Friday, October 20, 2023

Do Unto Others, Good and Hard

Reading this book on Russian writers, I'm sure seeing a lot of parallels between Soviet and Islamist ethics. I'm starting to suspect the problem isn't with the ideology, but with some *flaw* in human nature, for which the ideology is just a pretext or something.

If Antisemitism is the socialism of fools, then by extension, socialism is the foolishness of Antisemites. The Democratic Socialists of America doesn't disappoint:
DSA is steadfast in expressing our solidarity with Palestine. 

Today’s events are a direct result of Israel’s apartheid regime -- a regime that receives billions in funding from the United States. End the violence. End the Occupation. Free Palestine....

We cannot forget that the Israeli state has systematically denied Palestinians the right to self-determination for decades. This was not unprovoked. For over 60 years, Palestinians have faced ethnic cleansing, torture, bombings, and housing demolitions. Gaza is still under a blockade. 

Socialism? Check. Foolishness? Check. Antisemitism? Check.

This unethical ethic goes back to Lenin, for whom "All is permitted!" 

Nothing, however vile, should be condemned if it is committed by a man who is useful to the party.

The world is divided into exploiters and exploited, the former constituting "a race of worthless predators." Moreover,

Since their children were bound to "exhibit the same malice, cruelty, meanness, rapacity, and greed," the entire race had to be exterminated. 

Likewise Jewish children for Islamists. Indeed, it would be an act of cruelty to allow them to live. Lenin and Trotsky "sneered at the whole idea of 'the sanctity of human life.'" "Is there any reason not to target children themselves as a way to terrorize a population?" "Everything that promotes revolution is moral; everything that hinders it is immoral."

"Do not seek in your accusations proof of whether the prisoner rebelled against the Soviets with guns or by word. First you must ask him to what class he belongs.... These answers must determine the fate of the accused." 

"One must eliminate whatever groups that... foster undesired values or conditions." Another theorist of terror wrote that "the concept of personal innocence is a hangover from the Middle Ages. Pure superstition!" There is no objective morality, rather, each class defines right and wrong "to suit its own interests." "To us there is no such thing as a morality that stands outside human society; that is a fraud."

Even "to show compassion was to risk the accusation of covert religiosity," so "it therefore paid to be as cruel as possible. Cruelty, in short, became an atheist virtue." 

The Soviet credo was "always use human beings as mere means." Moreover, a "reverse golden rule operated," which is to say, "always treat others -- meaning class or other enemies -- as you would not want to be treated yourself. It was immoral not to."

Another key principle in Soviet ethics was the division of all people into two categories: "Each person in the bad category is automatically responsible for -- is essentially the same as -- all others."

Similarly, for Islamists, a Jew is a Jew, whether an infant, a Holocaust survivor, or a pro-Hamas useful schmendrick. Against such enemies, violence is "not a regrettable necessity, but a good in itself." But what if the shoe is on the other foot? Is it moral for enemies to defend themselves?

Of course not: "Russian revolutionaries not only dismissed it," but seemed unable to grasp it, as if to say "How dare they defend themselves!" This reflects the Leninist principle that "what is wrong for them is right for us."

One cannot ask "what if the shoe were on the other foot?" because to do so would suggest "an equality of moral rights."

You cannot equate communist and bourgeoisie any more than you can Muslim and Jew. 


Gagdad Bob said...

I guess it's not surprising that a climate fascist should be pro-terror.

Gagdad Bob said...

Or that Hamas Kidnapping Manual Explains How to Abduct and Torture Victims; Advises Kidnappers to "Kill the Difficult Ones"

julie said...

Nope, not surprising at all.

This whole situation feels like someone just dropped a basketful of ice cubes into a deep fryer, expecting perhaps a small and diverting irruption of violence. Instead, the whole damn house is on the brink of burning down.

Re. the Hamas kidnappers' manual, should one find oneself being kidnapped by such as those, it's probably best to be one of the difficult ones.

Gagdad Bob said...

To paraphrase a Hamas spokesghoul, "we don't kidnap children, and besides, they're prisoners of war."

Gagdad Bob said...

From Chris Rufo's newsletter -- again, they sound just like Lenin:

the DSA has long made it clear that it backs the decolonization of Israel and the United States. The DSA’s Palestine Solidarity working group has repeatedly expressed its support for violent resistance against the Jewish state. “One cannot conflate the violence of colonized people trying to free themselves from the shackles of oppression and the violence of colonizers as they attempt to maintain a system of brutal and horrific domination. To do so is to side with the oppressor,” the group wrote last year. “Indigenous resistance in all forms are valid, whether it be non-violent protests or armed resistance,” it declared this summer. Domestically, the DSA published a statement in 2019 endorsing “full decolonization of all the occupied lands of the United States,” leading to “the liberation of all people from capitalism and imperialism.”

Following the carnage in Gaza, both BLM and the DSA confirmed their support for violence. The BLM Grassroots organization declared that the Hamas terror campaign “must not be condemned, but understood as a desperate act of self-defense.”

As the public begins to connect the dots between Hamas, BLM, the DSA, and academic “decolonization,” responsible political leaders will be forced to accept that recent events in Israel are not simply a matter of foreign affairs but have deep domestic ramifications. The radicals will no longer be able to play the game of double-entendre. When they chant for revolutionary struggle “from Ferguson to Palestine,” they are not speaking metaphorically. When they call for an “American Intifada,” they do not mean peaceful democratic resistance. They mean violence -- a truth that can no longer be denied.

Gagdad Bob said...

Editorial by the author of the book we've been discussing:

To perform evil deeds a person must discover “a justification for his actions,” so that he can regard stealing, humiliating and killing as good. “Macbeth’s self-justifications were feeble,” and so conscience restrained him. He had no ideology, Solzhenitsyn observes, nothing like “anti-imperialism” or “decolonization” to allay pangs of guilt. Solzhenitsyn concludes: “Ideology -- that is what gives evil-doing its long-sought justification and gives the evil-doer the necessary steadfastness and determination... so that he won’t hear reproaches and curses but receive praise and honors.”

... We need to recognize that some of those who justify Hamas’s atrocities would be ready to perform them against their designated enemies.

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