Monday, April 26, 2021

Racism, Antiracism, and Anti-Antiracism

The following represents a preliminary attempt to wrap my mind around a very large subject.

Lately I've been reading a book on evolutionary psychology called Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition, by Kevin MacDonald (see sidebar). Like anyone else who honestly considers the evidence of racial differences that are more than skin deep, the author is smeared as a hatethinker. Such heretics call themselves "race realists," while progressives call them Nazis. I suppose I would call myself as moderate race realist, which is still more than sufficient for banishment to the hate community.  

Granted, it's a touchy subject for a number of reasons, but it needn't be. Compare it to something a little less controversial, sexual differences. Despite the insane propagandizing of the left, normal people not only understand that men and women are fundamentally different, but prefer it that way. 

The sexes evolved through different evolutionary pathways, but are obviously complementary, one specializing in strength, competition, and abstract intelligence, the other in nurturing, intersubjectivity, and emotional intelligence, with obvious overlap in between. Why is this a problem?  

It's a problem because it clashes with progressive theology, the first principle of which is Thy Slate Shall be Blank, or Else! If we are born a blank slate, then the state can push us around like so many bags of wet cement in order to bring about utopia. 

At the same time, the evidence of evolutionary psychology implies that human nature isn't necessarily a simple and straightforward concept. For if the races are different, which is the real human? 

Here again, I don’t see this as a big problem, for just as human nature is fully instantiated in both men and women, so too is it present in all human beings of any race. Essence cannot be actualized in the absence of a form that simultaneously expresses and constrains it. 

Ah, but here’s an interesting catch, for where did this concept of a transcendent human nature come from? We don’t see it in Africa, or Asia, or India. Here at One Cosmos we regard it as a Christian idea, but for a strict evolutionist this begs the question and puts the cultural cart before the genetic horse.  

Suffice it it to say, I’ve been pondering this question for several weeks, and I believe I’ve arrived at a satisfactory resolution. Those who have read the book of the same name will recall that I tackled this subject in my own freewheeling and somewhat naive way in Chapter 3, Psychogenesis: the Presence of Mind.    

I say "naive" for two reasons, first because I didn't understand back then that evolutionary psychology was such an offense against the one true faith of progressive Blank Slatism, and second, because I actually succumbed to a bit of B.S. of my own, since I... how to put it... overemphasized the discontinuous leap into universal human freedom, while underemphasizing the particularized genetic continuity.  

Because of the latter, it is as if human nature is present in different musical keys, or perhaps like pure light passing through a prism and coming out different colors. Thus, human nature is simultaneously no race and all races. It reminds me of the pseudo-controversy of Jesus' race. The fact that he was of Middle Eastern descent is entirely accidental to his incarnation as and of human nature as such, which no mere race can ever exhaust, otherwise we could ourselves be perfect men. 

The fact that no man can be perfect tells you a great deal, for it means that he has an essence he can never reach but is perpetually striving toward. 

The other aspect of my resolution to this problem involves the difference between belief and discovery. For example, we don't dismiss the universal truth of the theory of relativity because it was discovered by a Jew. Just as there is no such thing as "Jewish physics," I would say there is no such thing as "Christian personhood," even though Christians are responsible for discovering personhood (with all its cosmic and meta-cosmic implications).

Conversely, evolutionary psychologists regard any and all religious belief as constrained and determined by genes -- as if there is a gene for "belief," with no possibility that the belief might actually conform to transcendent truth. Obviously, biologism doesn't allow for transcendent truth, even though -- like all ideologies -- it makes an exception for the affirmation of its own truth.

On the practical/political side of the equation, the only possible solution would be a passionate embrace of the objective principles animating western civilization (rooted in genuine discoveries about human personhood), and an insistence that anyone coming into this country understand and live by them. But the left embodies the opposite: a passionate rejection of those timeless truths, accompanied by a cynical strategy of killing them via the democide of open borders. 

Let's end with an observation by Schuon, in order to deflect attention from myself:

Races exist and we cannot ignore them, less than ever now that the time of closed [genetic] universes has come to an end....

If racism is something to be rejected, so is an antiracism which errs in the opposite direction.... the fact that races are not separated in completely watertight compartments in no way means that pure races are not to be found as well as mixed ethnic groupings. Such an opinion has no meaning for the simple reason that all men have the same origin and that humanity as a whole -- often wrongly referred to as the human race -- constitutes one single species.
Or this:
the existence of Christ or of the Vedantic doctrine adds nothing to the value of a white man with a base nature any more than the barbarism of certain Africans tribes takes anything away from a black man of saintly soul...

foreign races have something complementary in relation to ourselves without there being in principle any 'lack' in us or in them either. 

And about progressives who deny the provenance of progress?

Now, there are few things so absurd as the anti-Westernism of those who are themselves westernized.


ted said...

foreign races have something complementary in relation to ourselves without there being in principle any 'lack' in us or in them either.

Thank God my ancestor's genetic line become overly dominant, or we would never have rhythm and harmony.

ted said...

I meant to say "didn't become overly dominant"

Gagdad Bob said...

This essay makes some similar points:

'For years, whites in America were told that it is fine to celebrate German or Dutch or Anglo heritage, but that “white” was a fake or problematic category. The current controversy shows that this was always in bad faith. Hating white Americans, denying them the same sense of identity -- and thus dignity -- that is afforded to every other group was the point....

'In Federalist 2, John Jay outlined six elements that made Americans: shared ancestry, shared language, shared religion, similar conceptions of government and law, a shared culture, and a shared historical experience. As new arrivals came, Jay said in 1797, the settler population had a responsibility to “see our people more Americanized.” The original draft of the Declaration of Independence itself was more particular than universal, with Thomas Jefferson mentioning “consanguinity,” distinguishing between “our common blood,” and that of “Scotch” and “foreign mercenaries.”'

Gagdad Bob said...

The One True Faith of the left:

"Within living memory, the rulers made a point of showing they were faithful Christians. Jimmy Carter was an Evangelical who spoke openly about his faith. Reagan salted his language with Christian references and Bill Clinton carried a Bible around with him. Today our rulers worship black people and think men in dresses are the fullest expression of womanhood. The schools now teach us the evils of whiteness and white privilege.

"As with the Christian era in the West, this new religion brings with it an extreme intolerance of skepticism and doubt. Men are being fired from their jobs because they are not enthusiastic enough for the new faith....

"We also see the universalism of the new faith. The rulers who embrace this new religion are sure it is the only way any human society can live. All of those in the past, the people that made the present possible, we monstrous sinners. Those in the present, clinging to alternative faiths, are monsters that must be destroyed...."

Anonymous said...

Can't comment on human freedoms elsewhere, but here in Ireland The State under the pretext of covid 19 is enabling legislation to copper-fasten it's practice of coercive control. After decades of lambasting Russia, but envious of the power of it's state, covid was the ill wind they needed.

Anonymous said...

Kevin MacDonald is an anti-semite and white nationalist. I guess that doesn't give you any pause though. I knew you were a rightwing douchebag but I didn't think you were that kind. I guess the process of radicalization is what it is, and if you make hatred of the left one of your founding principles this is where you end up. Enjoy your Anglo-Saxon company.

Gagdad Bob said...

Oh well.

julie said...

Nice of anon to verify the opening paragraphs.

... it is as if human nature is present in different musical keys, or perhaps like pure light passing through a prism and coming out different colors.


On the practical/political side of the equation, the only possible solution would be a passionate embrace of the objective principles animating western civilization (rooted in genuine discoveries about human personhood), and an insistence that anyone coming into this country understand and live by them.

It used to be, one was expected to learn the language, the history and the culture. One element we didn't implement, but which might have staved off a lot of mischief, was limit voting and office-holding to third generation immigrants and people who own property. Be one of ours, with a stake in the country and in the future. Shouldn't be too much to ask, but no, that might hurt somebody's feelings, and here we are. The most tolerant nation and people who ever existed, being destroyed from the inside by those eaten alive by envy and hatred.

Same as it ever was.

Anonymous said...

Well, if you want to talk race differences you have to start with the physical differences. These are fairly obvious but there are some stereotypes, for instance, Kenyans run fastest, Tarahumara run longest. Whites swim well. Asians excel at martial arts. All well and good.

Each race has a distinctive body odor, which one can learn to differentiate after taking in to account the factors of food (fish sauce, garlic, saur-kraut, cheese etc.). It is a delicate art. When developed, the practitioner can even distinguish from among racial regions; for instance a Chinese maiden from Szechuan will have a different eau than one from Bejing. I love to smell people and do it constantly.

More subtle are the mental differences in attitude, outlook, motivations, and the like. There are a maze of these that are shot through each culture, and have historical roots. When winnowed down, you will find innate racial tendencies. Whites are intrepid and clever. Blacks have a knack for rhythm and inventive slang. Asians are studious and sober.

Of course these are just tendencies, and individuals may not conform to their racial tendency. It boils down to statistics.

I've developed a manuscript and plan to find an agent for my book on race. The book will finally have everyone comfortable talking about racial differences; after you get in the water is fine and even the most politically correct prude will relax and get into the spirit of the thing. We will set about knowing each other completely.

And, I really want olfaction to take its rightful place at the forefront of human experience; right now, it is a poor cousin to the senses of sight and sound. The nose knows. Smell the truth.

- Tasurinchi by the River

Anonymous said...

While knowing that God created such a wide variety of people, of widely varying features and talents, and of widely varying religious talent as well, I sure am glad he made me a white American male from Christian parentage and that my natural talent for Christianity has virtually guaranteed my eternity in heaven.

He could’ve made me a Hindu academic leftist female, where you know damned well that the odds for any kind of salvation are only ever going to be quite slim, at best. Others like me here, should know how very lucky you are as well.

God said...

It is impossible to speak in such a way that one cannot be misunderstood.

julie said...

Automatic soap dispensers are tools of systemic racism.

The more you know™

Brought to you by our moral and intellectual betters at UCLA

Bizzy Brain said...

"The sexes evolved through different evolutionary pathways..." Am surprised that as intelligent as you appear to be, with your belief in God and all, you still believe in evolution, which is a mathematical, physical, and chemical impossibility.

julie said...

Believing in God does not mean one must also be a Biblical literalist. God is truth, and anything that is verifiably true - such as that the earth is more than 6000 years old, and is most definitely spherical - is not in opposition to God.

However humans came to be in their final form, call the process through which God worked what you will, man and woman are different from the blueprints on up. Which was the point.

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