Sunday, July 31, 2022

The Corruption of Language and the Abuse of Man

"The basic problems for the man tamer are rather simple," writes Meerloo. "Can a man resist a government bent on conditioning him?" You can certainly fool some of the people some of the time, and even most of the people most of the time, and the left makes up for the difference by cheating. 

They call it Our Democracy, which means that there is an annoying middle man between would-be tyrants and the levers of power they crave.

The taming is carried out by Big Education, Big Government, Big Media, Big Tech, and corporate Big Woke. It seems that most people don't even notice they're being smothered under a pillow of lies, perhaps because "the seducer conditions [them] to catchwords, verbal stereotypes, slogans, formulas, symbols," etc.

Others, such as our readers, notice the suffocation and don't like it. Meerloo describes victims of tyranny for whom "the most upsetting experience they faced... was the feeling of loss of logic, the state of confusion into which they had been brought -- the state in which nothing had any validity." 

In other words, like hell, or like CNN being piped into your head 24/7 (but I repeat myself). Interestingly, Meerloo highlights the now obvious fact that it is the educated who are more vulnerable to the indoctrination, oftentimes precisely because of their intelligence -- or an intelligence that has lost the plot. Conversely,

Often those with a rigid, simple belief [AKA, Deplorables] were better able to withstand the continual barrage against their minds than were the flexible, sophisticated ones.... The simple man with deep-rooted, freely absorbed religious faith could exert a much greater inner resistance than could the complex, questioning intellectualist.

The question is, "Why is there in us so great an urge to be conditioned, the urge to learn, to imitate, to conform, and to follow the pattern of family and group?" We provided a partial answer in the previous post, in that man is a social animal, so we were subject to selective pressure to conform to the group.  

But we depart from sociobiology in affirming the existence of a unique soul which is in an open vertical relationship to its Creator and to the Truth that surpasses us. It is precisely this that must be quashed by the Big 5 referenced above, hence the unyielding hostility to religion:

the doubting, inquisitive, and imaginative mind has to be suppressed. The totalitarian slave is only allowed to memorize, to salivate when the bell rings.

Ding! Cue the trolls. Yesterday, for example, a credentialed troll argued that "real Christianity" teaches that 

The serpent did not seduce Eve into an alternate reality, it opened her eyes to an aspect of the one true reality that had been forbidden to her by God. In fact it was God who lied to Adam, when he told him he would die if ate the fruit  The serpent told the truth. 

This is, of course, an old Gnostic heresy, but notice that one must be educated -- somewhat, but not too much -- to even know about it. Perfectly tamed!

At this point I want to shift seers over to Josef Pieper, who wrote a timelessly true essay called The Abuse of Language and the Abuse of Power; we might say that its timelessness goes to the timeless temptation symbolized by the Serpent, a threat which "exists in every society and in every age." It is

an eternal temptation which, throughout the course of history, man has always been, and always will be, called upon to resist.

Indeed, God himself teaches us to pray for nonlocal assistance in resisting it, so the temptation must be rather primordial and ubiquitous.  

This reminds me of something Hayek writes about the two forms of rationalism, one of which is deeply irrational, the other being rational presicely because it recognizes the limits of reason. He calls the irrational kind  "constructivist" or "naive" rationalism,  the reasonable kind "evolutionary" or "critical" rationalism. We'll have to get back to Hayek later, but Pieper is quite correct in pointing out how 

A person must not have progressed very far in his education if he has not discovered good reasons to justify the worst behavior. All evil which has been done in the world since Adam's time, has been justified by means of good reasons.

If Tradition is traces of the Spirit left in time, we might say that the paragraph above adverts to traces of the Serpent left in time. 

For example, the other day I caught my son watching a debate between Charlie Kirk and a guy (a former guy, it turns out; he now calls himself a she) who was defending Stalin. This fellow was clearly not stupid, and I could tell that he had read his Chomsky. But he might as well have been demon possessed. How does this happen?

How does it not happen? It reminds me of what Thomas Sowell says about poverty: the question isn't why it exists, since it is the default position of mankind. Rather, how is it that a particular people in a single place and time began generating so much wealth and lifting itself out of poverty? Always and everywhere the left wants to destroy the very conditions that produce such wealth and affluence.

It's the same with our "psychic affluence," so to speak. Most obviously, it results from a free and open engagement with all of reality, in which there can be no privileged, safe spaces from such enquiry. How have we come to the inversion of this, in which universities are islands of intolerance and repression in a sea of freedom?

 Again, it begins with the corruption of the Word:

It is above all in the word that human existence comes to pass. And thus if the word decays, humanity cannot fail to be affected, cannot fail to be harmed (Pieper).

But what exactly is this Word, and what are its proper functions? Pieper cites two: first, "reality becomes manifest through the word."

One speaks in order to make known something real in the act of calling it by name..., to make it known to someone else. 

This latter goes to the second function, "its character as communication. The word is the sign of a thing as well as for someone else -- namely for that person to whom one wants to reveal reality."

Of reality and for communication of it. So simple, and yet, so full of implications, both good and bad. 

For it seems that with great verbal power comes great linguistic responsibility, for which reason there is always the temptation to misuse language -- something which the SwampState almost can't not do. Now it's insisting the recession isn't a recession, but since when did the Swamp ever speak truth because it is true and not just expedient? 

Note that both essential functions of language are deeply problematic to the left. We could write a month of posts on this subject alone, but the best minds of the left insist that words refer only to other words, and that the whole enterprise is motivated by power, not truth. I guess we'll leave off with an aphorism:

The devil reserves the temptations of the flesh for the most naïve, and prefers to make the less naïve despair by depriving things of meaning

To be continued...


julie said...

Interestingly, Meerloo highlights the now obvious fact that it is the educated who are more vulnerable to the indoctrination, oftentimes precisely because of their intelligence -- or an intelligence that has lost the plot.

Goodness, yes. And because almost every other "intelligent" person they know thinks the same way, their adherence to the indoctrination is near invincible.

Gagdad Bob said...

It's all about status anxiety. One signals status by believing increasingly absurd things, in a race to the ontological bottom.

Anonymous said...

This is, of course, an old Gnostic heresy

It's not a Gnostic heresy, or any kind of heresy, it's the plain language of scripture.

I'm seriously amazed at people who like to brag about their religiosity and don't know the first thing about it. It's like they've only heard some sanitized Disney version and aren't even aware of the real thing.

Nicolás said...

To the Christian, the eloquent dissertations of the unbeliever often do not seem blasphemous, but foolish.

Anonymous said...

"In Gnosticism, the biblical serpent in the Garden of Eden was praised and thanked for bringing knowledge (gnosis) to Adam and Eve and thereby freeing them from the malevolent Demiurge's control."

Kurt said...

This discussion begins to answer, for me, the mystery of why the people of the Left flip so quickly, so completely and so passionately in favor of whatever the next 'new thing' or victim group that they are presented with: Homosexual 'couples', black lives matter, transgender unfortunates, abortion embracers. They embrace them fully and not only is this new victim group true-noble-good, etc., but they are BETTER than we normal folks are, almost like they are the 'sainted' of the secular Left. And yet in every case they are on the path to destruction and death, not fruition and life. A sad and terrifying spectacle.

And anyone arguing that the serpent told the truth and that God lied? Well, we know what team he is batting for. Get thee behind me, satan!

julie said...

Kurt said, ...but they are BETTER than we normal folks are, almost like they are the 'sainted' of the secular Left.

Yep - which is how we suddenly have people proudly proclaiming that there should be trannies reading to kids in every school. You know, for kids!

John Venlet said...

The degradation of language, and society in general, is always led by the so-called intellectuals. The so-called intellectuals throw some skewed word or phrase out into the world where it is picked up by the intellectual wannabes, i.e. media personalities, actors, etc., and the word or phrase gains traction amongst the working class, or the perpetually aggreived. As the word or phrase gains traction amongst the working class, since the so-called intellectual class has already completely absorbed the skewed word or phrase, it begins to be picked up by middle class individuals who fall prey to the desire to be recognized by both the so-called intellectuals and whom also desire to seem to be a part of the working class. At this point the disease, because this is what acceptance of skewed words and phrasing are, becomes endemic within the population and reality becomes almost completely obscured. Seek and speak only truth, no matter the consequences you may have to face.

Anonymous said...

Damn you people have the poo-brain.

Gnosticism is a Christian heresy. The Book of Genesis dates from hundreds of earlier.

And anyone arguing that the serpent told the truth and that God lied? Well, we know what team he is batting for. Get thee behind me, satan!

Again, it's not an argument, it's right there in the text.

Your quote is a perfect example of the degraded thinking of simpletons who think that religion is about their "team" vs the other team. Scripture is not a superhero comic. It's not meant to make you feel good about your team; it's meant to illustrate the incomprehensible mysteries of existence.

Nicolás said...

Men are divided into two camps: those who believe in original sin and those who are idiots.

Anonymous said...

Anon, your genius is clearly wasted on the dirt people and sheeple here.

Nicolás said...

The diffusion of a few drops of Christianity into a leftist mind transforms the idiot into a perfect idiot.

Nicolás said...

In the Christianity of the leftist Christian, one of the two elements sooner or later eliminates the other.

Anonymous said...

Men are divided into two camps: those who believe in original sin and those who are idiots.

What amazes me is how “original sin” idiots have no idea that anybody could possibly sin more or less than another. Hell, your average five year old knows who to play with and who to avoid based on their own best assessment on how much another wants to sin.

Apparently, conservatives have lost that ability. If a fellow conservative turns out to be a charlatan, a grifter, a con artist… conservatives will always be the very last to figure it out. Why is this so? Aren’t you guys supposed to be superpowered by faith?

Oh wait. It’s never the charlatan, grifter, or con artist’s fault. It’s always a leftists fault because they’re demonically possessed witches. Always.

Daisy said...

Brilliant, anon. You have understood everything perfectly. We are exposed for the misguided fools we are. Bravo. Now please, regale us with the real truth; do you perchance have a newsletter to which we might subscribe?

Nicolás said...

Only the Church considers itself a congregation of sinners. All other communities, religious or lay, feel themselves to be a confraternity of saints.

Anonymous said...

In the Christianity of the leftist Christian, one of the two elements sooner or later eliminates the other.

Again, "leftist". I don't think that conservatives are capable of knowing who or what a "leftist" is anymore. They need to have the latest version dictated to them.

Jesus told his followers " If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.

Prove to me that modern conservatism is not about the exact opposite. If you want to be perfect, go, collect your possessions and neglect the poor, and you will have blessings from heaven.

julie said...

Meanwhile, in Mexico, there may be a new Eucharistic Miracle. It's certainly possible this one could be a hoax, but even if so it's a beautiful and humbling illustration of what is happening in the Miracle of Transubstantiation.

Anonymous said...

Only the Church considers itself a congregation of sinners. All other communities, religious or lay, feel themselves to be a confraternity of saints.

Pure projection. Every leftist opinion source that I know of employs debate. They know that everybody is imperfect, that humanity is imperfect. The only thing they're ever certain about are the problems. They're all about ideas being thrown around in a quest for best fit answers to complex problems.

Go to any conservative website or source of any kind, and you'll find a sanctioned author playing saint who knows all the answers to everything. And when proven wrong, they'll ignore and simply move on to the next declaration.

Case in point: "Sharia Law is coming!" is now "The trannies are coming!" Does anybody even ever speak or hear of Sharia Law anymore?

julie said...

Anon, why do you care so much that randos on the internet agree with you?

Mohammad said...

Yes. If you know what's good for you.

Achmed in Minnesota said...

The first rule of Sharia law is that no infidels may talk about Sharia law.

Anonymous said...

Julie, why some anonymous place in Mexico? Why not make every Chinese in atheist China dance the macarena like some giant flash mob, to then point to the sky at the ending? That'd make the news for sure.

Of course, that's more a question for Bob. Maybe the thing in Mexico was real. But what caused that? Some metaphysical confluxation of congruencies O and vertical, in perfect harmony, which might be fun to just talk about? Or do we need MTG to sanction that one so the rest of us just believe?

Gagdad Bob said...

There are some people even I can't help, and besides, I'm retired.

Anonymous said...

Anon, why do you care so much that randos on the internet agree with you?

Sorry. I just went through a week of record temperatures which used to only happen a couple times every 5 years. And this happened last summer too. I have native plants hundreds of years old dead and dying. So I'm in a bit of a mood. I really loved those plants.

And then there's that part where randos in my workplace ruined my career, for the sake of experiencing personal power, methinks rationalized by "conservative Christianity". Bob here accused the Left of only wanting power. Hell, everybody wants power. Could that be what "Origial Sin" is really all about?

John Venlet said...

The only thing they're ever certain about are the problems. They're all about ideas being thrown around in a quest for best fit answers to complex problems.

Thank goodness for those leftists who know what all the problems are. The real problem, though, is the second portion of that quote. All those ideas being thrown around to "fix" the problem are a clear indication that the leftist has no principles whatsoever. They'll try one thing after another with no understanding that there are so many wrong ways of trying to fix the problem, rather than employing the right way of actually eliminating the problem. The leftists ruin lives, families, and countries in riotous experimentation with proven failed methods under shiny new names. Go home, Anonymous, and pray for a renewal of your mind.

Anonymous said...

Dear John, you project. You have no proof that the leftist has no principles whatsoever. Only mis-characiturizations doled out to you by conservative infotainment.

Feel free to prove otherwise.

I just had a client harassing me to fix his problem now, when I’ve already clearly demonstrated, with logic and in actual proven practice to him, that later will not be any kind of problem for anybody involved.

What he’s doing is acting out neurotically. Deeper, he worries about the state of our American culture, trickling down from our so-called “leadership”, R or D. He knows at some unconscious level that his two studiously mild-mannered teenaged boys are in our current society, fucked. And so he tries to quell all that angst by trying to control me. At some level he’s terrified that I too, will turn towards the greedy, corrupt and stupid dark side along with so many others he’s tried to do business with.

For me he's far from the first. And I can clearly remember the way things used to be when I was a studiously mild-mannered teenaged boy. Things were very different. For one thing, I had hope for my future in our Christian capitalistic nation.

Not only do I blame the rise of our uniquely stupid modern conservatism for our fall, but the fall of old school Christianity as well.

Nicolás said...

We conservatives provide idiots the pleasure of feeling like they are daring avant-garde thinkers.

Anonymous said...

Nicolás, a current meme is that conservatism in its current form is an existential threat to freedom and even the human race. There are many websites explaining this with credible detail. I sure hope we can make these places illegal after our side attains power.

If I was Satan, I'd be like the scheming crafty one described in the Bible itself. I wouldn't be like any highly cartoonized clumsily stupid versions which conservatives usually speak of. I'd be an ultimate trickster looking to corrupt Christianity from within, so the many observers without would despise us and turn away,

Nicolás said...

Conservatism should not be a political party but the normal attitude of every decent man.

Van Harvey said...

"At this point I want to shift seers over to Josef Pieper, who wrote a timelessly true essay called The Abuse of Language and the Abuse of Power; we might say that its timelessness goes to the timeless temptation symbolized by the Serpent, a threat which "exists in every society and in every age."..."

One (two) of the best essays ever. I recently discovered that it's available for free online. Sadly, the chances of getting one of those demanding free education to read it themselves, is minimal.

Van Harvey said...

Looks like the link no linky? Huh, well... DIY:

John Venlet said...

Van, thank you for the link to Pieper's essay. I previously had not been privileged to have read it, and reading it through for the first time only compels me to re-read it once again. Interestingly enough, it is not only Gagdad delving into this subject matter, as a fine friend, who has leanings towards the sacred word groups, and I have been on this subject for some time, and Pieper's knowledge and insights are most compelling. Thank you again.

Gagdad Bob said...

Pieper is great: a model of brevity without sacrificing depth. I just counted, and I have 23 of his books.

John Venlet said...

I'm thankful to have been pointed to Pieper, Gagdad, and now I have another solid reason to search used bookstores, though my Lovely Melis may rue more tomes spread around the house.

Van Harvey said...

John, you're very welcome, and I'm very pleased to have helped you connect with him. Gagdad's got me physically beat, I've only got 6 of Pieper's books on my shelves, but taking ebooks into account, it's virtually a tie. ;-)

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