Friday, October 25, 2019

We're Gonna Need a Bigger Cause

If one believes it possible to deny that one is a man or a woman -- i.e., to affirm the possibility of "transgenderism" -- it is only because one must first believe it possible to deny one's humanness. In other words, the denial of the sexual form of one's humanness is rooted in an antecedent denial of the human essence per se (form being an expression of the essence).

Once you think about it, it is obvious: all post-Enlightenment anti-religious secular misosophies deny the reality of essences, and gravity takes care of the rest; once something isn't what it is, it is anything we wish it to be: garbage in, tenure out.

The above thoughtlets occurred to me in reading a passage by Schuon, wherein he describes the contemporary

philosophical and artificial dehumanization of man, which proves, not that man is something other than he is, but simply that he is capable, precisely because he is man, of denying the human without however really being able to succeed in this aim. He can deny himself because he is a man, yet it is for the same reason that he fails finally in so doing (emphasis mine).

Think about that one: because man is man, he is able to deny that he is man. In other words, denial is part of the human package. And yet, denial cannot be an independent, free-floating principle. Rather, denial is always of a reality the person doesn't wish to acknowledge. One could even say that it not only has a perfect right to exist, but is a divine mercy, precisely. It is only when it exceeds its limits that it becomes pathological.

To back up a bit, denial isn't just one of our most fundamental psychological defense mechanisms, I would suggest that every other defense mechanism, from the primitive to the mature, partakes of it. Every patient I see is in denial of something; acknowledgement of that something would provoke psychic pain, which is why it is denied.

But again, defense mechanisms aren't pathological per se, any more than our immune system is. However, both physical and psychological defenses can go too far and end up attacking and weakening the host, thereby undermining their reason for being.

For example, across the street from us lives an elderly hoarderess who mindlessly putters around her yard all day, unloading worthless junk from her truck, washing it, adding it to the pile, rearranging the pile. All. Day. Long. Her solipsistic existence has been reduced to her mechanical and self-enclosed obsessions and compulsions. But she's just a vivid example of a more subtle process. Indeed, For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

What? No, that's not original to me. Heard it from some guy who claims to be the quintessential human. (In translation: where your obsessions are, there your compulsions will be.)

Now, the heart is the "location" of our vertical transnatural intellect. And our design is such that it should conform itself and be attached to its proper treasure. Or at least detached from the trivial and worthless. Schuon:

Detachment: first it should be noted that attachment is the very nature of man; and yet, he is asked to be detached; the criterion of the legitimacy of an attachment is that its object should be worthy of love, namely that it should transmit something of God, and, even more importantly, should not take us away from God...

Our hoarderess, for example, is deeply attached to countless objects which are subjectively imbued with with some sort of magical -- perhaps even "saving" -- value. It goes without saying that these treasures are not only worthless, but less than worthless because they plunge her into a "minus space" that distances her from the divine realty and (as an immediate consequence) from her own reason for being. But again, this is really just an iteration of Genesis 3.

You could say that at one end of our vertical bi-directionality is "ye shall be as gods," at the other, "seek ye first the kingdom of God." All the movement -- and drama -- takes place between these poles, i.e., O and Ø. Reality is at one end, illusion at the other.

Now, one can look at the latter in two ways: for appearances can be severed from reality, in which case they eventually reduce to absurdity. Or, appearances can be seen as a mode of reality, which is the Christian view, i.e., that the local things of this world are a visible expression of their invisible and nonlocal Creator.

If all this is true, then the so-called Fall is the ultimate cause of most of the trouble in this world. Or, if you want to take a logico-empirical approach, you could say that history is one long train of horror, sadism, and stupidity, which therefore requires a cause sufficient to explain the baleful effects -- a kind of ineradicable X-factor. X is a perpetual cause of the diverse effects that ceaselessly appear. So:

what good is it to eliminate effects if the cause remains and continues to produce similar effects over and over? And even more urgently: what is the use of eliminating the effects of evil to the detriment of the elimination of the cause itself?

What's the use? Well, for starters, it will get you elected, since vulgar politics generally comes down to an argument over how to remedy the effects without discussing the causes, or at any rate misidentifying the causes.

Speaking of which,

what is the use of eliminating [the effects] while replacing the cause by another for more pernicious one, namely the hatred of the Sovereign Good and passion for impermanent things? In a word: if one fights the calamities of this world outside the total truth and the ultimate good, incomparably greater calamities will be created, beginning, precisely, with the negation of this truth and the forfeiture of this good...

Botton line: our self-styled liberators liberate us from God -- the Absolute -- and thereby from our essential humanness, which is proportioned to truth, virtue, and beauty. Which only deprives us of our cosmic birthright, i.e., those vertical treasures alluded to above.

(All of the Schuon quotes are taken from different essays in Esoterism as Principle and as Way.)


julie said...

For example, across the street from us lives an elderly hoarderess who mindlessly putters around her yard all day, unloading worthless junk from her truck, washing it, adding it to the pile, rearranging the pile. All. Day. Long.

I'm reminded again of the blessing of catastrophe. There are few things quite so liberating in life as losing everything, however it may come about. On the one hand, of course, it's one of the worst things that can happen in life; on the other, having once been through it, those with eyes to see understand to the heart and bone that the having of things, even old family treasures, is not truly important. But if your things are all you have...

Our hoarderess, for example, is deeply attached to countless objects which are subjectively imbued with with some sort of magical -- perhaps even "saving" -- value. It goes without saying that these treasures are not only worthless, but less than worthless because they plunge her into a "minus space" that distances her from the divine realty and (as an immediate consequence) from her own reason for being.

A lot of kids' toys today are designed purely to foster this mentality. There are whole lines of toys that exist solely for the pleasure value of being opened; it's all about the surprise inside. The surprise itself, once opened, is usually some tiny, worthless piece of crap that is pretty much useless as a plaything, poorly designed and at best intended more for display than anything else - as if anyone has enough room to display All The Things.

julie said...

...what good is it to eliminate effects if the cause remains and continues to produce similar effects over and over?

Funny, one of the diabolical tendencies of modern government is to provide people with the beneficial effects of good causes, while steadfastly making sure the usual cause of such good effects is avoided at all costs. Thus home loans to unqualified applicants, with the thinking that a nice house will help the foolish make wiser life choices.

Gagdad Bob said...

That second comment goes directly to (Glenn) Reynold's law:

"Subsidizing the markers of status doesn’t produce the character traits that result in that status; it undermines them."

Anonymous said...

Hi Bob:

Today's post is a mixed bag of marvelous insights and cognitive slop of the worst sort.

I don't have time to dismantle the post piece by piece today, but I'll get to it at some point, God willing.

In the mean-time I ask how is it any of your business opining on the trans-gendered? Do you have a horse in that race? One doesn't want to get a reputation for being a gossip, does one?

-Bottomless Pit

Gagdad Bob said...

The transgendered are indeed none of our business. I don't know why they insist they are.

Anonymous said...

What, they insist they are our business? Now how would that be?

Does one need to pay any mind to trans-gendered folk whatsover? And who does? And why would they? That is their gay banal life arc, not ours.

One question about people who oppose gay marriage. That is, what's it to them? Means a lot to the gays, means nothing to the detractor who goes about business as usual, one way or the other. Like stepping on a roach, right? Who cares?

This is gratuitous meddling of a crass sort, very low-brow and uncivilized.

I suppose now that it is hunting season it is time to get out the decoys and scout around.
What, you don't hunt? I wouldn't let that get out.

What kind of conservative doesn't hunt? A feminist in disguise?

Now there's an example of meddling, I just put it out there so you can try it on for size.

Compassion. What, you say, the libtards bandy that around too much. No, that would be the Christians. They will know we are Christian by our love, by our love.

Do you, or do you not, love gays? That is the question. Meditate on that.

-Moist Cleft

Anonymous said...

It’d be so much easier if we all just sold what we possessed and gave the money to the poor so we could only be concerned about our treasure in heaven. No more hoarding, fretting over gender fashions, giving loans to the unworthy, or whatever the hell else this is supposed to be about.

Cousin Dupree said...

Join me in demanding a federal investigation into the pay gap between homosexuals and the rest of us, as it's not fair that gays earn more. For that matter, I want to know why African-Americans are the most affluent blacks in the world. It is neither fair nor just.

But the most serious injustice is the life-gap between men and women. It is not acceptable that women live longer than men, and until we solve that problem, any other gender issues are peripheral at best.

Cousin Dupree said...

Oh, and what about the IQ gap? It is intolerable that in a modern civilization half the population should be disadvantaged by below average intelligence.

General Ripper said...

The women live longer because they keep stealing our precious bodily fluids. We must maintain the purity and essence of our natural fluids!

Anonymous said...

Dupree, life is unfair. Deal with it. You Jews chose to do business in Nazi Germany, to locate your chosen nation in the middle of the turd world, to wear kippahs and payots in Brooklyn, and all you do is bitch about it.

Cousin Dupree said...

Although I'm flattered by the imputation, I'm not actually Jewish. Rather, just a Stonehenge Druid.

julie said...

Bob, I'm sure you've been asked this before, but are you related to the Earl of Godwin who was king for a while, until William the Conqueror barged in?

Gagdad Bob said...

I'd like to think that I am heir to the throne of Harold Godwin, last of the Anglo Saxon kings, but I really don't know. From my grandparents back, it's pretty much a black hole.

Anonymous said...

Hello All, and particular Your Highness. All hail King Godwin!

Dupree brought up a good point, which is the tendency for causes to proliferate to the point where even absurd disparities are complained about. The Left is guilty of this vice, in spades.

However that is no reason not to pursue worthy causes like granting marital rights to gays. We just have to separate the wheat from the chaff, not hard to do at all.

Some of the examples Dupree offered in jest are under some scrutiny. The gap between male land female life spans is a concern. Something is killing the gents, and early studies indicate it is occupational stress. The remedy is to dial back men to be more laid back, earn less money, and have more free time. Of crucial importance is removing the label "Sole Provider." The female spouse needs to pull her weight financially, and that means 50 percent. She's been liberated, and now she is "equally yoked" to the male "ox." She can bitch about being short of money to the mirror, not to hubby.

Men have to chill, retire early, and get into their hobbies. This should start to flatten the death disparity over time. Frequent, thoughtful use of strong spirits (Scotch Whiskey in particular) has been shown to help, as has moderate intake of marijuana.

IQ gaps, when detected early, are treated with Adderall and so forth. This has long been on the radar and what little can be done, is done.

Anyhoo, where the heck am I? Smoked a bowl, am a little disoriented.

-Big Valley

Anonymous said...

Big Valley,

It's a lot more fun to present a charicaturized strawman, even one that was completely shredded by the witch's flying monkeys ages ago, and play with it.

That personal gifts differ was pretty much known by anybody who'd passed the first grade.

But presuming that the left is concerned about legitimate social issues, to then debate these things honestly, is just no fun. Sometimes it's even hard work. And we do enough of that on our day jobs. It's a lot more pleasurable to just make up shit and fling it all over the place, then watch the reactions.

That said, Dupree is lying. He is a Jew. I knew this after I'd read his very first comment.

Anonymous said...

To debate these things honestly is just no fun. Hence the left's attack on free speech.

Anonymous said...

Hello All:

Anonymous, the left is not merely concerned about legitimate social issues, it actively creates them. And no debate is needed. The Left is always Right. End of story.

An investigation revealed Dupree is not Jewish, he is merely skilled in Yiddish. This was acquired for the purpose of deciphering old Biblical scrolls. So you got fooled.

-Big Valley

Cousin Dupree said...

And making solid progress in the research: comedians have long agreed that "k" and hard "c" are the funniest sounds. A disproportionate number of comedians are Jewish. Now, consider the following Yiddish words, which sound funny even if you don't know what they mean: kvetch, schlock, shmendrick, tuches, shtick, bupkis, klutz, schmuck, tchatchke, drek, shnook, farcockt, kibbitz, mishpucheh, nachas, shiksa, shmeckel.

Back to the scrolls.

Anonymous said...

So today we have Dupree promoting Yiddish comedy. Tomorrow he’ll demand studies be done to refute that most Jewish comedians vote Democrat. He needs to learn that life is not fair, that his kin are voting mostly Democrat, and that he’s only funny in a Dennis Miller – Ted Nugent sort of way, which is not very Jewish. This is known as being “a sad Jew”.

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