Tuesday, March 12, 2024

The Catechism of the One True Faith of the Left

We've suggested in the past that leftism in all its ghastly forms represents a crystallization -- the institutionalization -- of man's fall. It is the foolish attempt to make right everything that is wrong with man. Let us count the aphorisms, and elaborate them with material from The Religion of the Day:

The radical error -- the deification of man -- does not have its origin in history. Fallen man is the permanent possibility of committing the error.

"Neo-Gnostic belief is essentially, not accidentally, an expression of human pride." Thus, "Progressive believers have assumed that they are themselves unfallen and morally superior to their opponents."  

Socialism is the philosophy of the guilt of others.

"It tends to produce an unfortunate but inevitable attitude of moral superiority": original sin for thee, original innocence for me. Or the "innocent envy" of the believers in White Privilege, Heteronormativity, Christian Nationalism, et al. 

The left is made up of individuals who are dissatisfied with what they have and are satisfied with who they are.

"Progressive religion harbors a profound hatred for the world as it currently exists." It "gains much of its attraction by appealing to the sense of alienation that we all experience." Which is why it holds no appeal to the contented. 

The left is a lexicographical tactic more than an ideological strategy.

Always and everywhere an attack on language, AKA the word. For example, it is offensive to call homicidal monsters "illegals." Indeed,

The man guilty of the crime is not the envious murderer but the victim who has aroused his envy.

Man prefers to apologize by offering another person's guilt, rather then his own innocence, as an excuse.

"'Not my fault!'" is the universal Progressive religious mantra." 

"Unlike Christians, they hold that what needs to radically change is emphatically not me."  

"Social justice" is the term we use for claiming anything to which we do not have a right.

No social justice, no civil peace for the restavus. 

To believe in the redemption of man by man is more than an error; it is an idiocy.

"The salvation offered by Progressive religion promises not only escape from evil, but the transformation of our current humanity." 

The cause of the modern sickness is the conviction that man can cure himself.

"A modern neo-Gnostic belief system is a scheme of self-initiated salvation."

Transforming the world: the occupation of a prisoner resigned to his sentence.

"Progressive religion acknowledges the human tragedy of profound alienation from the world, and even from our own being." But

Man matures when he stops believing that politics solves his problems.

Neo-Gnosticism "promises to radically overcome the evil of the world and the alienation and lack of fulfillment experienced by humans." It "accomplishes its salvation through the application of some form of specialized technical knowledge (gnosis) gained by human effort."

Today the individual rebels against inalterable human nature in order to refrain from amending his own correctable nature.

The neo-Gnostic "locates the source of the world's evil not in the individual human heart, but in fundamentally corrupted and therefore oppressive structures of human existence."  

In order to enslave the people the politician needs to convince them that all their problems are "social."

The neo-Gnostic accomplishes its salvation "through escape from or destruction of prevailing structures of oppression." 

"The life and soul of Progressive religious practice involves stoking anger for the fight against those who are inhibiting" the birth of the New Age. "If such enemies are not obviously forthcoming, Progressive believers need to invent them, lest their mythic picture of the world should dissolve.:

When Hitler doesn't exist, the left invents him. Every time. 

In this century, compassion is an ideological weapon.

"It is not so much love for those who suffer, but anger rooted in pride at the fact of suffering" that motivates them. 

In order to corrupt the individual it is enough to teach him to call his personal desires rights and the rights of others abuses. 

 "The names of the two antagonistic groups change, but the underlying structure is similar." 

Social salvation is near when each one admits that he can only save himself. Society is saved when its presumed saviors despair.

Hierarchies are heavenly. In Hell all are equal.

Or have equity, rather. Equity is the flattening of vertical ascent.

The cult of Humanity is celebrated with human sacrifices.

Most conspicuously the sacrament of abortion. "Something must die if the guilty human race is to be purified. This instinct is as old as humanity and can be found in every culture." 

Human nature always takes the progressive by surprise.

This follows from the effort "to bring about a new type of human and to inaugurate an entirely new age of freedom that has overcome the past age of oppression." 

Progressive religion is "founded on a radical departure from reality.... the more completely a given revolution succeeds, the more complete will be its resulting failure." "Due to the impossibility of making good on those promises, the hoped-for paradise never arrives."

Give it four more years.


julie said...

"Progressive religion harbors a profound hatred for the world as it currently exists."

Today's example being the journalist who complains that there are no black people featured in a show about Japan in the 1600s.

julie said...

"'Not my fault!'" is the universal Progressive religious mantra."

"Unlike Christians, they hold that what needs to radically change is emphatically not me."

Reminds of all the pro-abortion people who essentially claim that abortions are the fault of Christians who won't step up to raise the unwanted babies.

The neo-Gnostic "locates the source of the world's evil not in the individual human heart, but in fundamentally corrupted and therefore oppressive structures of human existence."

You see this whenever someone laments the current state of male-female relationships/ dating, but then does nothing to change his personal behavior so that he, at least, can live something closer to the ideal. "You can't change the culture" is the excuse. True, you can't change the culture, but you can certainly change your own behavior. If enough people individually do so, the culture will change.

Mizz E said...

Wonderful post, Bob. The elaborations crystallized the essence of Davila’s aphorisms in my mind which is acceptable given I consider myself to be at the pre intermediate level in the Raccoon Dance.

Speaking of dancing I embarked on a new adventure last summer when I turned 80. I’m learning to tango, the Argentine way, which is more improvisational than expected. I’m loving the music and the joy found in “Dance first, think later”. I’m going to my first Milonga (in Austin) next weekend.

Pursuing it with eager feet, 
Until it joins some larger way 
Where many paths and errands meet. 
And whither then? I cannot say

Blessings y’all.

Mizz E said...

P.S. The line of poetry in my comment was penned by Tolkien.

julie said...

Hi, Mizz E - long time, no see!

Van Harvey said...

Mizz E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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