Saturday, February 13, 2021

I'd Rather be a Mere Moth than a Dim Bulb

I'm going to highlight a few passages from Garrigou's The Sense of Mystery until one of them flips my light switch and veers off into a post. 

the theologian obeys the truth because the theologian loves the truth. Admittedly, the divine truth eludes easy explanation, but the fruits of its contemplation excel those of all other possible objects (Cuddy, from the Foreword).

This checks out. If you don't love truth, then it is something less, because truth and love are absolutely convergent. It is also fruitful, and endlessly so, because it is alive: so, to be perfectly accurate, Life, Love, and Truth are convergent, and their medium is light. Come to think of it, so too is their substance light, a light that proceeds in two directions.

What? Sorry -- I've jumped ahead into the book I'm currently reading, The Order of Things

In the introduction to the latter, Minerd (the translighter) points out that "the reader will notice the presence of a higher light" in Garrigou's words, a light one doesn't perceive or receive -- to put it mildly -- "in a philosopher who strives to write in a manner congenial to those not sharing that same supernatural light." This "makes certain demands of the reader regarding the light under which the text should be read."

The bottom line is that life is short, so any philosophy that doesn't convey this light isn't worth your time. 

For in reality, these intellectual aberrations aren't even philosophy. Rather, they're not only less than philosophy (AKA love of Wisdom), but separated by an abyss from the proper object of philosophy -- which is to say, intelligible being and the Being Who Is its cause, principle, and end.

Such pseudo-philosophies are literally intellectual disorders, since they are not ordered to their proper object -- similar to how, say, behaviorism can't be a psychology because it is ordered to behavior, not the psyche (or how feminism is not ordered to females, or leftism to reality).

A bit more from the latter book: Garrigou's works "are animated from the depths of his soul by a light that is loftier than that of 'pure reason alone.'" This too checks out. Me? Grandiose? Please. I am but a moth, but at least I know light when I'm circling it. 

Unlike his dim bulb father, my son won't have to waste a moment of his life on such foolish byways and frivolous diversions as materialism, existentialism, scientism, and all the rest. He hasn't only been given a head start on the vertical adventure, but a heart start to go with it. Lucky brat.

Trolls -- operating as they do in the dark -- will no doubt conflate this with some sort of top-down indoctrination, when it is precisely the opposite; or better, it is actually both-and, which is to say, an ascent from the world to principles, followed by an illumination of the world by those necessary and eternal principles.  

Failing this, "we are thereby reduced to a merely-horizontal view of things, making the loftiest truths descend to the same level as the most lamentable errors." To reduce our hierarchically ordered cosmos to matter or math or privilege or "power" is to reduce intelligence to invincible stupidity. 

Conversely, when we are receptive to the higher light and see things in their proper perspective, "we will have a vertical view of things according to the true scale of values -- from the Supreme Truth and Sovereign Good all the way down to the most distant ramblings of error and evil." 

Seen in this Light, error and evil are proof of the True and Good. 

"Consecration to the truth," says Garrigou, "is real, perennial, liberating, and salvific." If it weren't real, it couldn't set us free, now could it? Nor could it save. 

To say "perennial" is to say timeless and universal, so it is also quite obviously one. If it weren't, we could never know it, for our intelligence would thereby be plunged into an obscure multiplicity with no way up and out. We would be condemned to the Tyranny of Diversity, as in California.

A cosmos divided against it self cannot stand. Nor could we stand it, since dualism is repugnant to the intellect. Behind, beneath, and above the bifurcation of intelligence and intelligibility is the Eternal Intellection of the Plenitude of Being.

I'll just end with this thought by St. Thomas -- and let us moths be thankful he thought this way:

As it is better to illuminate than to shine only, so it is better to hand on to others what has been contemplated rather than to contemplate only.


julie said...

Just gonna leave this here, and enjoy some more coffee.

Gagdad Bob said...

Enjoy free speech while you can. It had a good run.

julie said...

Yes, it was good while it lasted.

Anonymous said...

Hello Everyone:

We are allotting 10 further days of free-speech and then we must curtail that. If you can't say it in 10 days, then it apparently wasn't worth saying at all.

Get everything off your chest. We are not going to put any of it in your file. Our gift.

However after 02/24/2021 at 12:01 AM you must watch what you say or write. There will be no pardons and rest assured we will get you swiftly. Thank you in advance for complying.

Dr. Godwin wrote : "The bottom line is that life is short, so any philosophy that doesn't convey this light isn't worth your time." Well said, however we suggest the study of philosophy in general be limited to 30 minutes weekly at most.

Work hard, pay your taxes, stay out of trouble, and watch what you say. If you do these things, you may get through the next four years in good order.

Trump was not impeached, so you'll get your chance to rebel in four years. Save it up. Should be a good time.

Regards, Overlord X, New World Order.

Anonymous said...

From the post: "A cosmos divided against it self cannot stand. Nor could we stand it, since dualism is repugnant to the intellect."

So, do you love Kamala Harris? Do you Joseph Biden?

Do you love Democrats?

Or, do you hate all of the above. Because when you hate, you are hating against a united Cosmos. To hate any part is to hate all.

And that is why the wise do not hate. It is dropped from the repertoire. Hate is for beginners and for those waiting for birth into the spirit.

-Tasurinchi the Elder

Van Harvey said...

Dear tasurinci the elderberry:

"Proverbs 6:16-19
King James Version
16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,

19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren."

Anonymous said...

Van, I see you have commented that Proverbs 6:16-19 indicate that God hates certain things.

However, the Proverbs were penned well prior to One Cosmos being written, so we can say things have advanced since the time of Proverbs.

We can pardon them for thinking God hated things because they did not know any better.

Anonymous said...

You're reading Foucault? Now I've seen everything.

Van Harvey said...

aninnymouse said "...we can say things have advanced since t..."

You can only do so, because you have mistaken regress for progress, and time for timelessness.

This is not an archepipe. Grow up.

ted said...

Free speech isn't going anywhere as long as we FIGHT ON!

"Peacefully and patriotically", of course.

Anonymous said...

Trump is viable for future political action, albeit getter long in the tooth. He's not going to be around forever.

The guy with the horns may not be a bad option, he could be made into something.

A successor to Trump will need to be found sooner or later. But maybe I'm thinking too far ahead.

Trump inherited the Republican Party; most former Republicans will reform under the new Conservative Centrist Party banner.

In the meantime, as ted said, free speech can be preserved peacefully through the mechanism of patriotism and propaganda.

The battle to win the hearts and minds of the uncommitted legions Or at least after today's love-making.

-Strike Tortoise

Anonymous said...


Does God hate things or does He not hate things? That is the question. What do you think?

I mean what do YOU think, not what scripture says.

Then explain your conclusion in the context of a single unified cosmos.

If you don't think the cosmos is unitary, then what?

The point being, Van, people are instructed to revere old scriptures and believe them infallible.

Are they infallible? What do YOU think, not what some lady told you decades ago in Sunday school.

Learn to think for yourself, Van.

ted said...

Lots of propaganda coming from the religion of wokeism. Didn't you this week's sermon? Apparently, Disney took care of that fascist Mandalorian actress. And on today's pulpit.. David Letterman for a 2013 Lindsey Lohan interview. Looks like there are many sacrificial lambs to go around. The Aztecs were just a little more dramatic despite lacking reach beyond their high rise edifices.

Nicolás said...

The cult of progressivism is celebrated with human sacrifices.

Daisy said...

Anon, you are a complete idiot.

Does God hate anything? I don't know, does he hate it when people who call themselves leaders plunder and destroy the people they would lead?

Nah, this is fine.

Does he hate it when people murder each other?

Nah, this is fine.

Does he hate it when the monstrous rape and torture children, even infants, and share the videos of their atrocities with other monsters?

Nah, this is fine.

If the God who created this universe were one to embrace all this and more, saying, "it's all the same to me," then it would be better to never have been born.

By grace, I know that He does care, very much about these things, and sooner or later, even if it's not in the time frame I might wish it, justice will be served. Whether or not His justice is tempered with mercy is on each of us.

God and Co. said...

The fear of the Lord is to hate evil
Hate evil, you who love the Lord.
Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good.
A righteous man hates falsehood.
You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God has anointed You

The Anointed 11th Degree Peltmaster said...

Woo hoo!

Gagdad Bob said...

Good analysis of cancel culture this morning by Rob Henderson:

1)The most powerful motive underpinning cancel culture is social status.... sociometric status (respect and admiration from our peers) is more important to our sense of well-being than socioeconomic status.... it is those who already have status and money who have a stronger craving for status and money relative to other people. For many affluent people, that drive is how they got to their lofty positions in the first place. Aggravating this drive is that they are typically surrounded by people just like them -- their peers and competitors are also affluent status-maximizers. They are constantly seeking new ways to either move upward or avoid slipping downward. For social strivers, cancel culture has created new opportunities to move up by taking others down.

Gagdad Bob said...

2. Cancel culture reduces the social status of enemies.... One approach to elevation is to do something good. But doing something good requires effort and the possibility of failure. Fortunately, another option exists: Broadcasting the bad behavior of others. This method works because social status is relative. One person losing social rank is the same as another gaining it. If you’re a 6 on the social-status ladder, working up to a 9 is hard. But scheming to bring a 9 down to a 3 is easier and more thrilling. It is much easier to unite people around bringing a 9 down to a 3 than to lift themselves up from a 6 to a 9.

(Reminds me of the sick lady who responded to the kindness of her Trump-supporting neighbors by calling them Nazis.)

Additionally, people are slow to give moral praise for a good act and quick to assign moral blame for a bad one. The relative difficulty of doing something good and the prolonged waiting period to receive credit for it is why cancel culture has flourished. It offers quicker social rewards. Indeed, research suggests that people engage in moral grandstanding to enhance their social rank. Furthermore, people with dark triad traits (psychopathy, Machiavellianism, narcissism) are more inclined to signal both victimhood and virtue.

Gagdad Bob said...

Resolved: Censorship is the norm in human affairs, and America is regressing to the norm.

Heinlein said...

Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.

This is known as "bad luck.”

Anonymous said...

Wonderful comments today, this is a thriving market-place of ideas.

For Daisy, I see what you are saying. Your careful language choices would seem to indicated God sternly disapproves of actions which harm others, but I think the issue is "that hate" is possibly the wrong word.

Hate notoriously corrodes the vessel it is carried in; it is unhealthy and it is not even very effective at spurring action. It is the "hangnail" of emotions as nothing good can ever come of it.

Therefore I argue hate can and in fact must be discarded for any sort of spiritual life to take hold and succeed.

Emotions like anger, disgust, sadness and fear can be used to spur righteous action.

It is highly un-likely God, the Holy Spirit, or Jesus harbors hate because it would the same as them cherishing a hang-nail. It is the most un-Godly of things. If they want to oppose evil they can be stern, angry, or cop any attitude they feel would do the trick.

Sure the ancient Hebrews wrote of God's hate. The Hebrews. Bounce that around in your head for awhile.

Yeah. Didn't think of that, did you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Gagdad:

I loved your comments on cancel culture. Might we expect a forthcoming post on the subject?

You write of social status of being a driver of cancel-culture. I had not thought of that.

The fact I had not thought of that is a red-flag, because I am woke as f*ck excuse my french.

Really, the thought behind cancel culture is to cancel the white man and his euro-centric culture. The project is to literally wipe him off the books of history, just like they tried to erase Hatshepsut by chiseling out her cartouche in ancient Egypt.

The "cancel" is to erase the colonial era, the rise of the Scandinavians, the domination of the globe by sheer brains and pluck, because it makes the white man look to good. Because the white man is actually just to f*cking good for his own good. Excuse my french.

How can anyone else feel OK when the Man continues to be the Man? You tell me.

General Lee, you are cancelled.
General Grant, you are also cancelled. Never mind Vicksburg, you're cancelled.

Shaka Zulu, you are not cancelled. '
Ghenghis Khan, you are not cancelled. For now, you sexist pig.

So you see how cancelling works and why. But social status? Hmmmm.

I'm very woke, I don't feel like I need to accumulate or maintain any further status than that. It is not high-maintenance. All you have to do is believe the PC and you're set, bra.

Nicolás said...

Ideologies were invented so that men who do not think can give opinions.

Anonymous said...

Speaking as a scientist who’s actually gotten mere moths together with dim bulbs, for study, I can conclude that the moth does indeed have more fun, continuously trying to have sex with the bulb. But I digress.

We really need to get David Letterman, Lindsay Lohan, and that Maldalorian actress into a room together. Or better yet, confined inside a Biosphere experiment run by Steve Bannon again. It’d be like the Truman Show except that only Letterman would know that he’s being taped. Obviously.

And finally, would Daisy be willing to describe his/her experiences with this “grace” of which she/he speaks? In detail? Besides discussion of scientific experiments, inspirational stories is one of the things this place often lacks.

Nicolás said...

Each one sees in the world only what he deserves to see.

Daisy said...

Can I give you my senses, my experiences, my thoughts? Sorry, that's above my praygrade.

Grace is not something that can be dissected, parceled out, and verified under the microscope or traced through metadata. One either recognizes it, or one does not. Inspirational stories have their place, but the wise cast not their treasure before swine.

By grace, last night I slept the night through, and today I was granted the delight of seeing life bursting forth in sweet green grasses, while the clouds played at making shadows and the wind tugged at locks of children's hair. It is enough; green pastures, still waters and all.

Nicolás said...

No miracle seems to be a miracle to those for whom it was not intended.

Anonymous said...

Alright Daisy and Nicholas. I have a recent miracle from grace which was quite possibly intended for my senses, experiences and thoughts.

First some background. I once had a neighbor who was one of the finest Christians I’ve ever known, possibly even finer than you two. He taught me how to thin out his very tall maples from betwixt his far more desirably beautiful evergreens. Sadly, he died before we could start on my property. I first worried that he’d faked death to get out of returning the favor, but when I saw his obituary in the paper, I realized his passing was legit. Years went by before I got the courage to try the same on my own maples.

Now my other neighbor is an old Jehovahs Witness retiree fart. As you know, jaydubs are typically assholes. I tried to get him to let me take a couple of his maples down which were blocking my sunlight and killing my plants, but he always refused. So I waited hoping he’d go shopping or something, waited and waited, but he never ever seemed to leave the house. Flippin hermit. So I finally told myself, screw that asshole jaydub. And I proceeded to take one down by cutting it with an electric saw (quiet) and then pulling it into my yard with a rope puller. Bushes obscured his view from his TV room. I then processed the logs and branches and covered up the stump so nobody’d be the wiser.

It’s been almost a month now and not a peep. I’m considering this proof positive that my former excellent neighbor was with me in spirit, sending me grace, since he’d also hated that jaydub. I’m thinking of doing a few more trees, except next time I’ll just dump em right into his yard where he can see. If it wakes him up from his nap or whatever I’ll tell him it was an accident. If he doesn’t, then I’ll be the first to let you know right here and then maybe Bob can type up a post about it.

ted said...

Bob: Saw a film this weekend I think you would like: "Friends of Eddie Coyle".

Probably the most authentic Boston film ever made.

Anonymous said...

Hello Anon 7:34 PM

I enjoyed your detailed story of how you were able to get a tree-lopping job past a crusty old "jaydub."

But are your really in the clear? You don't think the old fart is going to fail to notice a missing tree? That would be an indication he's blind. In which case-you could take all the trees, and he'd never know it.

Did you know trees are sentient beings who shriek piteously on the "tree" wavelength when they are mutilated or destroyed? Just something to chaw on there. And maples are highly regarded as the most virtuous of trees.

Grace. It is a thing. But it is a very diaphenous, nebulous, hard-to-describe thing. It is like a grainy photograph of Nessie. And yet, grace is more evident than a granite stone rolling down a hill-side. Grace is pervasive; it is both the first thing you ever detected when you were born and it will be the last thing you perceive as your eyes and other senses shut down on the death-bed.

Grace is the background chaff. It is the default. It is what's there when everything else is taken away. Granted it is hard to see in the hurly-burly of life, unless you tune in. Then, you are going to see it alot.

As Daisy said, the wind flicking at the locks of a child is a good example. Wind might be molecules and energy, but feel deeper and a subtle, enormous reservoir of bliss becomes dimly evident.

Only then will you hear trees weep when a relative gets lopped down. Word.

Anonymous said...

The great cancel-council decides who gets cancelled and who does not. Citizens can petition directly to the council at

The council voted to cancel Donald Trump. However, concerned citizens can put a word on this if they feel strongly about it.

Thank you, and it is our pleasure to serve you as your government.

Anonymous said...

I used to worry about the feelings of trees. But then I noticed that they can be mean as hell, and quite cunning.

If an evergreen loses it’s top after a big blow, the maple will shoot branches towards the opening well before the evergreen can ever hope to recover with the intention of shading it out so it can slowly die. Another strategy is to grow taller and taller which forces the taller evergreens upward to where there’s so much sail up there that they break leaving just a pole and then they die. Or worse, hit your house. Meanwhile maples will rapidly sucker back regardless of how they’re cut. Leave just a stump on the ground? No, they’re not dead. They’re like that alien in “The Thing” movies which get cut down by axes and then all the little pieces grow into new Things.

Like all good conservatives, I liken it to thinning the herd. Some must die so the others can live very well. Plus for some, there’s grace in crushing your enemies, seeing them driven before you, and hearing the lamentations of the women.

Only the wicked amongst the conservatives believe that cancel culture will destroy our President. Trump will grow back from the stump into a new form, with many suckering branches like something out of a Biblical description. And then you wicked shall see.

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