Thursday, November 11, 2021

Mama's Baby, Papa's Maybe

Continuing with the vision mentioned in the previous post: it revolves around the centrality of the category Father as it pertains to Homo sapiens

A moment's reflection reveals something interesting about human beings: that they are the only creatures that grow up with a father. No, not a sperm-donor, which all mammals have; rather, father as transcendent category.

Again, mammals are characterized by having mamas, which puts them a step above reptiles, who have only egg-donors, not proper mothers. Thus, the spiritual category of Mother appears earlier in the biospheric record, for reasons we will explore as we proceed. 

Everyone has a mother, insofar as the mother must, at the very least, carry the child to term. But not every child has a father. Again, everyone has a sperm-donor, but this donor may well have vanished from the scene the very day the donee was conceived.

Let us briefly pull away from the macro and focus on the micro, or better, the meso. Now, we all know what Democrat policies have done to the black family over the past 55 years: destroyed it. How did Dems finally accomplish this after 150 years of trying? 

I remember taking the history of a black patient. I asked him something to the effect of whether he grew up with his father, and he responded, "You know what they say -- mama's baby, papa's maybe." I'd never heard that gag before, but for him it was a matter-of-fact characterization of a rather dysfunctional family.

I will spare you all of the tedious statistics proving the effects -- divorce, bastardy, unemployment, crime, poverty, violence, addiction, prison, the Congressional Black Caucus, etc. Note that this downward spiral has been accompanied and guided by psychopathic Father-Leader substitutes such as Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Barak Obama, et al. Each of them is an enthusiastic supporter of the very policies that have resulted in the destruction of the black family.

Let's return to the essay by Rob Henderson linked in the previous post, on the subject of America's Lost Boys. "Lost" is a tad euphemistic, since the real problem -- for the restavus -- is impulsive, violent, predatory, and criminal boys between the ages of 15 and 25 or so. Take them out of the picture and we'd have the crime rate of Sweden. Before the Muslims got there.

Ferality doesn't just happen; rather, it is the predictable consequence of identifiable causes. More to the point, although ferality is the return to a "state of nature," ironically, this state could never have come about naturally, in that Homo sapiens evolved within the trinitarian matrix of Mother-Father-Child, with each member playing a distinct and vital role for the perpetuation of culture and (hopefully) civilization.

Here again I don't want to review all the tedious details. They are summarized in chapter 3 of The Bʘʘk of the Same Name

Jumping ahead a bit, let's put forth the following proposition: remove fathers from the equation and human beings are just like any other animal, only worse. 

Let's bat away one obvious objection: what about all the fatherless children who turn out just fine, not to mention all the children from intact families who become criminals, lunatics, assouls, and Congressional Black Caucus members?  

Put it this way: do not equate proper manhood with the mere physical presence of a father. Nor is spiritual manhood absent just because the physical father is. This question revolves around radiation and assimilation of a spiritual reality. Do not conflate spiritual and material categories, or at least bear in mind that the latter derives its content and significance from the former.

Analogously, Judaism and Christianity are "historical" religions. But don't conflate their historicity and their significance. In an example we've used before, an eyewitness to the Crucifixion itself may well have known nothing about it aside from the fact that it happened -- just like any other crucifixion. So?

The meaning is in the history but not reducible to it. Likewise, the meaning of fatherhood is present in fathers but cannot be reduced to them. If it is, then God is just a projection of human fatherhood rather than vice versa.

Let's briefly zoom down from the meso to the submicro: my own physical father was a good guy, but, with all due respect, if he were my only father, I would be a very different person, and not in a good way. One of the vital roles of good-enough-fathering is to help your child recognize good fathers, and ultimately the Father under whose authority we deputy terrestrial fathers operate. 

I won't always be here. Which is why I help my son recognize that this or that guy -- whether dead or alive -- is also a father. There aren't as many as there should be, but still plenty to go around if you know where to look. 

Not to get sidetracked into female nature, but it is impossible to imagine that feminism could exist if not for Daddy Issues; for what is feminism but the projection of Bad Daddy into "the patriarchy," even while casting the state as the fantasied Good Daddy?

The End for today.

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