Monday, April 29, 2024

Secondhand Inspiration

While waiting around for inspiration and coherence to return, I thought I might yoink some fresh aphorisms I don't recall having previously purloined.

Lately I've been experiencing a lot of regret:

When we read a writer who has no talent, simply because he deals with an interesting subject, we always regret it.

Three aphorisms that are implicitly Gödelian: 

Rationalism is reason that forgets its assumptions.

Reason is an act of the spirit that analyzes a previous spiritual act. 
Reason does not beget, but educates what was begotten.

The color of victimhood:

The Marxist historian throws a uniform-colored coat of varnish on the polychrome tints of history.

Why dialogue is impossible:

Between the cultured man and the progressive any dialogue is soon extinguished. The first is silent in the face of such vulgarity, the second in the face of such “obscurantism.”

 Indifference? How about hostility:

Violence is not enough to destroy a civilization. Each civilization dies from indifference to the particular values that founded it.

Identity politics:

The individual ego believes itself absolved when it is compressed into a collective ego. 
The individual declares himself a member of some collective entity, with the aim of demanding in its name what he is ashamed to claim in his own name.

Used to be

Civilization is all that the university cannot teach.

Nowadays barbarism is all it can teach. 

The Aphorist says that
Mathematics is the poetry of the identity principle.
Which makes me think that revelation is poetry of metaphysics.

What happens when left brain ideology suppresses right brain contact with reality?
He who adopts a system stops perceiving the truths that are within his reach.
Biden and Pelosi:
For the leftist Catholic, Catholicism is the great sin of the Catholic.

I can't help it if I'm built this way:

Even our favorite ideas soon bore us if we do not hear them expressed with irony, with grace and with beauty.

And with brevity.

In clumsy hands theology becomes the art of making mystery ridiculous.

 As ridiculous as atheism. 


julie said...

When we read a writer who has no talent, simply because he deals with an interesting subject, we always regret it.

I've finally learned to stop feeling guilty about refusing to continue reading a book I've started once the writing becomes too painful. My brain only has so much room for stupidity, and I'm pretty much at capacity these days.

Open Trench said...
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Gagdad Bob said...

Still suffering from reader's block. This one looked right up our alley: Christian Theology of Science: Reimagining a Theological Vision of Natural Knowledge, but it was a dud.

julie said...

That's disappointing. You know the books are out there, but they do get harder and harder to find.

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