Thursday, March 14, 2024

A Miracle Cure for the Progressive Disease

After conversing with some "thoroughly modern" people, we see that humanity escaped the "centuries of faith" only to get stuck in those of credulity. --Dávila

Why are we increasingly being ruled by fanatical secular theocrats? 

We should expect that as our society increasingly distances itself from its Christian roots, the Christian sensibility for limited government will wane, and the universal human tendency to unite all authority, spiritual and temporal, in one central office or structure will reassert itself (The Religion of the Day).

We mustn't forget "that it has not been typical for humanity to make a distinction between" the sacred and secular, and that nearly all civilizations "have lodged spiritual, moral, and political authority in the same office" (ibid.). 

We were once the great exception, but now we're back to the rule of giving to Caesar what doesn't belong to him:

Once a Christian vision of the world has been abandoned, it is very difficult to limit the power of temporal governments (ibid.).

Indeed, those of us who recognize such limits and object to caesarodopism are now called "Christian Nationalists," or -- with unsurpassable irony -- "fascists." In such an upside-down world, those of us who want the state to have less authority are called authoritarians.

Must these Gnostics always immanentize the eschaton?  

Given the fact that Progressive religion is this-worldly in its scope, the political arena has increasingly become the staging ground for religious propagation and... a kind of religious warfare (ibid.). 

An endless war of religion. It's the price of Progress.

You will have noticed that one of the characteristics of progressive religion is that it is devoid of wisdom. In the words of our fine Colombian,  

Political wisdom is the art of invigorating society and weakening the State.

Which is why the left specializes in pretending to solve "transitory problems with permanent solutions," and, come to think of it, permanent problems -- i.e., those arising out of human nature -- with political solutions. But there can be no political solution to a spiritual problem.

Thus, for example, corporations are greedy tax cheats. Unlike the Biden crime family.

The only man who should speak of wealth and power is the one who did not extend his hand when they were within reach.

Brandon is not that man, and he has the shell corporations to prove it.

Yes, but he is a devout Catholic! 


The diffusion of a few drops of Christianity into a leftist mind transforms the idiot into a perfect idiot.

And surely Brandon is the most Perfect Idiot ever to be president. 

In the Christianity of the leftist Christian, one of the two elements sooner or later eliminates the other.

Why is he so angry? Is it just the amphetamines, or is something else going on?

The progressive becomes angry at nothing as much as the stubbornness of the one who refuses to sacrifice the certain to the new.

The stubborn white urbanite projecting his stubbornness and anger into us, so it is we who simmer with White Rural Rage™.

But Our Democracy™!

The leftist screams that freedom perishes when his victims refuse to finance their own murder. 

Lincoln Riley should be grateful for all the Diversity™.

Get on the Right -- which is to say, left -- Side of History™, peasant!

The democrat defends his convictions by declaring whoever challenges him to be out of date.

 "Where genuinely Christian ideas predominate, neo-Gnostic religion loses influence" (ibid.). Conversely,

Where Christianity disappears, greed, envy, and lust invent a thousand ideologies to justify themselves.

Wait. Aren't we MAGA types the Nazis? 

That's not how I remember it: World War II was

an internecine gnostic religious war between German Nazis and Russian communists. Each of these ideologies was attempting to replace a waning Christianity with a new, all-encompassing vision for the society that promised the perfection of the temporal world (ibid.). 

True, the Marxists prevailed, but why pick between them? The modern left combines statism, Jew hatred, identity politics, class envy, and the rule of lawlessness into one perennially attractive and monstrous package. 

Pessimistic? Funny you ask:

With good humor and pessimism it is possible to be neither wrong nor bored.

Even so, I am not without optimism, even if Progressive Man is a hopeless dumpster fire:

Intelligent optimism is never faith in progress, but hope for a miracle.

It's happened before, or we wouldn't be here.


julie said...

Intelligent optimism is never faith in progress, but hope for a miracle.

It's happened before, or we wouldn't be here.


whitney said...

Laken Riley.

Gagdad Bob said...

Brandon begs to differ.

Randy said...

"an internecine gnostic religious war between German Nazis and Russian communists"

Weird question: how much of the recent history of atheist (say the last couple centuries) can be boiled down to Team Marx (Hegel?) vs Team Nietzsche, with Team (Bertrand) Russell insisting they can navigate between the two?

julie said...
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