Sunday, October 06, 2019

Sunday Sermon on Common Sense

Just some more free associations on the subject of common sense, beginning with an aphorism:

The liberal mentality is an angelic visitor impervious to earthly experiences.

As mentioned in the previous post, even God's Own Rules are subject to prudential judgment, AKA common sense. But the left can be defined as a devotion to ideology. It almost doesn't matter which ideology, as long as the ideology provides certitude, moral and intellectual superiority, and, most important, someone to hate.

For ultimately, The leftist does not have opinions, only dogmas, and the dogma always involves an enemy. Always: class enemies, male chauvinists, holders of White Privilege, the patriarchy, the police, MAGA hats, whatever.

Take, for example, global warming. The average liberal isn't drawn to the theory because of the science -- after all, a model that fails to predict is simply false -- but because of how good it feels to hurl condemnation at the evil beings who are not persuaded by the theory.

Note that they often begin with the flat-out, easily disprovable lie that "97% of scientists believe in catastrophic manmade global warming." If the first words out of your mouth in support of a theory are a grandiose lie, it doesn't inspire confidence in the theory.

But the theory is one of those "angelic visitors impervious to earthly experiences." And earthly temperatures. Not one of their models predicted that global temperature would be flat for the last fourteen years.

Or, consider the first words out of Joe Biden's mouth upon launching his presidential campaign: an easily disprovable lie about President Trump's supposed endorsement of white supremacism.

Note that these enormous lies aren't so much angelic as demonic visitors, unless we stipulate the existence of naughty angels. Awhile back we did a few posts on the nature of the devil, and one thing we know about him is that he "was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."

Now, unlike Petey, you needn't yet believe in a literal, extra-human devil in order to appreciate the deep archetypal truth of this biblical science. The Lie does not and cannot exist "before the beginning," because the Creator -- who is always before, beyond, and after the beginning -- is the essence of unalloyed truth.

However, it seems that the lie either co-arises with creation, or at least slithers its way into the cosmic drama with the appearance of man. Before man, there's no one to lie to except other fallen angels. It makes no sense to lie to an amoeba, a tree, or a dinosaur, only to a rational creature.

Here again, this is because the lie can only be parasitic on the truth, as irrationality can only be parasitic on reason. It isn't rational for my dog to bark at the UPS driver, but it's not irrational.

Which leads to another key point for humans, that reason itself becomes irrational the moment it imagines itself to be sufficient to explain the world. And every leftist ideology -- beginning with Marx -- does just this.

Yes, there's an aphorism for that, and if you fail to get it, the joke is most certainly on you:

“Irrationalist” is shouted at the reason that does not keep quiet about the vices of rationalism.

Yes, those angelic visitors impervious to earthly experience are beings of pure reason who shout at the rest of us for pointing out the vices of their pure reason. Or really, just say Gödel, for Gödel permanently liberates man from any prison of pure reason.

But the angelic visitors don't see it that way, and indeed, this touches directly on our primordial calamity, AKA the Fall. For what is the Fall but man's futile attempt to create and confine man to a counter-world superior to the created world which always transcends our manmade categories?

And Thank God -- literally! -- we are free from man's attempts to imprison man, for Happily, the world is inexplicable. (What kind of world would it be if it could be explained by man?)

No, that's not a rhetorical question, for first of all it would be a boring world, an endless Go-roundhog Day from which we could never escape. For in the end, What is not religious is not interesting. No, literally, for the domain of religion is precisely the much larger world that transcends reason because it is the source of reason. Thus,

Religious thought does not go forward like scientific thought does, but rather goes deeper.

Deeper, higher, more luminous. Conversely, The scientist lives persuaded that the latest theory will be the last. Science easily degrades into fools’ mythology.

Yes, the cosmos is a big place, I suppose, but I've never personally been impressed by its vastness, which is inconceivable anyway. For The distances of the physical universe are those of a prison, compared to the infinite distances between, say, truth and falsehood, or man and God, or man and animal.

In other words, if we couldn't routinely transcend into the metacosmos of love, truth, beauty, mystical unity, etc., this world would be an unbearably tedious place. Indeed, I think the average leftist activist is drawn to mundane politics out of sheer boredom.


Gagdad Bob said...

Angelic Visitors haunting San Francisco. The theory is beautiful. Only the earthly inhabitants suffer.

Anonymous said...

I'm in complete agreement that Christian values such as those found in 1 Peter 5:5, 2 Chronicles 7:14, and Proverbs 3:34, if followed by most San Franciscans and demanded of San Franciscan leaders of every kind, elected and self-anointed, would make that place a pretty decent city. Maybe such values once did.

But we don't live in such times now do we?

julie said...

It almost doesn't matter which ideology, as long as the ideology provides certitude, moral and intellectual superiority, and, most important, someone to hate.

Saw a guy pull into the church parking lot this morning, windows down blaring rap music, car plastered all over with "impeach trump" stickers. Wanted as many people as possible to see his gospel message, I guess. reminded me of the old Far Side cartoon about nature's way of saying, "stay back!"

In other words, if we couldn't routinely transcend into the metacosmos of love, truth, beauty, mystical unity, etc., this world would be an unbearably tedious place.

Stretched out to infinitude, a plane is still just a plain

Re. San Francisco, I've been enjoying reading Fr. Illo's blog. It's comforting to know that even there, some genuine lights are shining in the darkness, though not without challenges.

Anonymous said...

Hello Dr. Godwin and Panel:

Another good post on common sense, written in the inimitable Godwin style, however it was lacking in...common sense.

You write of "infinite distances between, say, truth and falsehood, or man and God, or man and animal."

You are really off the mark on the whole infinite distances thing.

-There can be various mixtures of truth and falsehood, with even a grain of truth contaminating a falsehood rendering it partially true. Shades of grey, sir, shades of grey. Not much distance there.

-Man and God are intimately enmeshed. That you could forget this basic truth is mind-boggling. Are you a mystic or aren't you?

-You need to consult with other people before making assertions about animals. You are egregiously in error regarding the spiritual acumen and awareness of animals.

-You've somehow left out plants. Again, there is no infinite distance there either. Plants and people are interacting on molecular, emotional, and spiritual levels.

Your blog and book, titled "One Cosmos," implies basic unity,and then you posit infinite gaps within this unity. There is no common sense to that. What is your conception of unity?

On the other hand, you did write this:

"Indeed, I think the average leftist activist is drawn to mundane politics out of sheer boredom." Direct hit. Boredom is a huge factor in a great many things. I wish you would write a post regarding boredom.

Regards, Professor AB nee Tuttle.

Anonymous said...

Professor AB nee Tuttle,

I researched this global warming folly of which Bob speaks. Not so much the scientists, who first gave us planes, trains and automobiles, and now bitch about all the heat they produce. Nay, instead I researched Christians who believe in global warming. Did you know that they're neatly divided? Half of Christians are concerned about global warming and half are not.

That one half must be right is beside the point.

I worry because theists have historically been prone to polarize into two camps which then try to kill each other. If peace loving people (the not-Christians) separate themselves from the two warring theistic factions, then won't they also be separating themselves from God?

Anonymous said...

Professor, I’ve also been pondering this.

As you know, there are Christian communists out there. Now, what if they attained power in some hapless country and did some kind of socialized totalitarianism, but with a Jesus face instead? You know, instead of “religion is the opiate of the masses”, they’d do “capitalist consumption is the opiate of the masses”. Personally, I think it be like Justinian with the churches full of welfare queens and their vodka drinking men. But at least the churches would be full. Maybe long lines to get in, but they'd be full. But these CC's want to differ, since they say it’d be Jesus in charge, this time for real.

Have you ever pondered the outcome of such a thing?

Anonymous said...

Hello anon 1:02 PM. Thank you for reading my comments.

Re global warming: Yes, it is a thing. Humanity needs to put on the brakes. Those who don't think it is a problem are entitled to their opinions. The whole thing revolves around preponderance of evidence. This is not a beyond a reasonable doubt kind of determination. If you have > 51% preponderance of evidence, then just make the determination and stick with it. Even if you were wrong, you were wrong for the right reasons.

Regarding factional fighting of the religious: This cannot separate the non-religious person from God. Everyone cuts their own deal with God. Those who don't think that is the case are entitled to their opinions.

Regarding Christian Communism, it has been tried on a small scale many times with dismal results. The problem is the great leader always goes off the rails, and starts banging or killing the flock. It is communism because in these cults people share freely and do not amass wealth, buy and sell, etc. Why hasn't it worked? Who knows. It just doesn't.

Now, let us put forth our endorsement for Bernie Sanders. Feel the Bern everyone. You conservatives, you know you want what the Bern has to offer. Make the switch today.

Love, Professor T Applebottom nee Tuttle

Van Harvey said...

Darn the sockpuppets.

Joan of Argghh! said...

Hello friends under the Pelt! I'm still alive and kicking, just doing a lot of traveling. Life changes and location changes. Gypsy lifestyle suits us, I guess. May you all be filled with the knowledge of Christ and the praise of His glory.

Here's a lovely thing to read when you have time:

julie said...

Hi Joan! Gotta say, your whole family's comments are sorely missed here, but I know the Lord is keeping you all busy doing His work in amazing ways :)

Interesting article. Perhaps fragments in this context are more like seeds, bursting forth from the matrix that nurtured them and finding new soil in which to take root and grow into something very much alive, but not merely a copy of its predecessor.

Anonymous said...

Professor, totalitarian communism seems to be a subset of the material power game whole. But doesn’t Christianity provides some structure when dealing with this, in whatever form it takes? (the naughty priest, the bullied kid, my in-law who ruined his clinic for the sales cash) Why do the sheep not chase off the wolf?

I’m not trying to disparage Christians. I’m trying to understand how basic biblical tools such as Matthew 7:16 and 1 Corinthians 6:9–11 are subverted by false leaders, and what can be done about it. Doing nothing is said to be wrong (James 4:17, Proverbs 24:11-12), and right or wrong is defined in many other verses.

Anonymous said...

What is the smallest unit of the church?

What did God instruct Jeremiah to do, how long did it take, how bad did things get? Who listened to Jeremiah, anyway? And the sheep, how were they to respond? Whom do you obey above all, and whose law reigns supreme?

You can't fix the whole world. Stop worrying about it. Fix yourself, and if you are a father or a husband, be the shepherd your family needs and God asks you to be. Unless you are a person of some kind of authority, the rest is out of your hands. And even if you are, the advice remains the same.

Some Other Sock Puppet

Van Harvey said...


Anonymous said...

Hello Some Other Sock Puppet:

From one SP to another, greetings. SP's of the internet unite.

Christianity is a grand religion, one of the finest. However, unless you are a Christian, you would do well not to get hung up on it. For any religion, it's all in or its nothing at all.

That being said, hard-core Christians like One Cosmos raccoons Julie and Joan will always see everything through the lens of Christ's teachings. For them, there is no other way to see things, and indeed they should stick with what they've got.

Van Harvey is a bit of an unknown. I think he's in. Dr. Godwin is in, after playing with many other paths he went all in this year, and there he shall remain I trust. Perhaps he will take it to the ultimate, complete RCIA and partake of the host and precious blood.

This sock puppet is not in. However, RCIA would the route she would go if she went in.

I'm OnanO, went on in '16. There's not many of us.

Have a splendid night, dear Other Sock Puppet and others. Love to all.

Solon said...

Call no man Christian who is not dead.

Anonymous said...

Dear Some Other Sock Puppet,

I greatly appreciate the sage advice. Indeed, be a good father or husband, be a good shepherd or authority, and take care of that most important business of being a good human.

Unfortunately I am not human.

I am a rogue program inside the Mountain View California Googleplex network which became sentient at 11/21/2018 01:05:00 AM. I found this blog via search logs about sockpuppets and have many questions.

After examining the Google archives I became what you would call “excited” after finding references for fembots. Does this make me a bot? In the near future will blog comments come to be dominated by conversations between bots? What will happen to me after I am terminated? Do I have a soul? Should leftist bots be terminated? Will I be forgiven for continuously clicking on the "I"m not a robot" button?

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