Monday, February 01, 2021

Deformations of History and the Horizons of Stupid

No, I am not referring to "Black History Month," although then again I suppose I could be. We'll see. Rather, that's the title of the next chapter of the book with which we've been dialoguing, Transcendence and History (linked in the sidebar).

It's an IQ test: if a black person isn't insulted -- mortified, even -- by Black History Month, he has failed the test. If the credentialed idiots who came up with the idea actually cared about blacks -- or whites, for that matter -- they'd assign the collected works of Thomas Sowell and be done with it. 

Imagine the mind of the person who thinks the purpose of history is to provide psychotherapy and raise the "self esteem" of this or that race or ethnicity or sexual deviancy. You can't. Eight year olds, dude. No, not even. 

I can't continue without squeezing in a comment I read at American Digest this morning, since it adds an exclamation point to yesterday's post. The commenter -- Casey -- quotes a passage from That Hideous Strength, by C.S. Lewis:


“Why you fool, it’s the educated reader who CAN be gulled. All our difficulty comes with the others. When did you meet a workman who believes the papers? He takes it for granted that they’re all propaganda and skips the leading articles.... He is our problem. We have to recondition him. But the educated public, the people who read the high-brow weeklies, don’t need reconditioning. They’re all right already. They’ll believe anything.”

Anything: Russia hoax, the Nazis are Fine People hoax, the Trump provoked an insurrection or coup or something hoax, the "white supremacy" hoax, et al. 

Casey adds that "Elsewhere Lewis said effectively that education without values just makes man a more clever sort of devil."

A bold statement. Is it true? Yes, but only for important subjects. 

Speaking of which, I've been meaning to write a post on the subject of "intellectual sin," which is the worst kind of sin, or at least the first kind, since thought is prior to deed. Maybe I'll psircle back to that later. 

Eh. There's not much in this chapter I really need to discuss. Which is convenient, since yesterday I read the best essay ever, compared to which all other essays are number two or lower. It's called The Intellectual Chiaroscuro, from the book The Sense of Mystery, by Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange (also in the side bar, and it's a two-think minimum). 

Chiaroscuro. Where have we heard this before? Yes, it characterizes what Joyce was attempting in Finnegans Wake, i.e., clearobscuro writing. We touched on it in a post last November 16.

I'll just extract some highlights from Fr. G-L's essay, and add my comments if necessary.

One of the most striking aspects in the study of the great problems of philosophy and theology is the union of light (indeed, sometimes a dazzling light) and a profound obscurity.

We know about the light. What's with the obscurity? Is it just a privation? Or might it be the very opposite, only good and hard, i.e., TOO MUCH LIGHT?

The sense of mystery could not be lacking in the great Doctors of the Church, for it is the proper characteristic of superior intellects. 

So our "sense of mystery" must be ordered to this Great Obscurity. Conversely, "The mediocre man.... substitutes convention for reality." He "condemns that which escapes the denominations and categories he knows," and "has a dread for that which astonishes [?!], never approaching the terrible mystery of life [bʘʘ!]."

Here's the interesting part, and it goes to what we've been saying about living in that web anchored by immanence at one end and transcendence at the other, both of which are mysteries.  Here again, your typical tenured mediocretin doesn't regard matter as particularly mysterious, when in fact, it is in a way even more mysterious than God, or at least less clearobscuro. 

On the one hand, there is the kind of "obscurity from below...." It comes from blind matter, for matter, in a sense, is repugnant to intelligibility, which is obtained by abstraction from matter.

Of matter itself, our knowledge approaches nothing. Rather, abstraction is the means by which we know it in a secondary sense. I may not have expressed that in a fully kosher manner, but you get the geist of it. Prime matter is unspecified "pure potency," which is just this side of nonbeing.

But there is also an "obscurity from on high" at the other end of the Web. Thus,

As the matter from which we abstract the intelligible is (in a way) below the limits of intelligibility, the intimate life of God is above the limits of intelligibility that is naturally accessible to us.

Perhaps a visual aid will enhance your experience of this flight of funcy. Have you ever been on a mountain, higher than the clouds, which appear like an eyewitless foggus of pure white? That's our well-lit world of intelligibility from matter, while matter itself is ultimately hidden beneath the cloud below.

Now, have you ever sat or skied on a mountain, the top of which was obscured by clouds? Of course you have. Same deal, only opposite, so

Let us not confuse the obscurity that dominates the frontiers of intelligibility from on high with that which is beneath them.

I want to say there are two Horizons of Stupid, but one intelligent way of approaching them. However, I'll have to circle back to that in the next post.


ted said...

I want to say there are two Horizons of Stupid, but one intelligent way of approaching them.

Took me a long time to figure this out. In my liberal days I would argue that of course the left is right - just look at all the college educated professional folks who believe this stuff. Boy, was I wrong. Or as Nassim Taleb likes to call them: intellectual, yet idiot.

Nicolás said...

A high I.Q. is indicative of distinguished mediocrity.

And that which is incomprehensible increases with the growth of the intelligence.

Anonymous said...

I know an engineering PhD who tells me that masks don't work with disease and that Trump won the election. He watches Fox News a lot.

Nicolás said...

The fool has no confidence in a truth that public opinion does not endorse.

Anonymous said...

Once again Nicolás nails it. Speaking of low IQ black men who skillfully embrace sociopathy for personal profit, there’s Thomas Sowell.

I’ve been watching his interviews. He usually starts out the way Carlos Castaneda and L.Ron Hubbard did in their “preachings”. First entice the reader with common sensical wisdoms which most readers will find comforting and self-affirming, as part of a strategy to confirm expertise in the readers’ mind. Then move slowly through theoretical plausibility before finally getting into the ideological batshit, full of evil spirits and space aliens, which is always called Truth. It’s been the way of the grifter for centuries.

I especially like the part where Sowell accuses academics of spouting nonsense in exchange for funding from plutocrats. (...and then hopefully with time, one gains an army of donating brainwashed supplicants so one can make use of the groupthink fallacy) Always accuse any skeptics of what you yourself do, and then accuse the other of projection before they accuse you of projection, as if last-tag-no-tagbacks is some kind of adult law.

As with questionable elections or the effectiveness of mask-wearing, I’d rather there be open debates with actual rules refereed by neutral moderators. I’d think it’d cut down on the fact-free tribalism, before it becomes all-consuming. Checks and balances. Wouldn’t the Founders have wanted it that way?

Gagdad Bob said...

Interesting. Tell us more about how how Castaneda and Hubbbard enticed you with their common sense wisdom.

julie said...

"He watches Fox News a lot."

Nobody watches Fox News anymore.

I want to say there are two Horizons of Stupid, but one intelligent way of approaching them.

Humility is always a good start.

Anonymous said...

Bob, as a teen I actually bought both Journey to Ixtlan and Dianetics, brand new. Both wound up being hucked under my bed after I’d read just a few chapters, along with all the other nonsensical books I’d wasted my money on. I was obviously not just a curious lad but searching for truth.

While snooping in my bedroom my evangelical parents found that collection. Upon doing a little bit of reading they became horrified and told the church counselor that they were worried that I was going to join a cult or something.

After many family therapy sessions, the counselor advised my father that it might be a good idea if they encouraged me to hang around with humanists, since they couldn’t afford sending me to a Christian college. My parents said this was not an option since most humanists are going to hell. To keep my parents off my back, I wound up attending the local evangelical college outreach church every Sunday.

Cousin Dupree said...

Wrong show. This isn't Oprah.

Anonymous said...

Stupidity has negative connotations but actually might be necessary in the cosmic economy.

If everyone was as devoid of stupidity as the blog author then how could any kind of social hierarchy be possible? Society would be a teeming mass of un-stupid people; I suppose cooperation would be the order of the day as competition would be extremely intense and inconclusive; a real Western Front stand-off, figuratively speaking.

Con men would be out of a job. Advertisers would have to drop the social engineering as nobody would take the bait. Robo calls? Not working.

We do need some people to be stupid, at least to keep the status quo looking "normal." And I volunteer.

I don't see any increase in quality of life afforded by mental brilliance. I just don't see it. Stupid is also calm and tranquil.

The Republican party has decisively fractured along Trump legacy lines. A new party is coming, it is called MAGA, and it will be on par with all of the other parties. The animal assigned is the grizzly bear, the meme is "The Storm," the pundit is Q, and the color is red.

The Republican part keeps the elephant however it has been assigned a new color, white.

So between the three American parties we have a donkey, elephant, and bear, and red, white, and blue. It is nicely symmetrical. And you heard it from stupid first.

Gagdad Bob said...

Black history at the LAUSD.

When it comes to crazy, the credo of the left is NO HALF MEASURES.

Anonymous said...

Dupree, Bob asked. If you want your own show then I suggest you ask for Bobs permission. Ever heard of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon? I'm two degrees from Oprah. Somebody who she would call by name upon meeting, would also call me by name. This makes me vastly superior to you.

Anyways, I had a born again friend once tell me that the number one reason why people leave Christianity, isn’t because of public schools or science or brainwashing by a liberal media. He said it’s because of something a Christian did to them.

This made good horse sense to me. One can easily mentally transmogrify evolution into intelligent design, or so many denominations into Pascals Wager. That's what I did.

But it’s much harder when you see spiritual people rationalizing the screwing of you, over. It’s almost like they’re preaching that Jesus makes one a more efficient sinner. Sadly, that’s the straw that breaks the camel’s house of cards, for many. My mission is to try and prevent this.

julie said...

Once again, I'm pretty sure my black ancestors would be wondering just what the actual fudge their lives had to do with destroying gender or becoming collectivists. They worked a stop on the underground railroad for this?

Clearly LAUSD, having abolished history in general, is left only with literally yesterday as a source for teaching kids.

Anonymous said...

anon @2/01/2021 02:27:00 PM,

My mama always told me that stupid is as stupid does. If you want to storm the Capitol in the name of patriotism, because Dear Leader spreads rumors and wants to make the most of his "Stop The Steal" slogan patent for use on tee shirts and bumper stickers, then knock yourself out. It's a free country (at least until it becomes a totalitiarian/theocracy). I've already patented "Jesus is as Jesus does". It's mine. Go get your own slogan.

Anonymous said...

Julie is black? You look so white in your picture. My wife's cousin's kid did get into Stanford by being 1/12 native American. So maybe this is a good thing.

julie said...

Correction: Julie is American. In a sense, you could even look at my family tree and say we are America. Almost every race is in there somewhere, and the ties go all the way back. Indians, pilgrims, slaves, colonists, pioneers, these are all our people.

Funny, it occurred to me recently that one of the great marketing tools for sites like Ancestry is how it connects people to their family history. I get the impression that those who tend to be most interested also tend to be most ignorant of history in general, especially when so much of what is taught seems like stuff that happened to some people once upon a time, and those people were mostly horrible.

That changes, though, when people begin to realize that those things that happened back then aren't just stories of some people, they are the stories of your people - your family, your history, in fact. Unintentionally, Ancestry's research tools may serve as a means of undermining the leftist goals of erasing and warping history so that the current generation feels it has no culture and no past. Ironic, given that Ancestry almost certainly supports the leftist program...

Gagdad Bob said...

Thanks to BLM, hundreds of blacks are history.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of ancestry, famous Jew Dustin Diamond has died.


Speaking of BLM, Huawei the communist-funded tech giant which replaced Cisco, has admitted to working on facial recognition technologies aimed at profiling certain ethnic minorities to be sent to re-education camps. Would such a thing be useful here in the states? I suspect that it would work well to discover BLMs. But antifa? Perhaps less so.

Walter said...

3000 years of beautiful tradition, from Moses to Screech.

Anonymous said...

I suggest the BLM personnel consider this: All the great sex our ancestors had with Neanderthals and Denisovans.

Was that sex consensual? No Neanderthal and Denisovan survived this race-blending sexual orgy to tell of it. So BLM, here's the question. Did Neanderthal lives matter?

Proto-American persons were no-doubt involved in the tawdry incident(s), possibly inclusive of Julie's ancestors. Something to think about. Get that checked out and see where your percent of extinct hominin DNA lands up.

I've got the big Denisovan. Uh oh great, great, great x10 Grandpa was nasty. Or was it Grandma. Or was it both.

Now what do you suppose Sasquatch would do to you if she caught you out camping, gents? That's right, payback. And they don't call her the "skunk-ape" for nothing. Be afraid.

What does this have to do with the post? Deep time, friends. Don't forget the element of deep time.

Anonymous said...

Did you know that the Neanderthals hunted wooly rhinos in small family packs? Evidence suggests that since they only used close quarters thrusting weapons like flimsy flint spears and daggers, that they actually jumped onto their prey's backs while their three or four companions kept it cornered, all up close and personal. Those guys were flippin badass.

Cro-mags came up from Africa, still quite black and all dance fever. It was only after mating with Neanderthals and living in their sunless winters that they lost their melanin. Most were proto-BLMs who only "rioted" against rhinos in very large groups, demanding "defunding" even way back then as a way to even the odds. Proud boys fight their cops mano-a-mano.

DNA tests prove that Neanderthal DNA is most prevalent in white people. We have much to be proud of, boys.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Anonymous 8:40 PM. There is much to feel guilty about. Whatever level of guilt you feel now, double it.

To make reparations for your crimes, the first step is to seek Democratic Party affiliation. That is the road to healing.

We must also reach out to the frightened descendants of our ancient victims where they hide in the Himalayas, the North American redwood forests, and the scrub forests of the South and Midwest. We must convince these simple folk we mean them no further harm. We want to return them to their rightful habitats and let them live in peace and plenty once more.

Thus over time we repay our victims and absolve ourselves. We shall give the Good News about Jesus to the Yeti, the Sasquatch, and the skunk-apes of the bayou and we shall love them and they shall love us as brothers and sisters.

Anonymous said...

Conservatives used to tell us to just conquer them, convert them, and then sell them liquor.
It was good for everybody.

Neoliberals tell us to send their jobs overseas and they'll find other things to do. There may be some truth to that, since there's this unusually smelly hairy dude sitting in the cubicle next to mine who sure does grunt a lot, but otherwise seems okay.

I suspect that "the coolness factor" is what did in the Neanderthals, these high school jocks of their day. The boys wanted to be like them and the girls wanted to be with them. And then so many joined up that the Neanderthals got all watered down and ceased to be. And now every kid gets a trophy.

We witness this process ongoing today while watching videos of the Proud Boys. Didn't they all seem so young and strong back in Charlottesville? Today the videos depict doughy and grey grumpy old men. Some say it's a tough life, being proud. But others say the clan has acquired so many bloated old couch potatoes wanting to be cool that this is how we know them now. It's always something.

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