Friday, October 13, 2023

Annotations To An Implicit Text About Western Intellectuals and Islamist Barbarism

Just combing through the Aphorisms for oblique references to the barbarism and depravity of the day. Those with ears, yada yada.

Religious pathology is the key to history.

No one is more respectful of “others’ beliefs” than the devil.

Unlimited tolerance is nothing more than a hypocritical way of giving up.

Our civilization is a baroque palace invaded by a disheveled mob.

The partisans of a cause are often the best arguments against it. 

The revolutionary does not hate because he loves but loves because he hates.

The forces that will ruin a civilization collaborate from its birth with the forces that construct it.

The left does not condemn violence until it hears it pounding on its door.

The leftism of the majority of leftists is perfectly explicable, but the intelligent man who has left-wing ideas must severely examine his conscience.

“Racism” has made its enemies say as many stupid things as its partisans.

The comments of the liberal about any war reveal the type of mentality that makes the next war inevitable.

The left claims that the guilty party in a conflict is not the one who covets another’s goods but the one who defends his own.

The leftist screams that freedom perishes when his victims refuse to finance their own murder.

Every “liberator” finally passes on the bill.

Having promulgated the dogma of original innocence, democracy concludes that the man guilty of the crime is not the envious murderer but the victim who aroused his envy.

In this century, compassion is an ideological weapon.

In order to corrupt the individual it is enough to teach him to call his personal desires rights and the rights of others abuses.

One must learn to handle the weapons of the adversary, but with appropriate disgust.


julie said...

In this century, compassion is an ideological weapon.

The tragedy is, having weaponized compassion it becomes difficult if not impossible for ordinary people to maintain any sense of true charity.

One must learn to handle the weapons of the adversary, but with appropriate disgust.

Wise as serpents, innocent as doves. Though if you think about it, serpents can probably be incredibly stupid outside the range of their cunningness, and doves spend an awful lot of time crapping on idols; there's probably a lot more to that injunction than people usually think...

Gagdad Bob said...

This is who and what they are -- and the leftists and university activists and waffling media outlets and “world leaders” who sympathize with this animal behavior are complicit in it, providing it cover thru the twin Cultural Marxists poisons of “power imbalance” and the Otherness trope of Edward Said’s Orientalism, which elevates the supposedly marginalized to positions of undeserved power by using “victimhood” as an excuse for every special dispensation and every vile act they lay claim to.

There are no purely “intellectual” allies to the “Palestinian cause.” There are only evil people who are able to use sophistry and intersectional leftism to justify their deep-seeded hatred of Jews.

Gagdad Bob said...

"For the past 20 years, the best minds in Washington and Jerusalem treated Hamas as a pragmatic political operator whose leaders were satisfied living in the same world as the rest of us....

"Under Hamas, Gaza wasn’t a place where extremists had resigned themselves to their own strange version of normality. Rather, it was an active launching pad for an insane utopia, for the vision of a purified world the group’s fighters carried out during their atrocious rampage this past weekend."

Gagdad Bob said...

"Decolonization." What could go wrong?"

"Leftwing Hamas-supporters in America are telling us that the mass slaughter of children and rape of women is just "what decolonization looks like."

"Meanwhile, every leftwinger in America, from antifa transexual street-thugs to university professors, have been calling for "decolonization" in the United States. They've been calling for "decolonization" of all whites, straights, Jews, Christians, normies -- anyone except the core privileged groups of the left.

So they're calling for our murder and rape. After all, this is what decolonization looks like.

julie said...

I was just reading that at Ace's; he's not wrong. Anyone who doesn't understand this hasn't been paying attention.

Gagdad Bob said...

The spiritual and intellectual rot is so deep, and it controls every western institution. Groups like Hamas rely on it -- it's their main source of strength.

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