Thursday, November 11, 2021

Mama's Baby, Papa's Maybe

Continuing with the vision mentioned in the previous post: it revolves around the centrality of the category Father as it pertains to Homo sapiens

A moment's reflection reveals something interesting about human beings: that they are the only creatures that grow up with a father. No, not a sperm-donor, which all mammals have; rather, father as transcendent category.

Again, mammals are characterized by having mamas, which puts them a step above reptiles, who have only egg-donors, not proper mothers. Thus, the spiritual category of Mother appears earlier in the biospheric record, for reasons we will explore as we proceed. 

Everyone has a mother, insofar as the mother must, at the very least, carry the child to term. But not every child has a father. Again, everyone has a sperm-donor, but this donor may well have vanished from the scene the very day the donee was conceived.

Let us briefly pull away from the macro and focus on the micro, or better, the meso. Now, we all know what Democrat policies have done to the black family over the past 55 years: destroyed it. How did Dems finally accomplish this after 150 years of trying? 

I remember taking the history of a black patient. I asked him something to the effect of whether he grew up with his father, and he responded, "You know what they say -- mama's baby, papa's maybe." I'd never heard that gag before, but for him it was a matter-of-fact characterization of a rather dysfunctional family.

I will spare you all of the tedious statistics proving the effects -- divorce, bastardy, unemployment, crime, poverty, violence, addiction, prison, the Congressional Black Caucus, etc. Note that this downward spiral has been accompanied and guided by psychopathic Father-Leader substitutes such as Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Barak Obama, et al. Each of them is an enthusiastic supporter of the very policies that have resulted in the destruction of the black family.

Let's return to the essay by Rob Henderson linked in the previous post, on the subject of America's Lost Boys. "Lost" is a tad euphemistic, since the real problem -- for the restavus -- is impulsive, violent, predatory, and criminal boys between the ages of 15 and 25 or so. Take them out of the picture and we'd have the crime rate of Sweden. Before the Muslims got there.

Ferality doesn't just happen; rather, it is the predictable consequence of identifiable causes. More to the point, although ferality is the return to a "state of nature," ironically, this state could never have come about naturally, in that Homo sapiens evolved within the trinitarian matrix of Mother-Father-Child, with each member playing a distinct and vital role for the perpetuation of culture and (hopefully) civilization.

Here again I don't want to review all the tedious details. They are summarized in chapter 3 of The Bʘʘk of the Same Name

Jumping ahead a bit, let's put forth the following proposition: remove fathers from the equation and human beings are just like any other animal, only worse. 

Let's bat away one obvious objection: what about all the fatherless children who turn out just fine, not to mention all the children from intact families who become criminals, lunatics, assouls, and Congressional Black Caucus members?  

Put it this way: do not equate proper manhood with the mere physical presence of a father. Nor is spiritual manhood absent just because the physical father is. This question revolves around radiation and assimilation of a spiritual reality. Do not conflate spiritual and material categories, or at least bear in mind that the latter derives its content and significance from the former.

Analogously, Judaism and Christianity are "historical" religions. But don't conflate their historicity and their significance. In an example we've used before, an eyewitness to the Crucifixion itself may well have known nothing about it aside from the fact that it happened -- just like any other crucifixion. So?

The meaning is in the history but not reducible to it. Likewise, the meaning of fatherhood is present in fathers but cannot be reduced to them. If it is, then God is just a projection of human fatherhood rather than vice versa.

Let's briefly zoom down from the meso to the submicro: my own physical father was a good guy, but, with all due respect, if he were my only father, I would be a very different person, and not in a good way. One of the vital roles of good-enough-fathering is to help your child recognize good fathers, and ultimately the Father under whose authority we deputy terrestrial fathers operate. 

I won't always be here. Which is why I help my son recognize that this or that guy -- whether dead or alive -- is also a father. There aren't as many as there should be, but still plenty to go around if you know where to look. 

Not to get sidetracked into female nature, but it is impossible to imagine that feminism could exist if not for Daddy Issues; for what is feminism but the projection of Bad Daddy into "the patriarchy," even while casting the state as the fantasied Good Daddy?

The End for today.


julie said...

Let's briefly zoom down from the meso to the submicro: my own physical father was a good guy, but, with all due respect, if he were my only father, I would be a very different person, and not in a good way.

Can confirm similar. I am fortunate enough to still have my father on this side of the veil, and even to have a good relationship with him now. Even so, had I not had certain other father figures growing up, well... things could have turned out pretty bad, is all.

Conversely there's a young man I know who grew up fatherless - his died of cancer when he was a toddler. Of all the youngish adults in his extended family, he's the one everyone worries about most. He had lots of father figures (uncles who stepped up and treated him as a son whenever possible), but that lack of his own really did hurt. He's not a criminal or anything, just rudderless, and there's nobody who can truly provide what he is missing. In a different era, he'd probably benefit tremendously from military experience.

julie said...

Incidentally, part of my turning back to God tied in with forgiving my father and making a conscious decision to let go of the anger I held. I don't think I could have had the one without the other.

Anonymous said...

I had the best father anyone could hope for, a very virtuous man.

I have not measured up.

My children are the best any father could hope for; they are virtuous.

Not me, I'm an addict, broken marriage, morally bankrupt.

Failure. Fay-lee-ur. It is the very air I breath.

God has blessed me with a wonderful family and so this must be on me. I must own my own darkness.

I have made certain strides. I am hopeful I can make more. By the time I see St. Peter, I hope I have enough credits to squeak into economy class.

Thank you for sharing about your father, Gagdad and Julie. My kids reported they could not stand their two step-fathers. My ex-spouse continued to select odious mates. I was the first of series.

Bless my children, out of ugliness they found beauty.

The Dude said...

Same. My career's slowed down a little too.

Drew P Wiener said...

While I've certainly never wished that Dupree was my father, I have sometimes wished that he was my uncle. Always listening in, always ready with a spunky comment, usually a bit drunk. I always imagine that whenever he utters one of his famous one liners, he also unconsciously raises of his bottle of whatever high up in the air, as if making a toast.

Cousin Dupree said...

If you will it, it is no dream.

julie said...

Interesting read, courtesy of the ONT: Planet of Cops

"The woke world is a world of snitches, informants, rats. Go to any space concerned with social justice and what will you find? Endless surveillance. Everybody is to be judged. Everyone is under suspicion. Everything you say is to be scoured, picked over, analyzed for any possible offense. Everyone’s a detective in the Division of Problematics, and they walk the beat 24/7."

Notably, this is from the perspective of someone caught up in the midst of leftism and mental illness, but he certainly seems to know what it's like to live woke.

Funny how he thinks the right is exactly the same.

Cousin Dupree said...

Conservatives provide the same function for progressives as do diapers for babies, the difference being that babies eventually achieve continence.

Anonymous said...

Julie commented, on gossiping,

"Funny how he thinks the right is exactly the same."

Oh for f*cks sake Julie, why don't you try lighting a blunt at your next Bible study?

The right is behaviorally enforced and thoroughly thought-policed.

You can't just come out and say Trump used to have orange skin on his face, now can you?

Why don't you try it right here and now? No? Scared? Why? You know why.

Because you don't want to be banished. There are a thousand things that can get you banished from the Conservative Club, down to using Patchouli oil. Women must be watch their step extra carefully.

I'll bet you capish.

Anonymous said...

And you, Dupree.

"Conservatives provide the same function for progressives as do diapers for babies, the difference being that babies eventually achieve continence."

Now what the f*ck is this supposed to mean? We sh*t on you?

You must be drunker than usual.

The Dude said...

Obviously, you're not a golfer.

Drew P Wiener said...

Have you ever seen Dupree do the dishes after a holiday dinner? Leave the couch in front of the TV? Hell, do any actual work of any kind? Now that's personal irresponsibility! In a better world I'd leave him chained up in the backyard just to see what kind of video the neighbors might post to YouTube.

But this is about far more serious business. I'd think that Chris Wylie of Cambridge Analytica fame would be one of Duprees "pants shitting babies". Obviously gay, pink haired and woke. Yet, Rebekah Mercer once declared about Wylie after hiring him: "Our side needs more like him!" I wonder what she meant.

Cousin Dupree said...

Ever thus to deadbeats.

Drew P Wiener said...

So I think of Abraham, a guy who I think would’ve made a good father.

Now, this all happened back when conservative Christians were compassionate, before the current craze of “Mad as hell not gonna take it anymore, with guns!” I worked in an office with Abraham. Not the Lincoln mind you (have another story about that one), but the guy in the Old Testament. Avuncular, tall and slim, deep voice, all grey hair including the classic long beard, colorful robes, Judean sandals… you know the type. I knew he was a regular mensch after he introduced himself as Steve and I asked if I could call him Abraham instead, and he said simply, “Sure”.

He hung out with the Anointed Four, a foursome of self-described Christian superheroes big on proselytizing and having Worship Friday singalong lunches in the conference room. Abraham was a good proselytizer. He had the air of high integrity with low key delivery. I also liked the little red haired girl he hung out with (actually a 40-ish single mom). She was nice. Rounding out the Anointed Four was the assholish Gary and his sidekick Dusty, who I never liked. It was an odd bunch. But all were saved.

So I once asked Abraham how he came to be born again. He told me personal tales of woe including having dabbled in witchcraft before finally seeing the light and deciding that Jesus was just right for him. I thought it was cool. The little red haired girl had similar travels. Apparently having dabbled in witchcraft before being born again was big in those days.

But I never got the assholish Gary. He was loud and proud and politically inappropriate, hyper judgmental, hyper gossipy… the opposite of anything woke. Gary always hated me. For what I don't know. Every time that I’d plant a seed, he’d say kill it before it grows.

Luckily for me Abraham ran interference between us so I wouldn’t come in with a rifle and shoot Gary down. I greatly appreciated that.

That was almost 30 years ago. I don’t know what happened to Abraham. But I do know what happened to Gary. He was like the first leaf of autumn, with many more Garys soon to follow. Sometimes I think winter is approaching.

julie said...

Apropos of nothing, News you can use:

So So these guys are loading up on essentials, apparently. Notice the carts full of specifically Tide laundry detergent: seems a little odd when there's a whole store full of other valuable stuff, right? That's because in some circles, Tide is actually money. People engaged in certain criminal activities will often trade in Tide instead of cash because its value is more stable than money, it's not as likely to be tracked by the feds, and sometimes even a thug needs laundry done.

The more you know™

PS - LAPD has helpfully been warning people this week that if you get followed home by thieves, it's really best to just let them take your stuff. Remember to stand aside and be a good witness while they loot your home, comrade!

Just in case anybody here has to be in LA for any reason.

Cousin Dupree said...

In California there was way too much larceny, so they made larceny legal and therefore private property unlawful. Problem solved.

Drew P Wiener said...

If I ever run out of laundry soap, I'll be washing clothes the old-fashioned way. With urine. "Eewww..." the city ladies say. I also have a wood stove and am almost always entirely self-reliant in practically every other way, except for maybe gas and groceries.

I once enjoyed videos from a certain Christian homesteader. He'd test tools and offer tips and techniques for the self-reliant, while encouraging free discussions amongst his fellow exurban types. I once recommended him highly.

But something's happened to him recently. Formerly full of light hearted good humor and folk wisdom, he's becoming militant. He sometimes displays automatic weapons in his videos. He frequently speaks of his intense meditations with the Bible, then his hatred of horrors such as wokeness and mandated masks and urban sodomy, which then usually leads up to his proclamations that Armageddon is nigh.

Personally, I think he's gone round the bend. That, or he's run out of ideas to earn YouTube money about and has found a new audience, maybe even corporate sponsors. He still seems a good father, so there's that.

Anyhoo, the reasons why many black men make such crappy fathers, actually does have something to do with psychopathic Father-Leader substitutes such as Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Barak Obama, et al. Obama himself was a famous enthusiastic supporter of the very policies that have resulted in the destruction of the black family. But this isn’t limited to only blacks. There are whites occupying the same social stratum who’ve been very similarly affected, including the gangsta rap music. Feel free to take a family vacation to coal miner Appalachia and the Rust Belt to see for yourself.

My solution would’ve been to have them watch that self-reliant Christian homesteader for ideas, except that guy’s obviously rich. And trying to make money by posting videos about testing chainsaws or weapons modification kits, while being so addled on crack or meth that one becomes incomprehensible, might not get the audience which one wants.

Poetry Corner said...

Until John Coltrane left for independence and the short took part,
the group would be a complete box set covering half of the “Valley” era

Isn't it supposed to be bad? B-class tenor, Georgel Man
is also a sunny figure of the Issei.
Free field of Phantom Sam Reverse
is also twisted and good feeling.

Either way, if Miles blows one shot,
everything is Miles World.
Miles feels like the Rhythm Machine
Herbey-Ron Tony is pulling the Shorter step by step.
It is a set that you can taste the excitement!

Cousin Daichi said...

Let the world be what
it is, and take refuge in
its transcendent source

julie said...

Always an important reminder, especially in those times when the world really shows itself for what it is.

Thanks, Cousin Daichi.

julie said...

Here’s a mystery to ponder:

How do dogs know their people are coming home well before they should treasonable be able to hear your car approaching?

Ours do that frequently. Sometimes they are wrong, but usually then it’s only by a few minutes. Weird.

Drew P Wiener said...

I'd rather want to know why dogs eat poop. Or why a beautiful Samoyed I once had always dove for and rolled around on top of horse manure. I suspect that if we understand the reasons for these strange behaviors, we might be able to expand our curiosity to humans.

Cousin Dupree said...

Hey, at least I'm housebroken.

julie said...

Just going to leave this link here...

Cousin Daichi said...

So, you're not into the whole brevity thing.

Drew P Wiener said...

As if having a neighbor barking: “Yo Droopy, get your shit eating dog outta my yard!” wasn’t harsh enough, I remember that same dog breaking free from his leash to run away down the street to then mysteriously position himself at the street corner, alert and totally focused. It was as if something very important was about to take place at that street corner.

And then I heard a deep humming. It was a UPS truck careening down the street. As it rounded that corner the dog ran alongside barking crazily at the UPS driver at the open left side door, so closely that the driver had to lift his leg.
It was almost as if dog and driver had done this before. It was almost as if this was a very important ritual in both their lives. And so I came to understand my barking neighbor.
He also had important daily rituals.

I then realized that I was being sucked into the daily rituals of others, and that these might not be good rituals.

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