Thursday, May 18, 2023

Never Send a Human To Do a Machine's Job

The last few chapters have been somewhat conventional, but this next one -- called Reason's Progeny -- had me repeatedly muttering to myself, The matrix! He's talking about the mechanics of the matrix! On the one hand, it seems simplistic, but on the other hand, there isn't one. I don't know of a better explanation.

One of the most important features of the matrix is that inhabitants don't know they're in it, so no theory is required to explain anything. Certainly it is much easier to see matrices of the past and of other cultures. 

However, another key feature of the progressive matrix is that "all matrices are of equal value," so to speak. In other words, multiculturalism is really "multi-matrixism" or something.

It's a long chapter, so I'm just going to flip away and pause at anything that stands out.

Here's a quote from William James which serves as a good set-up for how matrices are constructed:

The intellectual life of man consists wholly in his substituting a [LH] conceptual order for the [RH] perceptual order in which his experience originally comes.  

Boom: the person starts living in his LH concepts instead of RH experience. As you might expect, this is going to be much more of a problem for so-called intellectuals. It is why most Marxists are on college campuses, and why there are no deconstructionist farmers. Radical movements are always top-down affairs.

Without a doubt one of the weirdest features of the progressive matrix is the obsession with sex -- not only that it is possible to change sexes, but that the state must get involved in the genital mutilation of children. 

I'm a psychologist, and I call this prima facie evidence of madness. But the people who perceive this as mad are the ones punished by the matrix. We're all supposed to pretend we don't see a man pretending to be a woman.

As McGilchrist says, "The abstractions that we create through language seem to be real and are taken up by the unwary for things." 

This would explain the left's ceaseless manipulation of language. I'm thinking in particular of the "euphemistic treadmill," whereby words must constantly be changed as reality and experience catch up to them (e.g., from "disabled" to "differently abled"). 

But sometimes the reverse happens, and the left refuses to change words when the reality has changed. Most notably, they still call themselves "liberal" when they have long since been the opposite. Likewise "diversity," "science is real," "black lives matter," etc.

Much of this comes down to the left hemisphere's incorrigible tendency to make snap judgments about causation, when the RH is much more circumspect and appreciative of nonlinearity, overdetermination, and context. 

For example, we now know that the genome isn't linear at all, in that sometimes many genes contribute to a single trait, while other times a single gene affects many traits. Everything's entangled, much like the cosmos itself (i.e., nonlocality). 

And this is indeed Hayek's main lesson vis-a-vis both economics and culture more generally. This whole post could easily plunge down that rabbit hole. Just read the three volume Law, Legislation and Liberty, one of our foundational tomes (

On its own the LH is over-eager to infer causation, and will infer a causative relationship even when none clearly exists (McGilchrist).  

Can you say Russia Collusion? How about White SupremacyJ-6 InsurrectionFine Nazis

Note that the matrix has become adept at feeding these narratives of false causation to the masses via the media. Therefore, the people running the matrix are technically outside the matrix. 

It reminds me of an aphorism to the effect that The mob always loses. The mob bosses always win

I've said this before in different terms, but some members at the top of the managerial class know it's all bullshit, while the great majority have no idea they're being manipulated. Ask the average journalist about global warming, or gender dysphoria, or corrupt elections, or criminality and race, and she literally knows nothing. 

Another important point about the LH is that it greatly overestimates our ability to predict and control outcomes, which again goes back to complex systems and to Hayek. 

It's why the War On Poverty has been going on for 60 years, with no exit strategy in sight. Or, just hand over more money to teachers, and this will cure our dysfunctional educational system! Or make gas $6 a gallon in California, and the world's temperature will decrease! Can't you feel it?

Perhaps I should emphasize that all of the opinions above are mine. I don't want to get McGilchrist in trouble. But here he sounds just like Thomas Sowell:

The problems for the rational mind begin with defining goals. Aims are complex and not infrequently incommensurable -- even incompatible, if we are entirely honest.

For which reason Sowell emphasizes that there are no solutions, only tradeoffs. But the left never tells us what we are trading -- nor do we ever get the thing for which we traded. But the managerial class always ends up with more power over us. It's as if none of us is safe from all this damn progress.

You hear that Mr. Anderson? That is the sound of inevitability.


julie said...

the people who perceive this as mad are the ones punished by the matrix. We're all supposed to pretend we don't see a man pretending to be a woman.

Ace had a Libs of Tiktok video up yesterday, showing first a crowd at a drag show - mostly women, if memory serves - going absolutely wild and cheering whatever was happening onstage. Then the camera pans up to the stage and you realize they aren't going nuts over the queens, but rather over a small boy - maybe 4 or 5 years old - dancing suggestively and then turning around and bending over to try and twerk for the audience. I can't help wondering if these same people would be cheering at kindergarten-age girls trying to hump a stripper pole, but these days it is entirely possible they would.

julie said...

words must constantly be changed as reality and experience catch up to them

A particularly stupid euphemism I've seen lately "unalived" as in "She unalived herself." It's awkward and passive, intended to soften the blow of suicide or death. Freaking clown world.

Gagdad Bob said...

It's just pro-choice applied to one's own existence.

Gagdad Bob said...

Amazon informs me that Sowell has a new book coming out in September called Social Justice Fallacies. Sounds very Hayekian.

Gagdad Bob said...

Hayek calls it The Mirage of Social Justice. It's actually an LH delusion.

julie said...

The idea that if only the right people were in charge, everything would be perfect and equitable and we'd all get to spend every day joining hands and singing kumbayah. Or twerking, since that seems to be the things these days. Nobody would ever have to be responsible or self-sufficient, we could all just be self-indulgent and let the benevolent matrix-state take care of everything for us.

Gagdad Bob said...

They never stop dreaming of systems so perfect no one will have to be good.

julie said...

Precisely. It will all come together, if only all the inconvenient people who disagree would just die already.

Anonymous said...

Bob has joked that my city has no churches and I’m fully aware of just how blue the region is.

Yet I drive past my local K-6, middle, and high school zone and have yet to see a single trans kid. My niece goes to the large local state university and says almost the same thing, no trans except for a couple exceptions.

So I’m wondering, just where all these trans kids? Either you guys are living in a completely different reality or, they’re doing such a good job at transitioning that panicking over trans seems kinda lame.

And then again for Marxists. I’ve seen plenty of Trump stickers and yard signs, but not a single one for Karl Marx. So again, where are they all?

Anonymous said...

The idea that if only the right people were in charge, everything would be perfect and equitable and we'd all get to spend every day joining hands and singing kumbayah. Or twerking, since that seems to be the things these days. Nobody would ever have to be responsible or self-sufficient, we could all just be self-indulgent and let the benevolent matrix-state take care of everything for us.

Again, where are all these people? Do you have a quote from pop influencers, news stations, a website, George Soros cultists, or even a Hollywood starlet who's proclaiming anything of the sort?

Daisy said...

Not our fault if your eyes are wide shut.

Different Anonymous said...

I know someone who works for a county behavioral health department. It isn't being talked about, but they are having to come up with a task force to assist people who want to detransition as it is becoming a serious and growing mental health issue. But of course, that won't be making headlines anytime soon and I can't provide any links, so it can't possibly be real, right?

Cousin Dupree said...

I believe it. I've even heard rumors of a county mental health worker who supposedly knows what a woman is.

Anonymous said...

Daisy, as somebody who has to get out and amongst the liberal rabble (I'd love to just sit in the backyard and peruse the inner sanctum free of continuous contact with those rabble as Bob enjoys, but as "a loser" I've not been so lucky), I'll certainly try harder.

But seriously, it's not about the proof but the declaration of belief, is it not?

Wouldn't it be more effective to just let the world collapse around you as per Revelations, and when someone from the liberal rabble notices your calmness and asks how you do it, you reply: "The Lord steadies me". I'd think that'd sure beat constantly being paranoid and enraged about enemies all the time, who so many others either can't see or consider insignificant.

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