Saturday, March 23, 2024

I Renounce Satan and All of His Youthful Deathworks

Agreed, progressives are cosmically stupid, but I have it on good authority that the Devil makes people stupid and then exploits the stupidity. 

Your point is well taken, Petey. It reminds me of why the young and immature are such an important voting blochead of the left, because these youthful idiots are so silly and so easily indoctrinated. It goes back to the Romantics: 

The idea of the innate innocence of the hypothetical state of nature presses toward a cult of childhood and youth.... the Western world of today generally credits youth with wisdom and sees old age as corrupt, myopic, or behind the times.... 

[W]e have in recent years been treated to children and teenagers lecturing the older generation on everything from healthcare to the environment to matters such as Brexit and Donald Trump (Trueman). 

This is backfiring on Dems at the moment, because of all age groups the 18-29 crowd is most supportive of the Islamo-Nazis, and now they are forced to pander to the little monsters they have created. The indoctrination has been too effective, or at least inconvenient. 

The philosophical opinions of a youth can only be interesting to his mother.

And to Big Mother, AKA the bureaucratic State-Media-Academic Industrial Complex.

It is the same with the global warming hoax, defunding the police, LGBTQWERTY rights, and protecting us from the horrors of free speech. The more mature, the less support for these ideological pathologies. 

Put another way, it will be difficult for leftist tyranny to prevail until over 50% of the population is emotionally immature, or "stably unstable," so to speak. 

Which the left is of course working on, but it's a constant struggle against teleology -- in other words, maturity has a way of happening on its own unless it is prevented. 

For example, things like marriage and children tend to provoke maturity, so it is little wonder that one of the defining features of the left is the war on the traditional family.


The young person is proud of his youth, as if it were not a privilege that he shared with the most idiotic.

The independence of which every youth boasts is no more than submission to the new prevailing fashion.

To praise youth is to forget our former idiocy.

Memo to Brandon, Schumer, and Bernie:

It is useless for the old man to adopt the opinions of the young in order to make others doubt his old age. 

It is also important for the left to make people unhappy in order to promote the illusion that there is a political solution to their unhappiness. Here again, the Devil's fingerprints are evident. 

But you know all of this. The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self reviews this generational triumph of developmental arrest, but is there anything new to add? 

Trueman doesn't get into the diabolical angle, since he presumably wants to be taken seriously. We, on the other hand, are under no such constraint. We want to make people guffah-HA! with laughty insights.

I distrust any idea that does not seem obsolete or grotesque to my contemporaries.

Each day it becomes easier to know what we ought to despise: what modern man admires and journalism praises.

Modern man thinks the devil has disappeared, when he only became more subtle. 


Many think that the devil has died, but he merely walks around today disguised as man. 

The closest Trueman comes to speaking of the devil is in a review of the concept of "deathworks," defined as an assault on the sacred order of things, for example, "an attack on established cultural art forms in a manner designed to undo the deeper moral structure of society." 

Deathworks make the old values look ridiculous. They represent not so much arguments against the old order as subversions of it.

Always delivered with that familiar sneer perfected over at MSNBC. It tries to makes the normal look "utterly repulsive" or "disgusting and vile." God himself

is literally cast into the sewer, the lowest of the low. The sacramental is made into the excremental.

This highlights the sacred bullshit of the left, in which "Religion is not rendered untrue. It is made distasteful and disgusting." 

If Nietzsche's madman unchains the earth from the sun, then we might say that deathworks are instrumental in this exercise, communicating the message of the death of God via aesthetic forms that come to shape the popular imagination... 

But disgust cuts both ways, in that

Our spontaneous revulsions are often more lucid than our reasoned convictions.

And nothing is more revolting -- in both senses of the word -- than the regressively childish deathworks of the left. 


julie said...

The closest Trueman comes to speaking of the devil is in a review of the concept of "deathworks," defined as an assault on the sacred order of things

Thinking of the girl who is still in a coma (as of yesterday) after being attacked by a classmate. Suddenly the news is full of stories about how the attacker was actually a good student who was just pushed too far, and really she's the victim in all this - and not the actual victim, who even if she survives will probably never recover.

Gagdad Bob said...

The Borg adjusts the Narrative with quantum efficiency.

Van Harvey said...


LOL [Grabs paper towel, wipes screen dry. Continues reading]

Open Trench said...
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