Sunday, July 23, 2023

Questions to Your Answers

Picking up right where we left off, "The answer will not help the man who has lost the question, and the predicament of the present age is characterized by the loss of the question rather than of the answer," and could you repeat the question?

We'll get there -- I hope -- but you're not wrong to ask, for "it will be necessary"

to recover the question to which... the philosopher could understand the gospel as the answer (emphasis mine).

Ancient Jeopardy? "I'll take Goddamn Right I'm Living in the Fucking Past for $600, Alex."

But it's not in the past:

Since the question concerns the humanity of man, it is the same today as it has ever been in the past, but today it is so badly distorted through the Western deculturation process that it must, first, be disentangled from the intellectually disordered language in which we indiscriminately speak of the meaning of life, or the meaning of existence, or the meaning which must be given to the fact of existence..., as if life were a given and meaning a property it has or does not have (emphasis mine).

Doesn't work that way -- never has and never will. I want to stay focussed on this chapter, but there is a passage from a later one that arrested my attention yesterday, that Life

is not a datum of experience insofar as it is not given in the manner of an object of the external world but is knowable only from the perspective of participation in it.

From the inside. And even then, we can only participate in a kind of game or play that was here when we arrived and will persist long after we're gone.  

Question: is it possible that something could occur in history after we exit the stage that completely alters the meaning of the play in which we acted and did our bit? Or does every human, by virtue of being one, have access to this transcendent meaning? Time out for a favorite aphorism:

In each moment, each person is capable of possessing the truths that matter.

Er, like now

Yes. What do you think a moment is? 

Hmm. So it is as if there is only the moment -- the human moment, as it were, and it is indeed a little difficult to appreciate that everyone in the past shared this same moment, which we might call the intersection of the vertical and horizontal -- or, as Voegelin puts it, "Man, while existing in time, experiences himself as participating in the timeless."

It's just that we have a *little*... blind spot, similar to where the optic nerve plugs into the retina. Coincidentally, this existential scotoma is called the "I" of the subjective storm. Or at the very least, this I has access to both appearances and reality, and to the extent that the former eclipse the latter, you're wasting away in Scotomaville.

But damn, sometimes it's hard to rise above the nonsense. It's downright disturbing:

The perspective of participation must be understood in the fullness of its disturbing quality.

Wait -- if you're not disturbed you're wrong, or something? 

Yes, but in all likelihood you're disturbed about the wrong things, or projecting your ontological Disturbance onto something less, e.g., politics, or gender, or race, or the weather, or whatever. Can't blame them, really. That's God's job. But

This situation of ignorance with regard to the decisive core of existence is more than disconcerting: It is profoundly disturbing, for from the depth of this ultimate ignorance wells up the anxiety of existence.

Hmm. Just spiritballin' here, but perhaps this Disconcerting and Profoundly Disturbing scotoma is the place where the Question (?!) arises and must arise and always arises? Maybe?

In which case we might propose an inverse aphorism, that In each moment, each person is capable of dwelling in the idiocies that don't matter -- or of denying those truths that do.

Just a little more of what Voegelin says about our disturbingly ambiguous and paradoxical situation, about which we must pull no punches (but which, we hope, will go to what we were saying about the Question to which the gospel furnishes the Answer):

man is not a self-contained spectator. He is an actor, playing a part in the drama of being and, through the brute fact of his existence, committed to play it without knowing what it is (emphasis mine).

It reminds me of when they film a movie to which no one has access to the whole script, which must be kept secret so spoilers won't leak to the public. For example, various alternate endings were produced for the Who Shot Mr. Burns? episode -- and to this day, there are conspiracy theorists and comic book guys who insist it wasn't really Maggie. Worst. Ending. Ever.

In any event, who among us hasn't found himself "in the situation of feeling not quite sure what the game is and how he should conduct himself"?  WHAT'S THE GAME and WHAT IS MY ROLE?

There is no vantage point outside existence from which its meaning can be viewed as a course of action charted according to a plan, nor is there a blessed island to which man can withdraw in order to recapture his self. The role of existence must be played in uncertainty of its meaning, as an adventure of decision on the edge of freedom and necessity (emphasis mine). 

Even for God? Or especially for God? Little help, Nicolás!

The history of Christianity would be suspiciously human if it were not the adventure of an incarnate God. Christianity assumes the misery of history, as Christ assumes that of man.

What else ya' got?

For the Christian, history does not have a direction, but rather, a center.

The moment? Put it this way:

If history made sense, the Incarnation would be superfluous. 

In other words, it would not be the Answer to anything, or it would be the answer to an irrelevant question that no one is asking. 

But if we are honest, we have to begin by acknowledging that little blind spot:

At the center of his existence man is unknown to himself and must remain so, for the part of being that calls itself man could be known fully only if the community of being and its drama in time were known as a whole. 

Well... what if the end, the fulfillment, the cosmic punchline, the eschaton, the Omega, could be known? What if the end were made middle, so to speak, such that it were available in every moment? What if the drama were a Theodrama?

Best. Ending. Ever?

To be continued... 


julie said...

In any event, who among us hasn't found himself "in the situation of feeling not quite sure what the game is and how he should conduct himself"?

For a lot of people in Current Year, that's almost the default state of being. End of the day, all we can do is the best we can with the information we have, which is why the Man's last Word on forgiveness is so important: we know not what we do. Mostly, anyway. I don't know many people personally who actually believe anything they do is truly wicked.

It occurs to me, the swindlers among us - those who labor on the side of convincing good people to do evil things - are deceiving themselves in thinking that what they are working for is worth their labor. What's the ultimate reward for convincing young women and men to cry to their parents that if they can't be the opposite sex, they will kill themselves? In the grand Theodrama, what is there for the parents who willingly inflict the equivalent of a lifetime of human rights violations against their own children?

Actually, I don't think I'd like to know the answer to that particular question.

Anonymous said...

“A woman shall not wear a man’s garment, nor shall a man put on a woman’s cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God.
- Deuteronomy 22:5

I knew a Christian kid who was allowed to try on his mother’s clothes. I discovered this to my horror/amusement when I was looking for a basketball with his older brother and we stumbled upon him doing so. Brother just pushed kid aside and kept looking for the ball and shouted: “Where the hell is it?”

I just stood there with mouth agape pointing at the crossdressing kid. Brother said “Yeah, he does that all the time. WHERE’S THAT BALL?”

Last I heard, the brother lives in California with a normal family. Mother could well be burning in hell for her part in that abomination. As for that kid, easy to find. He’s a minister in the Carolinas along with his husband. As much as I lost interest in that family decades ago, I'm curious what that kid's attitudes are towards recent conservative trends. I shall report back if I find anything. So we can psychoanalyze. And maybe OJ can come up with a jazzy response, in response.

Oriental Jazzman said...

Recently, a large bamaman for Andreu and a new one. Why do the commentaries avoid mentioning him without even disgusting feelings? For example, about Erick Dullity, Ouento corruman, the senior tiers, and the cortrane of the 60's, the critic is flourishing and disgusting debate...

For example, Dulli, “I hate it but I admit it is awesome, I hate it, but I hate it pretty cool”, the song is awesome, but I'm unsolvable. The sound of the alt of the plaster is cheapy”, “I don't know what the shell tile is. I don't know. But it's amazing when I watch it on the libe.”

I listen to Andy Video first with my favorite Panc Mogre's heterogeneous work “No RumeForge” and not like a model. Where is the source of sharp spots like roc, Ree Moran? If you thought, there is an Andreous screen, is this likely? and get the “Flock File” by the Anderman of the Andeu Video. I was paralyzed on this.

Anyway, futuristic and novelty music and stilyness. I also love Eric Dulfili, and I call his “Outt Tu Lan”, like “22nd Century Music”, but Andru Steel is not so far, but “21st Century Now is the first season It sounds like a sound.”

Anyway, I want you to listen to a listener with a wide range of defensive range including a lock, a sharp lock and an art lock of recent Western music.

For example, it can be a REDED, KORN, JJJUST, or a PUB or TOOL, but anyway, it's sharp enough to fear modern modern music. Degree. In particular, “Bric File” is a push for beginners. One song is relatively short and music deployment are also spurious, yet unique panel and overwhelming destructive power and mysterious features can be enjoyed.

However, in “Bruc File”, the basic replay is roughly through one song, it is carved at the root, and it is organically swell and evolves. That's why it combines the persistence of a lock replay with the expansion of a big game. It is not likely that there are such jams and rocks. It's amazing. It's a mass of inspice.

In this work of the problem. It's really a problem work. Personally, it's too amazing, and it's hard to evaluate. If you want a little negative ahead, the individual person as Andreu, the main person is attractive to charge while swell in full control of the part and swell at once, so many such as this work (3 HODS), but may be slightly blurring the focus.

This is, I feel even listening to the “nite stallacchu” of the cell tile, but the element of the leily strong stile, rather than chaos by large numbers, it is more of a small number of people organization I think that each member can respond instantly to a fierce free game deployment,

However, this is the main gun-class monster of this work, all this is the main gun class monster. The free Ranbu of the Eric Dorphi, the sergeant but hot front that is inherited from the bap of the Kneedebahn, these are the gaps. At any time, bite to the bunch or the listener, tangled, attacked tension! Listen to the performances of each and every one of the ultra-luxurious, eroded brain and body, overrun.

Anyway, please be trampled at a loud volume.

julie said...

Do we have to be loudly trampled to enjoy the music, or is simply listening an option?

Anonymous said...

Speaking of being loudly trampled by music, I once lived in an apartment next door to a deaf man. You'd think the deaf man would be easy to live next to because it'd be so quiet.

Wrong. The deaf man loved music. He couldn't hear it, but he could sure feel the bass. And the Speakerlab K's he'd inherited could pump up the jams like nobody's business. Except for my own.

So I bought a house. I was getting awakened at 2AM by loud music being blasted outside by a neighbor's 20-something unemployed ex-convict son. My other neighbor lived closer and needed the sleep more than I did. He'd tried to reason with the juvenal junkie but failed. I noticed that the sleepless neighbor owned Speakerlab K's and I recalled the lesson of the deaf man.

We mounted his Speakerlab K's in such a way that the noise would bounce off his garage wall and back towards Delinquent's bedroom window. We knew he'd be asleep during normal noise hours, at around 11AM or so. Sleepless neighbor's daughter also owned many Care Bears albums, plus a singing Elmo.

That next morning, our neighborhood was filled with the delightful music of singing Care Bears and Elmo. I didn't see it, but neighbor said hungover Delinquent came over waving a pair of his white underwear like a surrender flag.

Our neighborhood was quiet after that. At least until Delinquent bought a gun. And that July 4th I did find his giant Malamute cowering in my basement fireplace, after having broken through my screen door terrified of the M-80's delinquent was setting off. But that's another story.

My point is that loudly trampling jazz might not have worked as well, in this case.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I almost forgot the accompanying verses. My bad.

Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre, praise him with timbrel and dancing, praise him with the strings and pipe, praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals.
- Psalms 150:3-5

Van Harvey said...

"For the Christian, history does not have a direction, but rather, a center."

Gong... goOong... gongggg....

Theme Song

Theme Song