Wednesday, January 06, 2021

Surrender Your Line to the Circle

Another short one. Unless I've lost track of time and it's longer than I think.

We're still pondering Schuon's Man in the Cosmogonic Projection. I am at that phase in life where the following speaks for itself:

the cosmogonic movement is not merely centrifugal, it becomes centripetal in the final analysis, which is to say that it is circular; the circle of Maya closes in the heart of the deified man.

Self-evident, no?

Wait, no? 

Are we looking at the same thing? I'm looking at the world, which is looking back at me. Or rather, is always speaking to me. It was here when I arrived, but if I'm (I AM) not here, then there is no circle, and we are sealed in permanent stupidity, futility, and illusion. 

But man completes the circle, not just via knowledge of being (AKA truth), but also the other transcendentals -- love, beauty, and unity.

Regarding the latter, to even say "cosmos" is to say unity, a unity that is anterior to the (merely) material cosmos. No one ever has, or ever will, perceive "the cosmos," for perception is always of particulars. You can only perceive a piece of the pie, but why assume there's a pie? Where did that idea come from?

From the Circle. For it is the Circle, only frozen and bifurcated instead of seen for the cosmogonic movement it actually is. Which is again what I see. It's obviously there in the circular structure of the bOOk, but back then it was only dimly perceived -- or clearly intuited -- whereas now it's the context of everything. A first principle.

Why us? Because in a full employment cosmos, someone has to do it:

To the question of knowing why man has been placed in the world when his fundamental vocation is to leave [i.e., transcend] it, we would reply: it is precisely in order that there be someone who returns to God (ibid).

Surprisingly enough, this is completely orthodox, albeit with certain important caveats. If you want to look at it from the widest possible angle, you could say that the Fall represents a rupture in the Circle, while the Incarnation is its repair and completion ("it is accomplished").

Thus, sanctification, deification, and theosis are a participation in the circular movement. Christ is obviously the necessary condition, but this does not excuse us from a voluntary participation in him, which means we -- in our vertical freedom -- are the sufficient condition. The latter can only get so far in the absence of the former -- close but no avatar. 

Nowadays practically every book I read alludes to the Circle. When I see one, I put a symbol in the margin that looks like circle with an arrow. For example, just yesterday I read a little book by Peter Kreeft called The Philosophy of Jesus. In it he writes of how the divine goodness "spills out beyond itself like sunlight." That's the descending movement.

But then, "that-which-was-from-the-beginning," the "unmanifest Source of all manifestations became manifested," and "the distance between Heaven and earth" is bridged. Say what you like about it, but one must admit that "this is the most radical solution to the fundamental problem of metaphysics: how to know Being."

Yes, it's an audacious gamble, but I guess Einstein was wrong: God does like to play dice with the universe. 

Ironic: note how the Incarnation divides "time in two, cutting the Gordian knot of history," only to heal the divide at a higher level. One might say that continuity becomes discontinuous so that the discontinuous (i.e., broken, splintered, fragmented, conflicted, unintegrated) might become continuous, or at least participate in the continuity. 

For this reason, "when man crucifies truth, truth crucifies man." D'oh! God devises a way to transform man's narcissistic and self-glorifying rejection of, and attack on, the Circle to complete the Circle: "God's search for man is a success, and the name of that success is Jesus." 

"Jesus is Jacob's ladder..., and we see this ladder is upside down: it really rests on Heaven, not on earth like the Tower of Babel," much less the babble of tenure.  "He makes it possible to escape earth's gravity." You could say that levity becomes gravity in order for gravity to become levity.  Guffah-HA! 

Another book I read over the weekend, A Catholic Christian Meta-Model of the Person, discusses the same Circle in different terms, noting that "Self-knowledge and knowledge of the world are supported by bottom-up and top-down influences." The former are obvious, while the latter include such things as "the spiritual inclination to know the truth," "intellectual intuitions about good and evil," and the "movements of grace." 

Elsewhere the authors write of the "personagenesis" whereby

In the spiritual realm, which is at the core of the personality, it is listening to the call and love of God. Once initiated, the process of becoming a person continues as a "vertical transcendence" in which the person gives "the self to another."

Participation the trinitarian Circle revolves around receptivity to the gift and an active self-gift in response. The "theological virtues originate from God" and "lead one to God." And their practice forms the basis of our vertical metabolism.


Anonymous said...

I'm curious...

Have the events of today changed the minds of anyone who supports Trump as to the danger he poses to democracy?

julie said...

"Jesus is Jacob's ladder..., and we see this ladder is upside down: it really rests on Heaven, not on earth like the Tower of Babel," much less the babble of tenure. "He makes it possible to escape earth's gravity." You could say that levity becomes gravity in order for gravity to become levity. Guffah-HA!

Thus, "take up your cross,: for "My yoke is easy, and My burden is light."

Anonymous said...

Trump noted, then took advantage of several things.

One is the obvious decline of America, of the American Dream. Another is that the poor, the working and middle class have been hit hardest by free trade-globalism while the top 1% have become far richer. Another is that many people have been conditioned to believe implausible things without any proof whatsoever. Finally is the maturation and active use of Bernays social manipulation technologies by the media, large corporations, advertisers and politicians, for the gain of the 1% and the expense of almost everybody else. America hasn't been this way since the late 1800's.

Hold on a sec, anon @1/06/2021 03:27:00 PM. I juist went off didn't I? That question wasn't directed at me. I knew what was coming way back when Trump called Bush "Low energy Jeb" during that debate. Your question was for the others. My bad.

Fredo said...

Show me where the constitution says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful. Because I can show you that outraged citizens are what made the country what she is and led to any major milestone. To be honest, this is not a tranquil time.

Joe said...

Antifa is just an idea.

Nancy P said...

I just don't know why there aren't uprisings all over the country. Maybe there will be.

Kamala said...

Protesters should not let up!

Anonymous said...

Hmm... so you think it is ok for "protesters" to break into and vandalize the Senate of the United States because of the outrage that their candidate fairly lost election despite 62 failed legal suits none of which even claimed fraud? I have never quoted Mitch McConnel before, but what he said is approproiate:

"If this election were overturned by mere allegations from the losing side, our democracy would enter a death spiral. We'd never see the whole nation accept an election again,"

And if you want to retort with the election mantra, instead of whining, how about providing any credible evidence that Trump won by a landslide and that he should be able to crown himself for another term.

And... if you want to deflect from what is going on, yes Antifa are terrible and support and engage in violence (which has nothing at all with the topic of today).

Our country has taken a big blow to its democracy.

Anonymous said...

Funny, I didn't see any vandalism. Once inside, the protesters were walking around like tourists, staying on the carpets and not crossing the roped-off zones.

Perhaps if they had instead set everything on fire and covered the capitol with graffiti, the capitol police would have taken a knee with them instead of opening fire, and then it would have been called a peaceful protest.

Cousin Dupree said...

Looked mostly peaceful to me.

Gagdad Bob said...

I predicted the left would disavow rioting on January 20. I was off by two weeks.

Gagdad Bob said...

On the positive side, maybe some on the left will be less enthusiastic about defunding the police.

Anonymous said...

So, you are saying that you don't have any problems with what happened? You think that the election should have been overturned and Trump should have been deemed as being reelected?

Gagdad Bob said...

My view hasn't changed: I'm for the policy of shooting rioters and looters on sight, only applied consistently.

Anonymous said...

Well at least you are even handed - albeit on the draconian side. How about the 2nd question?

Gagdad Bob said...

Please. I've never suggested the election should be overturned, only that it was rigged.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the protest quickly wound down. But the damage is done.

The rest of the world now knows America is pretty much bumf*ck Nicaragua without bananas. Oye Carlos, llama las soldados.

Major loss of face. This is not on Trump. He is a well-documented preening narcissist and we can only expect self-centered indecency from him.

This is on our citizenry. Apparently there are not enough combat veterans out there to keep wannabe MAGA civilian weenies behind the yellow tape any more. You weenies, you know who you are. Break out the history books and get some respect. You girls can't fight worth sh*t.

What a sh*t show. The Mexicans are closing the border, they don't want our kind in their country. Can't blame them.

-Commanding Officer X

Anonymous said...

-Commanding Officer X,

So maybe there was a fair amount of vandalism and stolen objects, with 4 dead. And somebody took a dump in Pelosi's office. But my own city was laid completely waste after the BLM "protests" and the resulting firestorm caused hundreds of millions of casualties. No comparison. I've only now just finished mopping up the last of the satanists playing Ouija in my backyard.

I'll take a mob of confederate flag waving clown coup fascists over mobs of angry black woke folk any day.

Daisy said...

Someone took a dump in Palsi’s office? I hadn’t heard that. Perhaps they were just trying to make her feel like she was back in San Francisco.

ted said...

Ha, ha! Good one. Mike drop.

Gagdad Bob said...

The Republican party has gone full cuck. Of the major blogs, seems like Ace is the last man standing.

julie said...

Indeed, God bless him. The rest have shown who they really are. Though I haven't followed most "mainstream" "conservatives" in years, anyway. They conserve nothing. Sad that over at Instapundit, only Sarah Hoyt has the nads to stand for the truth.

Funny, back before the '16 election, there was a time when Ace was *this close* to being a full-on neverTrumper. Things have changed quite a bit since then.

Gagdad Bob said...

Today he posted some sound analysis by John Hayward:

Either political violence is rejected in total - from everyone, for any reason, no matter who they are or what they believe - or it isn't. Once the tolerance level is no longer zero, we become locked in a vicious and endless struggle to control exactly what the level should be.

.... in principle the law-abiding residents and shop owners of Kenosha should have the same expectation of protection from political violence as politicians in D.C. But they don't, do they?

Every time a left-wing group gets violent, we're immediately told the protest was Mostly Peaceful, and the people who assembled peaceably - and their political leaders, no matter how incendiary their rhetoric - are 0% responsible for any injury or destruction that occurred.

We're told it's really all OUR fault for not listening to the grievances of the "protesters" who turned violent, even as we watch video of them merrily looting retail stores. We forced them to steal those TV sets by not yielding to their political demands!

Irresponsible political leaders who fanned the flames of left-wing violence and help the perpetrators escape accountability for their actions are never held to account, never told they must resign, rarely even advised to tone down their rhetoric.

And many - most - of the left-wing riots and killings of recent memory were based on falsehoods and misinformation. Outright lies were blasted by left-wing politicians and media without consequence, entirely BECAUSE they wanted to whip people into a frenzy.

julie said...

Yep. The complete hysteria on the various "news" channels yesterday was so over-the-top, it was laughable. These same assouls who have been lecturing us day in and day out about how it's our fault all those people had to riot, and how CHAZ was just another summer of love, and there's nothing happening in Portland. For that matter, the same media that donned pink pussy hats four years ago, and lauded protesters inside the capitol wearing handmaid costumes for the Kavanaugh circus.

Now, suddenly, it's all beyond the pale.

Gagdad Bob said...

For the first time in history the president, speaker of the house, and chief justice are all Catholic. Theocracy!

julie said...


And in a church lead more by shepherds than by wolves, they'd all be excommunicated.

Anna said...

Just peeking my head in again... I like to check in here to see what's going on when it gets crazy out there. Wanting to note the antifa role in what happened yesterday, such as, "...Trump supporters pulling Antifa terrorists away from building. There’s plenty of these videos. Why isn’t the #mainstreammedia reporting?" I don't use Twitter myself, but I follow some accounts. Metaxas, McCullough, D'Souza, Scott Adams the Dilbert guy... Just wanted to mention it, though I'm sure it's already on the radar.

ted said...

I recommend Nick Di Paolo's show for actually good comic relief as well as standing for truth.

julie said...

Impression I had is that antifa may have opened the doors. Hoping for a lot more violence from patriots, I think. Was watching a stream yesterday, somebody did definitely open the doors from inside, as they swing outward, not in. Even after that, it really wasn't a lot of people who went in, and they actually debated about it first, they didn't just charge in. The initial vid of the people clashing with police was a small group of people in black wearing their maga hats backward, which apparently was how antifa were identifying themselves to each other.

Ted, I enjoy JP Sears' feed, he's been on a real tear this year. That guy is truly fearless or a complete nut. Probably both, actually.

ted said...

Julie, yes I like his stuff. Some of my leftist friends use to share his videos. Not much anymore :).

Gagdad Bob said...

It is strange how Trump rallies are always so conspicuously peaceful and festive compared to what happened yesterday.

julie said...

That may have also have something to do with the fact that before, most on our side still trusted in the ballot box, and barring that, the blindness of the justice system and others in authority such that our voices might still be heard. Yesterday proved that we have no voice the way we thought we did, and probably haven't truly for quite some time.

Who can be lighthearted who knows he is about to be stabbed in the back again and again by those who are supposed to speak for him? Eventually, it starts to get old.

ted said...

I think the right learned all summer that riots were peaceful, but you only can really learn by doing.

Anonymous said...

Do you people believe in the tooth fairy also??

Do you ever think something through that you read on the Internet through before you decide to accept it? Antfa infiltrated the Trump mob???? Realy??? Based on what? Does evidence or logic play any part in what you believe?

The election was fraudulent? Nobody on this thread has ever provide one iota of evidence of this, but you actually believe it and keep on repeating it. It doesn't matter that no evidence was provided in 62 court cases that were thrown out. You people believe something that has no credibility at all. The Georgia ballots have been counted by hand 3 times now with no changes (and which discounts any idiocy about the machines being reprogrammed since the original paper that people filled out is what was counted. Firing off just a few more brain cells is all it would take to discount this nonsense.

"The complete hysteria on the various "news" channels yesterday was so over-the-top,". So you don't see anything wrong with a mob breaking into our congress and disrupting a constitutionally mandated process? Having us look like a banana republic doesn't bother you at all?

You don't think that a president falsely claiming that he won the election by millions of votes and refusing to accept the election results damages our democracy?

How can there be credibility when you can find nothing wrong that the side that you believe in does and everything wrong with anyone who doesn't follow your beliefs? of course Antifa is terrible and the media is biased on both sides. Must you always counter everything with "but the other side did....". Can you find nothing wrong with anything that your side does? is that objective

If Biden was president and did the same things Trump was doing, would your opinions be the same?

And finally, do you really think that Trump cares about anything other than Trump? Do you think that he cares about America or its populace? Look how he turns on anyone that doesn't feed his pathetic ego and personal goals. How can you look at his behavior and trust anything he says or any of his motives.

It doesn't take a lot.. Just a little unbiased though. Try it some time. You may find your opinions will change.

Nicolás said...

The subtle interpretation of any event always seems suspicious to the leftist.

ted said...

Chris Cuomo actually got one right.

Gagdad Bob said...

There are two things a leftist can never do: 1) be consistent in his principles, and 2) stop projecting.

Anonymous said...

Well, now I understand why you believe that the election was fraudulent. I don't see how I can believe otherwise based on that well though out argument. That turned me around 100%!


I am centrist and not leftist - although using the author's definition of leftist as disagreeing with anything he doesn't agree with or having any association at all with anyone who believes something he doesn't agree with, I suppose I am. Although so is 99.9999999% of the world. Falsely claiming that elections were fraudulent is neither left or right.

I am also neither Democrat or Republican although have voted with each party in the past. Falsely claiming that elections were fraudulent is neither Republican or Democrat. Plenty of Republicans agree that the elections were fair.

Where is the subtlety in in believing that your system of government is fraudulent without any evidence of it? Also where is the subtlety in being binary whereby your side is always 100% right about everything and incapable of doing anything wrong and the other side is always 100% wrong about everything?

There is plenty wrong with all sides.

Nicolás said...

We must not pretend that the intelligent idea seems intelligent to one who is not intelligent.

Anonymous said...

anon @1/07/2021 02:14:00 PM,

You are wrong. God gives us superpowers. If we say the Marxist/Stalinist Deep State is eating babies so they can ruin the anointed Donald, then it is reality no matter what your silly "science" or looney "logic" thinks. Because you're obviously inhabited by demons.

Last tag no tagbacks.

Anonymous said...

Nicolás, you go girl. God is the only one who gets to tell me who's intelligent. Or not.

Nicolás said...

Profundity is not in what is said, but in the level from which it is said.

Anonymous said...

Where is the profundity in making statements without any backing facts or at least the though process that goes into a conclusion?

Nicolás said...

Let us say frankly to our opponent that we do not share his ideas because we understand them and that he does not share ours because he does not understand them.

Anonymous said...

My, we are full of ourselves aren't we?

Nicolás said...

No answer can be more intelligent than the question that gave rise to it.

Anonymous said...

Okay, am I the only one who finds these sayings just a little bit formulaic? "If you want to push something down, you have to pull it up. If you want to go left, you have to go right.

Nicolás said...

To learn my teachings I must first teach you to learn.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Nicolas. You da man.

So the latest on Americas favorite seditionist, that horned Qanon shaman guy.

We all know he’s been preaching that the CIA was infiltrated by the Nazis, who then went on to infiltrate the media with black magic. Old news that. But now he’s not only being accused of being a double agent for antifa, but of being married to Nancy Pelosi’s daughter as well. Trumps own attorney, Lin Wood, has been proclaiming him to be a devout BLM socialist. Our shaman is denying all of this, but has no proof. Come to think of it, proof’s pretty much irrelevant in modern America, so never mind.

But still, all this is far too confusing for us DK anons. Might Bob or Daisy be willing to clarify? Plus an aphorism from Nicholas would be cool. Thanks.

Nicolás said...

The true hero is the one with the courage to run away.

Van Harvey said...

"Yes, it's an audacious gamble, but I guess Einstein was wrong: God does like to play dice with the universe."

lol, yes indeed he does... but of course... the odds do favor the house.

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