Tuesday, December 05, 2023

The Karen-Mohammed Industrial Complex

How does a lunatic belief system "take"? As crazy and depraved as the left is, the craziness and depravity must exploit something real and enduring in the psyche, otherwise it could never take root.

Everyone knows this is how capitalism works. No one had to invent this "ism." Rather, it's just what people do when they're left alone, i.e., barter and trade, exchange and acquire, buy and sell. Yes, it may exploit acquisitiveness and greed, but that's just human nature. 

People do other things when they're left alone, for example, envy, hate, steal, lie, and scapegoat. They're also subject to pride, and like to lord it over others, or bring them down a peg. 

But enough about the left.

Actually, I think we've just discovered those enduring psychic realities that are exploited by the left's lunatic ideology. Of course, they call these shameful traits and impulses by other names, e.g., diversity, equity, fairness, inclusion, social justice, etc. For it is written:

The left is a lexicographical tactic more than an ideological strategy.


"Social justice" is the term for claiming anything to which we do not have a right.

Bottom line:

Socialism is the philosophy of the guilt of others.

Nowadays they call this guilt White Privilege, but it's just the same old envy with a Ph.D. in Postcolonial Studies.

Now, just as Islam colonized formerly Christian and Persian geographical areas, "postcolonialism" has colonized formerly American minds. 

You could say that this is the subject of the book I'm currently reading, Christopher Rufo's America's Cultural Revolution: How the Radical Left Conquered Everything. It's excellent as far as it goes, but it doesn't go far enough, which is to say, all the way to the ground of human nature. Or, perhaps it will. I'm only up to p. 73.

Let's haul out some more aphorisms to set the stage, each going to the lower vertical, i.e., those unflattering traits to which the soul is heir: 

The greatest political puerility is to attribute to certain social structures the vices inherent in the human condition.

What is called the modern mentality is the process of exonerating the deadly sins. 

The left claims that the guilty party in a conflict is not the one who covets another's goods but who defends his own.

The left calls a critique of capitalism what is merely a lawsuit for possession.

Even if everyone were equal -- an impossibility even supposing an omnipotent state -- we'd have to invent inequality out of sheer tedium. 

As we've said before, progressivism is the institutionalization of man's fall, which they simultaneously deny and normalize. "Having promulgated the dogma of original innocence," they conclude that "the man guilty of the crime is not the envious murderer but the victim who aroused his envy."

They also promulgate a kind an "anti-psychology." I know this, because I luckily obtained my Ph.D. back when psychology was still a thing. Now there's no place in psychology for an old-fashioned guy like me. Indeed,

Civilization appears to have been invented by an extinct species.

The following sounds RACISS:

Modern civilization: the invention of a white engineer for a black king.

But Rufo explains how it came about:

Herbert Marcuse was the preeminent philosopher of the so-called New Left, which sought to mobilize the white intelligentsia and the black ghetto into a new proletariat....

The Karen-Ibram Industrial Complex. 

"The new movement was not the 'classical revolutionary force' of the proletariat. It was, instead, the coalition of opposites" which is to say, "the intellectuals and the slum-dwellers, the privileged and the dispossessed," a "new axis for revolution: racial conflict."

And here we are. They enacted it in 2020. Are they gearing up for an encore in 2024? I don't know. I haven't read the article, but I'm going to guess Yes.

The resurgence of public protests in support of Hamas has revealed a disturbing truth: the left-wing rioting following George Floyd’s death in 2020 was not an anomaly, but a tactic that activists can repurpose for any cause. Whether by coincidence or design, these recent outbursts could be a dress rehearsal for possible violence during next year’s election campaign.

The Karen-Mohammed Industrial Complex? 

Conservative leaders must prepare for that prospect. To prevent 2020 from repeating itself in 2024, conservatives need to consider what might spark a riot, how it can be prevented, and how to understand and manage the politics of rioting.

In the book, Rufo asks the question, "Does the public want an equality society or a revenge society?" To which the Aphorist replies,

The democrat in search of equality passes a straightedge over humanity in order to cut off what exceeds it: the head. Decapitation is the central rite of the democratic Mass.

Literally, if we're correct about the Karen-Mohammed Industrial Complex.

Oh my. Getting late. To be continued.


Gagdad Bob said...

The Sociopathic Generation:

"The endorphin rush from activism, superiority, and hate is too great for them to resist. And like all fascists, they couch their evil in what they believe to be heroic rhetoric. In truth, they care for no one but themselves. They are the ideological grandchildren of the Brownshirts. Given time and aided and abetted by our current justice and educational systems, they will become the ideological grandchildren of the Gestapo."

julie said...

Even if everyone were equal -- an impossibility even supposing an omnipotent state -- we'd have to invent inequality out of sheer tedium.

Heh - even among insects that live in hives or colonies, they aren't all equal, much less the same. If I remember rightly, something like 25 percent of the workers do no work at all. Even among the nominally equal, some are more equal than others.

Civilization appears to have been invented by an extinct species.

Reminds of a meme I've seen floating around, featuring great cathedrals built hundreds of years ago and contrasted with the sort of construction today's immigrants might be expected to build. The sad thing is, how many modern Europeans are even capable of creating anything so grand as a cathedral or a castle? Much less entire communities of people. We may have driven out the barbarianism of earlier ages, but we've lost a lot of the passion for creating lasting beauty right along with it.

Re. 2024, indeed. I think it's safe to assume that it will be another banner year for awfulness, in ways both familiar and new.

Conservative leaders must prepare for that prospect. To prevent 2020 from repeating itself in 2024, conservatives need to consider what might spark a riot, how it can be prevented, and how to understand and manage the politics of rioting.

Right. "Conservative" "Leaders."

The rioting will stop when the people who fund the riots decide it's enough, and the people who support conservatives are sufficiently cowed into submission. I'll believe in a conservative leader when he speaks up and does something about the danger his supporters face just by showing up to a political rally in an election year.

Gagdad Bob said...

The mob always loses, the mob bosses always win.

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