Tuesday, August 15, 2023

How to Cope Under Progressive Tyranny

Like all normal Americans I am distressed and even peeved at the left's ongoing transformation of our country and its Ministry of Justice into its own brutal image. Frankly, it's almost enough to put a serious crimp in your day. But do we have anything to add to the discussion besides cold rage and lucid impotence? 

Impotent lucidity?

I try not to give a WTF at the farcical ontics of the looniparty clonecar one way or the other, for reasons of psychological equilibrium and transdimensional irony. 

Regarding the latter, a glance at history reveals how awful events can have unanticipated positive consequences, and vice versa. For example, Obama led to Trump, and we can only hope that the current tyranny will provoke a similar ironic surprise from History.    

So, the worst aspect of this nauseating spectacle is that it actually has me concerned about it, which interferes with my usual abiding in verticality. 

Nicolás, how did you cope in that Colombian hellhole our own progressives are trying so hard to emulate? 

First the bad news, I guess:
For the left the constitution is a shameful attack on the sovereignty of the people.
Democracy, good and hard, AKA mob rule, and the mobsters who rule the mob.
He is called liberal who does not understand that he has sacrificed freedom until it is too late to save him.
Or in our country, doesn't give a WTF about the demise of freedom, so long as it ends, whether expressed in speech, association, action, or thought.
A lexicon of ten words is sufficient for the Marxist to explain history.
That's positively verbose. Our Marxists need only three: Orange Man Bad.
The cult of humanity is celebrated with human sacrifices.
True. The Orange Man is their scapegoat, but he's just a synecdochus for the restavus.
When the progressive condemns, every intelligent man must feel alluded to.
That's true, and we are flattered. Until intelligence becomes a crime. 

But this is the Big One we'll be dilating upon this morning:
The left is a lexicographical tactic more than an ideological strategy.

But wait -- what about the coping mechanisms for living under progressive fascism?  

I do not want to conquer serenity, like a Stoic, but to welcome it, like a Christian.

Workin' on it. Best we can manage at the moment is a cynically detached and flatline stoicism. That and a lucid impotence. 

Let us live the militancy of Christianity with the good humor of the guerilla fighter, not with the glumness of the entrenched garrison. 

I get it, but this is California, not some comparatively advanced banana republic.

Christianity does not solve "problems"; it merely obliges us to live them at a higher level.

Okay, but how high? Can we buy some pot from you?

Civilizations are the summer buzzing of insects between two winters.

And I don't hear any crickets.

Defeats are never definitive when they are accepted with good humor.

Well ha f*cking ha. 

With good humor and pessimism it is possible to be neither wrong nor bored.

Yes, like when Bertie Wooster emitted a conspicuous chuckle. One of those hollow and bitter ones. 

Today the conservative is merely a passenger who suffers a shipwreck with dignity. 

Like this guy: 

Coincidentally, I've been reading a book called Homo Americanus: The Rise of Totalitarian Democracy in America, and chapter 4 is particularly timely, called American Newspeak. It dovetails nicely with what brother Nicolás says above about Dems and their unending attack on language. For truly truly, In the left's beginning is the word, and it's a whopper.

Janowski writes of the systematic misuse of language "without which totalitarianism is impossible," and "the indispensable role [it] plays in creating totalitarian reality" -- or rather "reality": 

Language, like everything else in totalitarianism, must be subject to rules and regulations. It is not merely an instrument of daily communication but a reality of its own. 


[O]ne quickly notices that today's American Newspeak is fundamentally totalitarian. By accepting it, using it, we not only get caught in the totalitarian unreality, but we become its accessory cofounders.

Yes, accessories to the coldblooded murder of the English tongue, for which reason they ought to be taken out and hung. Heavens what a noise! Yet this is what the American population calls a higher education. 

Fidelity to the dictionary is resistance to tyrants.

Where does it start? I mean besides in Genesis 3? With something like the postmodern deconstruction that severs Word from Thing: "Totalitarian language cannot reflect the world. The opposite must happen," which is to say, the world "must reflect the thought that we express through language."

So, we don't just speak different languages, rather, one that refers to reality, and a tongue-twisted one that is the absurcular reality to which it refers. Once you've accomplished the latter, you've done Satan's heavy lifting, and the rest is commentary, whereby "one piece of nonsense [is] substituted for another piece of nonsense."

Literally because this non-sense world begins with its Idea rather than with the senses -- and by extension, with the left cerebral hemisphere over the right. It's why they want to force us to say That's a woman when we know damn well that That's a man, baby! 

Some say 1984 was off by 40 years, but in a conversation about the 11th edition of the Newspeak Dictionary, Winston Smith's interlocutor estimates that it won't be until 2050 that "all knowledge of Oldspeak will have disappeared," so we're right on schedule.

It's not even a consolation that these are sick individuals, since Newspeak assures its speakers that we are the sick ones -- the insurrectionists, the white supremacists, the anti-democracy terrorists. Nor are fact and reason any defense, since "ideological thinking is impervious to empirical facts and deaf to any non-ideological explanation."

We are the maladjusted ones, since we refuse to adapt to their sick perception of the world. But a good way to deny one's sickness is to compel everyone else to share the sickness. Of course,

Forcing others to live by bad ideas is to introduce chaos and disorder into people's lives, and thus to destroy society. 

So, mission accomplished. 

Ha f*cking ha.


julie said...

Ha f*cking ha.

We watched some old Carlin clips this weekend. It's too bad he was such a die-hard atheist because he was right about almost everything else, but then again if he had ever had a reason to hope he probably wouldn't have been so hilarious. Might have spared him the jaded bitterness at the end, though.

Today is the feast of the Assumption; perhaps if we hold on to a scrap of her cloak we might receive a bit of genuine levity.

On a more serious note, I hope you all are well. Most of the people I know around here are either sick or struggling or both. Ha f*cking ha, indeed.

Gagdad Bob said...

My Marxist professors told me justice serves class interests, and they were right!

Anonymous said...

Does nobody here has any concern about specifics of the various indictments against Trump? You don't think any of them have any validity? No problems with someone who lost an election and exercised his right to contest results, but lost every legal case can unilaterally declare himself a winner and try to illegally stay in power by and trying to install false electors, try to have the Vice President illegally overturn the election, encourage a violent attack on the Congress, etc...?

Is it also really and issue of Marxism and the left? Aren't there plenty of Republicans that also think that Trump threatened and continues to threaten our democracy?

Is it fascism to hold someone who tried to overthrow an election accountable?

Is there no middle ground? There likely is some legal overreaching that should be struck down and sending Trump to prison may not be the best way for the country to heal. However, looking at the big picture can a democratic society really allow such an attack on democracy without some level of accountability?

His behavior has already has encouraged that nut in Arizona to do likewise. If Trump isn't held accountable, what if next time it is a leftist who tries to do what Trump did. What would your reaction be if Trump really had won and Biden and done what Trump did?

Nicolás said...

We are wary of differing with one who knows a subject badly.

Anonymous said...

We are wary of differing with one who refuses to defend their position with facts.

Nicolás said...

The partisans of a cause are often the best arguments against it.

Cousin Dupree said...

If the 2020 election were on the level, Crooked Joe wouldn't be criminalizing skepticism of it.

Anonymous said...

Oh. Like in the Soviet Union. I get it.

Anonymous said...

That must be why it was legal for the left to spend four years questioning the 2016 election, because Trump actually won it.

Anonymous said...

Funny to refer to Joe Biden as Crooked Joe. He does have a crooked son and has used poor judgement, but after 3 years of investigation, no evidence was found of crooked activities (although there is plenty of evidence of incompetence). Meanwhile Donald Trump has a huge amount of evidence against him of crooked activities and has had a career of dishonesty and lies.

What evidence is behind your beliefs? Just like Trump, you make unsubstantiated claim after unsubstantiated claim and never back them up with an iota of evidence. He lost the election, period. Nobody has ever presented any evidence otherwise and every single Republican official in office at the time backs that up (including Barr and many other Republicans)

How can someone so brilliant (that is not sarcastic... I really believe that you are) have so many beliefs that have no empirical evidence backing them up? It took a lot of courage to examine your prior beliefs and and take a 180 degree turn upon examination of them. Do you ever reexamine your current beliefs?

How can you objectively look at what Trump has done and not find any fault? Why do you refuse to back up any of such beliefs with facts? I could understand you saying, "I hate Biden so much or love Trump so much, that supporting Trump is more important than democracy". That would at least be honest. I can't understand how someone as intelligent as you can have beliefs which have no basis in factual evidence. I can understand the people who mindlessly watch the propaganda channels blindly accepting all of the manure that is fed to them. I truly find it perplexing that smart people fall prey to this. I also find it very depressing for the future of democracy.

Anyway, my stupidity is thinking that I have a chance of changing anyone's mind who is brainwashed by the propaganda at both extremes. I am the looser as I get all worked up at things I can't control. You appear handle that better than I do. Kudos to you... I truly hope for the sake of everyone that all of the divisiveness in this country settles down.

Daisy said...

Poor anon, all these years trying to rouse a crowd to start waving pitchforks and call for insurrection, and all we care about is understanding the nature of existence.

Nicolás said...

Among interlocutors of unequal intellectual stature what is hilarious is the pretense with which the tiny one raises himself up.

Anonymous said...

Calling for an insurrection??? Where do you see anyone calling for an insurrection?

Ray Epps said...


Anonymous said...

It is cowardly to defend a position bereft of evidence and name calling when presented with facts. It may be enough for your sycophantic followers but you know better. Perhaps, one day, you will again reexamine indefensible views and again change them. I am not however optimistic for our democracy in general. The dumb people will always vote against their interests and believe what they are told. If the smart people can be so easily fooled by a quantifiably unintelligent propaganda savant, it doesn't say much for the future of our democracy. Hopefully your child won't suffer having to live in a autocratic regime due to others who share your unfounded beliefs.

Gagdad Bob said...

Too late.

Nicolás said...

The requisites for seeing with intelligence interest me even more than what we see.

Nicolás said...

Liberal democracy is the regime where democracy debases liberty before strangling her.

Nicolás said...

The good and the beautiful warn us with urgent eyes and severed hands.

Nicolás said...

One who approaches a mystery without its permission finds a void instead.

Nicolás said...

To be a leftist is to judge our opponent as not only guilty of his crimes but also of ours.

Nicolás said...

We enemies of universal suffrage never cease to be surprised by the enthusiasm aroused by the election of a handful of the incapable by a heap of the incompetent.

Braying Maggot said...

I love these little “left's ongoing transformation of our country” aphoristic spiels.

Every sane American knows that since Reagan, corporations and their lobbyists have taken over damn near everything economic, moving the nation into a libertarian-corporate socialism direction, meaning less regs and taxes and socializing many costs while ensuring privatized profits. Plus too big to failism. And thus our hopeless youth are getting to know full well the definition of “late-stage capitalism”. Fun times ahead.

But yes, LGBTQ+ colored people are far more accepted culturally, which means to the conservative Christian that America has gone full stinkin Marxist.

Plus we did have that little 'Trump and his 18 homies' thing that just happened. Could this have been the trigger?

- Braying Maggot, the real, original, and official Anonymous

Oriental Soulman said...

As an acquaintance, I bought a Booker T & the MG's BOX set impulsively. But if you don't say anything bully, I think it's a good thing to enjoy plenty of nifty instruments. Eric Clapton (British guitarist and singer) later learned that: “Can you make black music even though you are white!” I created an episode that says surprised (eyebrow spit).

People who say “Time Is Tight” also want to listen to Na, I do not know what will be in a cospa manner, but I think that you will be looking for an edit. No, I'm cumbersome so look for myself (LAUL). Well, it feels like I searched crisp, this→ “ ”. Well, purchasing is at your own risk (LOL).

Some songs have a horn section too big behavior. But well, the basic sound remains the same. I was the only one I didn't know, was it famous among maniacs? Well not so much related? But I'm co-starring MG's and Jimihen in montalay ~.

Is it hala to change your eyes to start with the piano? “Jericho” is the famous black spirit song “Battle of Jericho”.

Pop, groovy, and cool... the performance is really good, but the style is just stoic and doesn't include unnecessary sounds or fakes is cool. If you listen to it once, it's likely that you'll be misunderstood. The tone and sense of rhythm are good, the way the sound comes in is good... all you have to do is flinch at the absolute goodness of sense that thoroughly pursues comfort.

If you listen closely to the other person, white guitarist Steve Cropper, while modestly, you'll notice a stable, qualified performance, and a cool, stoic performance that doesn't play any useless sounds. I think they are people who have a stable personality with good self-control and is loved by stylish young people around the world and engraved in their hearts. Walking around the city briskly with a dexterity, riding a Vespa and running through the wind... I'm sure this is the cool sound that's making in my head!

Sidney Powell said...

Listen you sonofabits. We “18 homies” (as you seem to want to call us) are about to release the Kraken for real this time. It’ll be televised. Just you wait and see.

Release the Kraken!

Theme Song

Theme Song