Wednesday, October 23, 2019

If Transcendence is Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Transcend Themselves

Yesterday I read a short essay by Schuon in this new translation of Esoterism as Principle and as Way, called What Sincerity Is and What It Is Not. In so doing, I found that I highlighted nearly every sentence, which means that the essay is unusually dense with meaning, even for Schuon (whose writing is already as compact as can be). So, now we're going to review the essay and figure out out why I found it so provocative.

As I've mentioned before, most authors take a whole book to transmit a single idea or two, which is, among other things, a discourtesy to the reader. For we don't read merely to pass the time or to distract ourselves from more important things, but to track down and concentrate on the most important things, precisely. And nothing is more important than truth.

We all know people who are sincere, but sincerely wrong. These useful idiots are to be distinguished from the cynical asshat, who may or may not be wrong, but is insincere in any event. AOC, for example, is wrong about nearly everything, but seemingly sincere. It is appropriate that she should throw her support behind a Bernie Sanders, who is invincibly wrong and yet insanely sincere. Same with Marianne Williamson or Tulsi Gabbard.

Conversely, Obama was a calculating cynic. As is Kamala Harris. Biden is a congenial cynic who will pretend to believe anything, whereas Beto is just an irritating fool. The other clowns are a mixture of calculation, foolishness, ignorance, arrogance, vulgarity, hatred, envy, and sincerity. Clinton, of course, is pure cynic.

Clearly, sincerity is of no value in and of itself; rather, its worth is determined by its object. Indeed, a sincere socialist is more dangerous than an insincere one. At the other end, Jesus warns us about the dangers of a lukewarm faith, implying that sincerity has a critically important role to play, so long as it is in service to the proper ends and true interests.

Now, in a postmodern and therefore post-truth world, what becomes of sincerity? I rarely get into internet debates these days, because the people with whom I disagree are nearly always sincere, and therefore unpersuadable by truth, fact, or logic, much less intellection.

Our erstwhile troll William comes to mind. I remember him making the sincere argument that Hitler was a Christian, based upon several statements Hitler had (cynically!) made in order to manipulate the German public. In short, William not only sincerely embraced Hitler's cynical manipulation, but fought for it as you and I would fight for the truth. Remarkable, but quite common. All day long, people sincerely repeat ludicrous talking points.

What's going on here? I mean, besides mere stupidity? Again, human beings are irreducibly epistemophilic, and will therefore fight for truth even when it is a lie. Not to be flip, but you might say that this war between truth and its alternatives is the engine of history -- bearing in mind always that while truth is objective, humans are always an admixture of truth and falsehood, light and dark, good and evil. If only the neo-Marxist progressive could appreciate the following:

No paradise will arise within the framework of time. Because good and evil are not threads twisted together by history, but fibers of the single thread that sin has spun for us (NGD).

It is accurate to say that sincerity minus truth descends into the kind of rocket-fueled subjectivism that defines the left. The impeachment effort, for example, is a howl of pain in search of a cause for it: impeach first, find a reason later. Just make the pain stop!

With "modern subjectivism," writes Schuon, "the most contingent of subjectivity takes precedence over objectivity, even in those cases where the objective is the very reason for being of the subjective, thus determining its worth." The alphabet soup gender madness of the left is a quintessential example of subjectivism entirely displacing the object that determines its worth. In other words: what came first, biological womanhood or the feeling that one is a woman?

To believe the latter is to literally turn the cosmos upside down. No problem! For if your metaphysic abolishes the vertical, then there can be no upside down. Nor any right-side up, which tells you everything you need to know about the left, i.e., the enthusiastic abolition of human norms, archetypes, and standards. (Which is impossible to do, by the way, for they just covertly slip in new absolutes via the back door, and enforce them with an iron fist: you will believe a man is a woman, or else!)

To paraphrase someone, fascism is the violent rejection of transcendence. Now, abolishing the vertical is another name for rejecting transcendence. Individuals are free to do this, which is fine. Indeed, this is one of our reasons for being: ultimately the freedom to choose or reject God.

Problems arise when the rejection is aligned with the state, which has the coercive power to enforce the rejection. So in New York City, for example, one can be fined $250,000 for "misgendering a transexual" or using the term "illegal immigrant."

Note that if one outlaws transcendence, then only outlaws will transcend themselves. That might sound cute, but consider Beto's threat to eliminate the tax exempt status of any church that doesn't pretend that men can be women or that members of the same sex can marry.

Now, any real religion requires us to dominate and transcend ourselves, including our sexual nature. Like all normal men, I am attracted to every attractive woman I see (which is why they are called "attractive"), but this hardly means I act on the attraction. Marriage, among other things, is the transcendence and sanctification of the merely natural. But what is marriage to the progressive? Yes, just a manmade right divorced from any transcendent or objective reality.

Dávila: Modern man inverts the rank of problems. Everyone pontificates about sex education, for example, but who is concerned about the education of the sentiments?

Wow, it's late. Gotta run. We didn't get past the first paragraph of Schuon's essay, which shows how dense it is with meaning.


Anonymous said...

Since it’s physically impossible for anybody on the right to be useful idiots or cynical asshats, they must be other things.

Low energy Jeb, Lyin Ted, Truly weird Senator Paul, Mr. Peepers, Wacky Glenn, wacky Nut job Ann, Mr. Tough Guy and Sloppy Steve come to mind.

It's always something.

Petey said...

It's painful but ultimately not difficult to have to choose between the diabolical party and the stupid party.

neal said...

Outlaws don't do collectives or politics. Trailer trash, drifters, not really worth the trouble or the time.
I hear the homeless faithful are being targets for more economic warfare.

Churches used to be mobile. Over the horizons as it were.

julie said...

All day long, people sincerely repeat ludicrous talking points.

Had a discussion just the other day with someone who sincerely worried that if Trump dies in office, a president Pence would be anti-woman. She's reachable, so I asked what she meant by that. He wants to take away birth control. Oy. Asked a few pointed questions and made a couple of observations, and hopefully that one point of ludicrosity, at least, has been nullified. If she'd lay off the media, she'd be remarkably sane, but they tell her where the fires are, so...

julie said...

If only the neo-Marxist progressive could appreciate the following: ... [Davila quote re. paradise]

I see this mentality on the right, as well. Some variation of, "if only all the leftists/ bad people could be taken out/ turned to our side, we'd have paradise!" No, we wouldn't. Things might be nicer for a while, but people are people, and the war against sinful nature must be waged within every heart. Within a generation or two, if not sooner, Paradise would be crumbling yet again, with all the "good" generation scratching their heads wondering how their kids and grandkids turned out to be such entitled assholes. See the Old testament for details...

Gagdad Bob said...

"Man matures when he stops believing that politics solves his problems." --NGD

Gagdad Bob said...

Or you could say that bad politics wrecks everything, while good politics at least leaves the individual free to work out his own inevitable problems.

Anonymous said...

Well, we obviously can never have a leftist paradise, since the inevitable Dear Dark Lord Leader would take control of everything and start killing pretty much everybody they wanted to for pure sport.

But I wonder what a conservative paradise would be like?

Of course everybody would quietly mind their own business except for the pleasantly courteous “How do!” hat tips seen at the local markets and town churches. The ladies would walk and sit separately, and quite pleasingly, wearing their fancy flowered hats, sensible shoes and of course, sensible undergarments.

The men would be free to hold hands wherever they went, since homosexuality would be unknown. Everyone over the age of 18 would have delightful derogatory nicknames assigned to them by the town ministers and school marms, based on their status within the community, and also their sex, their race, and other unique physical characteristics.

Science would have been completely eliminated since prayerful meditation would have removed all of the vile and base needs involved with the knowledge of good and evil. The earth would be flat again with stars being little holes poked into the fabric of space, revealing hints of the glorious light of heaven behind.

Muslims would only be known by pictures found in the history pages of bibles since they all would have long ago, been shot on sight. Negros would appreciate their place as officially designated “There but for the grace of God go you, Johnny!” servants, gladiators, and jesters. A single corporation would have consolidated out of all the other ones which had themselves eaten every possible enterprise alive, to then be sold to a Chinese AI company alleviating all need for employment.

The world population would be at least eleventy billion billion, with laughing children everywhere. God would be providing food baskets, since how else could they suddenly appear with all the farms gone? A temple would have been built in Jerusalem with all the resulting hoohaw ending with rapturous lights taking away the faithful. Pictures of said event would be found in the history pages of bibles (in the chapter right after the one with the extinct muslims).

It would be a thousand years of paradise, before the dark times, before the empire. But that’s another story.

Anonymous said...

Hello Everyone, lovely morning, time to get to work.

Dr. Godwin wrote a wonderful post, with some examining of sincerity versus cynicism. Love it, very well crafted and persuasive.

Dr. Godwin wrote "...And nothing is more important than truth." Ahem. Do you want to think that over? Isn't there something you are forgetting?

Neal mentioned "trailer trash and drifters." I'd like to say these types of people have a better chance at realizing heaven than most. Take for example, dumpster-divers and scavengers. These folks are remarkably exempt from sin in some ways. They neither toil, nor do they spin. They do not add or subtract from the economy, and are free of all touches of Mammon. The food they scavenge is holy, as they neither prompted an animal to be killed or a plant to be murdered, but only salvaged the scraps from another's involvement in these deeds.

Julie writes "...people are people, and the war against sinful nature must be waged within every heart." Now this cuts right to the chase, talk about compact writing. Kudos Julie.

Regards, the Dung Artist 000 000 Had a good go today. Feel relieved.

Anonymous said...

Dung Artist 000 000,

I’m not sure your getting the significance of this moment, this in our long, sad, sinful human history.

As long as I’ve known, a core conservative believe has been that a human utopia is simply not possible. Since power always corrupts, power cannot ever be allowed to consolidate (except in cases of incest and corporate rape).

That is, until now. The belief that a conservative paradise may be possible for all (and not just in the projected imaginations of a few who have no really difficult problems in their lives, God be praised) is intriguing. We must wage war within every heart. Now if I could just get what that means.

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