Saturday, November 25, 2023

It's the Religion, Stupid: Metastatic Leftism and the Devil's Toolbox

Let's learn something. How did it happen? The left's colonization of western civilization?

Roger Kimball captures the tactic well in his book The Long March: How the Cultural Revolution of the 1960s Changed America: “The long march through the institutions signified in the words of Marcuse, "working against the established institutions while working in them." By this means -- by insinuation and infiltration rather than by confrontation -- the counter-cultural dreams of radicals like Marcuse have triumphed.” 

So, mostly peaceful. Like cancer.

Before Marcuse there was Gramsci:

“Gramsci in the 1930s acknowledged that Western society was deeply religious, and that the only way to achieve a proletarian revolution would be to break the faith of the masses of Western voters in Christianity and the moral system derived from Christianity. He placed religion and culture at the base of the pyramid. This means that the mode of production [capitalism] is secondary.”

Thus, as politics is downstream from culture, religion is upstream from the rest: Religion --> Culture --> Politics --> Economics, et al. 

According to Gramsci a “regime grounded in Judeo-Christian beliefs and values could not be overthrown until those roots were cut,” and those roots were found in the remnants of the Christian religion. “[T]o capture the West, Marxists must first de-Christianize the West.”

Since Western culture had given birth to capitalism and sustained it, if that culture could be subverted, the system would fall of its own weight.
Was he wrong?

The question is, do I have anything useful to add to this excellent historical analysis? Although it was a random outcome of the google machine, it accords with a book I'm currently reading, called Brutal Minds: The Dark World of Left-Wing Brainwashing in Our Universities

The problem is, I'm not the conspiratorial kind, or rather, there's always a deeper con-spiracy going on, about which the conspirators themselves know nothing. 

Take your average drone toiling in the media-academic industrial complex: you could interrogate him all day long under torture to give up the names "Marcuse" or "Gramsci," but he'd be unable to do so, because he's never heard of them. 

Likewise, this banal utensil wouldn't know he's taking part in some grand conspiracy to overthrow the West. Frankly, he's never thought about it. He's an unreflective idiot. He's just in it for the paycheck and the social status. 

True, they're imbeciles, but why do all the imbeciles believe the same things? Especially delusional and/or evil things, such as transgender ideology, or pro-Hamas propaganda, or climate hysteria, or racialist nonsense? 

None of this conformity results from individuals "thinking through" the topic. The Blob can't take that chance, from the president on down. If the "most powerful man on the planet" is not permitted to have his own opinions, where does this leave some idiot college student or empty headed journalist?

It works much more like cancer, which starts out localized in this or that organ but invades nearby healthy tissue and spreads via the bloodstream or lymphatic system -- and like bankruptcy, it happens very gradually and then all of a sudden. 

I'm wondering: what would Satan do? Yes, of course he'd want to invade education. That would be the Big Prize, because then the metastasis into other institutions such as journalism takes care of itself.

Now normally we have an immune system that recognizes and takes out invading bacteria or unhealthy cells. Therefore, if I'm Satan, even before my Long March Through the Institutions, the first thing I want to do is weaken the immune system that would recognize the cancer and eliminate it before it can grow and spread.

What is -- or was, rather -- our civilizational immune system?

It is not found within the "four corners," as they say, of the Constitution. Rather, the Constitution is designed to protect things that transcend the Constitution, a reminder that Gödel's theorems apply even to political systems -- i.e., that a political system assumes principles for which the system cannot account. 

In this case, the Constitution points to the natural rights (or law) of the Declaration, which in turn points to the transcendent Creator. So, if I'm Satan, Job One is destroying any traces of this link, and rendering it "unthinkable," both in theory and in fact. 

To be continued... 

1 comment:

Van Harvey said...

"In this case, the Constitution points to the natural rights (or law) of the Declaration, which in turn points to the transcendent Creator. So, if I'm Satan, Job One is destroying any traces of this link, and rendering it "unthinkable," both in theory and in fact. "


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