Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Night of the Woking Dead

In Spiteful Mutants, Dutton suggests that the glut of zombie-themed TV shows and movies is a kind of modern myth that expresses implicit or unconscious concerns about the real zombie apocalypse of wokeness, and why not? 

Back off, man, because I myself have an undergraduate degree in film, which makes me eminently qualified to assess this outlandish claim for its insultainment value. As longtime readers know, I made the leap from film to psychology without anyone even noticing. 

Well, to be perfectly accurate, they did eventually notice, but by then it was too late. I was ensconced in my masters program, and one professor in particular intervened to overrule the dean of admissions, whose opinion was that I had, if I recall correctly, "inadequate academic preparation." 

Which was of course true, but, thanks only to that perspicacious professor, I was able to fool them all, and here we are, still fooling around with psychology. 

I say, if you can analyze the motivations of a fictional character, you can do so with a real one. What's the difference? For example, a great novel is great precisely because of its ability to illuminate universal human nature.

In those zombie films, "the virus quickly spreads throughout the global population, turning millions into zombies who seek out non-infected humans to bite, and so create more savage automatons."

Then "The social order collapses," and here we are. Here in the plotline, where there is a remnant -- in particular, a beleaguered vertical remnant --  

of "normal" people, who have escaped infection, struggle to survive, avoid the hoards of the mindless, violent "living dead," and rebuild some semblance of civilization. 

The return of civilization is still a long way off, but history has had its dark patches before. Come to think of it, it's the light patches that are the exception:

Civilizations are the summer buzzing of insects between two winters.  

But at present,

Our civilization is a baroque palace invaded by a disheveled mob.  

Correction: a highly credentialed disheveled mob of the living woke. We, the uninfected remnant, provide idiots the pleasure of feeling like they are daring avant-garde thinkers


The conservatism of each era is the counterweight to the stupidity of the day.

In this case the malevolent stupidity of the religion of wokeness, for 

After conversing with some "thoroughly modern" people, we see that humanity escaped the "centuries of faith" only to get stuck in those of credulity.

But let's be sensible:

In history it is sensible to hope for miracles and absurd to trust in plans.

So, is it intelligent to hope for a miracle cure for the zombie awokalypse? Stranger things have happened:

Intelligent optimism is never faith in progress but hope for a miracle. 

Think of all the people who have already awakened from wokeness due to the Covid lockdowns, the rotten Democrat base of pro-Palestinian Hitler youth, the zombie invasion to the south, and the revelation of the conspiracy to hide our dementia-addled figurehead. If the polls are correct, these events have resulted in the reanimation of quite a few formerly living dead.

What is life but a kind of movie, with each person the lead character from the subjective point of view? And the current feature certainly appears to fit the genre of the zombie movie, which is not so much an invasion from outside but an "intra-vasion" from within:

The vast majority of your own people are "losing their minds" -- destroying civilization, creating chaos and bloodshed, and making other people zombies, just like themselves....

The "zombie" is attempting to destroy humanity and, more immediately, to annihilate its own group. This is, without any exaggeration, what "Woke" culture writ large is trying to do (Dutton).

Nobody could come up with this delusional madness on their own. Rather, someone with status and prestige must put the bite on the innocent and uninfected, and pass along the mind parasite. But enough about the educational establishment and zombie media.

Now, some people have a more robust psychic immune system than others, but why? What is it that renders one immune to the contagion of collective hysteria and paranoia? 

Oh, little things like truth, fact, and logic. Indeed,

To scandalize the leftist, just speak the truth.

That they are scandalized by truth is one of the primary symptoms of infection. Which is precisely why they must censor and cancel, even to the point of eradicating the First Amendment. From the perspective of the zombie, free speech is like holy water to the devil: it burns. Just watch.

Like any other disease, we can't necessarily blame the zombie for being infected:

they are, in fact, "innocent" of their crimes. They have been infected with mind viruses and mutations, and, outside their control, enlisted in a nihilistic campaign (Dutton).

In a way, it is our fault for not detecting and eradicating the disease before it spread into the population. After all, this particular disease didn't just pop up out of nowhere, rather, has roots going back to... 

Well, as far back as you care to go. I was going to say since the 1960s, but even that can be traced to various antecedents which our collective immune system failed to eradicate at once. Who let Karl Marx into the bloodstream?

Speaking of Christian heresies, as we always say, man cannot not be religious, especially when he pretends not to be. Thus, Wokeness is a mutation of our foundational religion, and even "part of an evolution of Christianity itself." 

Indeed, the entire doctrine of Victimology is a kind of insane inversion, deploying a perverse symmetrical logic to transform down into up. But just because God was the ultimate victim, it doesn't mean the victim is the ultimate god. 

Nevertheless, here we are, in a race to the bottom to identify the ballotproof victim, which, last I checked would be a transgendered and disabled black Muslim homosexual. Such a one shall inherit the earth, or at least be the ideal presidential candidate. Meanwhile, cackling Kamala will do.

Not so fast: dementia-addled walking corpses are victims too! He even said so, talking about the privileged "elites" who want him gone.


Gagdad Bob said...

BTW, beware of a new strain of the infection which masquerades as journalists and politicians pretending not to be infected -- who, just yesterday, where insisting that Biden is sharp as a tack and runs circles around his more youthful advisors.

julie said...

What's really sad is seeing the infected pawns, in the midst of a normal conversation, suddenly start spouting off about how Trump totally orchestrated January 6th (yes, they are still incensed about that), and how afraid they are about the possibility that he'll come into power. Like, what is he going to do, raise taxes and start a few new wars?

Kind of makes you want to put on a mask and start social distancing...

Gagdad Bob said...

This morning my mother-in-law told my son that Trump will never leave office and is grooming Baron to become his successor dictator.

julie said...

Oof. Yep, mine was with my dad. What do you even say to that? When somebody believes something that ridiculous, there's no talking them out of it.

Gagdad Bob said...

If only one person believed it, it would be a clinical delusion.

julie said...

While there's no way he got 81 million votes, it's probably safe to say at least a quarter to a third of the country do believe the nonsense. Does that count as mass hysteria?

JWM said...

Good morning
I haven't dropped by in quite a while, although I do lurk around some. The vector of this current pandemic is the smart-phone. Even the homeless derelicts camping under bushes are locked into the little screen, and scrolling away. Just thought I'd share this little bit of woke I encountered last night. I'm taking iron for some mild anemia that has bugged me for quite a while. I decided to check Gaggle (why not be evil?) for advice. About three or four choices down the list I clicked open some official looking medical site or other, and found this: Iron is recommended for "people assigned female at birth." That was like stepping into a linguistic cow pie. Sigh. What're ya gona' do?
Finally- has anyone heard from Will Musham? I traded a note or two with him about a year ago, but nothing since. Sent one email, but got no reply


julie said...

"Assigned female," as though the doctor just flips a coin or makes an arbitrary decision, and poof! you're given the assigned equipment.

Re. Will, he still posts on Facebook fairly regularly, that's the only place I ever see his name come up.

julie said...

JWM, since you're here: anyone in the vicinity of LA, if you have the opportunity he has showings of The Lost Era film at the Fullerton Museum Center starting Sunday (details here: Highly recommended!

Van Harvey said...

Hey JWM!

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