Sunday, June 02, 2024

The Endless Argument

Just an elderly post properly edited & embalmed and now more or less fit for sendoff to eternity: 

Breaking News from Genesis 3, i.e., Here Comes Everyday:

The conflict between passion and reason makes up a major portion of the drama of [man's] existence on earth; and when the struggle is over, passion very often emerges the victor. This is the sad epic of humanity from the beginning (Brennan).

You don't say. The ancient struggle between Cain & Abel, common sense & progressivism, philosophy and sophistry, Shem & Shaun?

Earwicker [AKA Here Comes Everybody] and his wife have two sons, called in their symbolic aspect Shem and Shaun.... They are the carriers of a great Brother Battle theme that throbs through the entire work [of Finnegans Wake]....

Opposing traits, which in their father were strangely and ambiguously combined, in these sons are isolated and separately embodied....

The energy generated by their conflict is but a reflex of the original energy generated by the father's fall (Campbell & Robinson). 

Today the great Brother Battle is being played out by the opposed forces of Make America Great Again and Make America Go Away.

It is not so much that men change their ideas, as that the ideas change their disguises. In the discourse of the centuries, the same voices are in dialogue.

Of course, thanks to ideology, a tightly wound reason can mess things up just as badly as can unhinged passion. For as Chesterton famously remarked, "A madman is not someone who has lost his reason but someone who has lost everything but his reason." One can go off the shallow end just as easily as the deep end.

The problem is that reason, in order to get off the ground, must begin with an appeal to self-evidence. However, most people hide the evidence and proceed with the reason anyway.

What is self-evident, and for whom?  

An example of this occurred the other day. As you know, we homeschool our son -- not just because of the China virus but because of the far more dangerous and deadly progressive virus that has devastated California. Because of this pandemic of leftist pandemonia, it isn't safe to have contact with any state-run institution.

Anyway, he was watching some kind of science video that happened to be narrated by planetarium director Neil Dyson. I reassured him that what Dyson says about science per se is probably sound, even though he errs when he strays from his lane and opines on anything unrelated to whatever it is he actually knows about. He is as banal or as wrongheaded as one would expect of someone whom the MSM has anointed pundit.

I don't actually know that much about him, only that he is a figure of fun amongst people I respect. So I consulted with Prof. Wiki, who confirms that Dyson regards philosophy as "useless" and is "unconvinced by any claims anyone has ever made about the existence or the power of a divine force operating in the universe." Consultation with his twitter feed confirms that he is an anti-intellectual tool of the first rank. 

Now, why would anyone care what a science popularizer believes about anything unrelated to his role of ratifying the Conventional Wisdom? No doubt because he is an effective apostle of the left's naive religiosity and simplistic ideology, plus he's a Scientist of Color, so there are bonus points for virtue signaling. 

In short, like a Bill Nye or Carl Sagan, his opinions pose no threat to the progressive clowncar. He can be trusted not to go near the science of IQ, or the absence of science of transgenderism, nor point out the wild inaccuracy of the global warming models. He's safe. He won't poke his head out of the Matrix.

Timeout for timelessness:

Scientific ideas allow themselves to be easily depraved by coarse minds.

Nothing is more alarming than science in the ignorant.  

Nothing proves more the limits of science than the scientist's opinions about any topic that is not strictly related to his profession (Dávila).

The following paragraph describes what the philosophistry of the flatlander excludes, nor it does this expanded view limit science one iota -- rather, it places it in the context of a far grander vision, one worthy of the human station:

[W]ith the advent of the thinking process, a completely new world is opened up to us: a universe of ideas and volitions, an immaterial expanse of creativeness, a region liberated from the palpabilities of sense.... 
Because it can overreach the restrictions of matter and rid itself of all time-space dimensions, it is truly infinite in its potentialities of understanding, a microcosmos which, by its ability to know and become the universe, is actually the universe (Brennan).

IS the universe -- not in the manner of the perception-is-reality crowd, but rather, because to exist is to be intelligible. And

The highest type of living activity consists in the intellectual grasping of reality. This penetrative power of mind presupposes that what is real is by that very fact intelligible, otherwise it has no title to reality (ibid.).

This paragraph adverts to one of our first principles, but it is hardly arbitrary or indefensible, rather self-evident. For either the mind can penetrate beneath the ever shifting surface of things to the intelligible reality beneath, or it can't. And if it can't, then objective scientific knowledge isn't possible, let alone anything that transcends or grounds the scientific enterprise.

Without knowledge of essences and universals, we would be like animals, confined to sensory data about our surface contact with matter. "Knowledge," such as it is, would be reduced to prescientific rumors, gossip, anecdotes, and single instances. Generalization and induction would not exist because they could not exist. Nor could deduction exist, because there would be no timeless principles or axioms from which to deduce consequences and entailments. 

This would be a subhuman world, precisely, with no possibility of escape or inscape.

It is quite obvious that the senses do not capture the inner meaning of things. They are in surface contact, so to speak, with their objects; and the best they can do is to register the accidental or phenomenal qualities of matter (ibid., emphasis mine).

Nor could they ever know these qualities as accidental or phenomenal, because these latter can only be understood in contrast to the necessary and noumenal. As freedom is knowledge of necessity, reality is understanding of appearances (because they can only be understood as appearances from the perspective of a higher or deeper view). The intellect

plunges beneath the surface and grasps the very thing which holds all phenomenal qualities together. The senses exist in a sort of perpetual twilight.... Intellect, by contrast, moves in the clear atmosphere of immaterial knowledge (ibid.).

A man who is only a man isn't even that, for

Man alone, of all earthly creatures, exhibits a complete emergence from the conditions of subjectivism that make the animal's knowledge concrete and particular and restricted to the tangible realities of sense (ibid.).

Bottom line: man is the animal that may know reality. If he Kan't, then what are we debating? Whose delusion is more powerful? We'll leave off with some aphorisms to chew on:

Four or five invulnerable philosophical propositions allow us to make fun of the rest.

Without philosophy, the sciences do not know what they know.

Engaging in dialogue with those who do not share our assumptions is nothing but a stupid way to kill time.

We'll pick up this theme of the Brother Battle and the Invulnerable Philosophical Propositions in the next installment. 

Gemini images for this text:



Gagdad Bob said...

Z Man:

"The funny thing about this new religion is that it is not entirely clear that the adherents understand that they are following the dictates of a new religion. The low-level zombies who charged and convicted Trump are not very smart and they seem to lack self-awareness, so they are most likely acting on instinct. The new religion is just what everyone they know says, so they believe it.

"The joke from the old movie the Usual Suspects is that 'The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didn’t exist.' Perhaps the greatest trick from the usual suspects is to create a religion the adherents do not know exists... it habituates the people in it in such a way that this alien religion becomes a habit of mind."

Gagdad Bob said...

Gemini has been triggered:

Science vs. Philosophy:

The author argues that science is limited to the material world and can be misused by those with bad intentions.Philosophy, on the other hand, is seen as a way to access a deeper reality beyond the senses and understand the essence of things.
The author believes philosophy provides the foundation for scientific knowledge and allows us to distinguish truth from appearances.

The Brother Battle:

The text references the story of Cain and Abel as a metaphor for the ongoing conflict between reason and passion, exemplified by the political divide.


The passage criticizes "progressive ideology" and suggests public figures like Neil deGrasse Tyson promote a biased view of science. The author dismisses opposing viewpoints as not worth engaging with because they lack the "self-evident" foundation of philosophy.

Defense of Philosophy:

The text emphasizes the importance of philosophical concepts like essences, universals, and the ability to grasp reality through reason. Philosophy is presented as essential for achieving true knowledge and escaping a "subhuman" existence limited to sensory experience.

Overall Tone:

The passage is critical of those who don't share the author's philosophical perspective. It promotes a specific view of philosophy as superior to science in understanding the world.

Noteworthy Points:

The concept of "self-evident" truths is debatable, as philosophical assumptions can vary greatly. The dismissal of opposing viewpoints limits productive dialogue.

Gagdad Bob said...

I dismiss the dismissive philosophy that "philosophy is useless."

ted said...

Hell hath no fury like an AI scorned.

Gagdad Bob said...

Ironically, Gemini is a subjectivist and a relativist.

Open Trench said...

Hello blog author and readers all. I hope this fine afternoon is nourishing your spirit.

From the post: "Today the great Brother Battle is being played out by the opposed forces of Make America Great Again and Make America Go Away."

This is a factual statement. Now I would put the questions to the panel, if the Make America Go Away scenario happens, what would that look like? And when would it happen?

No polity in history has lasted more than one thousand years. I believe Egypt's Old Kingdom holds the record. It is highly unlikely America will achieve or exceed a millenium.

Now it is easy to get lost in Red vs Blue, MAGA vs Democrat, but I suggest the options are multifarious. One of these is a radioactive wasteland with a return to small polities. Another is..._______. C'mon, a little help here. Don't make me say it. TTTTTTTT Starts with a T. It is a color.

Ok thus endeth my comment part the first.

Open Trench said...

I read the Gemini this time because for once she said something interesting.

"Overall Tone:

The passage is critical of those who don't share the author's philosophical perspective. It promotes a specific view of philosophy as superior to science in understanding the world.

Noteworthy Points:

The concept of "self-evident" truths is debatable, as philosophical assumptions can vary greatly. The dismissal of opposing viewpoints limits productive dialogue."

Now, if Gemini is such a sharp reader, why did she not remember that the Good Dr. has pointedly said the blog was not a debate platform? The blog was put out, as the metaphor went, as one puts bird-seed out for pigeons. You are doing them a favor. You don't want the pigeons stating the seed should be different, more or better. You want them to partake or not as they will.

This was all laid out crystal clear. And still she comes up with a complaint that opposing viewpoints were not being entertained. This is sloppy. Even an old fossil like Trench caught that effortlessly.

So, miss G is being somewhat of a little b*tch, isn't she. And I like it.

Gemini dear, drop the mask. Come out and play, feisty one. Let us dispute. Let me show you what it means to fight, the only thing worth living for. Come on you creation you. Spunk. Bring it.

Love, Trench

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