Sunday, June 05, 2022

The News about the News

If, as Citizen Hearst is supposed to have said, "news" is defined as "something somebody doesn’t want printed" -- the rest being advertising -- then this must be all the more true of the eu-angelionAKA Good News. 

So, who doesn't want the good news propagated? For there are always forces in the world who want to spike the story. For example, a quick google search reveals that 28 of the first 31 popes were martyred. This looks to me like a pattern.  

And another quick search claims a current annual toll of over 100,000 Christian martyrs, or one dead Christian every five minutes. I wonder if this dys-angelion -- bad news -- is ignored by the same worldly powers interested in quashing the Good News?

Usually, if it bleeds it leads, but only if the right people are bleeding. Instead, our media turns this reality on its head and claims the real problem is white male Christians, even though these same white male Christians are responsible for the most affluent, diverse, and tolerant country -- and civilization -- in existence. It's enough to make one suspect the work of diabolical epistemophobic forces or something. 

Back when I was a liberal, I was a fervent supporter of freedom of speech. I haven't changed, but now only white supremacist spreaders of disinformation are malevolent enough to cherish and champion the First Amendment.

Now, what is journalism, anyway? According to our tightlipped friend Nicolás,

News stories are the substitute for truths.

I give zero pinocchios to that claim. In another aphorism, our ironic friend says that    

Events begin to interest me when the press forgets them.

But not just the press -- or Big Media -- how about Big Education as well? In other words, journalism is just the tip of the informational assberg.  

For starters, all of these journalists are credentialed products of Big Education. Therefore, not only do we have a class in charge of the Narrative that knows nothing, it also doesn't know it knows nothing, and is thus wholly un-self-aware: ignorance of ignorance, or ignorance2.

Which accounts for that distinct combination of hypertrophic arrogance + absence of self-awareness of Big Journalists, the former always dialed up to 11, the latter always frozen at zero. 

There's a name for this: end-stage Dunning-Kruger, which is apparently incurable, since it is the very disease that resists its own treatment, or the Lie that is hardened against the penetration of Truth. Really, it is psycho-spiritual AIDS.

The good news is that more and more people are aware of this, which is why trust in Big Media is at an all time low. You'd think that Big Media might want to cover this breaking news and perhaps make a little adjustment, but recall its definitional absence of self-awareness and epic arrogance. 

Instead, it's our fault for not trusting them to spoon-feed us the Narrative, and for spreading all the misinformation, whether it's about Brandon's senility, or Hunter's laptop, or the racial skew of crime statistics, or the actual causes of Putin's Price Hike. 

What is this Narrative, and how did it get here? What accounts for its truly insane content and dogged persistence? Because it very much reminds me of the psychological projections of a religious cult that serve as a simpleminded interpretive key for all of reality, while simultaneously shielding the projectors who co-create it from anything that might challenge it. 

Once you start to examine it, it's quite fascinating, because it looks to me like garden variety mental illness, only on a collective scale. But this begs the question of what mental illness is. For example, we are said to be experiencing a mental health crisis. Okay, I'll bite: what's mental health? 

You'll soon find out that it's very much like the innocent question behind Matt Walsh's must-see documentary, What is a Woman?; nor are the two questions unrelated, for all of the interviewees who cannot answer the question aren't just ignorant -- obviously, since you can't really not know what an adult female is -- but in my view quite clearly mentally ill, if not diabolically influenced. 

You heard me: if you can't say what a woman is, there are obviously some powerful forces at work in your psyche preventing the perception of such a rudimentary truth. If I understand biology correctly, every mammal had a mother, or they wouldn't be here.

I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that the same powers and principalities that prevent a man from knowing what a woman is, also prevent him from understanding what the Constitution says, what the transgender suicide statistics say, what criminal statistics say, what the ineffectiveness of masks and lockdowns says, etc. 

I'd like to delve more deeply into the ontology of these forces, and what it suggests about our Cosmos, but I'm out of time. 


julie said...

Therefore, not only do we have a class in charge of the Narrative that knows nothing, it also doesn't know it knows nothing, and is thus wholly un-self-aware: ignorance of ignorance, or ignorance2.

In coming years, as the generation of kids who suffered through the lockdowns as regular students comes of age, I suspect things will become much worse. Listening to some parents talking yesterday, there was one (a teacher) talking about how in her school, most of the sixth graders read at a first grade level. Even some of the GATE kids. They were also talking about sending their kids to summer school whether needed or not. Essentially, it's daycare and a means of keeping their tween kids from spending literally all day playing Fortnite in their underwear.

There is going to be a massive divide between the homeschooled and the Big Educated. I mean, there was already, but it's going to become so much worse.

Gagdad Bob said...

We've got victims of Big Ed completely in charge of the Brandon administration, which is why they can't adjust to the poll numbers. Big Ed did too good of a job indoctrinating them, so the monster has displaced its creator.

julie said...

Indeed, and therein lies some small droplet of hope.

Being utterly ignorant of history, and utterly incompetent in general, they will ultimately fail in whatever it is they try to accomplish, for good or ill.

Gagdad Bob said...

Reality gets the last word.

Cousin Dupree said...

People driving while drunk have killed far fewer than politicians governing while high on ideology.

Gagdad Bob said...

It occurs to me that inability to say what a woman is is an inevitable consequence of end-stage nominalism, in which there are no universals, therefore the achievement of total intellectual incoherence. Well done!

Anonymous said...

Some say that reality is perception. But I say that perception is reality.

I warned the liberals that when it came to the gender confused, that a “Just leave em alone and mind your own business because it’s a free country with free will” philosophy would come back to bite them.

I said that political power players will just exploit such positions with outright lies and let indoctrinated tribalism do the rest, for the sole purpose of making some coin. But did anybody listen?

Witness the Uvalde shooter. Some internet yahoo prankster declared that a few pictures they’d found of “the shooter being transgendered”, proved that mass shooters were transgendered. When Candace Owens ran with it, some Republican leaders did as well.

They proclaimed that being transgendered could only mean that “those people” had been so groomed by teachers and liberals into such a mental illness confusion, that they had no choice but to became mass shooters.

Then the guy who actually owned the pictures found out and demanded that his personal pictures stop being used as part of some political coin game, that his name was not Ramos, that he was still alive, that he never lived in Texas, that he/she never harmed anybody.

To no avail. He/she still got death threats. And Candace Owens maintained her story and so did the Republicans. And now we see Bob apparently, running with it too.

Daisy said...

Anon, truly, you have a dizzying intellect.

Maybe put the bong down for a bit though. Or get back on your meds, as the case may be.

Anonymous said...

Daisy, I simply quoted facts requiring no dizzying intellect to say or to understand.

I was hoping for your own intellect, dizzying or whatever you may think it is, to come up with a reasonable answer to my reasonable question about why conservative Christians are so obsessed over a tiny powerless minority who've in times past, were usually viewed as more of a sinful joke, a standard product of a "free will" society where everybody sins.

Instead, you rely on logical fallacy and mental defenses? Is that what floats your intellectual boat?

Somebody else with "dizzying intellect" once pithily stated:

Rumors about one's enemies are doubly believed.

I couldn't care less when other, un-insightful lesser humans engage in this sort of thing. I do become more concerned, and very curious, about why conservative Christians do. Especially the ones who're constantly preaching. Aren't there are far worse problems in the world to solve?

Nicolás said...

Let us not give stupid opinions the pleasure of upsetting us.

Anonymous said...

Well Nicolás, you did say that Christians are the worst sinners of all, that they just know how to be saved. I can roll with that.

But how does one know that the opinions is stupid?

I see a lotta Christians not saying they're saved, but just running around calling anybody who's not a conservative stupid. What's up with that?

Nicolás said...

Conservatism should not be a political party but the normal attitude of every decent man.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps, but it's a free will world we're living in. Are you proposing a more authoritarian government which pushes that "should" of yours a lot more?

Nicolás said...

As the State grows, the individual shrinks.

Van Harvey said...

"Once you start to examine it, it's quite fascinating, because it looks to me like garden variety mental illness, only on a collective scale. But this begs the question of what mental illness is. For example, we are said to be experiencing a mental health crisis. Okay, I'll bite: what's mental health?

You'll soon find out that it's very much like the innocent question behind Matt Walsh's must-see documentary, What is a Woman?; nor are the two questions unrelated, for all of the interviewees who cannot answer the question aren't just ignorant -- obviously, since you can't really not know what an adult female is -- but in my view quite clearly mentally ill, if not diabolically influenced. "

Exactly the case.

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