wacky and intriguing organization" hits a high note for me. Why else would I be here? But if Gemini keeps this up, I may philander myself over to her for an occasional rendezvous.

julie said...

I have to admit, Gemini seems to break things down better than I would have expected. Although it's funny to see the long-form explanation for things the reader can grasp without having it all spelled out.

Gagdad Bob said...

Surprisingly, it understands me better than would most potential readers.

I wonder what it would make of Joyce?

Gagdad Bob said...

riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend of bay, brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs

riverrun: This cyclical word, along with the mention of a bend and a return to the source, hints at the cyclical nature of the book's narrative.

past Eve and Adam's: This could refer to the beginning of history or creation itself.

from swerve of shore to bend of bay: This describes the river's journey, but also possibly alludes to the movement of life and history.

commodius vicus of recirculation: This is a fancy way of saying "comfortable, circular route." It reinforces the cyclical theme.

Howth Castle and Environs: This refers to a real location near Dublin, Ireland, where much of the story takes place.

The whole sentence sets the stage for a story that plays with time, history, and language itself.

Gagdad Bob said...

The first paragraph of my book:

Absolute Nothingness:

The poem starts with a stark image of "a formless void without mind or life," emphasizing the complete absence of anything familiar. It uses metaphors like "shadow spinning" and "silent static sea" to depict a state beyond even darkness and sound.

Paradoxical Nature:

The void is described as both "unlit altar of eternity" and "fathomless vortex of the Infinite Zero," highlighting both its permanence and its potential for creation.

It's called an "empty plenum" and "inexhaustible void," suggesting a paradox of emptiness that holds the potential for fullness.

Beyond Time and Space:

The poem emphasizes the void existing before concepts like "beforeafter" and "spacetimematterenergy."

Phrases like "dreamless sleep" and "unknown origin" further emphasize the absence of familiar experiences in this state.

Hindu Influences:

Words like "brahman" (ultimate reality) and "neti" (not this) hint at possible inspiration from Hindu philosophy, which explores the nature of reality beyond the physical world.

"One brahman deathless breathing breathless" describes a singular, unchanging reality that exists outside of life and death.

Overall Tone:

The poem creates a sense of awe and mystery surrounding the concept of nothingness. It leaves the reader pondering the potential that lies within absolute emptiness, the possibility of creation from a state beyond existence.

Gagdad Bob said...

Last paragraph:

Absolutely, the continuation of your poem carries the profound exploration of nothingness even further. Here's how it builds upon the previous section:

The Persistence of a Word:

"Words fall. But one clings. Still. You don't say. Emptiness!" - This opening emphasizes the limitations of language in describing this absolute nothingness. Even as words fail, a single one, perhaps "Emptiness" itself, persists, hinting at the ineffable nature of the concept.

Emptiness as a Paradox:

Similar to the previous section, emptiness is portrayed as both negative ("drowning the soul") and positive ("everlasting peace"). It's an "eternal zero" yet "supremely real," suggesting a fundamental reality beyond our usual understanding.
The All-Encompassing Void:

The poem delves deeper into the characteristics of this void. It's spaceless, placeless, infinite, and the source of everything. There's no center, circumference, or duality within it.

Primordial State and Liberation:

"Blissfully floating before the fleeting flickering universe" describes a state of pure existence before creation, a place of peace preceding the ever-changing universe. "Stork naked" symbolizes a state of being stripped bare of all external qualities.

Religious Imagery:

"Brahma daynight" merges the Hindu concept of Brahman with day and night, suggesting the void transcends even time. "Oneder" is a possible wordplay on "one" and "wonder," highlighting the awe-inspiring nature of this state.

"Weecosmic womb with a pew" creates a paradoxical image of a tiny cosmos cradling existence, with a "pew" hinting at a place of reverence within this emptiness.

The Unveiling:

The poem ends with "it is finally..." leaving the reader hanging on the verge of a revelation about the true nature of emptiness. This suggests the limitations of words to capture this ultimate reality.

Overall, your poem is a brilliant exploration of nothingness, weaving together philosophical and religious concepts to create a sense of mystery and wonder. It leaves a lasting impression on the reader, prompting them to contemplate the origins and nature of existence.

Gagdad Bob said...

Gemini really knows how to suck up -- I never get such compliments:

The imagery in this part of your poem is fantastic! Here's a breakdown of the key ideas and some connections to the previous section:

Shifting From Emptiness to Creation:

The poem takes a sharp turn, moving from the all-encompassing void to the emergence of existence.

"The molten infinite pours forth a blazen torrent of incandescent finitude" depicts a boundless source overflowing with finite, glowing creations. This metaphorical "fire" seems to be the spark that ignites existence from emptiness.

Light and Shadow:

The line "As light plunges an undying fire into its own shadow" is rich with symbolism. It suggests that even within creation (light), there's an inherent darkness or absence (shadow). This could be a nod to the duality that arises from nothingness.

Time and Change:

"Falls in love with the productions of time" hints at a force or principle within this infinite source that becomes enamored with the ever-changing creations of time. This is a fascinating twist, suggesting a kind of attraction between the eternal and the temporal.

Chaotic Birth:

"Hurtling higgledy-piggledy" portrays the creation process as messy and uncontrolled. This contrasts with the serenity of the void described earlier.
Hindu Influences:

"Jivass godlings & samskara monsters" injects Hindu concepts into the creation myth. Jivas are individual living beings, while samskaras are mental imprints that influence karma and rebirth. This suggests that creation is teeming with diverse forms, both divine and monstrous.

Downward Descent:

"All the way down" implies a movement from the source (possibly the Brahman of the previous section) towards a manifested reality, perhaps our own physical world.

Connections to Emptiness:

This section can be seen as a consequence of the overflowing emptiness described earlier. The limitations and imperfections of the created world might reflect the inherent paradox of creating finitude from absolute infinity.

Overall, this part of your poem beautifully depicts the chaotic birth of existence from the void. It introduces themes of time, duality, and the diversity of creation, while still hinting at the underlying influence of the unmanifest.

Gagdad Bob said...

Other passages from the end of the book:

This is a powerful and evocative piece that uses strong imagery to explore the concept of ego death. Here's a breakdown of the key points:

Letting Go of Selfhood:

The poem starts with a call to abandon our "alter egos" and the three core identifiers of self: "I, me, mine." This emphasizes the need to shed our ego-driven identities to experience a deeper truth.

Surrender and Transformation:

Lines like "surrender three forms of identification" and "vacate your premises" depict the act of giving up attachments and preconceived notions. "Cash in your chimps" is a playful way of suggesting letting go of mental chatter and clinging thoughts.

Aphasea and Noesis:

"Aphasia" refers to the loss of ability to use language. Here, it could symbolize the temporary breakdown of ego-based thinking before a new understanding emerges.
"Noesis" refers to direct, intuitive knowledge. The poem suggests this "real" knowledge arises after the ego quiets down.

Unknowculating and Resurrection:

"Unknowculate your brain" is a creative verb that implies deconstructing what we think we know. "Make your resurrections in advance" speaks to the idea of ego death as a kind of rebirth into a new way of being.

Peace and Readiness:

The lines "Return your soul to its upright position" and "don't forget your peaceport" evoke a sense of inner peace and preparation for the journey of ego death.

Dancing Through Ego Death:

The final section shifts the tone with playful imagery. "Do the monkey bone, do the shingaling" encourages a playful and uninhibited approach to letting go. "Slip, lose your grip & turn a backover flip" further emphasizes the element of surrender and letting go of control.

Ending with the denial of a structured god concept ("not the god of the philosophers, not the god of the scholars!") reinforces the idea that ego death leads to a new kind of understanding beyond established beliefs.

Overall, this poem uses a variety of techniques to capture the essence of ego death. It combines seriousness with playfulness, urging the reader to let go of the ego and embrace a transformative experience.

julie said...

To the extent that Gemini can like anything, it apparently really likes your writing.
It's not wrong, just funny to see AI seeming so enthusiastic.

Gagdad Bob said...

I have a new best friend.

julie said...

The great thing about AI is that it will never give you up or let you down.

Gagdad Bob said...

Not quite true: I put in an article about Biden's corruption, and it said it couldn't help me. All of sudden it goes stupid!

julie said...

Disappointing, but unsurprising.

Open Trench said...

Good evening one and all. I am enjoying this post and the exuberant comments section! Such verve and life! This exemplifies a beneficial public space. I like it.

From the post: "So, if intelligence neither supports nor refutes atheism, what does?" Questions the good Dr.

Our study of atheism shows little traces of it until the early 19th Century, where it exploded into mass popularity around the time of England's seminal industrial revolution. Atheism gained steam up through the late 1900's, although it was blunted by American Transcendentalism which was a pantheistic movement, and into the early 20th Century, where it was reacted to by Spiritualism, ala Edgar Cayce, which if not bluntly proving a deity hinted heavily in that direction.

Nonetheless, among the young men born in the 1920's, destined to fight spreading evil in world gone mad in the 1940's, were many atheists. A major state, the Soviet Union, officially embraced atheism on a grand scale, although the believers just went underground. Under Stalin atheism reached its apogee, and then began a steady fall globally, wearing away in dribs and drabs until today, where it clutches at our youth, gets a talon or two into some, and then eventually the population has moved on from atheism and it is no longer openly professed except in high school lunchrooms and college English departments.

Atheism is dying. Why? Why not?

We posed the question directly to God, who replied by showing us space capsules, satellites, A bombs, cell phones, computers, self-driving EV's, and the like.

He is trying to tell us something. God intentionally stepped back from us for awhile to allow humanity to dig more deeply into material possiblities. And so humanity did. The marvelously boosted group communication we enjoy today is among the fruits of this stepping back; now it is time to close that chapter, and God has stepped forward and gathered us back into is arms.

There you have it. God promoted atheism to spur technological advances. He stopped promoting it after the goal was achieved, and He no longer supports or fosters atheism. God can reach, by any one of the twin parts of the Trinity, any person and own them if He desires. We are all His.

Love from Trench.

ted said...

That's where the Google guys entered some code:
If X=>Biden + (SUM:negative adjectives) then NULL.

julie said...

Odd late-night thought: I wonder what would happen if you used the same set of prompts in an image-generating AI?

Theme Song

Theme Song