Monday, July 18, 2022

Witches, Feminists, and the Men who Enable Them

I finished an informative, provocative, and entertaining book over the weekend called Witches, Feminism, and the Fall of the West. While I agree with the author (Edward Dutton) that feminists are witches, I guess I mean it literally whereas he only means it genetically. 

In other words, he maintains that witches and feminists are a result of maladaptive genetic mutations, and that the mutations have been accumulating under the far less harsh environmental conditions since the industrial revolution. Now any idiot with crazy and maladaptive ideas can survive into adulthood and even tenure. 

I could be wrong, but I don't see how the process of natural selection could result in such rapid and revolutionary changes. Besides, look at me: I would have called myself a feminist as recently as the 1990s, whereas now I think the 19th amendment was a civilizational catastrophe, and my DNA hasn't changed. 

Was I a warlock back then? No, but I was certainly under the influence of witchcraft. This, however, begs the question, because it puts the scene of the crime back into the foolish men who accept feminism to begin with. To paraphrase Lincoln, the patriarchy will never be destroyed from the outside. If we lose our testicles it will be because we castrated ourselves. 

Regarding patriarchy, one of the points of the book is that it is both adaptive and normative, certainly under the harsh conditions of the evolutionary environment. There are a host of evolutionary reasons why patriarchy developed, nor is it difficult to understand why. At bottom, patriarchal societies are more likely to survive the battle of group selection for the same reason Lia Thomas is likely to curbstomp his swimming competition. 

Here's a summary of the story so far: Early Modern witches

tended to be physically unattractive females who acted in such a way as to undermine patriarchy, and by extension group selection. They also tended to be childless and unmarried. Being physically unattractive, they had poor genetic health, and this was reflected in their being mentally maladapted, as we would expect most females to be evolved to accept patriarchy.   

Hold on a minute: evolved to accept patriarchy? That's not funny!

Well, call it what you will, but Rob Henderson's most recent newsletter contains some fascinating data showing how the same underlying evolutionary strategies are hard at work in today's "dating market" -- which is just a modern way of saying "evolutionary environment," for it's a matter of whose genes will move on to the next round.

For example, on dating apps,

Men swipe right (“liked”) on 62 percent of the women’s profiles they see; women swipe right (“liked”) on only 4.5 percent of the men’s profiles they see.

Oof! One result is that

In terms of attractiveness, the bottom 80% of men are competing for the bottom 22% of women and the top 78% of women are competing for the top 20% of men.

Oof!2 Thus, for women natural selection is a buffet, while for men it's a fight to the genetic death for the leftovers. In other words, same as it ever was. 

Except it is apparently going to speed up our genetic deterioration, because research suggests that use of Tinder, for example, is associated with "Dark Triad" personality traits (narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism), which are in turn heavily genetically loaded. Bottom line:

The researchers conclude that "Tinder can be a venue for people high on the Dark Triad to pursue short-term mating strategies."

All of this goes back to the very different mating strategies of men and women. Since women must bear the burden of pregnancy, they are on the genetic lookout for three main things: status, resources, and loyalty. Conversely, men are primarily interested in three different things: looks, looks, and looks.

But looks aren't what they appear to be, since an abundance of research shows a strong correlation between things like facial symmetry and overall genetic fitness. And to this day, liberals tend to have less facial symmetry, more mental illness, and other markers of genetic unfitness.

A big reason why the genetic rules have changed -- why we have so many spiteful mutants running around -- is that 

In 1800, half of all those born died as children; two centuries later, almost none did. More and more people who would not have survived in old times walked among us.

Which isn't a bad thing unless we allow the mutants to take over with their dysfunctional ideologies. "Unwell in body and mind," these mutants tended to be

selfish and impulsive; at worst, they promoted depression and despair.... 

The really spiteful ones advocated for ideas that were catastrophic. Worse still, people listened to them, since most are born to obey.... 

We all went mad, you could say -- everyone, except those who were naturally resistant or too slow to conform. Deviancy became the norm; patriarchy was overturned. Those who were brightest were the first to accept the new religion, as they could talk themselves into anything.

And here we are:


Having said all that, an aphorism comes to mind:

The historian who speaks of cause and not of causes should be fired immediately.

So, there are genetic causes to be sure, but there's a lot more going on. Yesterday I awoke suddenly at 5:00 AM with this question rattling around in my head of when things went wrong. 

If we consider Genesis 3, it seems that it all started with the first guy who listened to his wife. But then I wondered about the Serpent: is his gender mentioned in the story? Yes: "he said to the woman..."

Therefore, it's no longer a question of Eve pulling Adam away from his theocentric orientation, rather, it's a matter of Eve being caught between two competing male voices, so the bottom line is it's the fault of males either way.

To be continued.... 


Gagdad Bob said...

VDH on our spiteful mutant witches running the country. Into the ground:

"Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and especially Biden’s strange cabinet of loud Jacobin amateurs, reject the very hallowed knowledge upon which civilization is based. In that sense the public has begun to recognize them as nihilist and anarchist. Nearly two out of three Americans in some polls hold unfavorable views of the Biden Administration. They fear that it is decoupled from both the past and reality, and quite capable of destroying their lives as they have known them."

Gagdad Bob said...

Smash the matriarchy of feminist witches!

"Those who agitate for women to gain more power in science will never accept that their canonical example of a woman being denied credit is a myth or repudiate a story so convenient for their purposes."

Gagdad Bob said...

Feminist witches protect witch who protected rapist serpent.

Gagdad Bob said...

Our First Witch laments that it's not easy for the matriarchy to deal with the problems of reality.

Gagdad Bob said...

Never expect intellectual consistency from a mentally unstable witch.

julie said...

Barely read the first couple of paragraphs, and I'm wondering if I should be making popcorn...

julie said...

Vanderleun linked to an article last week on The Dark Path to Increasing the Birth Rate. There's a lot to disagree with there (at least, I hope to goodness as a woman there's more to who and what I am than what he claims), but a lot of what he writes is accurate, and goes along with the issues raised by Henderson and Dutton.'s a matter of Eve being caught between two competing male voices, so the bottom line is it's the fault of males either way.

On the one hand, it's amusing to blame it all on the men; on the other, so we're saying Eve had no agency? Not arguing, this is actually a question I wonder about re. women and men, because a lot of women certainly behave as if they don't. Then again, so do a lot of men, come to think of it.


ted said...

If you're a lefty male, you're actually looking for looks, looks, looks, and kooks.

Gagdad Bob said...

What's funny is that even feminists aren't attracted to soy boys.

julie said...

I'd say they're getting caught up in the hot/ crazy matrix, but how many leftist women even make it to the middle of the hotness scale? They're mainly just crazy.

Gagdad Bob said...

I think a lot of the riddles are solved if we recall that male-and-female he created them, so it's always a matter of proper complementarity vs. complementarity gone wrong. In other words, the problem isn't reducible to one or the other, but is in the relationship between.

Gagdad Bob said...

It seems we have collectivism, on the hand, which is toxic femininity; and atomized individualism on the other, which denies the intrinsic complementarity of the human unit.

ted said...

AOC would be an attractive woman without the crazy eyes. I believe her being a lefty is what gives her crazy eyes. Attractive comes from within too, and the inner vitriol can distort even a decent face.

julie said...

@ Bob, That's a good way of putting it. These days, things are just so generally broken that young men and women don't even know how to start developing the healthy dynamic, much less how to see the complementary other - both desired and hated - as properly human and worth being cherished. If I were a young single woman today, I might be seriously considering joining a convent.

Going back to witches, I've known a few over the course of my life. Daddy issues & relationship issues, magical thinking, and the promise of the serpent (ye shall be as goddesses!) tickling their ears.

julie said...

Just reading the VDH article, I notice when he starts talking about trans issues he uses a phrase/idea I've seen a few conservatives use which I find rather baffling:

"For centuries, civilization agreed that there were two sexes."

Elsewhere I've seen "for centuries, marriage was understood to be between a man and a woman."

For centuries? What, like this was a relatively new and helpful discovery and before that people just did whatever with whomever and nobody was sure what a man or woman or marriage was? Why not be more honest and concise and say "since the dawn of mankind"?

Sorry, that just irritates me, it's like conceding that there might be validity to new leftist ideas in some nebulous, relatively unknown past.

Gagdad Bob said...

I didn't actually read the article, but marriage is certainly a transcendent natural right that is therefore discovered and not "agreed upon."

julie said...

That reminds me of a twitter comment I saw a week or so ago where some feminist upset about Roe v. Wade stated the conditions under which it is now permissible for men and women to hook up. I am assuming she was serious (but these days, who can tell), but what she came up with was marriage in every way except by name. Very amusing.

Gagdad Bob said...

Interesting book so far: a critique of Schuon by a great appreciator of Schuon.

Anonymous said...

I have a psychology textbook which states that couples usually match each other in physical attractiveness. Then I noticed it was written back in the 70’s, before stuff like Revenge of the Nerds and the outsourcing of well-paying blue-collar jobs to China and to undocumenteds.

Back then the attractive young ladies would just go with their genetic flow and try to capture some pretty asshole jock, then be chewed up and spat out as many times as it took for them to finally realize that their ‘nice guy brother’ friends were just like their dads and then settle down. Back then the psychology was that women hoped their man would change (become less assholish), and men hoped their woman wouldn’t change (not get fat).

But then times changed. In the 90’s there was this skinny good ole southern boy I knew, a mechanical engineer geek with a house, who married this daisy dukes foxie who’d charmed him, only to come home one day to find that her entire unemployed redneck family had moved in. He got tired of always coming home to spent chew in beer cans and Jerry Springer TV and wound up kicking out the whole lot. My point is that women had become more attracted to providers than just appearances.

Jordan Peterson makes a good living preaching bafflegab to such men, as well as to the “spent chew in beer can” incels trying to glom off of such men. He also believes in witches. Now if I could just make sense out of what he’s trying to preach.

Anonymous said...

I worked for a witch once. She was nothing like that bald headed “lady” we see in that picture. From a distance she was an attractive Iranian refugee. Dark hair, fair skin, an angelic face and a fit and trim body. Quite sadly, up close she was criminally insane. The eye of a hurricane, all peaceful and calm and oblivious to the carnage flying around her, which she caused. When I did the big WTF?!!, she was on top of it and had her group of groupies attack my good name. I finally went to the boss and threatened to quit if he didn’t reassign me. He had to keep me since I was the only one who fully understood my highly complicated yet profitable project. He got on the phone with my other boss and said: “So he isn’t getting along with Dragon Lady. Guess you’re right. She’s a witch.”

Where was Jordan Peterson when I needed him? After shaking off my naiveté with much compulsive reading and introspection, I determined that she was a functional psychopath. Her bizarre proclamations and behaviors stood in stark contrast with the framed summa cum Lauda plaque from a major university she had displayed in her cubicle. It had to be faked.

The existence of “witches” doesn’t bother me. Newbies take their licks then get the hell away, wiser. What bothers me is the percentage of others who get suckered in and stay suckered in. Betwitched. Everybody knows that anomalies exist in the human world. Autistics, alcoholics, ammosexuals, metrosexuals, confused sexuals… What bothers me is the sheer number of people who get suckered in, and stay suckered in. Of their own free will.

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