Tuesday, February 02, 2021

Hidden in Plain Sight

Continuing with yesterday's post, the intellect is bound by two horizons -- like sea and sky -- that shade off into obscurity.  BUT

Let us not confuse the obscurity that dominates the frontiers of intelligibility from on high with that which is beneath them (Garrigou-Lagrange).

In other words, don't confuse the sea with the sky, and whatever you do, don't conflate them. Nor is a sailboat suitable for flight. 

Looked at one way, transcendence and immanence are complementary, but as with all complementarities, one must be prior, and it is inconceivable that transcendence could come from below. A purely immanent world could never know it was one. The leap from existence to experience is literally infinite, to say nothing of the release from instinct to freedom and truth.

Nevertheless, a degree of obscurity necessarily abides at both ends, which is why we humans refer to the spiritual world as "immaterial," whereas Petey, -- with his quasi-infallible transcendental view of things -- refers to our material world as "subspiritual" 

Now, as we are bound by these two obscurities, "there are also two clarities of a contrary nature -- true clarity and the false clarity," and you had better know which is which. 

To jump ahead a bit, the crude sophistry of the village atheist is the last word in false clarity. It is totally clear, as anyone with an IQ above room temperature can fully comprehend it. The same is true of any form of ideological literalism from antireligious scientism to religious fundamentalism. Around here we just call it ismism.

The root error of false clarity is the pretense of explaining the superior by means of the inferior. Why pretend it is possible to accomplish this? Because on the one hand man loves truth, but the benighted ismist attempts to know the intellectual object of a higher level with the means of a lower one which eclipses it, precisely. 


those who pride themselves the most on their objectivity are precisely those who most lack the superior sort of objectivity, which.... leads them to prefer to the superior sort of clarity the inferior sort of clarity, which becomes false due to the importance they unduly give to it.

Which is why metaphysics is both more objective and true than those lesser sciences that study this or that limited and contingent object. Conversely, metaphysics illuminates those principles that cannot not be; and to say that they are necessary is to say they are eternal. Thus,

It is immensely important to distinguish the clarity of what is purely and simply true and that of what is true only in a secondary and partial aspect, all the while being essentially false.

This or that science surely discloses truth on the plane appropriate to its object and method. But this very truth can be "placed in the service of the false doctrine that diverts that [truth] from its end. In such a false doctrine, truth is the slave of error" (emphasis mine).

For example, evolutionary psychology illuminates a great deal about man. But to suggest that natural selection explains everything about the human station is but a blindingly false clarity -- and indeed a form of slavery

Why slavery? Because the superior is thereby constrained by what is properly subordinate to it, like a retarded child ruling over the adults. But enough about Joe Biden.

Garrigou-Lagrange says goodbye to this chapter with a passage from a 19th century mystic-theologian with the unlikely name of Ernest Hello:

The language of the great contemplatives is hand-to-hand combat with things that cannot be spoken.... Colliding in its flight with ineffable secrets, with unrevealed mysteries, it has the appearance of an eagle who... arrives in regions where, even for it, there is no longer suitable air for breathing. Thoughts are lacking for it. Their intellect descends again, struggling against words, which fail, each in their own turn....

In this ascent..., all lights are shadows in comparison with the last light. The treasuries into which the great contemplative's gaze searches are forever inexhaustible; and eternity promises to their ever-renewed joy fresh springs that will never be exhausted.

We thank thee, Father, that thou hast hidden these things from the tenured and revealed them to the humble Raccoon! 


julie said...

It is immensely important to distinguish the clarity of what is purely and simply true and that of what is true only in a secondary and partial aspect, all the while being essentially false.

Reminds of the difference between Newtonian and Quantum physics. Newtonian is most certainly true and verifiable at a certain level and up to a point. It is so reliable that by studying and understanding it, engineers can build things whose form and function are simply astounding in their effectiveness and reliability. But at a different level, things aren't at all as they appear.

Anonymous said...

I like turtles. I also like spooky action at a distance.

neal said...

Turtles liking spooky action all the way down...

Anonymous said...

Well now let's discuss spooky action at a distance. It ties in nicely with the post, which declares there are areas of obscurity both above (transcendent) and below (immanent). As the God doctor has told us, we partake of both states.

Spooky action at a distance has been described as "quantum entanglement" however this does not shed light on the subject. I think it partakes, like us, of the transcendent. Thus quantum entanglement is a hybrid of physics and metaphysics, of matter and spirit, much as we are.

How are we affected by spooky action at at distance? Some say it makes them horny. Fantasies are indeed action at a distance, both immaterial yet entangled.

When someone unknown mentally pictures you in an erotic encounter you feel the classic burning ears. This is a familiar example.

The sensation in the gut about something or someone is another example. We are probably entangled thoroughly in the field in which the spooky action at a distance is at play.

Any thoughts on this? I say accepting we are entangled lends great authority to that nebulous emerging perceptive organ, the intuition. In the land of the Lord, Intuition is King.

Nicolás said...

Confused ideas and murky ponds seem deep.

Anonymous said...

Hidden in Plain Sight.

Indeed. I presume that the “I like turtles” comment refers to your viral video which you made as a zombie child some 13 years ago. I also presume that you’re a young adult now, more into adult things like quantum entanglement. Good for you.

For the curious layman I’ve found a multi-purpose video which combines turtles, quantum entanglement, and Christian ministry all into one catchy video which you may be compelled to dance along with. The turtle entanglement part begins at 0.40.

Now, imagine that the turtles aren’t even aware of the other’s presence, yet are moving in synch for some mysterious reason. This is what our mystified physicists call, quantum entanglement. Most physicists cannot hear the music, since for scientists everything is “on mute”. But for us regulars here the explanation is obvious. The quantum entangled turtles are dancing to metaphysical music.

Anonymous said...

Now let us reflect on turtles, including the related tortoises, for a moment.

Turtles are somewhat intelligent; in the laboratory they can be taught to recognize shapes for a food reward.

Turtles get along quite well in groups.

Tortoises are some of the longest lived creatures, if not the longest. This suggests that slow and steady is good for the body in all creatures perhaps. We can take a lesson here.

Tortoises mate for life and never has even one incident of adultery been observed among tortoises. This shows a very sterling moral character.

Sea Turtles have infallible navigation skills; how they do it is unclear.

Anyone who has snorkeled in Hawaii has ogled Green Sea Turtles munching seaweed and experienced the spiritual vibe of the creature.

Turtles practice monotheism, worshipping a single God of many forms, sun, wind, water, and other creatures.

Tortoises on the other hand worship both a Sun deity and also an Earth deity whom dwells underground.

Tortoises have a fairly elaborate array of grunts, calls, hisses and gestures which serve as their language.

After meditation on the turtle and the tortoise, we can well see why Aesop was captivated and wrote several fables involving them.

And they are damn sexy.

Elaine Chao said...

I thought I was the only one.

Anonymous said...

A Galapagos giant tortoise lives on Pitcairn Island, the island where a few of the Bounty mutineer descendants still live. It roams free, as does the islands mayor, who was recently charged with indecent behavior for wandering around naked. They welcome visitors to the island. Both tortoise and mayor are considered major tourist attractions. There are some interesting videos about life there. They even have internet, plus a church with Sunday services. I haven't found any videos of either the tortoise or mayor at church though.

Cousin Dupree said...

My favorite video of a tortoise.

Anonymous said...

Elaine, may I have your phone number please? We should talk.

Anonymous 8:59, Pitcairn Island sounds wonderful. Cannot we relate to the naked mayor? Don't you want to be naked this very minute? Don't we all?

Who is naked right now? Raise your hand. Oh my, quite a few hands up. Yes Dupree I see your hand is up. Yes. Sit down please. Alright that's very nice now please sit down.

Today I declare a day of nudity and abundance. You may share photos but not here. Thanks.

=Donna Fey=

Anonymous said...

I like being naked, with turtles, and doing spooky action at a distance.

-Mayor of Pitcairn Island

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