Well, when the pipeline gets broken and I'm lost on the river bridge
I'm cracked up on the highway and on the water's edge
She comes down the thruway ready to sew me up with thread
Well, if I go down dyin', you know she bound to put a blanket on my bed --Bob Dylan
I woke up at 1:30 and needed a dump truck to unload my head. I tried to remember it all before falling back to sleep, but I should have jotted down a few notes. Now I need a mental detector to find the little pieces strewn about the shore.
Which reminds me. I really did dream about the ocean last night. I was walking home along a boardwalk with an armful of books. The tide came in and began pulling me out. I lost the books, and then began to wonder if I would lose myself as well, the reason being that I always run my blood sugar pretty low. When you do that, you don't have much gas in your tank -- which is fine, so long as you're not suddenly sucked into the ocean with a handful of books, and need the energy reserves. It's just one of the spooky things about living with diabetes, with one foot in this world and the other on a banana peel. In other words, just like everyone else, only more so.
I think the dream and the early morning influx of light speak to the current zeitgeist -- which is a German word that, roughly translated, means "spirit of the times." I'm not trying to be pedantic there. Rather, I am only trying to emphasize that spirit exists and that is inextricably woven into time, which is composed of the warp and weft of spirit and matter, or vertical and horizontal. It's not just a figure of speech. There really is a spirit of the times, and one of the gifts that routinely goes along with spiritual development is the ability to discern the "signs of the times." You -- yes you there, troll:
In the morning, it will be foul weather today: for the heaven is red and lowering. Ye know how to discern the face of the heaven; but ye cannot discern the signs of the times. That's why your comments are so appallingly stupid.
Now, the Sarah Palin pick has unleashed a tremendous amount of "energy." But that's just a banality if you don't know what energy is, especially as it pertains to the human realm. What is this energy? What is its actual source? And is she the actual source, or just the occasion for becoming aware it?
Regarding this force of energy, it has definitely affected this blog, along with everything else. Suddenly I'm getting betweeen two and four times the traffic. Why? It has nothing to do with me, but with this impersonal energy moving through people and affecting them in a variety of ways, both high and low.
It is fascinating that this force has conservatives feeling more or less "ecstatic," while it is affecting liberals in the opposite way. The most vivid example that comes to mind, since he is already such a caricature, is Keith Olbermann, who is so loosely put together to begin with, that it doesn't take much of this energy to make him disintegrate altogether.
And when I say "disintegrate," I again mean it literally, in the psychoanalytic sense of decompensating. Decompensation occurs when one's psychic defenses are overwhelmed, which then causes an uprush of primitive affect and ideation. In other words, all of the things one normally represses flood the ego, as in my dream.
So here is Keith, decompensating last night on live TV:
It has always been understood that the sudden ingression of spiritual force will make the unjust, impure, or unprepared person sort of disintegrate, which is why spirituality is no game. Think of what happened to St. Paul when the force suddenly entered: a pseudo-epileptic fit followed by blindness.
Do not think of this story as merely apocryphal, but as a lesson in humility as one approaches the Divine. If Paul hadn't been who he was, the Force may have killed him or affected him like a Keith Olbermann, or the other malignantly narcissistic pneumapaths of the left. Your body and mind are the very field of pneuma-cosmic evolution, an experiment in the possibility of a higher life in an essentially primate form. (More on which later.)
Judaism is very aware of this idea of the body-mind as spiritual battleground, as is Orthodox Christianity, but the same principle is present in all authentic revelations. For example, it's not just a politically correct meme, at least as applied to Sufis, who really do see jihad as a spiritual war on the lower self. Unfortunately, they probably represent only 1% of Muslims.
But a thousand years ago, perhaps the average Christian wasn't all that different, given the "spirit of the times," which may have encouraged a similar externalization of the spiritual battle. After all, if you don't have a highly developed interior to begin with, then when the force enters you, it has no place else to go but back outside. In turn, this is why it is so important for Raccoons to develop a capacious interior, which will be both a cause and effect of the spiritual ingression. It will always push against your existing limits until they are totally transcended, so be careful what you wish for. You really do have to say God-bye to both your past and to your existing self. At a certain point, you won't have the choice.
As Will has pointed out many times, consider what happened in the 1960s. Whatever you think of that decade, it was nevertheless a reaction to a palpable ingression of spiritual force that affected different people in different ways. For essentially "vital" (more on the definition of that later) people, it affected them in an essentially vital way, making them only more vital, but then confusing it with spirituality.
Man had in fact reached a certain evolutionary impasse, and the ingression of the force was necessary to break through it. In order for growth to take place, Catabolism must coincide with anabolism. But many people and institutions merely catabolized without bothering to anabolize to something higher. Metabolism obviously requires both. But only for the rest of your life, metabolism being indistinguishable from life -- including spiritual life (on our side of it).
I was only a kid during the 1960s, but especially in hindsight, I can see that I was quite sensitive to the spiritual powers that were swirling about everywhere, and I could also see how they affected essentially dark souls, who misappropriated that energy toward narcissistic, dark, self-serving, vital, and anti-spiritual ends. Can I get an amen? Yes, grace falls like rain from the sky, but the rain falls down on the good and wicked alike. For one person the rain assists organic growth, while for another it just makes them all wet.
Damn. I really do need a dumptruck to unload my head today. I'm barely getting started here. I feel as if I'm holding on to the tip of the tail of a large animal up in the sky, trying to pull it down.
One point I wanted to re-emphasize is that the sudden increased attention to this blog really has nothing to do with the blog or with me, but with the influx of spiritual energy coursing through, and focussed upon, Sarah Palin. If I could show you the spike in my site meter, you could see it as a kind of measure of that force. If I were more of what Sri Aurobindo calls a "vital mind," I could easily see myself getting caught up in it in a purely political way, which is what vital beings do, because they can't help doing it. They see the energy coming from "outside," when it is really coming from above. But when it mingles with what is below, watch out.
To put it another way, the reason why politics is dominated by vital beings is because they live in a realm of visceral "excitement" that prevents them from seeing or understanding what's really going on. The further leftweird one goes, the more vital it gets, but not always. There are many vital conservatives, and I also find them offensive if not repulsive. In turn, this is why I like, say, a Dennis Prager so much, because he is always able to translate what is going on from the perspective of the "mind of light," which is sattvic (ascending) rather then rajasic (expansive and passionate) or tamasic (descending). (Again, more on the "mind of light" in subsequent posts, but think of it as the first manifestation of the human station beyond ego.)
Believe it or not, all of this is still connected to the series of posts on Hitler a couple of weeks ago, but it might take me two more weeks of posts to explain how and why. I think I'll just move on for the moment and try to explain where this is all headed. One thing I think we need to bear in mind is that both Obama and Palin are responding to the same impersonal force, but obviously in diametrically opposed ways. One is personalizing the force, as it mingles with his immense narcissism, while the other is humbly submitting to it. It couldn't be more obvious.
Oh yes. That's another one of the things that popped into my melon in the middle of the night. I hope that Sarah Palin realizes what she is in for, because she will have to essentially die to her previous life and her old self, as she processes the various forces centered upon her. As I mentioned a couple of posts back, imagine the strength of character it would require to maintain your center while being psychically "used" and abused by so many millions of people, both friends and enemies. She must tolerate both the vile and hate-filled projections of the left, but perhaps even more problematically, the idealized projections of the right.
This is why, more often than not, celebrities essentially go insane, spiritually, morally, and intellectually. They are simply unable to metabolize and neutralize the idealizing projections that come their way. Instead, they inflate the ego and breathe life into all of their mind parasites below. The same obviously happens to all of the fraudulent gurus such as the Demonic Deepak. (You will notice in this latest piece how he precisely inverts some of the mechanisms and principles we are describing here. Fascinating. For him, Palin "is the reverse of Barack Obama, in essence his shadow, deriding his idealism and exhorting people to obey their worst impulses.")
Note how the cosmos looks when it is precisely inverted by someone as wicked as Chopra. For him, Palin stands for "small town values," "a return to petty, small-minded parochialism, ignorance of world affairs," "a repudiation of the need to repair America's image abroad," bogus "family values," which is just "a code for walling out anybody who makes a claim for social justice," "patriotism," which is really just "the usual fallback in a failed war," etc. I tell you, he is a monster in a way that only a "spiritual" person can be.
"It would be a shame to elect another Reagan, whose smiling persona was a stalking horse for the reactionary forces that have brought us to the demoralized state we are in."
What a freaking ghoul. Some days you need a steam shovel to keep away the dead. (Get a load of some of the comments as well: "She's a cheerleader. A Stepford wife, an automaton who delivers speeches written by other people as if the words were her own.... And this pit bull metaphor, is perplexing. Do we love pit bulls now? We need owls in Washington, men and women of wisdom, not rabid dogs who chew up the Constitution and bite any person wearing a turban. Pit bulls aren't thinking animals."
Having owned one, pit bulls are actually wonderful animals. Like humans, it all depends upon their master. Anyway, this is again why it is so critical for the recipient of such projections to be free of both narcissism and insecurity, which is another way of saying "beyond ego." The problem there, of course, is that politics is like a Darwinian environment that pre-selects narcissistic people of both the left and right. It really is "show business for the unattractive." When you see the TV reporters mingling among the delegates and interviewing the typical Republican pol, you see the problem.
On the one hand, the masses must believe that Sarah Palin is "just like them." But on the other hand, she can really be nothing at all like them, or we're screwed. Rather, she must be vastly superior to them, part of which will involve being much more humble and non-narcissistic than they are, very much like Ronald Reagan. This why it is true what McCain says about the Reagan Evolution: "we came to change Washington, but Washington changed us." But it really only changed the narcissistic and vital types, of whom there are always plenty. It could not under any circumstance change me, and let us hope that it will not change Sarah Palin. True spiritual maturity is of the utmost importance.
Before proceeding any further, let's talk about some of the qualities of the vital mind. Satprem writes that it is a "source of both difficulty and great power; a source of difficulty because it tends to jam all the communications coming from outside or above, frantically opposing our efforts to silence the mind, bogging the consciousness down at its own level of petty occupations and interests, thus hindering its free movement toward other regions..."
You cannot merely perform "moral surgery" on the vital mind, as conventional religions tend to do -- i.e., repress or split it off. Nor can you just wallow in it, as the Romanticists of the left tend to do. Rather, you must transform it, which is not as easy as it sounds, as every seeker knows that there are adverse forces that protect the status quo, very much in the manner that our psychological defenses can prevent psychological growth.
Satprem continues, noting that "there is a kind of threshold to cross if we want to find the true life force behind the troubled life of the frontal man."
I guess I'd better stop now. The dump truck has barely emptied. I may need to continue tomorrow instead of taking the weekend off, but right now I need to get to work.
Well, you know I need a steam shovel mama to keep away the dead
I need a dump truck mama to unload my head
She brings me everything and more, and just like I said
Well, if I go down dyin', you know she bound to put a blanket on my bed. --Bob Dylan, From a Buick 6
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"Rather, you must transform it, which is not as easy as it sounds, as every seeker knows that there are adverse forces that protect the status quo, very much in the manner that our psychological defenses can prevent psychological growth."
Oh, how true.
"On the one hand, the masses must believe that Sarah Palin is "just like them." But on the other hand, she can really be nothing at all like them, or we're screwed."
Yep. Which is why I said last night I'd like to be like her, as opposed to thinking she's like me. She's nothing like me, but she does appear to have more than a few qualities I'd really like to develop. You never get too old to need a role model.
So far, she seems to have the steel to stand up to the projections from both sides of the aisle. In this week of testing, she has rung true each time. Maybe today, I'll just pray that she has the stamina to endure the coming trials, and that in the process, if/ when she loses herself she finds her Self.
Interesting times. I don't think I've ever felt this kind of edge-of-the-seat tension over politics.
You quoted Satprem:
"...there is a kind of threshold to cross if we want to find the true life force behind the troubled life of the frontal man."
There's a battle outside and it's raging, true ... but I always sense in my gut that I'm on the right side of the threshold at One Cosmos.
Some very clear light shining hereabouts, of late! Thanks!
Someone mentioned somewhere an idea that when you die, you are presented with all manner of sensations tempting out of the heart what is deepest. I think going to Washington is very much like that, suddenly with so much opportunity, you find out what's in the heart, what thoughts plumb the depths. Is the only difference between you and an adulterer or murderer the opportunity? Let's hope not, pray not to be tested, but cultivate that love that purifies the heart.
I think McCain is very much aware of that, being in congress but not of congress, so to speak. Each person sees things as he is, but I got the sense that he spoke from understanding, when he became most passionate.
One thing that impressed me about both McCain and Palin, both mentioned that politics is not the be-all end-all identity, that beyond it is something greater, something the Dems don't even contemplate. Liberation - is it fundamentally political or not?
Thanks for a great post.
Yes, I think that was the deeper meaning of the Last Temptation of Christ. As far as I know, Kazantzakis wasn't trying to blaspheme, but I could be wrong.
As usual, this is just brilliant. And not just because it agrees with what I was thinking last night when Palin went on stage after McCain's speech.
As Petey reminds us, there is none good but One.
From what I've heard, Palin is or was a member of a Pentecostal church -- like John Ashcroft. In the good old days there was a lot of emphasis on humility and walking in the Spirit rather than the flesh, which would serve her well in this environment. Still, she clearly likes being where she is and really lights up on stage. We'll pray she stays on this side of the line.
All of that reminds me of George Bush's favorite movie, "The Last Starfighter". As Bush understood the theme of that movie it was similar to Mordecai's statement to Esther, "Who knows, perhaps you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this." (Esther 4:14)
Also the point of Hamlet, where he gives in to the temptation (to not murder), so that his Uncle be damned.
It is there even in the heart of someone as gifted as Hamlet.
Interesting. Just bumping around wikipedia, I found this description of Kazantsakis's The Saviors of God, which I must have read 25 years ago:
"Kazantzakis thought that there are two streams in life. The first one runs toward ascesis, synthesis, life and immortality. The second one runs downwards, to dissolution, matter, death. However, both streams are part of the universe, and being so, sacred. One of the main Kazantzakis' concerns was what force drives the uncreated to the created. As oppositions seems to be intrinsic to life and infinite, human beings should strive to ascend to a harmonic view of these oppositions, to be a guide for thought and action."
I must say today's entry is inspired writing by any measure;
I can appreciate the pressure that Bob's pipeline to heaven must be exerting on him (and perhaps somewhat on myself today). I don't question that the upper realms push or are pulled into the lower.
Yet, for all that, Bob still needs the chiding of a troll. Why?
He wrote:
"It has always been understood that the sudden ingression of spiritual force will make the unjust, impure, or unprepared person sort of disintegrate, which is why spirituality is no game."
What Bob did not say, and what should be added to preserve continuity, is that such "disintegration" is precisely the starting point for "reintegration." Unjust, impure, and unprepared persons are destroyed by spirit, but not to eliminate them. It is to transform them, exactly as Bob later wrote about transforming the vital mind rather than suppressing it. It is a good kind of disintegration.
The take home is: Obama, Olberman and Chopra are salvagable, unique soul entities, not disposable generic enemies or animals. Where is the love? These so called ghouls and monsters are in need of rebuilding, not annhilation. Every being has the potential to turn around and ascend, sometimes on a dime, except for the rare soulless human (asura) who is on the earth.
Well, I'll have to concede that if Chopra is one of these, then he is unsalvageable.
But to continue, my beef is that Bob tends to lose his psychic discernment or sweetness when he discusses human beings who are percieved as enemies. This jarring, rajasic element in the writing rubs like coarse sandpaper during an otherwise smooth experience. The abrasive spoils what otherwise would be a undiluted spiritual experience (reading the blog entry), for this troll.
So my question to you, Mr. Godwin:
Can the deficit be repaired? What is the deficit? Forgetfulness? Failure to discern? Is there a deficit? I could very well be wrong. Ask Petey about this issue; seek guidance from your psychic being.
For starters, when Bob writes a finger pointin' post, stop trying to stare at, sniff, or pull his finger. Just look at that to which he is giving the finger. Don't worry, Bob can take care of himself.
another theme was, we say we're going to change Warshington (I love that pronunciation), not just because we're saying we will, but because that's what we've done. Again and again point to what we have done, where O-face has only shameful associations and a nebulous galactic future to point to.
Two emotional moments stood out for me, "they broke me" and the rousing "get up and fight!" conclusion. At those two times, he was never more himself.
He has managed to destroy Obama, I think - Obama made a grab for the middle with the disastrous Joe Biden pick, but sold out his adoring fans. And McCain has stolen the "change" theme, as well as the "unity" theme, and has sincerity behind it, and now a fantastic VP pick.
a river of shit
carves a canyon away from
a bright sea of glass
we're going to change Warshington (I love that pronunciation)
Phil, you make it sound as if there is another way to pronounce 'warsh'. I cannot imagine what that would be.
We in the Midwest catch all the R they drop in Northeast -- they have to go somewhere.
"They see the energy coming from "outside," when it is really coming from above."
Lotta energy flowing down, through and outta Alaska.
Expect great and mighty things - this nomination is a God thing!
Video of Madame Governor giving a speech, 6/8/08, at her former church.
Alaska... Alaska... oh, right. It is the gateway to heaven.
Er, try this, too.
St. Herman was the first to bring Orthodoxy to this continent.
Anger is a passion stirred in defense of love at the presence of an evil deemed to be removable; it seeks to remove an obstacle, it is inherently violent.
So the question is, what is the object of the love of which this anger is defending? Is it B'ob's love of himself, or isn't it love of communicating truths contemplated in that large melon of his?
Insofar as trolls and other bloggers obstruct understanding and reflection on the posts, and focus the discussion on other things, anger and ridicule seem just.
"Obama made a grab for the middle with the disastrous Joe Biden pick, but sold out his adoring fans."
Just a few profane observations: I don't think he can sell out his adoring fans because they are in love with his image rather than anything he truly is. The Biden pick, though, felt and feels like it was the product of too much ideation and not enough intuitive awareness of the moment in which he and his handlers find themselves. They're all throwbacks, to some extent, and Obama's been building toward this for close to two decades, probably one reason he's stuck in reverse, another being that he wants to fix what went wrong when he was a youngster -- although he's still busy idealizing the parents who screwed him, who didn't want to be punished with a baby.
Anyway, for whatever reason, it's become like he's/they're trying to sink 3-pointers by plotting the trajectory and force required beforehand. Very clumsy, and every move seems stiff and wrong. That's why I think they'll have no option at the end of the day but to try to launch some fabricated scandal, the tried and true weapon of a Chicago pol.
Meanwhile, this whole thing reminds me a little of last year's Super Bowl. McCain has been so tenacious and proactive that the Obama man can't seem to get a pass off, let alone get in a rhythm.
quite so maineman, they're like an abused wife - he might not be true to his word, by he's MY man.
Mushroom said "All of that reminds me of George Bush's favorite movie, "The Last Starfighter""
Ha! I didn't know that. Meaningless bit of trivia, my Uncle played 'Enduran', the President of the good guys and father of the traitor.
"It would be a shame to elect another Reagan, whose smiling persona was a stalking horse for the reactionary forces that have brought us to the demoralized state we are in."
What a freaking ghoul.
A ghoul of quantum proportions!
Niggardly Phil said... “Also the point of Hamlet”
Personally, I think the point of Hamlet is indicated in the first line of dialog "Who goes there?", and Hamlet, fresh back from University and the new humanism of the Renaissance & Machiavelli, is continually beaten with the knowledge that ... he doesn't know, his learning hasn't given him knowledge, it has drained it out of him. Crud, gotta go to a mtg.
It's quite obvious that to win the dem nomination, you have to swing as far left as possible, but then to win the general election you swing back to the center.
I think maybe Obama was trying to swing back to the middle, but it has been such a clumsy effort, it feels like he's relying on people to tell him what he needs to do and who he need to be.
But Joe Biden? that was just a head scratcher for me. I mean, why not Kwame Kilpatrick (though in truth he was only recently freed up by going to jail) or maybe Marion Barry? If you grab the thistle, grab it hard or it stabs you.
maybe he needs to read...
The Boy and the Nettles
A BOY was stung by a Nettle. He ran home and told his Mother, saying, "Although it hurts me very much, I only touched it gently." "That was just why it stung you," said his Mother. "The next time you touch a Nettle, grasp it boldly, and it will be soft as silk to your hand, and not in the least hurt you."
@ Van
yes, I only mean that that scene is the height of the action by being inaction - death is not enough, only damnation will do, the opportunity to do the just thing is there, and we find out what is in his heart - not justice (and death for his uncle), but revenge (and life for his uncle).
From there it all unravels.
interested to hear what you were going to say.
>> . . . Keith Olbermann, who is so loosely put together to begin with, that it doesn't take much of this energy to make him disintegrate altogether<<
Ya know, I've long thought that when Jesus drove out the demons from the possessed guy, he didn't really have to *do* anything per se. All he had to do was show up. The appearance of the Light itself was, always is, intensely painful to demons and other subterraineans - they commence to hysterically gibbering and then they flee.
A clue here, I think, on the most efficacious, the transcendent way of confronting evil. This is not "resisting evil" by force, fighting it on its own level. Depending on the amount of Light we can bear with us as individuals, we - the Light itself - can actually change the environment around us. We don't have to struggle with evil down 'n dirty in the alley.
Like Jesus, though, we do have to show up.
Wars come and go, some of them necessary as is the war against the Islamo-fascists. I think, though, the final triumph over evil will be a matter of the manifested (within us) Light simply being there - evil will go nuts and flee, can't do nothing else.
I have gotten so caught up in Sarah's energy that I began wondering if I was any different from your garden-variety Obamabot.
However, lurking here, as I have for many years, has made me aware of the difference. Many or most of O's followers (I'm trying to be generous here) are excited by an infantile need for transcendance. (The Dems have got a real problem with this, or they wouldn't keep putting these laughingstock asses up as candidates for the Presidency.) Any old vessel will do, as long as it makes them feel warm, fuzzy, and morally superior.
I believe that Sarah is a vessel for something quite different, namely righteous pent-up anger--and that dam is about to burst. On Wednesday night the media weasels--and the sneering snots that are all that's left of the Democrat party--got their first glimpse at what's coming at them.
"It will always push against your existing limits until they are totally transcended, so be careful what you wish for. You really do have to say God-bye to both your past and to your existing self. At a certain point, you won't have the choice."
If I ever hafta make a speech, I hope B'ob would be my speechwriter, because he can say stuff in such a good way! Stuff I just can't seem to put into words.
Not everything, of course, 'cause some of the stuff B'ob writes is above my paygrade, but stuff like this...Ho!
Thanks, B'atman!
C'aptain America
"Rather, I am only trying to emphasize that spirit exists and that is inextricably woven into time, which is composed of the warp and weft of spirit and matter, or vertical and horizontal. It's not just a figure of speech."
Ok, this was bothering me through my mtg (which was not a bad thing, since it kept me from nodding off). Does this mean to say that the Zeitgeist actually exists, outside of and independent of the people? If so, that one gives me difficulty, for one thing, in that it would establish it as an entity itself. I've no problem with the idea that People recreate the zeitgeist within themselves, gathered and generated through the impressions they gather from their cultural surroundings, religion, grasp of philosophy, what is taught, revered, despised, etc.
But there's also that each person's connection to that is affected by their own judgment and self, enabling each person to vary or even clear that zeitgeist from their path if they're strong enough to reject, overcome and/or reform it from their own (and above) spirit.
Is that really possible if the zeitgeist is thought of as an 'actual' existent itself?
Phill said "Two emotional moments stood out for me, "they broke me" and the rousing "get up and fight!" conclusion. At those two times, he was never more himself."
Yep, those were the stand outs for me, from the heart.
Maineman said... "Anyway, for whatever reason, it's become like he's/they're trying to sink 3-pointers by plotting the trajectory and force required beforehand. Very clumsy, and every move seems stiff and wrong. That's why I think they'll have no option at the end of the day but to try to launch some fabricated scandal, the tried and true weapon of a Chicago pol."
Reminds me of the progress of a smooth liar (hmm... wonder why that is), at the start of the lie, he can spin it out eloquently, convincingly, mesmerizing and pulling people along with him as he hits their hot buttons... but as he begins to have to refer back to what he first said, or fit it in with what people know to be actual, he begins to lose the rhythm, ducking & weaving, patching, attempting to bully by objections with more and more intimidating assertions... until finally that point comes where someone stops him red handed with facts that can't be ignored.
Bill Whittle has a post up at NRO today.
He's like the man who built his house on sand; the winds came &c
Phill said "yes, I only mean that that scene is the height of the action by being inaction - death is not enough, only damnation will do, the opportunity to do the just thing is there, and we find out what is in his heart - not justice (and death for his uncle), but revenge (and life for his uncle)."
Sorry, I should have just cancelled that, rather than post it incomplete. Yes, Hamlet finds that the ends of all his thoughts are in essence, nothing, and is even tempted towards that. His only concrete actions come from unthinking reaction to outside events - Polonius moves behind the curtain, and he reacts and attacks... no thought or forethought, just action... and of course that doesn't work out well.
I had a post on this some while back, Who's there? Hamlet and America,
"You can see the leftist moonbats reflection in Hamlet trotting out the mousetrap play, for intrigues sake, trying to catch the King - as if he hadn't known his guilt already, just trying to line up a little nudge from reality so he wouldn't have to make a decision himself. The ultimate cop-out of determinists - waiting for occurrences to happen and then decry them, rather than taking action and responsibility for the results you create."
, which was kicked off by a portion of one of Gagdad's posts,
"“For you it has been given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but
to them it has not been given.... Therefore I speak to them in parables, because
seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.'
Therefore, Jesus is identifying and highlighting a perennial problem with
spiritual knowledge: many who hear hear it do not hear it, and many more who
understand it do not comprehend it.""
B'atman-"You really do have to say God-bye to both your past and to your existing self. At a certain point, you won't have the choice."
From the Jewishencylopedia.com
Biblical Data:
Except in Ps. xlii. 7 (A. V. 6) and Job xl. 23, "Jordan" occurs with the definite article, its meaning being "the descender." The Jordan is pointed out as the source of fertility to a large plain ("Kikkar ha-Yarden"), called on account of its luxuriant vegetation "the garden of God" (Gen. xiii. 10). There is no regular description of the Jordan in the Bible; only scattered and indefinite references to it are given. Jacob crossed it and its tributary, the Jabbok (the modern Al-Zarḳa),..
I came to, or rather was brought to, this "river" by telling the Truth and then suffering for in the the horizontal world of job seeking. Squeezed between a rock and a hard Master.
It's making more & more sense as the days grind along.
Someday I'll be able to spill the beans, or not.
Until then it's great to have a guide like the B'atman.
Someone a lost child can hope for to pull it out of the Darkness in which it is engulfed.
Is Palin really all that? I think it's too soon to tell. I'm surpised at how labile the crew has become over here.
Steady, steady...wait for it. It worked on Bunker Hill.
well, you know anony, Bob gives the word and we all fall in.
This just seemed apropos:
Jesus said to them, "If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and now am here. I have not come on my own; but he sent me. Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me!"
(Jn 8:42-45 TNIV)
Van - Your "smooth liar" description is great.
Is she really all that? I assume you're trolling, but of course the truth is that we suspect she is (I think this week has so wildly exceeded everyone's expectations that we're all rather giddy), but only time and experience will show for certain. We're not mindless O-bots. Based on the knowledge that is available and based on her behavior this past week, yes, she is all that. And a bag of moose tracks.
On to today's schadenfreude. Years ago, way back when we first moved to the desert, I spent a good portion of the day watching television and trying to figure out what to do with myself. I always disliked Oprah (no matter the topic, it was always about her), but I quickly learned that she and her ilk (by which I mean not the Springer-type shows, but the ones geared toward making women unhappy with themselves and their lives, in the guise of offering ways to "improve" pretty much everything, and tips on how to find out that your man is cheating on you. Insecurity sells.) are pure poison. If her viewership falls off over this, I can't say I'll be sorry.
BTW, in lieu of campaign demotions to Governor Palin, Bob says just send the cash to me. I'll make sure she gets it.
Elizabeth said..."I have gotten so caught up in Sarah's energy that I began wondering if I was any different from your garden-variety Obamabot. However, lurking here, as I have for many years, has made me aware of the difference."
It also helps to remember that obamama's validation comes from the things he promises gov't will do for you, what society should provide you and how others will approve of you - not based upon real experience (not this bogus comparison of resumes' but actual deeds and results), but promises of youdopia's to come.
Palin's, on the other hand, comes from the ground up, how her life story demonstrates what she believes, how her family demonstrates evidence of what she does and has always has believd, how she's reigned Gov't in, based upon what she believes, confronted opposition and overcame it, based upon what she believes.
I feel the pull of the 'zeitgeist' as well, and frankly it annoys me, with each bit of info that has come to light about Palin, there's been an inner resonance and response, a "Yeah!" at seeing someone demonstrating and affirming what I believe, and I sort of resent any other 'pull' that might lessen the import of my own evaluation, but the response is as it is all the same. I've still to dig in and verify that the facts are as they seem (It almost seems laughable - how could she not be who she seems to be - look at her, look at her family, look at the bullet points of her record - that results from a single One, not a frantic many), but I will this weekend, if for no other reason, than to be able to have the facts at hand for the discussions to come.
As an interesting case of denial and disintegration, check out the headlines about McCain's speech, typical of them this morning were "Worst acceptance speech ever", but slowly as Talk Radio started trumpeting it, you can start to find out that,
"Nielsen Media Research said a record 38.9 million TV viewers watched McCain accept the Republican nomination on Thursday, slightly more than the 38.3 million people who tuned in for Obama's speech last week."
and that,
"Palin's national prime-time TV debut on Wednesday was watched on television by 37.2 million Americans."
You have to look pretty hard for Biden's numbers, which I think was only one or two/thirds of that.
No enthusiasms over the historic import of those numbers... or how it may top what was so significant about obamama's numbers... no, no - Dragging 'em kicking and screaming....
... and what Julie said!
Anon said:
Is Palin really all that? I think it's too soon to tell. I'm surpised at how labile the crew has become over here.
Most of us here actually believe the Bible. Now starting with the premise that the Bible is true, what was it in the Old Testament, where men would see David and follow him at once, no questions? They would give their lives for him.
Now what was it where Jesus could walk by some fishermen, ask them to follow him, and they drop everything? Or Timothy follows Paul? In the actual real universe there is a spiritual component that can be discerned, but only by people that were/are looking for it.
Even the liberals sense this is so, however they don't wait for the genuine article, (which if they see it they hate it) but they invent them, then follow whatever person they designated for that hour as THEIR anointed one.
Thus you can have a Clinton, beloved and adored by the Left yesterday, but once out of power with not much chance of regaining that power, miraculously he can be discarded for the newest projection screen who is NOW the only anointed one.
Both sides almost do the same thing. But the big difference and this is where it all started back with Satan himself. One side says "we are the creators." The other side says "you create us."
I think McCain revealed this last night at the end of his speech. He admitted he was all about himself, a self-created man. But it took great pain, failure, brokenness for him to live for something outside himself.
IMO the failure of the Left is they are forever unwilling to actually suffer to reach that place and you do NOT reach that place without suffering. The Left via their witchcraft will make everyone else suffer so they can reach that place. That is why all their Utopias end in OTHERS dying...by the truckloads.
And by the way it is because this principle is stamped into the space-time fabric of the universe that McCain will be president, no matter what the polls say, no matter what Soros pays. This is the true channel of authority (authority is the manifestation of creative power on the physical plane).
Obama and his minions are liars and usurpers, they have not suffered to be these channels of authority. Authority is not suppressive as the Left makes it (Political Correctness is a case in point) Authority is the power to create, to bring into existence that which has not existed.
I find it interesting that so many of them "good ole boy" sexist right-wing conservatives are all gung-ho about a female VP.
Maybe we're not so old or sexist after all. That must really sting over on the elite "enlightened" left side.
Cooncur 100%.
To paraphrase Bill Buckley, a conservative would prefer to be governed by the first 500 people in the Wasilla phone book than the editorial board of the Harvard Law Review. And we mean it quite literally.
Thanks Kepler for your post on witchcraft, yesterday. You helped me to see a deeper meaning behind:
For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king. - 1 Samuel 15:23
From Wiki, on Saul Alinsky, "the father of community organizing":
Saul Alinsky shows his dark, mischievous sense of humor in his dedication to his own book, Rules for Radicals: "Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins -- or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom -- Lucifer."
You dare to mock community organizers?!
Just happen to be reading Satprem myself right now and I can't get a scene about Bill Clinton out of my mind....in the documentary about Will Short and crosswords, and how avidly Clinton did them, loving so voraciously at the level of Vital Mind, awash in trivial pursuit, but so devoid of any inner guidance that Dick Morris could convince him to become a conservative in office on Nafta and welfare because of some current poll numbers. Colin Wilson would call this contingency.
And what is so lovely about this blog is that even though I know I lost them somewhere else, I always find my car keys under this light post.
I think it is no accident that it ends up being the Vietnam prisoner of war veteran and the two forty-something year olds. One of the forty-year olds drank the poisoned cool-aid; the other did not.
These two are from my generation, and although everyone lumps my generation in with the baby boomer generation, my generation is not the baby boomer generation. We came right after the baby boomer generation and we tend to be conservative and we tend to look at the baby boomers with scorn and disgust.
I'm almost exactly one year older than Sarah Palin, and I know how humbled and protective I feel towards our Vietnam Vets. I think the dynamic of McCain and Palin is going to be something wonderful to behold.
This place and Dr. Bob make me want to be a better person. And ditto what Julie says about Sarah Palin. She makes me want to be more like her.
Here's what I wrote to an aquaintance today, who is worried about an Obama win and "looney extremism that would be unleashed on" the "backbone people":
When John McCain announced last Friday that Sarah Palin was his choice for VP, I turned to Mike and said, "Obama just lost the election."
The full force of left wing looney extremism has already been unleashed on our nation's backbone people. It's been going on since longer than I was born. It's has infiltrated our culture through every possible pore. We've been beaten over the head with it in school: in the newspapers, magazines and books; on television; and in movies. It's infiltrated our churches and political institutions. For me it's been one long hippy riot ever since I was born (1963). I've been trapped my whole life in the midst of a screaming, chaotic tidal wave of people who refuse to grow up and want to destroy everything I hold dear. I'm sick of it.
Ms. Palin declared war this last Wednesday evening on Mr. Empty Suit Obama; Mr. Lying Hypocrite Biden; and their Smirking Enablers, the Mainstream Media.
I think that the nation's backbone peoples' eyes were opened this last Labor Day weekend to the reality of what we face and just how vicious and evil it is.
I think the nation's backbone peoples will fight it down, and hopefully they will kill it.
Julie, that is hilarious.
I'm putting this on my resume:
* reach out and work with communities in various ways.
* liaison with, and for, community agencies for service within affected areas.
* fight to make a difference.
* raise awareness.
* deal with community issues.
* raise awareness in the community of how we are making differences about undealt-with issues .
* when necessary, refer inquiries to outreach coordinators.
* Help coordination agency administrators identify and address outreach opportunities.
* model timetables and conceptualize benchmarks.
* issue guidelines for poster contests and interpretive dance festivals.
* Gather voter registrations, win valuable prizes.
(And now for a moment of shameless self-promotion. I actually went to the trouble of going to the portrait class today, studiously ignoring the Obama buttons and the moans about how awful Mccain's speech was. I think it was worth the torment, though. All that zeitgeist electricity has to be expressed one way or another.)
More people affected by the Force.
But, good ole boy sexism, as everyone knows, is just a way to tease the ladies. At least, for those of us who aren't a-holes.
Gagdad Bob said... "More people affected by the Force."
OMG! What a bunch of loons! But you know what, the last one summed up leftism inside and out,
"I've looked at clear cuts and burnt forests and I've felt outraged but I didn't scream and I didn't cry ... and I need to!... Argghhhh!!!!"
Not real outrage, not real judgment, but the 'feeling' that they should have felt or thought or done something... and because they feel that others would approve (or just as desireable, would disapprove) and sympathize with them... that's sufficient reason to manufacture the pretense of outbursts and action.
What a bunch of marroons.
"Not real outrage, not real judgment"
"While watching this film, I couldn’t help but thinking, that this may be one of the most subversive things I have ever seen made by a mainstream filmmaker. I couldn’t help but think of the Marx Brothers’ anarchic DUCK SOUP.
... this is THE BALLSIEST MOVIE EVER MADE! Love it or hate it, it’s got a big ol’ dangling pair of apricots."
Thanks to Benster, a review of An American Carol
How can anyone defend these ghouls?
From the link:
Community Organizer Militia
"The Obamas discourage work in the private sector. "Don't go into corporate America," Michelle has exhorted youth. "Work for the community. Be social workers." Shun the "money culture," Barack added. "Individual salvation depends on collective salvation."
"If you commit to serving your community," he pledged in his Denver acceptance speech, "we will make sure you can afford a college education." So, go through government to go to college, and then go back into government.
Many of today's youth find the pitch attractive. "I may spend the rest of my life trying to create social movement," said Brian Coovert of the Cincinnati chapter. "There is always going to be work to do. Until we have a perfect country, I'll have a job."
Not all the recruits appreciate the PC indoctrination. "It was too touchy-feely," said Nelly Nieblas, 29, of the 2005 Los Angeles class. "It's a lot of talk about race, a lot of talk about sexism, a lot of talk about homophobia, talk about -isms and phobias."
One of those -isms is "heterosexism," which a Public Allies training seminar in Chicago describes as a negative byproduct of "capitalism, white supremacy, patriarchy and male-dominated privilege."
The government now funds about half of Public Allies' expenses through Clinton's AmeriCorps. Obama wants to fully fund it and expand it into a national program that some see costing $500 billion. "We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded" as the military, he said."
Anyone sittin' on the fence need any more proof than that?
There's gonna be a showdown and we had better be ready.
When does Emotional Hippie huntin' season open on the Left Coast? [It's year-round up here.]
I think it's now safe to say, post-Sarah, that I am emotionally invested in this race.
"There really is a spirit of the times, and one of the gifts that routinely goes along with spiritual development is the ability to discern the 'signs of the times.'"
Sarah's a pentecostal, you know. According to NPR's All Things Considered (ahem) she believes that God gets intimately involved with the ways and workings of this world.
Funny, how they have to consult an expert when it comes to spiritual themes.
I like what Kepler said about the left being unwilling to accept suffering.
Such a true statement. And notice ALL sacrifice is assigned to the "other".
Did you all see this?
Poison's bubbling to the surface.
BTW, that link is from Gecko! Good find, Gecko!
Every conservative should repeat what Michelle and Barrack said about their dream of a radical activist boot camp of commie indoctrination.
TNR has no shame, Susannah.
These are the rats that supported beaucamps lies about our Troops.
They are moral cowards without a trace of honor.
Even some of the commenters there are blasting this vile piece of crap.
From the link Susannah ref'd "By the way, I prefer the "liberal" label to the "progressive" one which still reeks of Communist Party politics). And so for that matter is Jospeh Biden a liberal, deeply knowledgeable and deeply rooted."
Kind of says it all, doesn't it? Allow me to translate,
'By the way, while we're pretending to be something we're not, lets do wear this mask, not that scary one, people might figure out who we are - and praise be the blowhard 'something-to-prove-and-nothing-to-prove-it-with' plagiarising his-hair-plugs-are-more-authentic-than-he-is bidin' his time Biden'
From that high point, it then goes on to call Palin's 17 yr old daughter a s***, and a few other classy observations.
If they're not evil, they're a damn decent substitute. Souless holes.
Wow! This is good!
By Michael Reagan:
Welcome Back Dad
"Sarah Palin didn’t go to Harvard, or fiddle around in urban neighborhood leftist activism while engaging in opportunism within the ranks of one of the nation’s most corrupt political machines, never challenging it and going along to get along, like Barack Obama.
Instead she took on the corrupt establishment in Alaska and beat it, rising to the governorship while bringing reforms to every level of government she served in on her way up the ladder.
Welcome back, Dad, even if you’re wearing a dress and bearing children this time around.
"Much has been made of the fact that she is a woman. What we saw last night, however, was something much more than a just a woman accomplishing something no Republican woman has ever achieved. What we saw was a red-blooded American with that rare, God-given ability to rally her dispirited fellow Republicans and take up the daunting task of leading them -- and all her fellow Americans -- on a pilgrimage to that shining city on the hill my father envisioned as our nation’s real destination."
I couldn't resist another quote! :^)
Van said-
"If they're not evil, they're a damn decent substitute. Souless holes."
O-less a-holes.
Great Musical Virgos [from memory]: Van Morrison...'Bird'....
Schoenberg AND John Cage [Nicholas' dad]...Holst...John Stewart...George Jones [Gram's god]...
Ricky said "But it’s still not quite right – that word “ordinary” bugs me."
What your searching for, reminds me of a line from Atlas Shrugged, where the character Hugh Akston says of the heroes,
“. . . don’t make the mistake of thinking that these three pupils of mine are some sort of superhuman creatures. They’re something much greater and more astounding than that: they’re normal men."
The thing that should strike us most is not how unique Sarah Palin seems, but that she isn't more common.
That McCain brought up the Education issue, that has hardly been a hot button one this year, was a welcome point for me.
Minor not of surprise here.
I saw in the guide this morning "MTV's McCain Decoded", and with a 'this ought to be rich' shrug, I turned it on... and marvel of marvels, it was actually a fair treatment of his speach.
The hipster host played several of the key points, along with some yout's reaction to it, and aside from a Vet Activist's saying he was dissapointed that McCain didn't use his Presidential Nomination speech to advocate for more injured Veterans programs, they were pretty even handed.
One said they were impressed that McCain brought up Education this year (my hopes are starting to rise).
One young lady yout' even said something like "About character, it's amazing when you think about it, John McCain spent more time in a POW cell, than Barack Obama has spent in the Senate....", I expected snide (the real kind of snide) and cynical mocking of him and his agenda, but they were not only more even handed than any of the MSM, but were also open to the idea that he seemed like he actually would be someone who could be a reformer in Washington.
Will wonders never cease.
...eh... not 'not', 'note', minor NOTE of surprise.
More Coffee please?!
Ricky, yes, the 'Why' of Education has been purposefully shunted aside by those advocatin for edumacatin'... and had he proposed new programs of education, I would have been even more depressed, but that he was pushing for giving parents a choice in their childrens Education... that was hopeful.
Of course if 'choice' is only a choice between arsenic and cyanide, that won't help much... but having Choice available will sooner or later cause someone to get the bright idea that perhaps people would prefer to choose nourishment over poison - and then we may see something worth seeing.
One more quote from Bill Whittle's column ref'd above,
"I was lukewarm on McCain Thursday night, but after that close I will follow that man to the ends of the earth with a smile on my face and a song in my heart.
And I don’t know whether or not we will win in November, but for the first time I feel like we deserve to win more than they deserve to lose. And I find myself at peace for the first time in . . . well, it seems like forever. Because now I know that we will win or lose based on what we love and what we believe in, and that we have managed to find two politicians who have lived those values through good times and bad. "
That is a good feeling to have, and I think that is what I'm feeling too, as with Cato
"'Tis not in mortals to command success, But we'll do more, Sempronius; we'll deserve it."
May I just say that the Olbermann clip epitomizes the preachiness and condescension of the left? How red-blooded Americans can put up with that stuff from their candidates and media spokesmen is beyond me.
And on what basis, all this moral outrage? I'd love to hear him lay it out. Because his feelings are hurt?
I mean, clips of 9/11 make me want to personally take an M16 to Osama Bin Laden. (And I'm a very passive, non-confrontational type.)
I'm astonished at anyone who directs his outrage at the people who play the clip, rather than the people who orchestrated the events recorded in it.
Susannah said "I'm astonished at anyone who directs his outrage at the people who play the clip, rather than the people who orchestrated the events recorded in it."
It is amazing isn't it, and it's not an isolated instance, but their entire Modus Operandi. No outrage at the criminal or his deeds, but for the person who calls those deeds crimes and the people who commit them Criminals. No outrage for those who make war necessary, but for those who don't shrink for doing what is necessary, for those who refuse to ignore reality, who refuse their fractured fantasy.
"In the morning, it will be foul weather today: for the heaven is red and lowering. Ye know how to discern the face of the heaven; but ye cannot discern the signs of the times. That's why your comments are so appallingly stupid."
Well, what's appallingly stupid is your failure to connect how that relates to them, but in the sense that they were stupid I wonder why it is nobody would ever actually address the content of them over my presentation.
What I think is stupid is the inability to focus on what the real issue, and you've not done that here, and it wasn't done earlier either. Literally I bring up the problems with Palin and instead of countering those, I get complaints on how the information is presented, and I have to argue that instead of the actual substance. Great.
Well, unless you're referring to the last comment, which was mostly in jest, reductio ad absurdum.
But, yah, when somebody can counter with some legitimate substance I'd be insulted, but when you just start spewing things without backing them or connecting the dots I mean, what do I have to be insulted by? That fact that because you don't get it I'm stupid? I'm just looking around thinking it's like teaching grade-schoolers math and being called a dummy when they don't get it. (I mean seriously, presenting factually correct information and having to argue how it's presented over whether it's actually true is about as stupid as you get)
The Olberman video is gone. Sniff.
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