Monday, October 04, 2021

Being, Becoming, and Beclowning

Possibly no more posts this week, since I'll be back in the classroom. Yes, the wife is off to visit her mother in Del Boca Vista, and I've been appointed substitute teacher.  

You will recall that we've been reexamining the Ultimate Ground of reality from various angles. Why have we been doing this? Because the country has become so unhinged from reality, that perhaps the reality from which it has become unhinged will be easier to see. 

It reminds me of how, say, medical science made such strides during our previous Civil War because doctors were able to see what was going on inside all the maimed and mangled bodies. It's the same now, except in Civil War II most of the maiming and mangling is on the inside. It is admittedly hard to look at this festering sinkhole of disease and filth, but we must overcome our squeamishness and bear in mind that the prospect of a cure for these unfortunate souls hangs in the balance.  

The current era is indeed a boon to psychology, even if we mourn the loss of so many fellow citizens to the spiritual plague of progressivism. So let us highly resolve that these undead shall not have been triggered, traumatized, and feminized in vain -- rather, that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of Trumpism on steroids, and that a government of the sane, by the sane, for the sane, shall not perish from this earth.

As we know, the word radical is related to root. However, this has nothing in common with progressive cliches about "root causes," since those are always about horizontal or lateral distractions, never the depth. They're forever searching for the "root causes" of things, but the real purpose of this is to obscure the actual causes. For example, the real cause of crime is people doing bad things. The solution is to put them in jail.  

Lately they've been looking for the root causes of illegal immigration, when everyone knows it results from sh**hole countries happily turning their problems into our problems. For the left, this will persist until our country is transformed into a sh**hole and no one will want to come here. Problem solved!

But when we refer to root causes, we're speaking of vertical ones. Just as we can track causality backward from proximate to proximate cause, we can trace them upward from level to level. At the top, of course, is the First or Uncaused Cause without which causality has no ground or metaphysical basis. But thankfully God exists, so causes are everywhere. Which is another way of saying that being is intelligible.

This argument goes back a long way, even to the twilit roots of tenure in the ancient world. In one corner we have Parmenides, who denies becoming, and with it, multiplicity, in favor of immutable Being. Change is impossible, since Being is Being, and nothing comes from non-being.

In the other corner we have Heraclitus, who denies Being in favor of becoming -- or in other words, All is Change. You can never step into the same universe twice, and anything we say about it is just an abstraction from the ceaseless and total flow, not really real. 

Including the truth of that statement? 

Shut up!

Here's how Garrigou-Lagrange describes the stalemate:

If something becomes, this comes from being or from non-being; there is no middle. But both hypotheses are impossible: indeed, nothing can come from being... because being is already that which is, whereas that which becomes, before becoming, is not. On the other hand, nothing comes from nothing.... Therefore, becoming [too] is contradictory (emphasis mine). 

Blah blah yada yada, then Aristotle comes along and separates these two quarreling cousins with the principles of potency and act, thereby reconciling being and becoming and rendering both intelligible. We might say that the "root cause" of change is the reduction of potency to act. Potency itself is neither Being nor nothing, but something that abides between. 

Orthoparadoxically, potency is a kind of "non-being that is" (ibid). This is not a contradiction, because while potency is non-being in relation to act, it is nevertheless being in relation to nothingness

Just like us, come to think of it. Relative to God, creatures are nothing, but in relation to nothing they're everything. But human beings inhabit a third world whereby we become who we are in relation to God: change and changelessness are thereby reconciled, and some people say man as such is the cosmic link between the two, but that's a somewhat different subject...  

Does this make Parmenides the first conservative and Heraclitus the first progressive? A qualified NO to the first but a definite YES to the second, e.g., Hegel, Marx, Bergson, etc. We say NO to the first because conservatism is (or should be) a reflection of the third position that creates a stable but free context for orderly change -- for example, in the "radical conservatism" or "conservative radicalism" of the Founders. 

To quote Chesterton,

It is true that a man (a silly man) might make change itself his object or ideal. But as an ideal, change itself becomes unchangeable. If the change-worshipper wishes to estimate his own progress, he must be sternly loyal to the ideal of change; he must not begin to flirt gaily with the ideal of monotony. Progress itself cannot progress. 
It is worth remark, in passing, that when Tennyson, in a wild and rather weak manner, welcomed the idea of infinite alteration in society, he instinctively took a metaphor which suggests an imprisoned tedium. He wrote-- “Let the great world spin for ever down the ringing grooves of change.” He thought of change itself as an unchangeable groove; and so it is. Change is about the narrowest and hardest groove that a man can get into.

 "Yeah, well hold my artisanal gluten-free beer," says the Eternal Progressive.


julie said...

So let us highly resolve that these undead shall not have been triggered, traumatized, and feminized in vain -- rather, that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of Trumpism on steroids, and that a government of the sane, by the sane, for the sane, shall not perish from this earth.

On that note, hope for the future is apparently found in the growing "trad wife" movement, which is becoming increasingly popular among younger women. They are rediscovering that raising a family and caring for a home is "fulfilling," so of course feminists are completely freaking out. Also somehow, trad wife = white supremacy.

A further note, "Let's go Brandon" is sweeping the nation wherever large crowds of exuberant young people are gathered.

Gagdad Bob said...

Ran into this book the other day, although I don't know if it's any good: Retroculture: Taking America Back.

Anonymous said...

Nice post, but let it be known I am in disagreement with all of your main points.

The so-called malady of progressivism is a figment of your fevered imagination.

That is not to say women don't lay down some heavy moral cargo which makes men-folk cringe.

Ever go fishing as a child, bring your catch proudly into the kitchen, only to have mom and probably sister start screaming "Get that stinky thing out of here?"

No, your father did not shout that. Your mother did.

The anti-saloon gang. Carry Nation.

There is nothing very unusual about today's women. They are still like they have always been.

And the metrosexual men you make fun of? Victorian hot-house dandies and milquetoasts were panned in their day.

Gagdad, you've got nothing. No civil war II. No psychically mangled undead. Nada. Zip.

What you have is business as usual. Ho hum and all that.

Nice try at being crabby, but there are plentiful other topics you can take aim at.

Anonymous said...

Now, we don't want to throw Heraclitus under the bus just like that.

For one thing, why is the present moment all there is? How long is the present moment exactly? Medicate on that.

If you step in a river, get out, and then step in again, you are indeed stepping into different water, if not an entirely different river.

And the fell power of the Yoni has to be considered. Now, Heraclitus literally breaks down to "her-a-clit-us," or her clitoris.

Gentlemen, if you have ever spent time laboring over a hot clitoris you will understand one thing. If she comes hard Saturday night, your woman will still revert to being crabby by Monday.

Now why is that? Why can't women just stay satisfied? Heraclitus has the answer. Everything is flow. Think that over carefully.

If you can't adequately address the facts foregrounded by Heraclitus, then you best just leave the weeping philosopher be.

EbonyRaptor said...

The Civil War was brother against brother. Of course there were differences, slavery being the most obvious, but the peoples of the north and south had more in common than differences - fundamental things starting with belief in God and striving to live God fearing lives. Civil War II is more like the Civil versus Uncivil War - people who look at life from a God-Country-Family-Self perspective versus people who look at life from the opposite perspective - Self-Family-Community, in that order.

Gagdad Bob said...

Among other things, Civil War I was Puritan Roundhead busybodies vs. freedom loving Cavaliers. Same this time.

julie said...


One of the stories the kids read for school last year was The Children of the New Forest, which described life for a family of orphaned British nobility during the Roundhead years. I never knew much about the Roundheads, but in behavior they weren't really any different from any other sect of commie redistributionists, except they used the Bible to explain why they deserved all the things. Kick out all the landholders, install their incompetent cronies in the name of "fairness," yadda yadda yadda.

Some things, sadly, never really change.

Gagdad Bob said...

Islamic Christians, so to speak: Christian content within an Islamist form.

Anonymous said...

America. The home of civilian astronauts and car insurance where you only pay for what you need.

Our country is by any metric a massive success, a world-beating organization of persons combining in the spirit of "lets get 'er done."

Now why, pray tell, do you have to cast aspersions at the majority political party?

What do you want from this nation? Hasn't America proven itself to be a marvel many times over?

Please explain what you would like this country to be and do, and explain how your vision of what we could be is better than what we are now.

Tell us what you would do with all persons you don't approve of if it was within your power. Don't hold back.

Thank you in advance.

Anonymous said...

anon, I never got it either. Why all the angst against progressives? You’d think the time would be better spent dissing the orthodox Jew, what with all their payots, shtreimels, kosher oysshtelers and hatred of practically anything goy. Oy veh and talk about the fercockt! Martin Luther was right.

But that was before I made myself watch Fox News. Daily. For six months. To be discussed with fellow conservatives and only fellow conservatives at church, especially after the NFL destroyed the only other topic of commonality after they all took a knee. Only then did I understand. Only then after seeing Fox News through the eyes of the supplicant, does anyone understand. A progressive is nothing like what we understand them to be. They’re far more prostak. Something between a schlump and a shayget but with a fair amount of schlemiel mixed in. They must be hated. Hated straight to hell along with all their damn dirty ape paws.

Gagdad Bob said...

Great essay -- as usual -- by Dalrymple on the Talibanization of the West by the Puritanical left:

"How is it that the Taliban’s example in destroying the statues in Bamiyan was so soon copied by the students in those madrassas of the West known as universities?

"The most obvious explanation is the expansion of tertiary education beyond the capacity of those who receive it to derive any mental, spiritual, or even vocational benefit from it. Far from increasing their mental sophistication, this education severely limits it.... All that they are left with is a distorting lens through which to view the world and focus their anger....

"It is impossible to put a precise date on a social process such as the degradation of our educational system (other than, of course, the day Eve gave the apple to Adam), but it has now continued for so long that many of the university teachers themselves are just as indoctrinated as the students they indoctrinate."

NEVERTHELESS, pleasures abound outside the Matrix:

"the world has completely gone to the dogs and there is no way back. And yet, mysteriously, I still enjoy life and even manage to find congenial company. When I go into a bookshop, I find that there are even now more good or interesting books being written than I would be able to read in a hundred lifetimes."


Anonymous said...

Anonymous wrote:

"...I never got it either. Why all the angst against progressives? You’d think the time would be better spent dissing the orthodox Jew, what with all their payots, shtreimels, kosher oysshtelers and hatred of practically anything goy."

I read Gagdad's angst against progressives as a case where has a moderate cache of legit beefs which he cannot seem to help padding and exaggerating into a civilization-threatening menace. I suppose Gagdad gets some ego reward from doing that, is all I can think of.

In Gagdad's defense, he has never advocated anyone take any particular aktion(s); he forwarded no prescriptions and in fact cannot be induced to recommend any; denied any aspiration to take power in particular has vehemently rejected any thought of himself going in to politics.

I think there may be some awareness on Gagdad's part that he is indulging a semi-fantasy and/or a game rather than in the straight-up business of influencing people. Gagdad means more to entertain than to motivate? That is my read on the whole thing.

He is certainly not militant and no outcomes are assignable to him; and it will probably stay that way.

EbonyRaptor said...

Oh, the tells.

For it is written "The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit."

Anonymous said...

Spirit indeed. But enough about that.

One of my dreams for this place has been for us to exchange recipes. Now I know that some of you are thinking that conservative food isn’t gonna be nearly as tasty as leftist food is. And then those progressives, who’ll try damn near anything once, are surely gonna knock our socks off with god knows what. But I’m just gonna go ahead and encourage people to give this a try. So has anybody ever cooked blue footed booby?

Anonymous said...

I think Gagdad is smart enough to know what an intellectual pit he's dug himself into. Thinking "feminization" will be cured by a resurgent Donald Trump – sure, some morons might actually believe that, but Gagdad isn't a moron. But he's been doing the same schtick for so long, he has nothing to fall back on.

The right is composed of a toxic mix of fascists, grifters, and morons, and a small class of pseudointellectuals who provide cover stories that help the first two groups exploit the morons. If you are a smart person with no moral compass, you can get a pretty good gig in the right-wing propaganda universe, writing for The American Mind or Takis or some other outlet for trash.

But if you do it for free, then you are more properly classed with the morons, no matter how many heavy books you read.

Cousin Dupree said...

Interesting. All this time, I thought trolls did it for free. Explains the persistence.

Anonymous said...

Can't speak for the others, but I see a great religion and the conservative watchdog against government overreach being systematically destroyed by opportunistic folly and greed, none of it coming from "the left".

Anonymous said...

"trolls do it for free" – are you not, sir, a troll yourself? I mean, years and years of writing insults about the left. Whether the left deserves them or not, don't you think you are a little obsessed? Perhaps they are as bad as you say, positively diseased at some deep metaphysical level, barely human. But still – why say that over and over and over and over? Who is it for?

EbonyRaptor said...

It seems to me if Bob has an obsession - it's to search for truth. If that's trolling - then troll on Bob.

Anonymous said...

No committed troll would ever take money for trolling. That would taint the verbiage with pecuniary considerations. The craft must be pure.

Each troll must find a subsistence income stream elsewhere.

The word "feminization" has come up; perhaps misogyny is one of the driving forces displeasure with the progressives.

These would be "mommy issues." Lots of guys have them. If there was any lack of quality on the part of the mom, the son will get bent a little bit.

"Toxic masculinity" on the other hand is a form of misandrogyny driving displeasure with conservatives.

Of course "daddy issues" are rampant among females. This is what makes so many females kinky.

There really is a sexual polarity between the two parties.

A question then comes up: If women are so good at multi-tasking, why can't they have a headache and sex at the same time?

And if men are so intelligent, why can't they remember their wedding anniversaries?

ted said...

Truth...Word made flesh so flesh can be made word-less

Anonymous said...

I once got paid to troll and I felt so dirty.

Gagdad Bob said...

Love the title: Into the Cannibal's Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa

Anonymous said...

I'll use a lot of I's in this one. But I really think this is what's happening to all of us.

I work as a small remodeling contractor. Decks and bathrooms mostly done myself, using only very occasional day labor since good loyal help is very hard to find, and keep for long.

I get keys to lots of homes. I get to know lots of families from every political, religious and cultural stripe. It feels like sometimes I even become part of the family, although I’m learning that this is only my own projected feeling.

I notice that it’s rare for any of these many families to ever have anybody else over. Their kids play their games alone or with virtual friends, online. The adults occasionally go out but divorces are very common. I rarely see these divorces coming. Half my clients lead me on, telling me they’ll enjoy the results of my careful labor, only to sell the house as soon as I’m done.

I think of a childless couple I worked years for. I remodeled their entire large home into a million dollar dream estate, room by room as their funds came in. I thought I’d gotten to know them well. I thought they’d enjoy this little slice of Eden we’d created together. As soon as the many jobs were completed, they disappeared never to be heard from again. Strangers enjoy that house now.

I have nieces and nephews whose homes I’ve never seen. Yet at family get-togethers they seem to greet me as a beloved uncle. My sisters say this is the now-normal. Contrast to when I was a kid. We usually drove on our family vacations for hundreds even thousands of miles to Wally World destinations and we never once stayed at a motel. There were always family and friends who enjoyed having us overnight. So many good times. Today nobody stays with anybody.

I researched this social phenomena. It seems to be happening nationwide. The old lodges and clubs are dying, as are churches and other fellowship organizations. People don’t make meatspace social connections anymore, rarely ever beyond their own immediate families.

I think a lot of folks know something’s different, even wrong, definitely missing. So they join together and make tribal enemies hoping that sort of “fellowship” will fill that void. I think this is what's happening.

julie said...

Re. the Cannibal's pot, examples abound everywhere. Once upon a time, we used to think it couldn't happen here; well, here we are, following the blueprint of ruin.

Discussing a Tennyson poem with the kids today, we were talking about what Freedom means. I had to explain to them how, when I was younger, it was common for people to say, "'s a free country." I wouldn't say that today, because it simply isn't true anymore.

Anonymous said...

Julie, it was also common for people to say: "There but for the grace of God goes you." and "Leave the world a better place than you found it" and "Why don't you pick on somebody your own size?" and "What would Jesus do?" Remember those too?

Hell, I'd settle for "Imagine whirled peas." These days, the only good slogan they've come up with has been "Make America Great Again". I sometimes wonder when "Again" was.

Van Harvey said...

"Does this make Parmenides the first conservative and Heraclitus the first progressive? A qualified NO to the first but a definite YES to the second, e.g., Hegel, Marx, Bergson, etc. We say NO to the first because conservatism is (or should be) a reflection of the third position that creates a stable but free context for orderly change -- for example, in the "radical conservatism" or "conservative radicalism" of the Founders."

No need to leave Parmenides homeless though, while Heraclitus fits nicely with the Marxist Left, Parmenides can skootch in with the Fascist Left and all their pretense of loving culture, tradition, etc., and both can continue to pretend that they're opposites.

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