Thursday, May 06, 2021

Zing! Went the Strings of My Head

The most subversive book in our time would be a collection of old proverbs. --Davila

In that case, the last thing I want to do is subvert our decaying system and its degenerate elites, so here are some new proverbs:

Critical race theorist: someone who not only can't specify the null hypothesis of Critical Race Theory, but has no idea what you're talking about

The white man's burden: if we don't play the role of Satan, their whole universe collapses. 

In the analysis of social problems, all roads lead to IQ differences, but the roads have been barricaded. 

Man is free because he his rational. Unless he is only rational. 

Everything bears witness to God. At least under cross-examination. 

Safe spaces. Because the truth hurts.

The cosmic area rug is a tapestry woven of mystery and intelligibility. Which reduces to a mysterious Intelligence. 

We are created from nothing, and a vestige of this nothingness persists like a retrovirus. Ideologies are born when this nothingness mates with stupidity.  

Ideology encloses mystery in intelligibility, thereby eclipsing Intelligence.

Awareness of necessity is the first freedom. The Absolute is necessary being. This realization is eternity clothed in finitude.  

If God weren't perfect there would be no imperfection. 

In the vertical hierarchy, the last of a higher kind touches the first of a lower. The meeting point of natural selection and supernatural election. 

What is the "glue" that binds the hierarchy? There is a truth above and a grace below. The rest is on you. 

A border of the hierarchy appears as a horizon. The ship of thought disappears beneath it unless you shift dimensions from plane to sphere. Material brain and immaterial soul. 

Or, part and whole. The soul is ordered to the latter, which is why endless adventure is the proper end of our adventuring. 

The purpose of the Incarnation is our salvation. From what? From sin. Now, man is equal parts intellect, will, and sentiment. What is intellectual sin, and how does the Incarnation rectify it? What is the intellectual problem to which he is the solution? Ask Adam but watch the serpent. 

Gross abuse of a corpse is a felony in all 50 states. It must not be a federal crime, so that's how Biden's handlers get away with it.

Those buzz-killing Puritans landed here in 1620. Four centuries of prudery and meddling has reduced them to their essence: wokeness. The left is puritanism with the humor.  

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