Monday, September 01, 2008

Lie With the Left, Wake up Fleeced

It's an annual tautology, isn't it? A holiday that celebrates taking the day off. Anyway, in keeping with the spirit of the holiday, I am doing so. Besides, I was a union member for over 12 years, from 1976-1988, during which time I put my college through me. Being a 10 year union veteran, I am also vested in the pension program, which, last time I heard, will entitle me to $237 a month when I reach retirement age. The bad news is that the pension fund is in a "critical state," which means I may have to start saving now for the beer fund.

I wanted to wrap up with the last two commandments, so here they are. These are the two that most distress the left, for where would they be without Lies and Envy? After all, speech was given to liberals in order to conceal their thoughts. And those hidden thoughts are, more often than not, rooted in constitutional envy. For example, I am certain that Andrew Sullivan is just envious of Sarah Palin's ruby slippers. What else can explain his vicious smears except perhaps AIDS-related dementia? Not that there's anything wrong with that.


Lies and the Lying Liars Who Live Them

That would be us. For, depending on how you look at it, God became man so that man might become God (so to speak). Or, Brahman became Maya so that Maya might become Brahman. Or perhaps Truth became falsehood so that falsehood might become Truth. Looked at in a certain way, lies are one of those things that must exist if we are to have a maninfestation separate from the Principle, a creation apart from the Creator.

The Christian esoterist Boris Mouravieff wrote that “We live in a world ruled by lies. Lying and stealing are the dominant elements of human character whatever the race, creed or caste. Whoever says that this is not true simply tells another lie. Man lies because in a world ruled by lies it is not possible to for him to do otherwise.... [T]he progress of this civilization, which is the fruit of an intellectual culture, considerably increases the need for lying.” (One of the great things about America is that it is still possible to get ahead by speaking truth. In most other cultures, one gets ahead by lying, and gets marginalized or killed by speaking truth. For example, it is not possible to speak truth in most of the Islamic world.)

I believe it was Burke who said that culture “reconciles a man to everything,” no matter how foolish or barbarous the custom. But some cultures are so immersed in the Lie that they cannot help producing lying liars, most dramatically in the Middle East, but obviously here in the United States as well, only in a more subtle form. For example, the pressure of political correctness is an instrument of coercion designed to reconcile you to the infrahuman lies of the left.

In conducting a psychological evaluation, patients are often motivated to lie -- to make it appear that they are either more or less ill than they actually are, or that one thing is responsible for their psychiatric problems when it is actually another. And yet, unless they are psychotic, a part of them always knows they are lying, and is ambivalent about it. Remember, the lie presupposes the truth, so a liar must be aware of the truth on some level.

In his heart-mind, even absent a divine commandment, man (a normal man, anyway -- someone who hasn't completely given himself over the lie and become its instrument) knows that he should not lie, and a part of him attempts to align itself with truth, and spill the beans on the internal liar. It's actually one of the fun parts of my job -- to try to conspire with the part of the patient that is desperate to get the truth out, despite flack from other parts of the personality that wish to prevent it.

We live in a world of forces, at every vertical level. Just as human beings are tripartite entities consisting of body, mind and spirit, there are physical forces, mental forces, and spiritual forces. In the spiritual-intellectual realm, truth is most assuredly a force, from which the materialist or metaphysical Darwinist willfully attempts to sever himself. There is a counter-force which we call "lying," which, if you think about it for even a moment, has probably had a greater impact and influence on the world than Truth. Or at the very least, it is a constant battle. Truth is always embattled on all sides, just as light is surrounded by darkness. Not for nothing did Jesus make the wise crack that the adversary “was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own substance, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”

This is an interesting statement, for it suggests that lies are somehow a "human substance," somewhat like a spider that spins a web out of its own body. It is a kind of dark substance that oozes from a real liar -- a Ted Kennedy, a Johnnie Cochran, an Obama. Truth, on the other hand, is not, and cannot be of human origins. It is somehow anterior to us, and it is only for us to discover or remember it -- what Plato called anamnesis. It too is a substance, the substance of light, which, to paraphrase someone, is as light as a gas but as hard as a diamond. It is of celestial origins, while the lie is of human origins (via Stan, if you like). The point is, only humans lie, since only humans may know truth.

You'd think it would be uncontroversial to utter a simple truth, but you'd be wrong, wouldn't you? If you don't believe in the force of falsehood, try sharing a controversial but banal truth at one of our elite universities, such as "men and women are fundamentally different and, on average, excel at different things," or "children do better with a mother and a father than with two mothers and two fathers," or “racial quotas hurt blacks," or “some, if not most, cultures are patently sick." It seems that to carry Truth is to pick up a cross and paint a target on one's back.

Animals cannot lie. While they can have certain naturally selected mechanisms of deception, they cannot live a lie (actually, as an astute commenter mentioned the other day, it might be possible if the luckless pet has a particularly nutty owner, like James Wolcott). But living a lie is in the normal course of events for human beings. Interestingly, this problem is fully recognized in scripture, as the very first conversations recorded in the Bible are a tissue of lies. The serpent lies to the woman, the woman transmits the lie to the man, and the man lies about it to God. The very emergence of self-consciousness seems to be inseparable from lying. The Lie banishes us from paradise.

A cursory glance at history -- or at the idiotorial pages of the New York Times -- establishes the fact that lying is absolutely fundamental to human existence, even though the idea wasn't systematized until the early 20th century, in the works of Freud (the good Freud) and his followers. In particular, the psychoanalyst W.R. Bion developed a sophisticated epistemology (say that fast three times) showing how a vital lie is at the basis of most all forms of psychopathology. He made the provocative observation that the lie requires a thinker to think it, whereas the truth does not, for it simply is. We discover truth, but it takes a thinker to concoct the lie (and, I might add, a "gifted" thinker such as Marx or Chomsky to create the most grandiose and elaborate lies). And once the lie is in place, it causes the psyche to enter a sort of parallel universe, for it constructs itself on the foundations of that primordial lie.

In my own colorful terminology, I have called these internalized lies "mind parasites." I believe the term is an accurate one, for it is meant to convey the idea that a vital lie that lodges itself in the psyche is not static, but takes on the characteristics of the host, so to speak, thereby disguising itself. I remember once discussing this with my analyst. I don't remember the exact context of the problem I was whining about (or if I’m lying about not remembering) but he said words to the effect of, "What do you expect? It's as smart as you are."

Ah ha! In other words, the mind parasite has at its disposal all of the marvelous hi-tech wetware of the psyche -- like a rogue state that acquires nuclear weapons. Therefore, it can easily justify itself, elaborate itself, gang up on the truth, intimidate healthier parts of the psyche. Think of a dictator who uses legitimate means to come to power, but then corruptly uses all of the levers of power to stay there and eliminate opponents -- similar to how liberalism gradually morphed into the twisted leftism which now controls the Democrat party.

Just as freedom and truth are necessarily linked -- i.e., no one who is living a lie is actually free -- those who are in thrall to the lie are slaves. While they may enjoy a subjective sense of freedom, it is an illusion. In fact, they have forfeited their freedom and are attached to a spiritually suffocating demon generated out of their own dark psychic substance.

Think of a vivid example that comes readily to mind -- the Islamists. Is it not obvious to one and all (er, no) that they are absolutely enslaved by artificial beings of their own creation? And that they want everyone else to be enslaved by the same demon? Does this not demonstrate the insane power of demons and the lies they propagate? And how the liberal media simply treats the lie as another variety of truth? You know, who are we to judge? The Middle East is just too complex. The Palestinians are victims too. We deserved 9-11.

There are personal mind parasites and collective mind parasites. Many cultures revolve entirely around monstrous entities that have been engendered by whole communities, such as the Aztec. Here again, it would be wrong to say that the Aztec had a bloodthirsty god -- rather, it clearly had them. Thousands upon thousands of human beings sacrificed to satisfy this imaginary god's appetite for human blood, elaborate mechanisms set up to supply fresh bodies, the heart of the sacrificial victim cut out by the officiating priest who would himself take a bite out of it while it was still beating. A whole society of Jeffrey Dahmers trying desperately to allay their existential and ontological anxiety by vampirically ingesting the life force of others. The head-chopping Izlambies are just the latest edition of this primordial anti-religion. But you undoubtedly know some people in your own life who do the same thing -- hungry ghosts and Rays of darkness who feed on the light (or the blog) of others.

In all times and in all places, human beings have looked for ways to objectify, worship, and appease their self-created demons. This is preferable to having them run around loose in one's own psyche. Take again the example of the typical beast of Islamist depravity. How would one even begin to tell him: "Listen, buddy. You have a persecutory entity inside of you that your life revolves around. You have placed it outside of yourself, in the 'infidels,' so as to make your life bearable, for the lie conceals a truth that is too painful to endure. Would you like to put down that meat cleaver and talk about it?"

To a large extent, this dynamic is at the heart of more mundane politics as well. For those who do not experience George Bush as a demon, it is almost impossible to understand those who do, any more than we can really understand the motivations of the Aztec. The collective mind parasite has a grammar and logic all its own, inaccessible to all but initiates of the Lie.

You don't actually want to get that close to an intoxicating Lie of that magnitude. It's not safe. Better to observe it from a respectful distance. Otherwise, you will find yourself pulled down into a false world of counter-lying rather than simple truth. You cannot create an artificial "good demon,” which is what secular leftists are trying to do when they aren't creating bad ones. Those critical critics who criticize my "negativity" probably think I am engaging in the former -- heatedly countering the lie -- when I am calmly engaged in the latter -- simply reaffirming the truth. This is the inner meaning of "resist not evil." Resist it in the wrong way, and you come into its orbit. The Raccoon way is never to resist a troll, but to ridicule them from above.

For a demon operates through a combination of will and imagination. You may think of perverse will as the male principle and perverse imagination as the female principle. Together they beget the demon child that then controls the parents, taking over both will and imagination. Consider how so much art and academic nonsense is nothing more than the elaboration of the lower imagination -- ideological superstructures giving cover to lies of various magnitude. Think of how much "activism" is simply the angry agitation of the perverse will.

Truth is a living thing, a consciousness -- and therefore a Being -- that cannot be reduced to the idolatrous systems of men, especially corrupted men who do not honor Truth to begin with. Most modern and postmodern ideologies and philosophies are opiates for elites too sophisticated for such nonsense as Truth. But like all misused drugs, “Lies gravely affect our mind; they distort the undeveloped organs of the Personality, upon which depends the effort that must lead us to the second Birth.... Even more, lying makes the man who aspires to evolution go backwards” (Mouravieff).

The saving manifestation of the Absolute is either Truth or Presence, but it is not one or the other in an exclusive fashion, for as Truth It comprises Presence, and as Presence It comprises Truth. Such is the twofold nature of all theophanies; thus Christ is essentially a manifestation of Divine Presence, but he is thereby also Truth: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” No one enters into the saving proximity of the Absolute except through a manifestation of the Absolute, be it a priori Presence or Truth. --F. Schuon

Well, I said I was going to post the last two commandments, but this has gone on long enough already. We'll do the last one later in the week.


Gagdad Bob said...

Now, here's an interesting search:

"tonga institute of pataphysics"

Where else could it end but here?

QP said...

How the Left Will Lie, a.k.a. The Coming Trials of Sarah Palin.

Van Harvey said...

"He made the provocative observation that the lie requires a thinker to think it, whereas the truth does not, for it simply is."

So True. I think this snip catches that up well also, a quote from a good fisking of Picasso and Modern art that I linked to in my latest,
"picasso (summed up perfectly in the link “…You had to be taught to love Picasso, because nobody would love him otherwise. But people don't need to be taught to love Rembrandt, Michelangelo, Bouguereau, or for that matter Chopin, Beethoven, Bach, or Tom Sawyer...”, "

That is the most distressing and disturbing feature of modern 'art', that it's purpose is to 'teach' Lies. The 'artist' doesn't admit to seeing it that way, he sees it as 'using art to force the viewer to confront their hypocracy, and admit how things really are, and how the artist wants them to be!", but what that means is to vivisect the hypocracy, a posturing of behaving as one who adheres to Truth though in fact they don't, and denouncing not the posturing, but the Truth; kicking it aside as unattainable, and then encouraging the victim... er... viewer... to revel in their failure to grasp truth, to admit their inability to and that trying to is false, wrong, bad, that it is in fact 'good' to be authentic to your 'true' nature, to passionately discard cultural norms, civility, maners, to rut with abandon with whichever gender be at hand, to denounce those who might call you to stand up like a Man for 'Truth, Justice and the American Way'. The modernists have taken what was first and finest in us, that which impelled the cave paintings of Lascaux, the seeking and idealization of Truth, and turned it into a mode for striping away all that is Good, Beautiful and True.

I do hate them. The only consolation, is knowing that they are living, now, within themselves, in the utter hell they've not yet succeeded in foisting upon the rest of us.

Gagdad Bob said...

The left cannot stand a strong Tongan Woman. They only want weak and wimpy victims. Same with blacks. They only want house negroes, not strong and independent blacks who don't need liberal whites to get through life.

Van Harvey said...

Wow. That was cheerful of me.

NoMo said...

The "Audacity of Hope" = The Arrogance of the Lie.

Anonymous said...

The loss of transcendence evokes the flight to Obamatopia.

Sal said...

Went to see this:
at the DMoA on Friday, thought about you. They were big Friends of P., yet did manage to live a graceful life in other regards.

I remember how much I loved this post on it's first go-round. Particulary apt re: current events.

I'm guessing Gov. Palin is the Bad Breast, yes?

Van Harvey said...

"And once the lie is in place, it causes the psyche to enter a sort of parallel universe, for it constructs itself on the foundations of that primordial lie. "

And whether the gifted thinker begins from error, perhaps Descartes & Hume, or through deliberate lie like Kant (though I'm sure he told himself his ends justified the means), those who take it up and build upon their foundation will find themselves sucked into that parallel looniverse - and the deeper those thoughts are to their world, the farther down the rabbit hole they will go.

"Even more, lying makes the man who aspires to evolution go backwards” (Mouravieff)."

Or...having discarded the perception of the Vertical, they make increasingly speedy progress forwards, but refuse the awareness that their motion is increasingly angled downwards, they thrill at the perception of speed, not acknowledging that it is taking them down the drain.

"This is the inner meaning of "resist not evil." Resist it in the wrong way, and you come into its orbit. The Raccoon way is never to resist a troll, but to ridicule them from above."

Got to work on keeping that one in mind.

Excellent post today, a fine slackadaisical labor.

Gagdad Bob said...

Johan, didn't you say you were a fan of Philly soul? If so, you'll want to know about this. Can't wait.

julie said...

With Bob's indulgence, I'm going to post this again (seeing as how I managed to put it up where the least possible number of eyes might stumble across it last night):

With all of the musically talented people who hang out here, I wonder if it would be possible to create a virtual song? Start with some lyrics and a basic melody, hand off (via email or a forum, possibly? I don't have a clue how big the files would be) to various instrumentalists/ vocalists to play with (maybe just one at a time, so they're all building on the same musical structure), overlay their part, then pass along... each person would need a half-decent microphone (to record their part) and compatible software, probably the kind that comes free with most computers would be fine (GarageBand or similar?). Not that I know how to work with it yet, but it's supposed to be fairly user friendly. If we keep it simple, it could possibly work.

Anyway, it just struck me as something that could be a really fun and interesting collaboration. There's no lack of creativity here, nor a lack of musical ability. And admit it - you'd love to hang out and have an impromptu jam session (or even just sit on the sidelines and listen to the results) with your fellow Raccoons. This could be the next best thing.

Dougman has already stepped up to the plate. Who else wants to play? Bob, Van, Will, Robin, River - I know you all have some skills that would be helpful in this endeavor. And I'm sure there are others, too. If enough people are at least intrigued by the idea, I'll set up a slackateria where we can try to get the ball rolling, so as not to impose further on Bob's hospitality.

What say you, Raccoons? We spend a lot of time talking music. It might be delightful to actually share music. Who knows? We might come up with a mess, or just maybe, with a little Grace, we could make something Beautiful.

julie said...

Obama wants to remake American society in his own image. Talk about projecting your own substance...

I really, really hope Mccain wins this one.

Anonymous said...

"And once the lie is in place, it causes the psyche to enter a sort of parallel universe, for it constructs itself on the foundations of that primordial lie."

All cultures are equal. Cultures express themselves in different ways, and we should never fall into the trap of mistakenly regarding differences as marks of superiority or inferiority.

I had to go to Lowes yesterday to get some spray paint. It was early, and the store wasn't crowded. As I walked in I noticed a guy- probably in his mid forties. He was dressed pretty much the same as I was- jeans, tank shirt. His upper body was just littered with tattoos. It looked like a page out of a bored high school kid's notebook: doodles, names, little pictures of this and that all over the place. Nasty. It took some time, but I found a sales clerk. This guys arms looked like a page out the Sunday comics. Only with a pin-up girl or two thrown in for good measure. You see this kind of stuff a lot. I always wonder- in what universe does someone find this stuff attractive?
But the tatts were nothing. When I looked at the kid working the checkout I got one of those awful little gut drops that you get when you see someone missing a limb, or with a grotesque deformity. What once had been this kid's earlobes were now two limp, dangling loops of flesh that hung a good inch and a half down from where they should have ended. Picture elbow macaroni with wrinkles. They flapped around when he moved his head.
I'm sure when he had the inch diameter hoops inserted they looked much cooler.
Again. Who finds this attractive? This is the kind of "beautification" practiced by people in the rainforests of Papua New Guinea, or Brazil. It is the mark of people whose cultural triumphs consist of tribal rule, living in mud huts, and eating bugs in the jungle. And it is patently, grotesquely ugly. It takes some serious rewiring of a person's aesthetic senses to cause them to see mutilation as beauty. I can't imagine a deeper insinuation of the Lie.
(And don't EVEN get me going on tattooed women.)
Cultural relativity is permission for worship of the Primitive. Worship of the Primitive is a civilizational dead end to say the least. I find this whole thing very disturbing. This isn't just kids wanting to freak out the old farts by wearing wild hair, and some goofy-ass clothing. This is permanent disfigurement. These kids are locked into looking like stupid teenagers for the rest of their lives. This trend bespeaks a deep pathology loose in our culture. But maybe only an unhinged lunatic would think so.



Gagdad Bob said...

Absolutely. It is a reversion to barbarism and paganism, pure and simple. The only way to understand where these impulses come from -- things like human sacrifice, infanticide, scapegoating, and body mutilation -- is to understand the more primitive substrate of the human mind.

julie said...

"He was incredibly humble, full of warmth, and completely without pretense. We were seeing the man his family sees."

The opposite of his potential replacement. (Via Vanderleun)

Anonymous said...

"It's amazing how much panic one honest man can spread among a multitude of hypocrites."
Thomas Sowell

Gagdad Bob said...

Dr. Sanity is back from her hiatus, so be sure and bookmark her.

Anonymous said...

Darwinism. Is there anything it can't explain?

Anonymous said...

Animals can lie; they do little else, in their futile attempt to survive. Why are you so naive?

Anonymous said...

It sounds like Lloyd has been listening to Booger the Cat, or maybe Fergus. It isn't true, Lloyd. The cat gets all she can eat all the time, and I do too share my roast chicken. On the other hand, you might want to listen if she tells you you'd sound way better with a tattoo.


Anonymous said...

Mark Steyn has checked in too.

julie said...

Joan, since you've disabled comments at your now-defunct place, well... Hell.

Your blog will be missed.

I do hope you keep commenting, though. Or barring that, I hope all is well and that, for you, it's a change for the better.

julie said...

"But some cultures are so immersed in the Lie that they cannot help producing lying liars, most dramatically in the Middle East..."

And yet another real life demonstration, transplanted from the Middle East to Jolly Olde England.

NoMo said...

"Obama wants to remake American society in his own image. Talk about projecting your own substance..." (Julie)

Phew, that's a whole lot of corpses. Er, corpssss? Where do I not sign up? Oh...I can't not sign up? Freedom, I never knew you.

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

Joan, you stopped blogging?
Arrgghh! I second Julie's sentiments.

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

Great idea, Julie!
Now if only I had musical talent...
I know, I'll be the Roadie guy!
Or at least the bouncer.

BTW, if Skully volunteers don't pay him with grog.

Van Harvey said...

Julie, your idea sounds like fun, and I'm curious to watch it develop, but I hope you'll forgive me if I don't commit one way of the other.

Van Harvey said...

JWM said "This isn't just kids wanting to freak out the old farts by wearing wild hair, and some goofy-ass clothing. This is permanent disfigurement. These kids are locked into looking like stupid teenagers for the rest of their lives. This trend bespeaks a deep pathology loose in our culture. But maybe only an unhinged lunatic would think so."

I agree, it goes way beyond knee jerk teen rebellion... or what may be more disturbing, that for so many people, doing something that vile and permanent to themselves (and those who must see them) they went ahead with with no more thought or care than mere knee jerk teenage rebellion, and continue on doing it well into 'adulthood'.

Now that is unhinged.

jp said...

As Blackadder says:

"My whole life has been a tissue of whoppers. I consider myself to be one of England's finest liars."

jp said...

Julie says:

"And yet another real life demonstration, transplanted from the Middle East to Jolly Olde England."

You may have just found the ideal "investor class" for financial instruments backed by subprime mortgages.

Anonymous said...


That's an interesting and cool idea. If you can figure a way to let it work, I'd love to lend a bit of my voice to the project. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Llyod is right about animals lying…chimps can lie, for example. But a lying chimp isn’t sinning. Sin is an inevitable byproduct of a self conscious and spiritual, mortal yet transcendent — and therefore human — being. A chimp can lie, because it has a sense of itself as a being. But a chimp cannot sin, because a chimp does not know it is wrong to lie. A chimp can be taught that certain behaviors have consequences, but it cannot know that some actions have transcendent consequences, that they depart from the moral preference of the universe.

julie said...

"your idea sounds like fun, and I'm curious to watch it develop, but I hope you'll forgive me if I don't commit one way of the other."

That's fine - at this point, I was simply hoping for a couple "that sounds interesting" comments. Later today, I'll set up a side blog to flesh it out a bit.

And thanks, guys, for saying something.

Ray Ingles said...

Those critical critics who criticize my "negativity" probably think I am engaging in the former -- heatedly countering the lie -- when I am calmly engaged in the latter -- simply reaffirming the truth.

Oddly enough, I'm pretty calm, too. :->

Theme Song

Theme Song