Monday, October 21, 2019

Transrational and Infrarational Religion

A few posts ago, we mentioned that political correctness is a number of things, including shaming mechanism, conformity enforcer, social controller, internalized tyrant, matrix guardian, war on noticing, and an assault on common sense. But what is it really? Are each of these just symptoms of something deeper, or is perhaps one of them the organizing principle of the others?

Whatever, the case, PC has something to do with human nature, otherwise it wouldn't exist, much less be effective. Clearly it revolves around the Lie; not just lying, because everyday deviations from truth lack the enforcement mechanism, nor do they entail a collective delusion. So it seems that the structure of PC is something like: pretend to believe the unbelievable, or else!

Now, it is interesting that power should even care about truth, but it does. Again, because of human nature, people don't like to think they're just bullies. Our minds are created such that they love truth, even when they hate it. Therefore, even when they grasp for raw power, human beings like to legitimize it with a figleaf of truth. As usual, Sr. Dávila says it best:

--Reason, truth, and justice tend not to be man’s goals, but the names he gives to his goals.

For example, oh, "democratic socialism," in which the first word pretends to modify and deny the violence and coercion of the second. Our resistance to their violence is a crime, whereas the left's violence is just resistance. Which is why,

--When one does not concede to the leftist all that he demands, he proclaims himself the victim of an institutional violence that is licit to repel with physical violence.

Back to the deep structure of it all. The 17th and 18th centuries represented the high water mark of the historical descent known as the "Enlightenment." Now clearly, the Enlightenment wasn't all bad -- or better, there was a bad (French) one and good (Scots-Anglo) one -- but its undoubted successes eventually led to an extreme rationalism that enclosed man in his own categories. There's no need to rehearse the whole drama here, or this post will never end. Suffice it to say that rationalism became a new religion, and a very poor one at that (recall Chesterton's gag about insanity being the loss of everything but one's reason).

So, what happened next? A swerve in the opposite direction into romanticism, spiritualism, and a more general dive into irrationalism. Now, note the irony: in the case of St. Thomas, we already have an integral fusion of reason and transrationality, without the downside plunge into irrationality. But the Enlightenment split off reason from faith, so the "counter-Enlightenment" had nowhere to go but to split off into irrationality.

Note the deeper structure: the first split (of the Enlightenment) is a vertical one, severing the celestial from the terrestrial. But the second split, in reaction to pure reason, can only sink downward, because the upper vertical has already been denied.

The result -- and we are living through it today, in case you haven't noticed -- is the emergence of a host of infrarational religions, including all the political religions that have killed so many millions over the past century or more. Again: lies kill, but not as many as the Lie. The Lie -- for example, the Lie that the world will end in 11 years due to climate change -- will kill tens if not hundreds of millions on the pretext that it is saving them.

From the macro to the micro: the wife just shared a tweet from Julian Castro: Every day, people are forced to choose between going to school or work, or staying home because they can’t afford the menstrual products they need. Pads, tampons and cups should be available tax-free, across the nation. This is in honor of something called National Period Day. "People" is the operative word, because it is transphobic to suggest that only women get periods.

Infrarational religion. Now, how can you tell when you're a member of one? Well, I have a religion, and you are free to join it. In fact, religion, of all things, cannot be compelled without doing violence to its very nature, which revolves around a freely chosen conformity to the ultimate nature of things. Without the freedom, the conformity counts for nothing, because it is either outwardly compelled or inwardly mechanical.

Moreover, not only does false religion do away with freedom, it thereby denies love. And God, in case you haven't heard, is love and freedom, plus truth. Which is why -- because we are in the image and likeness -- we are the same.

But only if we choose to be. The image is the potential, the likeness the actuality, such that the latter allows us "to be on the surface what we are in depth," or to be in actuality what we are in potential. And that indeed is the purpose and measure of life, i.e., our proximity to God, AKA theosis.

We'll close with a passage by Curry: for the Founders,

the possibility that common sense could be abandoned to the extent it is today would most likely have been beyond their imagining. [Men getting periods?] And no wonder, for a great deal of effort has gone into assailing it. Proponents of irrationalist doctrines [infrarational religions] that came in wave after wave beginning in the nineteenth century -- romanticism, Hegelianism, Marxism, progressivism, existentialism, postmodernism, and the like -- have been pounding away at common sense for a long time.

Yes and no, for I would suggest that the effort is timeless, in that it is just the endless repetition of Genesis 3. Or, in the words of Schuon, "Fallen man, that is to say average man, is as it were poisoned by the passional element, whether grossly or subtly," thereby leading to "an obscuring of the Intellect." Genesis 3 didn't just happen "once upon a time," but happens every time.


Cousin Dupree said...

I'll see your Castro and raise you a Kellogs

"Kellogg is partnering with Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) to bring all of its iconic cereals together in one box for the very first time -- and to take a stand against bullying.

"Kellogg released a limited-edition variety pack that includes Corn Flakes, Froot Loops, Frosted Flakes, Frosted Mini-Wheats, Raisin Bran and Rice Krispies in the same box to celebrate Spirit Day, the largest anti-bullying campaign in the world and to support a "more accepting world for LGBTQ youth."

Wait a minute -- isn't Froot Loops homophobic?

River Cocytus said...

It's only homophobic if you're in the wrong club, i.e. the club that isn't giving into all of the Left's demands.

With regards to truth and power, it's not a Davila aphorism but it might as well be:

"As truth is a power in itself, the powers of the world will always be interested in it, even if only to assume its mantle."

Ironic, since the power of truth is not its appearance but its substance, i.e. the power of physics is not in appearing to be physics, but in being able to correctly predict where the rocket will go.

Anonymous said...

Socialism being taught in schools by socialists?

julie said...

Re. Kellogg, we've been not buying their stuff since the election, when they came out as anti-deplorable. It was a kind of poetic justice when their cereal started giving people salmonella (plus it made for an easy explanation to the littles as to why we don't buy it). I saw the headlines on this over the weekend, and thought maybe it was a Babylon Bee story. These days, satire just can't keep up with reality.

But the Enlightenment split off reason from faith, so the "counter-Enlightenment" had nowhere to go but to split off into irrationality.

It's the difference between the growth of a tree, where the trunk splits into different living branches, and the splitting that occurs when one of those limbs falls off the tree and dies.

Re. the Julian Castro quote, if he were talking about some turd world hellhole, I might believe that a significant number of women must forgo regular activities due to lack of sanitary products. In the US, even in our ever-turdier cities, I don't buy this as a problem. An excuse, maybe, but not a problem. But now we all must be aware that some people have biological processes, which of course is just a pretext to force the Lie down our throats and get the sheep to repeat it.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I read Genesis 3. I began to ponder nude beaches. Should we be passing out fruit at nude beaches? Obviously we’ll pass nudes at fruity beaches, but I don’t think that was the point. I’ve never been nude on any beach, let alone the fruity ones, though I do try to eat much fruit.

Then I realize I’ve gone down a wonky path. So we try again.

There must be a deeper meaning to this Gen3. Since people choose to disobey God pretty much from the gitgo, life is going to be hard for them. Obey God and Jesus and rid yourself of possessions and become a postulant, and you’ll be on the easy path back to Eden.

Yet most of us choose the hard path. Maybe we think it’ll be more fun. Sinners!

It appears that knowing the difference between good and evil is what creates evil, which is hard to find in a Christian monastery. I’ve never known an evil catholic monk or nun. Yet, after all that time spent away from possessions, with much daily praying and moving up to all the next levels, Pope Francis appears to be right back where he started, knowing good from evil.

Something terrible seems to have happened. Are there verses about evil popes?

julie said...

Our resistance to their violence is a crime, whereas the left's violence is just resistance.

Along those lines, it has been delightful seeing normal people starting to respond to some of these protests. My favorite this weekend was the guy in scrubs who torn down the banner of the morons blocking the street. As someone commented somewhere this weekend, the police aren't so much there to protect good people from criminals as to protect criminals from the ire of those they have wronged. When law breaks down and refuses to handle things appropriately, the people will begin to take the law unto themselves...

River Cocytus said...

The behavior of the police makes sense, however -- if the political power is permitting these criminals to operate, citizens attacking them is a crime. We sometimes see the opposite - i.e. in the Jim Crow south, where some event is happening that the citizens don't like, and the police look the other way while the citizens attack them.

This is what I keep telling people about the pride parades, esp. in Poland - it is not the police's job to decide whether pride parades are right or wrong, but rather, if the city's leadership has permitted them, they are licit and citizens attacking them are acting in a roughly criminal manner.

One of the reasons the left likes to try to seize political power before anything is because it allows them to operate their criminal operations at least partially in a legit manner - if the public fornications are permitted by the leadership, the police may not like it but are obligated to protect it, and if they don't, they will be replaced with those who will.

One of the greatest victories of the left in general was getting ordinary conservative people to focus entirely on politics that is beyond their power, while of course entrenching themselves in various significant localities - big cities. Within a margin of error, the mayor's office decides what is legal or illegal, which will always happen to be that lefties can either commit crimes or get slaps on the wrist for committing them, while those on the right find that their presence is violence.

It suggests a course of action, which is both practical and integral to the ideas of conservatism... but perhaps it is 'illiberal'? After all, why would anyone who wants to leave others alone and be left alone in turn ever run for mayor? And that's the clincher.

Anonymous said...

Free speech is different from breaking the law. One needs to be more specific about statutes being violated during episodes of free speech.

One also needs to be more specific (and knowledgeable) about the political affecting enforcement of law violations, for the sake of credibility. Otherwise it's just all talk.

Anonymous said...

n fact, religion, of all things, cannot be compelled without doing violence to its very nature, which revolves around a freely chosen conformity to the ultimate nature of things. Without the freedom, the conformity counts for nothing, because it is either outwardly compelled or inwardly mechanical.

Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!

Van Harvey said...

river cocytus said "...One of the greatest victories of the left in general was getting ordinary conservative people to focus entirely on politics that is beyond their power..."

Oh, I dunno, I think the Pro-Regressives getting 'conservatives' to not care much about individual rights, in a nation founded upon upholding and defending individual rights, easily tops that one.

Your mileage may vary.

Anonymous said...


If you want to avoid more articles like these, then just don’t read them. And maybe make sure that capitalist liberal democracy works, especially for the youth.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning, all and sundry. A beautiful day.

Thank you for lavishing praise on PC, Dr. Godwin. It is a marvel! So powerful, so pervasive, so effective....

FYI: Men can and do menstruate. I'm surprised you did not know this. Although the flow occurs in sidereal space and can't ordinarily be seen with the naked eye, wearing a pad does seem to help men feel fresher and cleaner while menstruating. Notice the word itself "Men" struating, and "men"ses. It is not for nothing the etymology goes thus.

Just the same, women can and do ejaculate. This ejaculate may even contain live sperm, although these are in sidereal space and can't be seen under a microscope. It helps to know your biology before you hold forth on these topics, Dr. Godwin.

Ah, yes, the Progressive cause, in all its wonderful glory, is totally bitch-slapping all who stand in the way. Got to love it.

-Deep Crevasse

River Cocytus said...

"Free Speech is different from breaking the law"

As it is said, 'the sovereign is he who determines the exception.' In the case of shouting fire in a crowded movie theater, the sovereign reliably decides that this is not a case of free speech. Now, mayors are not sovereign, but if the sovereign decides not to overrule the mayor when he, for example, permits "free speech" that produces violence (say a Pride Parade) but cracks down on free speech in response to it (say, shouting at the Pride Parade) the mayor is (as expected from a unitive executive) in his jurisdiction, the acting sovereign. As acting sovereign, he decides therefore what is or isn't "against the law" in fact, and how he goes about this may involve some machinations to maintain legitimacy - for example, you may arrest the friendly violent protestors, but they will not be charged. Those who are unfriendly but not, probably, dangerous, will find any infraction of a public code - say, noise violations - enforced to the letter.

In other words, no, free speech and breaking the law are not really that different, except in the minds of particular interpreters. After all, I'm sure those southern mayors would have responded that beating the civil rights marchers with their fists was a valid expression of their anger towards the unwelcome encroachment upon their public space. Until you can move out of the mindset that free speech is obviously a clear category that anyone can see with two eyes, you're going to be stuck making silly comments like that.

By the way, Free Speech as intended in the Bill of Rights is, as I understand it, particularly (and really, only) political speech: in other words, election meddling. If you are going to have the public voting for the government, and in theory determining it by their individual wills in collective action, if various people are not able to meddle with the election who are not part of the government by, say, revealing information with political impact (that is, information that would effect the election) then how would our freedom of speech differ from that system under Parliament which the colonists suffered and detested? Yet, we find ourselves in a situation where election meddling is a crime but pornography is 'free speech'. Silly.


Judges do much of the deciding, particularly in our society, about whether individual rights as we understand them are respected. Now, conservative rank and file voters caring about individual rights means little if judges don't; and certainly if no one runs for office who cares about individual rights, what choice do the individual-rights respecting conservatives have? And if those officers determine the selection of judges, there is certainly no long-term hope for individual rights, or at the very least we get to be entertained by the notion that criticizing social degenerates violates their individual rights, whereas them being able to engage in the most egregious public behaviors is protected by the same.

Anonymous said...

Hello River C:

Thank you for the fascinating comment on free speech vs. lawbreaking. Do you have a blog? I think you have what it takes to write some good posts.

Now lets talk about homosexuals. Homosexuals comprise 5-8% of the general population. Generally speaking, at least one in every twenty persons is homosexual. Additional people are bisexual.

Homosexuality has been amply demonstrated as involuntary. It is a determination made by Mother Nature. All species have homosexual members. It is a mystery why an adaptation which inhibits reproduction is not extinguished by natural selection. We don't know how or why the inversion makes it past the selection process and does not diminish over generations.

Theologically, it must be conceded that God wills homosexuality to exist, or perforce it would not. Inversion is not the machination of man. Sexual orientation has been demonstrated to be totally refractive to all efforts to efface or reverse it. It is deeply burned into the psyche. We don't know why God would do this, however there must be a salient purpose. We just don't know what it is.

Of course acting on sexual orientation is a choice, and therefore the homosexual can choose not to have the sex. Heterosexuals can do the same, and some do, notably Sadhaks, Mendicants, Yogins, Monks, Nuns, and Priests.

However, there is another road, and that is to bring the 5-8% percent of the population who are homosexual to parity and acceptance with the 92-95% who are heterosexual. This is the progressive goal.

Yet another road is just to leave things be, that is, where they are today, which is that the homosexual just makes do with what's been given her, and if some don't like that, that's tough. Homosexuality seen as some kind of a misfortune to be kept out of view. This would be the conservative path.

How does this relate to Gay Pride Demonstrations and Free Speech? Simple, how do we want to be as a society and a civilization? Do we want to denigrate the gay because he got the short end of the genetic straw? Or do we want to help and aid all brothers and sisters to live well? What would be more Christian?

Ask yourselves that. If your son came to you and stated, "Father, forgive me, I'm gay." Would you then shun him? Would you block him from marriage and family? Would you attempt the futile and degrading process of trying to change his orientation?

What if your daughter came to you and stated, "Mother, forgive me, I love girls." Then what? Would you scold and castigate? Would you shun her choice of mate? What would you do?

Your child being gay, would you attack a Pride Parade? Well, would you?

Think it over and post a comment, one and all. Let's talk about gays.

Anonymous said...

Gays were once one of Gods methods for human population control. Sadly, with gays having been targeted for persecution in recent human history, human population growth has exploded.

I once offered to the pro life crowd that they should make a deal with gays to adopt BOTFT (babies otherwise targeted for termination) in exchange for being left alone. But this was met with much booing. Apparently, shunning is an important component of conservative Christian life. I then offered that they should themselves adopt these BOTFT, and found myself shunned.

So I turned to my friend Jim Hoft, well known conservative Christian homosexual. He referred me to Gateway Pundit’s recent post about a trans activist who lost a case against female estheticians who refused to wax her balls.

I was upset about having been palmed off like that. I just don’t go that way. Not to mention that gay conservatives pandering to evangelicals is confusing to me.

Anyhoo... How I got sidetracked onto this subject I just don’t know. I actually wanted to comment on RC’s lawyerlike response to my desire to separate free speech from unlawful activity. I thought civil disobedience was any form of nonviolent expression where the expresser knows full well that they could get cited. But if civil disobedients know in advance that they won’t get cited, then we may have a governing politics problem. No form of free speech should include or excuse unlawful behavior. Even if a situation such as traffic getting blocked accidentally resulted, people should get cited. Indecent exposure? Cited. Offensive posts on conservative free speech blogs about waxing balls? Cited. Free speech shouldn’t be some kind of Trump Card over Rule of Law. Nothing should be.

Anonymous said...

Well Anonymous, gay conservatives are in a bit of a predicament if they want to rub elbows with the redneck crowd. Although, things are 'a changing. I was hanging with some good old boys in Rogers, Ark, and these cowboys were very loving to their gay friend although they teased him quite a bit and pinched his butt and so forth. These old boys were hard-core rednecks, but there they were, passing around a spliff of Bubba Kush, drinking whisky "right out the bottle," and being very genial. Hank, the gay one, wore tight jeans and was very relaxed and amiable, and fit right in. I wouldn't of expected this. They did crack a lot of very un-PC jokes, especially about lesbians, but the consensus was they allowed lesbians were "hot" and they "wouldn't mind watching" lesbians make love. Trump supporters all of 'em, even Hank, bless their hearts.


Anonymous said...

I’d never been a fan of shopping on Olvera Street, but was talked into going by my new in-law with family. While walking along he suddenly and quite adamantly recommended that my sister consider a certain outfit he’d spotted. Sis gave him a quick strong “NO!”. It was the same kind of quick strong “NO!” my own girlfriend gave me whenever I wanted her to buy a trashy outfit. But the outfit my in-law was eyeing was bib overalls. Later, sis asked me in confidence if I’d ever wanted my girlfriends hair to be cut short. I never had, and didn’t pay it much mind at the time.

But in all the years since sis has always sported short hair. Odd, since she’d always prided herself in her long locks before meeting her husband. For a while I’d discretely follow my in-laws eyes to see where they went. The buxom blonde walking by in the tight sweater, nothing. Our young nephew who’d been working out for the high school wrestling team, yup. Then I’d remind myself that the in-laws kids were being raised as happy Christians. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Lately though, I’m getting the feeling that they’ve been what I would call “soft shunning” me. I think they suspect that I’m a lefty, since sis has told me quick and strong, out of the blue, that they don’t hang around with this girl or with that family because they’re lefties.

I’m getting tired of this and may have to come out of the closet and give them the horrible news: my politics swings both ways. I miss the good old days when conservatives respected progressive as loyal adversaries and they checked and balanced the excesses of the other for what wound up being, pretty good American Dream solutions. But in that family, that’d be the equivalent of declaring myself a bisexual. It sure is confusing. Sexual latency is acceptable as long as it’s kept on the down low, but being a bi-political means you’re in league with Satan.

Why can't we just be like the rednecks?

Eddie said...

Anonymous wrote:
"Homosexuality has been amply demonstrated as involuntary."
The same can be said of pedophilia (no I'm not saying they're morally equivalent, just that your line of reasoning is prima facie absurd)

"All species have homosexual members"
Assuming that this was true, the same can be said about cannibalism. "But the beasts of the field do it!" isn't a great foundation for understanding moral virtue.

In any event you've ground that axe sufficiently for those of us who lurk to grok your point.

Van Harvey said...

river mewled "conservative rank and file voters caring about individual rights means little if judges don't"

Do you apply that same line of 'thinking' to what judges, politicians, teachers, declare to be 'politically correct', and legally correct? How about with televangelists? If so, it's little surprise that individual rights are of little concern to you.

"what choice do the individual-rights respecting conservatives have?"

You mean other than the choice between what you honestly understand and think is right and true, and what is not? Do you really put the fact that those in power declare falsehoods and lies to be 'true', to be consequential to what you understand to be true? You do understand that what actually is right and true, is more meaningful and important to your life, Right Now, in Every way, than what one official or another declares it to be?

Don't you?

If not... enjoy the ride and keep your supply of Soma stocked up.


Anonymous said...

Hello All:

Van, your rebuttal to River C. indicates you did not get River's point. Of course no official can affect a conservative's beliefs and opinions as to what is true. However, we here on the left have noted conservatives never seem to mount any effective countermeasures to our machinations. We feel like there are no boundaries, no one is minding the store, and we can do as we please.

Honestly some of us wish there would be more resistance, this is a cakewalk.

River is pointing out there are plenty of conservatives whining and crying about the libtards, but few conservatives seeking to occupy important judicial seats which determine what happens on the street.

It is a call to action for your side which you didn't seem to comprehend. Not that we want you neocons to change your ways, but there it is.

Now get going on running for office Van. Any office. Do it.

-Gaping Hole

Anonymous said...

"So it seems that the structure of PC is something like: pretend to believe the unbelievable, or else!"

For what it's worth, the Proticols state "Our watchwords will be Force and Make-Believe".

seems like a match.

Anonymous said...

sb.. "Protocols"

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