Wednesday, November 29, 2023

God's Own Reality Tunnel

Reality is one, but reality tunnels are... I was going to say infinite, but most people don't even bother to build an interesting one, rather, just pick up an ideology in college, or piece together a worldview from mediated memes floating around in the ether, and stick with it until the end.   

I know people who built their tunnels in the 1950s, '60s, or '70s, and haven't updated them since. Nor is it just a problem with progressives. There are plenty of conservatives who can't move on from Reagan, and are still living in the 1980s. 

I wonder: can a person be defined as a reality tunnel back to God? If so, we have to imagine a vertical tunnel, more like an elevator shaft than a gopher hole. And supposing we do inhabit a reality tunnel, how could it ever go all the way to the top of the cosmos, like a Tunnel of Babel? 

Let's look at the big picture: if Kant and his descendants are correct, then we are literally confined to an (un)reality tunnel composed of various categories and preconceptions. But Like anybody could even know that. For isn't Kant pronouncing a judgment from outside the Kantian tunnel? It's really just one more version of There is no truth, and that's the truth!, or I'm sorry, but I never apologize!

But this post wants to approach this problem from a different angle, that is, from the perspective of God's own reality tunnel. Now, God doesn't have problems. Or at least he didn't have any until You -- AKA Here Comes Everybody -- came along. Now he's got eight billion of them. 

But really, it's the same old problem, isn't it? You know, Adam. And Eve. And the Serpent, and all that. As Joyce put it, if you're abcedminded to this claybook, its the same meandertalltale told of all. 

Stop f'ing around and just come out with it!

Okay, I will: the Incarnation -- his claybook -- is God's own reality tunnel back to us meandertales.

Of course the tale still meanders (from our end), but from God's end it's One & done: it is accomplished.  

Christ is actually both the portal to and from us, which makes sense, his divine nature being the "to," his human nature the "from."

In other words, the Incarnation is from God, whereas our sanctification and theosis are back to God, the former a necessary condition for the latter (and our free cooperation with grace being the sufficient condition).

My, look at the time. It got late early. To be continued. 

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