Sunday, January 01, 2023

Who Breathes Fire into the Equations and Who Pours Water on their Metaphysics?

That first question was famously asked by Stephen Hawking ("What is it that breathes fire into the equations and makes a universe for them to describe?”), while the second was asked by me when out walking yesterday. 

Before trying to answer them, let's see what Hawking came up with, since he was a genius and I'm only a Subgenius, albeit a member of the priesthood. I have the same business card:

Hawking posed the question in his A Brief History of Time, which I never got through. Too bad, because on the last page he suggests that “if we do discover a complete theory” of the universe, then 

it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason -- for then we would know the mind of God.
However, "Even if there is only one possible unified theory, it is just a set of rules and equations”:
The usual approach of science of constructing a mathematical model cannot answer the questions of why there should be a universe for the model to describe. Why does the universe go to all the bother of existing? Is the unified theory so compelling that it brings about its own existence?
But in a later book he went wobbly and speculated that  
the Universe can and will create itself from nothing. Spontaneous creation is the reason there is something rather than nothing, why the Universe exists, why we exist. It is not necessary to invoke God to light the blue touch paper and set the Universe going.
Okay, but on a purely logical basis, what is more reasonable, creation from nothing or… creatio ex nihilo? 

It indeed looks like he’s echoing Christian metaphysics except for the logical contradiction that anything can be the cause of itself. 

In reality, nothing can be the cause of itself, let alone everything. If this were the case, then it would undercut one of the top five or so principles that permit the existence of logical thought. It would be as destructive to intelligence as denying the principle of identity, and for what? Just to save your atheism? Why is that so important, and why would anyone want to base his metaphysic on the destruction of thought? Oh well:
What some call religion hardly astonishes us more than what others call science (Davila).
This principle of creation is certainly “the reason why there is something rather than nothing.” We can remove God from the principle, but this merely elevates the principle to God, which is just a semantic evasion, i.e., the same meaning in a different — and less adequate — word. 

Which is why we always say that the most literal-minded creationist is infinitely closer to the truth than the flat- and narrow-souled individual who denies the Creator --  just as the person who literally believes God formed man out of the dust is infinitely closer to the truth than the one who pretends man may be reduced to animality. 

In one of his 10,000 aphorisms, Davila says that If laws of history existed, their discovery would abrogate them.

And truly truly I say to my readers that if a law of evolution existed, its discovery would abrogate it. 

Well, I just googled it, and you'd better believe there's a law of evolution. One result proclaims it "as well substantiated as any other natural law, whether the Law of Gravity, the Laws of Motion, or Avogadro's Law.” 

I'll bite: Avogadro? Equal volumes of all gases, at the same temperature and pressure, have the same number of molecules.” Okay. That checks out. But it sounds pretty much like the identity principle: "When A belongs to the whole of B and to C, and B also belongs to all C, it is necessary that A and B should be convertible.”

Now, regarding laws of history,” it turns out that Marx didn’t go nearly far enough, because every law, insofar as it is a law, is a law of history. 

In other words, we now know that our cosmos has been evolving for 13.8 billion years, long before biological or psychological evolution arrived on the scene. What we call “history” turns out to be Everything, just in different phases.

Which, as it so happens, is one of the points of this so-far excellent book called From the Dust of the Earth: Benedict XVI, the Bible, and the Theory of Evolution. I didnt intend to blog about it until finishing it, but what the heck. It begins with a quote by Dawkins that 
Before Darwin came along, it was pretty difficult to be an atheist…. Darwin triumphantly made it easy to be an intellectually fulfilled and satisfied atheist.
It’s too easy to bag on Dawkins, but the truth is rather the opposite of what he says, minus the fulfillment, satisfaction, and triumphalism, which we should put to the side when discussing Truth. After all, there are hard truths that I wish were otherwise, but they are what they are regardless of my personal satisfaction.

In any event, Darwin actually makes it impossible to be a metaphysical atheist for the reason given above: our discovery of the law of evolution abrogates it. Conversely, if we are fully explained by and confined to this law, then we could never explain it. 

It’s late again, and maybe I should resolve to wrap things up by noon...


julie said...

It’s too easy to bag on Dawkins, but the truth is rather the opposite of what he says, minus the fulfillment, satisfaction, and triumphalism, which we should put to the side when discussing Truth.

Yep. Just as being a Christian does not guarantee a life free from pain and suffering, the truth is what it is, regardless of anyone's feelings about it.

Nicolás said...

Christianity does not solve every problem but is the only doctrine that raises them all.

Gagdad Bob said...

Thinking that a scientific theory could fulfill us is as goofy as a man thinking that pretending to be a woman could fulfill him.

julie said...

Along those lines, really good article here about a woman who realized, hopefully not too late, that her son is not and never could be a girl.

Gagdad Bob said...

The transexual is half correct, in that the key is trans. Man as such is built for transcendence, but vertical, not horizontal (the latter being but a rearrangement of furniture rather than a change of floors).

Van Harvey said...

"Okay, but on a purely logical basis, what is more reasonable, creation from nothing or… creatio ex nihilo?"

O so puzzling.

Gagdad Bob said...


At the time of release, I could not afford life and could not buy it, but I settled down and started collecting little by little.

A few copies were a sensitive boyhood (wry laugh), and I was so excited. The results were wrong! Sound pressure drops! It didn't bother me at all at the time but the bass is emphasized, so it might stand out. David will always make me feel so excited ♡

The missing sound is better, and the core is passing through the rhythm. I intuitively expected this as soon as possible. Move On turns into tight! Especially where Africa → Russia → Kyoto is sung, the sound was uplifted and involuntarily drawn. The scene of the trip is approaching here with Guigui (tears).

In Red Sail, the sound of Dennis Davis's Tam Drums came to the fore and increased propulsion. Even now, the hi-hat is a stepping foot. When I listened to the old board, I had the impression of carving a hat monotonically.

I had a sober impression on the last two songs. However, the Repetition that follows! Rhythm becomes bony, and there is power that cannot be defeated in Heroes.

Indeed, this MIX is a scale from the eyes and nod to the bowie before life was praised. I just wanted to remix the lycoboard bonus track, I Pray and Ole, too.

Now that there is no Bowie, my head is missing for a moment and I can hear it, is it because of my mind?

Gagdad Bob said...

What's the sound of one head missing?

julie said...


Van Harvey said...

Joe Biden could not be reached for comment.

Theme Song

Theme Song