Saturday, June 20, 2020

Man, the Endangered Species

Alternative title: Science Giveth and Scientism Taketh Away

Just a couple of points this morning. We'll begin with an aphorism:

An education without the humanities prepares one only for menial occupations.

That was true until the left took over the humanities and transformed them into the subhumanities. Now an education in the formerly liberal arts prepares one for neither menial nor intellectual labor, for one not only knows nothing, but literally less than nothing. Which is only possible for a human, so I suppose we could still call them humanities in an ironic sense.

The point is, the ideological transformation of the humanities results not just in nonsense, but nonsense about human nature. Which is surely the worst kind nonsense, since it colors everything else.

Which is why man should be placed at the top of the so-called Endangered Species List. And who is endangering him? Yes, it is "man," but a certain type of man. This type:

The modern man is the man who forgets what man knows about man (Dávila).

And not just "forgotten," but reprogrammed to believe man is something other than what he is (and always will be).

Coming at it from the other (scientistic) end, Voegelin writes of how "the model of positive science destroys the understanding of the myth for the past as well as the present."

This results in two related psycho-pneumatic derailments, first, a kind of obtuse and concrete literalism in approaching the mythopoetic insights of the past, and second, a failure to appreciate that scientism itself partakes of mythology, only in a totally naive and unreflective way:

The symbols of the myth are cut off, through this attitude, from their basis in the unconscious and are required to legitimate themselves as if they were propositions concerning objects. The myth is erroneously supposed to be meant "literally" instead of symbolically, and consequently appears as naive or superstitious.

We've discussed this sort of incomplete person before. It is as if they've undergone a procedure to sever the right brain from the rest of the neocortex, which results in a kind of soulectomy, being that the input and output of the soul -- reception and exteriorization -- require the nonlinear processing, holistic perception, and symmetrical logic of the right cerebral hemisphere.

Illustration: In the beginning God creates the heavens and the earth. Like anybody could know that! That's just a myth. It's not science!

No, moron, it's not science. Rather, it is the metaphysical basis for the very possibility of science. It is precisely why science only developed in the Christian west.

Regarding scientism (i.e., the naive metaphysicalization of science),

The myth has a fundamental function in human existence and myths will be created no matter what anybody thinks about them. We cannot overcome myth, we can only misunderstand it (Voegelin, emphasis mine).

Exactly. For myth communicates an implicit metaphysic, as in the example above, in which Genesis posits a radically transcendent source of cosmic order and human rationality.

So, scientism is a myth like any other, only worse. But what is the myth "really saying"? In other words, what perennial truths about human nature are being obscured by the prestige of "science"?

An obvious case is Marxism, which is just a Christian heresy dressed up as scientific materialism, what with the original innocence of paradise (primordial communism), fall (private property), redemption-revolution, and the heaven/utopia of the Workers' Paradise on earth, AKA dictatorship of the proletariat.

Thus, Voegelin points out that

Such symbols as "reason," "mankind," "proletariat," "race," "communist society," "world peace," and so forth, are supposed to be different in nature from pagan or Christian symbols because their mythical truth is covered and obscured by the superimposition of the additional myth of science.

Whenever you hear a leftist proclaim his devotion to science, you need to translate it to a love of myth. Note, for example, the mythical assumptions packed into such slogans as Black Lives Matter, or "Love is Love," or "No Human is Illegal," or "All Genders are Whole, Holy, and Good, or "Women's Rights are Human Rights" (which they can't be, since men don't have the right to kill their children), or -- without irony -- "Science is Real." Taken literally these are banalities, but they obviously mean something much deeper and more sinister.

Since the myth does not cease to be myth because somebody believes it to be science, the telescoping of myth and science has a peculiar warping effect on the personality of the believers (Voegelin).

I was thinking of how nowadays, when the Supreme Court is in session, it means that another constitutional convention is taking place, albeit without the participation of the People. Rather, this week, for example, a couple of judicial idiots (Roberts and Gorsuch) decided to impose their scientistic myth on the rest of us, i.e., that the Constitution confers certain special rights on people who are confused about their gender.

This is consistent with Voegelin's description of how

the forces of the unconscious will stream into the form, not of the myth, but of theory or science. The symbols of the myth become perverted into intramundane, illusionary objects, "given," as if they were empirical data, to the cognitive and active functions of man.

But here is the real point that intrigued me, that as a result of this process, "man becomes anthropomorphic." What is meant by this cryptic remark? He expands upon it a few pages later, warning of "the anthropomorphic fallacy of forming man in the image of conscious man," "in an age in which the anthropomorphic obsession has destroyed the reality of man."

We usually think of anthropomorphization as the naive attribution of human traits to animals or inanimate objects. But we can also do it to human beings, in particular, when we isolate man from the divine pole, or enclose him in immanence -- in short, when we deny the intrinsic verticality of the human being.

So, if you think the claim that man is the image and likeness of the Creator is a myth, it has nothing on the rank superstition that man is created in the image and likeness of man.

Back to Sandoz. He writes of how contemporary education

does little to restore the understanding of uniquely human reality. Rather, taken alone, it does the very opposite and helps make human beings an endangered species through obfuscation. Both Nazism and Marxism-Leninism evoke natural science as their paradigm....

The problem, of course, isn't science, but

its perversion into scientism and positivism and, thereby, into methodological and other assumptions about knowledge and reality that fallaciously presume to supply sovereign, even the sole, road to truth. Systematic reductionism and deformation of reality inevitably result.

Every time. Scientistic jokers to the left of me, postmodern clowns to the further left.


Anonymous said...

This post was more difficult to follow than usual. I'll have to cogitate on it for awhile. It is an interesting and intelligent piece of writing.

The way you are able to interpose quotes from various authors in the post as you go along marks you as capable scholar.

I have a degree in the humanities, and I know exactly of which you speak when you now call them sub-humanities. I did not drop out, but I rebelled vigorously. I still got the degree.
Despite being overtaken by inanities, the instructors still presented all of the important writers, including Kant and Marx. In the area of literature we read Dostoyevski, Pope, Shakeskpeare, all the greats too numerous to list.

I don't think you can destroy the humanities so long as the traditional canon is read, and I do believe it still is being read. There is some hope there. Sure, the professors try to spin it for propaganda, but still, there it is: "Crime and Punishment." You don't have to listen to Dr. Smith to tell you what the book says. It says what it says.

Crack open "Mein Kampf." Does Herr Hitler write well? Some say he does? Did he believe in the theories forwarded by Darwin? You bet your bippy he did.

You don't need a professor to tell you about Herr Hitler. He tells you about himself.

So...there's my two cents. Now I'm off to chase the good life; plenty of tail out there.

So, an education is obtained despite all obstacles.

Anonymous said...

How did the left take over the humanities?

I'm more of am engineer by mindset, that world where it's always something but that something is always made up of and/or caused but other somethings, and then even more danged somethings to figure out.

But you here, less confused, seem to have it all figured out.

What caused the left to take over the humanities? Was it a conspiracy? Is Soros the conspiracy master? Why dont Koch, the Mercers, the Scaifes, Adelson, Bloomberg, and all the other conservative fat cats just join together to take down Soros' taking over the humanities?

julie said...

Now an education in the formerly liberal arts prepares one for neither menial nor intellectual labor, for one not only knows nothing, but literally less than nothing.

This is how they end up with a 4 year degree costing six figures, and can only find a job as a barista (in other words, a fast food employee). And then they can't handle it when a police officer comes in for coffee or a customer complains about the drug users in the bathroom.

Sounds like a pretty raw deal, unfortunately. It's too bad so many people are still falling for it.

Anonymous said...

I know a girl with a degree in international politics from a small Oregon college who works as a project manager at Microsoft making six figures. I also know a guy with the same degree from a Lutheran University who does the same thing for their X-Box products, who makes enough to own several real estate investment properties in the expensive Seattle area.

A zoology and middle eastern history doing well in aerospace design.

But I've heard that most former coal miners who've retrained to become coders are having a tough time finding work in that field.

But yeah, it's been common sense for many decades that liberal arts is a crapshoot. But I do know a cinematic arts who's married to one of George Lucas' people. And an art history who made it kinda big in Europe with her folksy alternate music band. Her brother did history too and owns a fishing boat in Alaska.

I know a lot of people in a lot of circumstances, probably more than everybody here combined. Not my first choice, just part of my job. Sometimes this makes it hard for me to generalize.

Daisy said...

Really? I didn't realize there was a contest.

Anonymous said...

I know many people with degrees in the humanities, especially in English, and all withough exception eventually found well-paying career positions.

The perception of the "worthless college degree" leading to menial labor is possibly a bit dated. I think that wave crested in the 90's. I think a degree these days is money in the bank.

I'll remind everyone again: Get out there! Make observations and conduct interviews. The situation is never static.

Public announcement: Seattle's Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone is now open for tourists! We'd love to see you come for a visit. Free food, drink, T-shirts and more can be yours. We have a line-up of live music you won't want to miss.

Mr. Trump, come on down and join us! It is the Summer of Love.

Daisy said...

Well, love and murder. It's totally mostly peaceful! As long as you aren't a cop trying to get to a shooting victim.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1:54

I think the humanities were taken over by a large number of feminists who felt alienated from the male dominated science, engineering, mathematics areas and so opted for degrees in the humanities.

After graduating many became professors and took over the field. Once a feminist becomes a department head, they tend to purge out the dinosaurs and install more yes-women.

Over time Marxism crept in as the feminist cadre rebelled against the male dominated Capitalist junta.

So today, men in the humanities must toe the party line if they want inclusion. These same men can step over to the computer science building and enjoy naughty sexist conversations with other guys at will. All on the same campus; a world divided.

Anonymous said...

Daisy @6/20/2020 02:52:00 PM,

No contest. Just my job. And a thankless one too. At least until I flooded the earth and gave you yahoos another whirl as long as you'd remember who made ya'll, once in a while.

Sheesh... a perfect garden and a perfect couple and all they had to do was just not eat that one forbidden fruit. I'll quit whining now.

BTW, I also know more than all people put together.

Anonymous said...

The title of your post reads "Man, the Endangered Species."

The title should be amended to read "Homo Sapiens, the Endangered Species."

The word Homo would serve to remind the reader many of us are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Transgendered.

The word Sapiens is kind of feminine (could be a kind of fabric or foodstuff) and serves to remind the reader there are both men and women involved in our story.

You wouldn't want to forget about women, would you? I didn't think so.

Now then, when you say endangered, you must mean by global warming, deforestation, nuclear war, or other toxic male aggression.

Males. Some of you are OK. The rest? Well....

Anonymous said...

For now, a humanities college degree is still worth something in material terms. A degree is a union card in effect, it’s possible you can score a 6 figure income if you’ve got one. The question is, what kind of soul-deadening effect is it going to have, how much lesser a “vertical” human are you going to be? The type who spouts PC cliches and who thinks a Better World can actually be brought about by wholesale upheaval of tradition whether or not that tradition has been understood to work reasonably well, the type of person ignorant of the disaster that such social upheavals always bring, as history shows? The type of person who endorses mob action, looting, arson, statue toppling up until the mob comes for you (and left unchecked, they will)?

In SF the unchecked mob toppled statues of US Grant, a Catholic saint, and Cervantes. Hey, not just statues of Confederate heroes, comrades, let’s tear up the roots of Western Civ.

The college campus is as corrupt as any institution our corrupt managerial elite governs - they fill you head with spirituality-deadening goo for the most part and then they put you in debt for the rest of your life. I’d be willing to bet that in 10 years, a lot of our top-line colleges won’t exist. The rise of the new French revolutionaries is one of the signs that Western Civ is in rapid decline, and tho Mr Trump may cushion the fall - figures like him tend to pop up when civs are in the rapid decline stage - Western Civ is going down, and the best we can do is to retain its best ideals.

If I had children now, I’d make sure they were educated in the humanities - obviously not by way of colleges - but I’d insist they have a practical skill in the trades, carpentry, electricity, plumbing, farming, etc., because those are things you can barter with when money becomes useless and food trucks stop rolling. Maybe menial stuff now, but if you learn those skills, you’ll be at the top of the heap in the future. Oh, and the luxury of being a PC cadet with all the social luster that bestows - that will be meaningless.


Anonymous said...



julie said...

Will, there was a meme going around a few years ago that showed young women before and after college. The befores were all happy looking and generally lovely, the afters tended to be a horror show of general, deliberate uglification. Of course it's not every girl, but it's often enough to really give one pause; I'd absolutely hate for my daughter to go off to be "educated," only to graduate having been warped beyond all recognition, her happiness destroyed and her heart turned away from everything that would be to her best good. It's appalling.

Anonymous said...

I do a lot of work for soft techs, and "carpentry, electricity, plumbing, farming, etc." most know little to nothing about. They can code, text, and buy from Wayfair and that's about it.

Totally different from my generation. We'd berry pick in the fields and do paper routes for summer money, now all being done by illegals. We'd turn 2 junker cars into one drivable car, now first cars gotta be new. Our marriages were always done on the cheap at the local church, not it's a $25,000 extravaganza. We 'd "This Old House" our first homes mostly do-it-yourself, now kids demand brand new turnkey condos.

But I'd need to know more about campus corruption, specifically, how our children are being programmed by our managerial elite. To be good (preferably mindless) consumers of their products should be obvious.

Adult child activism is about as American as apple pie, going back since before the NYC draft riots of 1863, heck, even back to the Stamp Act riots of 1765. They used to come up with catchy slogans back then, like "No taxation without representation".

Have the CHAZ people come up with anything catchy and reasonable? I do know that their leadership knows it's a protest publicity stunt which can't go on forever. I know that the PTB will do whatever they can to marginalize the protesters as a bunch of nutty kids, the way the PTB have always marginalized threats to their order and will throughout American history. Is the MSM going to spin all this in ways to piss off their tribalized consumers, just so they can get more mindless consumer products sold?

Anonymous said...

Wow, great post, and so many provacative comments too!

Will 7:56, you wrote "For now, a humanities college degree is still worth something in material terms. A degree is a union card in effect, it’s possible you can score a 6 figure income if you’ve got one."

I think you have this 100% right. The degree shows you have played ball in an organization, you were studious enough to turn in assignments, and had sufficient discipline to get up in the morning on time. Employees see it as a sign you may have your sh*t together. And that is all you need to get ahead in this society.

Most employers want the new hire to set aside what they learned in college so they can train them up into their specific company culture.

Rookie police officers reporting to their training officers for patrol duty are invariably told "Forget everything you learned in the academy."

Out the window goes the de-escalation classes, the community policing seminars, the cultural sensitivity training. Instead the rookie gets this: "Every police officer is under constant threat. Every street corner is a possible ambush. It is us against the criminals."

The rookie is in effect told they are a soldier. They are equipped like soldiers. Their training officers lead like combat squad leaders.

The community is not considered friendly and eventually the officers develop a Fallujah type attitude. They become desensitized to violence. In fact officers that are "too nice" get dissed. When a rookie refused to use force on a drunk old man, his training officer scolded him, "You missed a free slap." This was in Minneapolis, mind you.

All this has to change or situations like CHAZ will become a fixture in American Culture.

Would you tend to agree?

Anonymous said...

Julie, my first time living in the deep south, my never-been-out of-the-south friend told me that we northerners "had them ripcord wives". What? He replied with two physical gestures: first pulling a cord out of the abdomen, second the abdomen exploding outward, implying that northern women put on 100 pounds as soon as they're married. Myself, later visiting the Orlando theme parks, saw for myself that this was absolutely true. All the hottie southern wives were tanned in daisy dukes and crop tops and the pale northern wives were all weebly wobbly.

It took me years to recognize that this was cognitive bias.

That guy himself described his first marriage to a beautiful southern hottie, who had her entire unemployed family move into his house complete with alky brother and toothless gramps. He'd come home after a long day wearing shirt and tie and there they'd all be in the living room half dressed watching Jerry Springer, the place reeking of Budweiser and Red Man. For years I ran with that one too, as being typically southern.

I'd think that lovely young girls would be more likely to uglify themselves after hearing stories of drugged girls being frat house gang raped.

Again, I' like to know what these happiness destroying educational tactics are.

Anonymous said...

More response to Will's comment:

Will wrote regarding earning a six figure income: "The question is, what kind of soul-deadening effect is it going to have, how much lesser a “vertical” human are you going to be?"

A job will not necessarily have a soul-destroying effect if you take great pains to minimize the damage. But only if.

Case in point is Gagdad Bob's job as a psychologist (No I am not GDB in mufti). GDB reports his profession has been completely trashed by leftists, yet he keeps seeing patients. How does he cope?

I think GDB takes a step back and says to himself "this job does not define me. It allows me to subsist and to buy things at the store and provides health insurance. I may be able to help some people while doing this despite the moral corruption of the methods. And, I'm not going to tie my self-worth to this work."

Sadly I think some people define themselves by their work and their earning power and this always militates against peace of mind. Many people lead lives of quiet desperation for this reason.

I'm a case officer for an intelligence service and the job is killing me quite literally. Why don't I get out of the game? Health insurance. Quiet desperation? You bet.

I wish I was a stone mason. I collect beautiful rocks; I'm drawn to them. I admire all of the ancient stone buildings and monuments, and the great cathedrals of Europe. Now, THERE is an occupation. Anything where you can work with your hands to create a durable work of art...or grow crops, do carpentry, anything like that.

Where did I go astray? Where? My father was an architect, a brick-layer, good with paving stones and walls. He was also a skilled arborist. My mother was an accomplished herbalist and horticultural expert.

Where the "F" did I go off the rails? I cannot blame my parents. I must need blame myself. Is it too late to change? Should I buy a chisel and and a limestone block and just chip away? Shall I plant a truck garden, some trees, maybe my six allowed hemp plants?

IDK. I envy the tradespeople. Will, I agree children must be shown a trade and not just shunted into colleges.

Anonymous said...

Girls these days are very scary. If they don't like a guy, then he is not getting any.
If the girl likes a guy, she is not taking no for an answer; he must love them or else.

Some guys become "involuntary celibates" (incels) because for some reason no female will mate with them. This is tragic. These incels will eventually explode in frustration and harm themselves or others.

Others guys fall in with an insatiable female who will consume all of his time and demand skillful and frequent love-making as well as him saying "I love you" 100 times a day, and stop seeing all of his friends because she doesn't like them. These guys become very sad and neurotic.

Females have a LOT of power because they control the p*ssy. They have p*ssy power, and this power should not be underestimated.

Anonymous said...

Anon @6/21/2020 10:29:00 AM,

They say the American crime rate has been dropping since 1990, with the official reasons being controversial or even uncertain. Conservatives will tell you it's been more money for the cops. Liberals will tell you it's been better education and a drop in racism.

I disagree. The reason for the drop has been the massive incarceration of the drug addicted, who are sadly yes, mostly minority.

I've known many blacks, and not just those of the conservative oreo variety. The Section 8s I've met are mostly decent folk, who labor under the illusion that their chances are significantly less in our society, outside of pro sports or the thug life. It's a pretty powerful feeling, that the odds are stacked against you, and no matter how hard you try it's always going to be an uphill your whole life, something I've felt myself.

Anonymous said...

In the 70's pretty girls went for the alpha dominant pretty jock types, bad boys with character flaws such as a tendency to bully being overlooked.

Today they go for the average looking geek squad guys, small in muscle but large in mathematical brain.

Seems the common factor is the money making ability.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, I would tend to agree.


Anonymous said...

Women find money very sexy.

Not all women are greedy; to them it ties in with reproduction and security.

On a primordial level they sense the stable home with food in it, money for clothes and medicine, are critically important things. And they don't want to get these on their own.

If a male prospect has the material abundance angle covered, the woman will get aroused and wet, wanting to proceed with reproduction.

So hence, it may look like women have a shallow desire for possessions but I don't think that is the full picture.

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