Saturday, July 23, 2022

How Do You Solve a Problem Like Alexandria?

According to Dutton (in the book about witches & feminists), 

atheism can be understood, in evolutionary terms, as a "spiteful mutation," which is associated with being maladaptive. 

And according to Dávila,  

Militant irreligion gradually transforms the one possessed into a simple imbecile convulsed by hatred.

Once again, modern science confirms ancient wisdom. 

Whether we call them spiteful mutants or hateful imbeciles, it's the underlying reality that counts. 

Supposing, say, AOC, is a modern-day witch, we're still left with the question: just how do you solve a problem like Alexandria? In the majority of cases the problem used to solve itself via marriage and motherhood, but the left has successfully demonized these healthy adaptations, especially among the most indoctrinated (i.e., adultolescent female college [g]rads).

The etiology of the word "hysteria" goes back to the ancient Greeks, who couldn't help noticing that women and their moods can be a bit much. They posited the theory that hysterics suffer from a "wandering womb," and that pregnancy caused the womb to settle the f*ck down in one place.

I'm looking at an article that makes fun of this quaint notion, even though it was rooted in empirical observation unhampered by wacky wokery. These ancient healers weren't trying to hurt women, but to help them overcome the hysteria -- i.e., anxiety, panic, mood disorders, somatization, invisible handcuffs, etc.

Just because the explanation is wrong, it doesn't mean the treatment doesn't help. For example, just yesterday I read of a study "proving" that depression is not caused by a "chemical imbalance" in the brain, in particular, of serotonin. 

Which doesn't mean serotonin-enhancing medications don't work. Rather, if true, it just means we don't know why they work (when they work). I don't know how computers work, but it doesn't stop me from blogging.

Anyway, back to the problem. I wonder if the song provides any clues?
I hate to have to say it
But I very firmly feel
Alexandria’s not an asset to the congress
I’d like to say a word in her behalf
Alexandria makes me laugh
A flibbertijibbet! A will-o’-the wisp! A clown!
Many a thing you know you’d like to tell her
Many a thing she ought to understand
But how on earth do you debate her
Without her thinking you want to date her? 

At any rate, the ancients thought hysteria could be cured by having a baby, whereas modern primitives think women can be made happy by killing their babies. But apparently this isn't true:

Modern research has found that women who undergo abortion have a markedly different personality compared to those who do not. Females who have had abortions score higher than controls in histrionic characteristics, Narcissism, and anti-social personality.... So, females who have abortions are likely to be unpleasant, anti-social people....

If extreme feminists can be understood as modern day witches, then we would expect them not only to be in favor of abortion to be perversely proud of it. 

Ironically, if witch crazes unwittingly removed such spiteful mutants from the gene pool, so too does abortion, at least on average -- a sort of genetic self-immolation.

In any event,

as modern feminism is strongly linked to leftism or liberalism, "Second Wave Feminists" are more likely to suffer from mental illnesses, such as depression. Ideological feminists, like witches, are unhappy malcontents who are rejected by more content members of society. There is a degree to which they should be pitied (Dutton).

Problem is, they only seethe at your pity and concern. For example, consider Elizabeth Warren's unhinged emotional reaction to the pregnancy centers that exist precisely to help women:

With Roe gone, it’s more important than ever to crack down on so-called "crisis pregnancy centers" that mislead and deceive patients seeking abortion care.... We need to crack down on the deceptive practices these centers use to prevent people from getting abortion care, and I’ve got a bill to do just that. 

In other words, I'll get you, my pretty, and your little kid too! 


julie said...

just how do you solve a problem like Alexandria?

Time to bring back the ducking stool?

Anyway, the ancients thought hysteria could be cured by having a baby, whereas modern primitives think women can be made happy by killing their babies.

These days, sadly, having a baby is no guarantee her hysteria will improve. A lifetime of believing that motherhood is a prison just means many resent their kids for holding them back from their work/ life balance once the oxytocin wears off.

Gagdad Bob said...

I read somewhere that Susan Rice's son is a MAGA man. It would be fun to be there at Thanksgiving.

julie said...

That would be very amusing. They could stream it live and charge for the viewing.

ted said...

I bet her son accepts her antics, but she can't accept his. Conservatives are much more open minded than ever given credit for.

Gagdad Bob said...

We know exactly what they think, while they can only parody or smear what we think. It's impossible to avoid the leftist narrative, but you have to go out of your way to gain access to genuine conservative thought.

Gagdad Bob said...

I actually attended a Noam Chomsky speech in 1991 or 1992, which is around the same time I read with approval Howard Zinn's People's History of the U.S. I not only subscribed to The Nation, but to other rags such as Mother Jones, Dissent, and something called "Z." I also subscribed to the LA Times, but thought it was too mainstream.

Gagdad Bob said...

Still exists in digital form: ZMag.

Gagdad Bob said...

I don't think I definitively red-pilled until late 2000.

Gagdad Bob said...

What's interesting too is that the leading edge crazy stuff I was reading back then is now totally mainstream.

julie said...

It's like an unholy marriage where leftism is the worst of feminine hysteria, getting worse every year, while conservatism is the masculine putting up with it.

Although as it exists today, institutional conservatism conserves virtually nothing, but rather acts like the guy in the song "Anything, Anything," trying desperately to please the left by giving it everything it wants, in exchange for... ?

Gagdad Bob said...

Another Simpsons prophecy.

julie said...

I like the fact that literally nothing he did appeased the harpies.

Of course, as with terrorists, the answer to feminine hysteria is never appeasement. Rather, it's passing the shit tests so well that they respect your authority.

Gagdad Bob said...

CRT and Transgender ideology are Kafka traps designed to make us abase ourselves and hand over the power.

julie said...


In other news, over at the NYT they just blasted past eating the bugs and went straight to eating the neighbors. I mean, I guess that follows with witchcraft...

julie said...

Witchcraft, indeed; from the Times article:

'For Ms. Summers herself, the plot of “A Certain Hunger” can’t be uncoupled “from my own personal experiences with disordered eating, with the tamping down of feminine appetites, the way the media chews up and spits out writers, bougie consumption — and bougie lady consumption,” she said.'

Feminine appetites are tampered, so we should consider eating human flesh.

Gagdad Bob said...

Soylent Green New Deal

John Venlet said...

One could make the argument that the rise of today's witches, as described by Gagdad, began with trading of sex as a trinket, rather than as a treasure. Trinkets do not inspire intimacy or value. You could also say that the trading of sex as a mere trinket has led us to the point where the total denigration of women is almost complete. If a recently confirmed supreme court justice cannot define what a woman is, logic must lead us to conclude that neither can what is a boy be defined, and this is supported by the legitimizing of the transaddled. As the reality of biological differences continues to be denigrated, the ages of those capable of making of informed decisions regarding their individual lives also is being denigrated, which logic also dictates will lead to the full normalization pedophilia. Though we may use the term witches to describe individuals such as AOC and the like, a more punishing term would be appropriate, as good numbers of individuals, men and women, would consider those of AOC's ilk more like a Glinda than a wicked witch of the west.

Gagdad Bob said...

They throw away the map, call it liberation, and look for invisible oppressors to explain why they feel lost.

Nicolás said...

Upon finding himself perfectly free, the individual discovers that he has not been unburdened of everything, but despoiled of everything.

Nicolás said...

Today what is called “intellectual liberation” is a change of prisons.

Nicolás said...

Total liberation is the process that constructs the perfect prison.

Theme Song

Theme Song