Saturday, October 22, 2022

Fun with Satan

Good news/bad news: the intellect is free. Therefore, “free to destroy itself” (Chesterton). 

Just as one generation failing to reproduce and pass along its genes to the next would be the end of the species, failure to pass along truth wouldn’t necessarily be the end of the intellect, but it would have to start all over.

But our situation is actually worse than that, because it is more analogous to one generation passing along only genetic errors and therefore giving rise to a cohort of cognitive and spiritual earth defects. What on earth are they doing here? 

Unfortunately, these latter must exist if there is to be such a thing as normality. Abnormality is parasitic on normality, i.e., a privation of something that bloody well ought to be there. A mind without truth is like a body without food (or with only junk food, i.e., “empty calories").   

Nevertheless, shoveling us a steady diet of psychic junk food is the prime directive of the state / academic / media / big tech industrial complex: not only to transmit error and falsehood but to censor, slander, and marginalize those of us who only wish to humbly pass along both truth and, more importantly, the Truth about truth, namely, God. 

For if explained slowly and with small words, even the tenured may be capable of the insight that God is the transcendental condition of both the search for, and discovery of, truth, i.e., its very possibility and actualization. Either all truth comes from God, or there is no such thing. We ask only that you be consistent.

Why be consistent if there’s no truth? 

Good point. Which is why anything the leftist says is subordinate to power and money.

There’s an exception to every rule, in this case, the obsession with mutilating children and with forcing us to pretend one sex can be the other. How to explain such madness? Sure, hospitals make a lot of obscene profit from this obscene criminality, but what explains the 47% of Democrats who go along with it? What’s in it for them? (

The same poll shows that 97% of Republicans and even 85% of independents aren’t on board with mutilating children. Still, what accounts for the millions of people who support such patent evil? I’ll have to think about that one, but it brings to mind something Schuon wrote in a letter:
It makes no sense to believe in the devil and then each time, when he appears -- most often exploiting a specific situation -- to deny that he is involved.
At the same time, it makes sense for someone who doesn’t believe in the devil to believe the devil has nothing to do with child sacrifice, or even that it might be a little problematic.

Well, two aphorisms:
The greatest modern error is not announcing that God is dead, but believing that the devil has died.
And this same devil 
can achieve nothing great without the thoughtless collaboration of the virtues (Davila).
This *explains* a great deal, because the same nihilists who think it’s a good idea to cut off a child’s johnson do so with the ineradicable belief that it is virtuous to do so. 

Indeed, it you’ve seen Matt Walsh’s great What is a Woman?, you will have noticed that they positively radiate a smug and self-satisfied superiority — one of them even says that only a handful of “dinosaurs” could have any misgivings.

Why the asterisks around “explained”? Because we want to approach this subject in an entirely scientific manner, and regard diabolical influence as an algebraic variable or empty category, at least until a better explanation comes along. 

However, if there’s one thing that proves the inadequacy of psychology, it’s the existence of this type of evil. How does such a diabolical fad sweep over a population? I am open to other explanations, but they’d better be good, nor should the new explanation "unexplain" what was explained by the old theory.

It reminds me of biographies of Hitler that trace his evil to being mistreated by his father. The same sort of facile approach could easily trace Churchill’s greatness to being mistreated by his father, and wanting to prove himself worthy and gain his affection.

Now, if God is the transcendent source of truth -- and beauty and goodness -- it would violate the principle of identity to say he is the source of evil and falsehood. Come to think of it, it is said of the devil that he was a liar and murderer “from the beginning.” 

I know I’ve written about this in the past, that the most colossal forms of homicide are indeed rooted in lies -- for example the lies of communism and national socialism that facilitated the genocide of "inferior" races and hostile classes. 

I am cautiously optimistic that a significant majority of the country has heard enough of the left’s hateful rhetoric, and is about to administer a defeat to Satan. Sure, 47% of Democrats are in thrall to his perverse suggestions, but he’s only getting through to 15% of independents. 

Of course, after November 11 will come a season of Long Knives, with the first victims being Brandon, Hunter, and Merrick Garland, but conspicuously, not the devil himself, only these inconvenient incarnations or useful idiots. Thus, be on the lookout for new diabolical tricks and deceptions. 

For example, it wouldn’t surprise me if a recession is declared on November 12, and furthermore, that it's the fault of the GOP, since they’re in charge now. Same with the crime wave, the border chaos, the bum crisis, and the forthcoming “new variant.” For there is simply nothing a demon won’t say to retain power.

I suppose we'll end with this exchange from an interview of Chesteron:
"In your book just published you tell us 'what is wrong with the world.' As I haven't read the book yet, would you mind telling me what is wrong?"
"The Devil."

However, Chesterton was a happy spiritual warrior: "The finding and fighting of evil is the beginning of fun -- and even of farce."

Every crisis is an opportunity. For jolly good fun.

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