Saturday, May 06, 2023

Neuro-Enemies to the Left of Me

I want to try to wrap up our review of emotional & social intelligence before moving on to cognitive intelligence. 

One interesting finding is that the RH is responsible for a sense of flow and temporal interconnectedness, so damage there can result in literally losing the plot: "when it tries to re-tell a narrative," the isolated LH

lacks concreteness and specificity in its relation to the story, and becomes abstract and generic; and it gets time sequences wrong, conflating episodes in the story because they look similar.... In place of narrative, it produces a highly abstract and disjointed meta-narrative. 

Like our gaslighting state run media-academic complex.  

In reading this stuff, it is indeed a temptation to reach for the low-hanging fruitcakes and immediately apply it to our enemies. But just because progressives have lost the plot, it doesn't mean they all have RH brain damage.

Geez, don't take me so literally. Makes you sound like you had an RH stroke this morning.

I'm trying to think back on what was going on in my brain when I was an adultolescent man of the left. Granted, the left wasn't as crazy back then as it is now, but I still believed in some wacky precursors to today's fractured plot lines -- for example, I read the odious Howard Zinn with approval, and you can draw a straight crooked line between him and, say, the 1619 Project, CRT, White Privilege, et al.

It's not as if I suffered an RH stroke in the 1980s from which I've since recovered. But I think I'll hold off on the speculative auto-proctology for the moment. We'll have plenty of time for reflection once we get the neurology out of the way. 

In any event, the LH does have "difficulty in telling fantasy from reality, theory from fact," and when it "doesn't understand, it doesn't seem aware of the fact."

More generally,

the RH becomes involved as complexity of contextual understanding increases; indeed, the harder it is, in general, to interpret a sentence, the more the RH homologues of the LH language areas are recruited.

Lots of stuff in here about how music "is the primordial form of expression in the RH," and once again I can't help thinking about how awful contemporary popular music has become, and whether this has something to do with a mass suppression and underdevelopment of the RH. Do they even teach music in school anymore, or is it all LH indoctrination all the time?

It's the same with poetry, BTW: it's an RH speciality. Which then makes me think of that embarrassingly awful -- but confident -- young poet Brandon trotted out at his inauguration. 

You get the point. On to Cognitive Intelligence, another reality denied by the academic left. Indeed, the first thing that struck me about this chapter is that McGilchrist fearlessly cites intelligence researchers such as Linda Gottfredson and Arthur Jensen that is sufficient to get oneself cancelled. 

Just look at the hysterical SPLC page on Gottfredson (

Following a long tradition of scientific racism, Gottfredson argues that racial inequality, especially in employment, is the direct result of genetic racial differences in intelligence. Relying heavily on money obtained from the white nationalist Pioneer Fund, Gottfredson has worked tirelessly to oppose any and all efforts to reduce racial inequality in both in the workplace and in society as a whole.

Since the science is settled that genetic differences exist, it is racist to believe in the science. Perhaps it's not this way over in the UK, where McGilchrist lives, since he cites these Forbidden Names as if he doesn't know they're radioactive.

As usual, I think I'll begin at the end, with the chapter summary: 

Evidence from a number of sources suggests that the RH contributes the majority, not just of emotional and social intelligence, but of what is ordinarily meant by [IQ] -- cognitive power, or g. This appears to be particularly true among children and adults of the highest intelligence.

Now, the more people who attend college, the more the population of the highly intelligent is diluted, which makes me think this isn't a bug but a feature. Heather MacDonald has an excellent new book called When Race Trumps Merit: How the Pursuit of Equity Sacrifices Excellence, Destroys Beauty, and Threatens Lives, and I wonder what the low IQ hysterics at the SPLC say about her?

McGilchrist discusses the vast differences between "crystalized" and "fluid" intelligence, and as you can probably guess by now, the latter is more of an RH specialty, and indeed, has more to do with what we think of as intelligence per se: "Clearly, people with high scores on fluid intelligence will tend to do better, and to work faster..." It is less culture-bound because more adaptive to novelty.

We all know people who are quick on the uptake. And we all know people who radiate stupidity, even if they are in positions of authority. It's not hard to tell the difference. For us at any rate. 

But imagine what it must be like to be unable to instantaneously discern the intellectual difference between, say, Tucker Carlson and Anderson Cooper, or Dennis Prager and Rachel Maddow, or Don Lemon and Ben Shapiro. Most people genuinely can't tell. They are enclosed in Dunning-Kruger.

"Human intelligence is not like machine intelligence," for it "is essentially Gestalt and not digital." Obviously it's always both. For example, my airline pilot friend has a lot of "digital" intelligence about flying, which he would be able to draw on in a novel situation, in an emergency. I might have good fluid intelligence, but with nothing for it to draw on, the plane is going down.

following familiar procedures is something that requires no intelligence and can be done by a machine. It is the novel problem solving, involving a combination of analogic thinking and going beyond learnt procedures, that should be measured.

You get the point. McGilchrist does highight a seeming cultural drift in a direction that rewards decontextualized thinking and a scientistic worldview. A Note to Bobself in the margin says "loss of religious comprehension," but you folks are so quick on the uptake that there's no need for me to spell it out to you. I don't want to insult your fluid RH intelligence. You're not Rachel Maddow.


julie said...

I can't help thinking about how awful contemporary popular music has become, and whether this has something to do with a mass suppression and underdevelopment of the RH.

That, plus the use of algorithms and autotune to create "hit" songs. Modern music is very manipulative, it's designed not so much to be good or touch on genuine human experience as to hit the right combination of notes to extract a manufactured emotional response.

julie said...

Perhaps it's not this way over in the UK, where McGilchrist lives, since he cites these Forbidden Names as if he doesn't know they're radioactive.

That's actually a bit surprising; here you can be cancelled, but not usually arrested for hate speech; across the pond the there is no freedom of speech and it often seems cops would rather bust hate criminals than go up against anybody who might really be violent.

Gagdad Bob said...

The disembodied voice of the LH:

The diversity, equity, and inclusion, now everywhere in our society, is an ideology that repackages René Descartes’ dictum. “I think, therefore I am.” We are “ghosts in a machine.” Our thinking -- actually fantasies -- determine our reality. But this projection of delusions, disconnected from empirical reality, requires us to deny or distort human and historical experience.

Van Harvey said...

"Lots of stuff in here about how music "is the primordial form of expression in the RH," and once again I can't help thinking about how awful contemporary popular music has become, and whether this has something to do with a mass suppression and underdevelopment of the RH. Do they even teach music in school anymore, or is it all LH indoctrination all the time?

It's the same with poetry, BTW: it's an RH speciality. Which then makes me think of that embarrassingly awful -- but confident -- young poet Brandon trotted out at his inauguration"

The music and poetry that is still taught, is essentially anti-poetic, in the sense that it's easily quantified and tested, IOW, it ain't what it's sold as being. Pick any journal of poetry off the shelves at Barnes & Noble (which I haven't been in in years) and between that and the muzak the nose-ringed associates are playing for themselves, you'll get immediate confirmation of that.

Gagdad Bob said...

Regarding art, here's something in my in-box from the NY Times:

The Beghairati project was born in the wake of criticism Ms. Japanwala, 27, received for her thesis collection at Parsons in 2018: a series of pieces cast from her own body reflecting on and exploring her personal relationship to shame...

Ms. Japanwala developed an obsession with the concept of shame, transforming shamelessness into an area of study. Working on this project gave her “the understanding that shame and modesty are two entirely different categories that have nothing to do with one another,” and that shame is a pillar of patriarchy and a tool for control, she said.

Gagdad Bob said...

Happy Acres Guy used to speak of being "neuro-different." I know I am, but he seemed more secure and confident in his difference.

Gagdad Bob said...

The guy used to read calculus books for fun, but just assumed the rest of the world was crazy for not wanting to do the same.

julie said...

Re. Ms. Japanwala, so it's the sculptural equivalent of a selfie. The only surprise is that none of the casts of her nether regions were splashed with red paint; perhaps that extra touch of high artsiness hasn't occurred to her yet.

Re. the Catholic Thimg article, he does have some good points, except... I'm pretty sure there actually is a strong prohibition against transgenderism (or at least cross-dressing) in the OT. Which a lot of people immediately dismiss by noting that we gentiles aren't obligated to follow those particular rules, but nonetheless it is in there. Not to be all LH-ed.

Re. being neuro-different & being HappyAcres guy, there is a lot to be said for being comfortable with one's own eccentricity.

Anonymous said...

Todays awfulness of contemporary music reflects the awfulness of practically anything controlled by the late-stage greed inherent in our late-stage corporate.

I'd go on about MBA parasites dominating most creative businesses to the point where late-stage capitalism results, where the honest exchange of goods and services becomes money extraction rackets, but I'd risk being accused of being a Katy Perry fan. And that would trigger my LH to repeat the worst parts of that god-awful Katy Perry song in my head over and over again. So just as well.

Anonymous said...

But still... I sometimes wonder what pop music would’ve been like if our gaslighting state run media-academic complex controlled it all (or as some here may say, already control it all). Obviously, there’d be far more videos showing mixed-race mixed-gender mixed-nuts couples bitching about how workers in capitalist countries can’t get no satisfaction.

But I’m thinking it might not be all that bad. Seriously, how many here saw that video of North Korean military goosestepping to the Gap Band and didn’t start tapping their toes?
(Full disclosure: I myself cleared a space in the room and started marching to and fro to the beat, though I wouldn’t advise goosestepping unless you’re well practiced. It was only after my accident did I realize it'd been brainwashing.)

But then somebody reminded me that there has never been a danceable hit song from any Islamic nation. Yes I know that ever since GWB, Islam has been dead and the scourge of cross-sexing is now front and center thanks to our gaslighting state run media-academic complex. And so we don't concern ourselves with the Islam much anymore. But all this nonsense might be softening us up for an Islamic hit song which our impressionable youth could find catchy, and maybe we should be prepared.

Van Harvey said...

From the "The disembodied voice of the LH" link:
"Questions like, “Where does the Bible condemn transgenderism?” are dishonest."


Such an important starting point. People don't realize how beginning to answer the question honestly, sucks you into its dishonesty... sorta like not realizing what an assault upon reality and truth that "I think therefore I am" and Descartes' entire 'method of doubt' is.

And yes to the rest of the link as well.

Van Harvey said...

Speaking of the LH needing the RH to make sense, and eliminating the RH to destabilize a person, or in this case a nation, USSR defector Yuri Bezmenov's demoralizing a nation.

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