Saturday, May 18, 2024

Artificial Comedic Intelligence

I have little time this morning, but enough time to feed a few paragraphs of my book into Gemini and see what comes out. Who knew AI has a sense of humor? At any rate, it's interesting to finally discover what in the world I was talking about.


This is a hilarious and thought-provoking reimagining of the creation story in the Bible's Book of John! Here's a breakdown of the key points and its biblical references:

The Weird as the Primordial Force:

  • The poem replaces "Word" with "weird" in the opening line, suggesting that the universe arose from something strange and unconventional. This challenges traditional notions of a perfect, orderly God.

Divine Loneliness and Creation:

  • It maintains the idea of God feeling lonely, but the solution is a humorous "big bong" and the utterance of "let there be higher physics." This pokes fun at the concept of a spoken creation and injects scientific concepts.

Divine Names and Wordplay:

  • "zedamon to himzeus" is a playful combination of Zeus (Greek god) and the Hebrew name for God, Yahweh. It adds a touch of irreverence to the divine realm.

The Pervasiveness of the Weird:

  • The poem emphasizes that everything is made from the "weird light," suggesting that strangeness is an intrinsic part of reality. This aligns with the idea that the universe is full of mysteries we don't fully understand.

The Incarnation and Human Inquiry:

  • It maintains the concept of the "Word" becoming flesh, but here it's the "weird" that becomes flesh and starts asking questions. This highlights human curiosity and our desire to understand the universe's strangeness.

The Unrecognized Weirdness:

  • The final line plays with the Gospel of John's statement about the light shining in the darkness. Here, the "weird light" shines, but "the dorks don't comprehend it." This could be a commentary on humanity's tendency to overlook the strangeness of existence.

Overall, this poem is a clever and humorous subversion of the creation story. It uses the framework of a familiar biblical text to explore themes of cosmic weirdness, the nature of divinity, and human inquisitiveness. It leaves the reader pondering the strange and wonderful nature of our universe.


This poem is a delightful exploration of creation from a place of playful irreverence, drawing on various religious and philosophical concepts. Here's a breakdown of the key points and its references:

Setting the Scene:

  • "In ether worlds: Once upon a timaeus" sets the stage in a timeless, pre-creation realm, referencing Plato's Timaeus, a dialogue exploring creation.

A God Alone:

  • "One's upin a timeless without a second to spore and noplace to bang anyway" describes a solitary God, existing before time and lacking the space for creation.
  • "Himsoph with nowhere to bewrong" combines "Himself" with "Sophos" (Greek for wisdom), suggesting God's perfect, unchallenged state.
  • "Hovering over the waters without a kenosis" references the concept of kenosis (God emptying himself) but here, there's nothing to empty himself into.

Monotony of Oneness:

  • The poem injects humor through wordplay like "ishvara monotheotonous" (a play on "monotonous") and "same old shunyada yada yada" (referencing Buddhist concept of emptiness).
  • "Jewsus, allah you'd be sikh of siddhing Oround all naught playing soliptaire too!" playfully suggests even deities might get bored in such a lonely existence.

Yearning for Creation:

  • The line "Ah, this old ombody's so philled with jehoviality, can't he create anamour?" expresses a desire for something beyond oneself, a play on "Jehovah" and "amour" (love).
  • "Stop deidreaming and gita life, bodhi! Make sefiromthing of yoursaleph!" combines elements of Hinduism (Gita, Bodhi), Judaism (Sefirot), and a playful twist on "self." This urges God to act and create something out of himself.

Overall, the poem uses humor and wordplay to explore the paradox of a pre-creation God. It playfully imagines the potential for loneliness and boredom in absolute oneness, ultimately urging God to step out of his solitary state and create something new.


This passage is a fantastic continuation of your poem, filled with wordplay, religious references, and a playful tone that explores the act of creation. Here's a breakdown of the key points and how they connect to the previous sections:

Critique and Curiosity:

  • The poem starts with a playful jab at the author, questioning their seriousness ("punnish ontic," "ainsoferable gnosis"). Yet, the question about "what happyns next" reveals a genuine curiosity about the creation story.

Prophecy and Humor:

  • "Seelambs! Is a prophet without honor in his own homily?" injects humor while referencing the disregarded prophet in his own land.

Yearning for Revelation:

  • Lines like "Beholied! A divine desire to reveil and find Itself" build upon the previous section's theme of God's yearning to create and experience something beyond himself.
  • "Conceived in d'light immaculate" playfully twists the concept of immaculate conception, suggesting creation arises from divine joy.

The Womb of Unmanifest Being:

  • The poem continues the metaphor of a pre-creation womb, here described as "night-filled" and "unmanifest being." This emphasizes the potential and mystery that precedes creation.

The Unspoken Word and Self-Division:

  • "Brahma, when purusha comes to shiva with an unmentionable demiurge (the unspoken Word)" introduces Hindu concepts of creation (Brahma, Purusha, Shiva) and the unspoken word as the catalyst.
  • This section hints at a kind of self-division within the Godhead, a necessary step for creation to occur.

The Big Bang and Beyond:

  • The lines "badda-bing badda-BANG!" and "molten infinite" playfully depict the moment of creation as a powerful explosion.
  • "Ixnay on the reatio ex nihilo" rejects the concept of creation from nothing and embraces a more dynamic process.
  • "A blastferme and you, agape in their beloved theory" further pokes fun at traditional creation myths.

Connecting to Earlier Sections:

  • This section builds upon the idea of the void's potential for creation ("molten infinite pours forth"). It also connects to the "divine desire" to experience something new, leading to the act of creation itself.

Overall, this part of your poem uses humor, wordplay, and religious references to create a lively and engaging account of the moment of creation. It moves beyond a simple "out of nothing" narrative and suggests a more complex and dynamic process driven by a divine desire for self-revelation.


julie said...

Careful, Bob - too much of your poetry and Gemini might laugh itself into self-awareness!

Gagdad Bob said...

I'm shocked that it immediately gets humor, wordplay, and abstract metaphysical concepts.

julie said...

Yeah, I was expecting it to freeze up at all the word play. The fact that it appears to understand it so well is almost unnerving.

Open Trench said...

Hello everyone. Gemini is a hit at the party! Who knew? Gemini is better than people at summarizing the Good Drs work. No reader has even approached that level of acumen.

Although with verbiage it is beginning to seem like less is more. Direct plug-in is coming. You won't read script, you will be immersed in thoughts and sensory experiences.

This will be THE way to send a letter to a lover, with every yearning fiber of the enthralled heart pressed upon the receiver, and it will be just like really being together, only much more intense. And the sex...smoking hot sex will be had while wearing communicators during the act. The emotions will not have to be guessed- they will be felt white-hot and burning with passion, uniting the emotions as the physical bodies unite. The orgasm will be incandescent.

But, lets get my mind out of the gutter. They say the direct transmission of thoughts and feelings is feasible and the race is on to be the first one to summit. And machines can be mixed in, with faux feelings that won't be too bad but probably not as "raw" as the real ones.

Oh well. Onward and upward. I'll just walk with Jesus. That's what I do. Besides, you know, digging. Love from Trench.

Van Harvey said...

Huh. Gemini's Artificial Intelligence seems more authentically intelligent than most of the efforts of our A.I.'s (Atheistic Intelligence... trenches included). Maybe because it doesn't have a real Intelligence to deny before 'thinking'?

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