Thursday, February 24, 2022

Are You Not Innertained?!

So, the philosopher who knows what he's talking about is "a living insult to those who don't happen to see reality as he does" (Gilson). 

But the converse is not true: folks who don't know what they're talking about aren't an insult to the philosopher who knows what he's talking about, especially if his philosophy explains exactly how and why these idiots can and must exist. For it is written:

Men are divided into two camps: those who believe in original sin and those who are idiots.


To be a conservative is to understand that man is a problem without a human solution.

I don't pretend to know all the answers -- rather, only the problems. These problems aren't only existential -- and therefore not susceptible to any political solution -- but are ontological, woven into our very substance. For it is also written that 

No paradise will arise within the framework of time. Because good and evil are not threads twisted together by history, but fibers of the single thread that sin has spun for us.

So, idiots aren't an insult, but they are a potential threat if placed in a position of power and authority over us -- for example, if, say an enfeebled dementia patient somehow became president. But that would never happen.

Let's pretend Brandon actually received 81 million legal votes. Now, subtract from that 81 million the number of Brandon voters who were fully aware that he suffers from advanced dementia but voted for him anyway; you'll also need to subtract the number who would have voted for Brandon even had they known he was so with enfeebled dementia.  

Good. Now divide that figure by 81 million, and you have the degree to which the election was rigged. (My calculation comes out to .97, or 97%.)   

That was a joke. Obviously the real figure is 100%.

Now that I'm retired, I've had time to ponder what this blog is all about, and I've come to the conclusion that it's about metaphysical entertainment. Which you may think is easy or trivial, but at least this is the only place on the internet to indulge in such elevated frivolousness.

The other day I was watching an episode of Comedians in Cars, and Jerry compared himself to a woodchuck: a woodchuck chucks wood. It's what they do. Likewise, he tells jokes. It's what he does.

The point is, Are you not entertained?! If not, then I still haven't failed, because I am entertained. When I stop being entertained by myself is when the blog will stop. 

Some loose ends. A few posts back we said something about native Americans that bothered a reader or two. No offense, but if Aquinas isn't an advance over sweat lodges, pantheism, casinos, and Ward Churchill, then I need to get a new hobby. 

I have nothing whatsoever against Indians. Indeed, I would like to help them not be mired in superstition and the half truths of natural religion, just as I would expect them to help me if the roles were reversed. There is a better way. If not, then there's no such thing as verticality and perfection.

Anyway, a reader resuscitated this dead thread with a new comment to the effect that Schuon choose to live in the United States so he could "be close to a native American community to practice their primal religion."

Now, whatever this was, I seriously doubt that it was their "primal religion." In order to practice that, one would have to go back either to when there had been no contact between them and the old world or very shortly thereafter. Is it even possible to return to this level of innocence and naïveté, back to Eden, as it were?

Sure. At least to a degree. Not too long ago I read a book about the French explorer Champlain by David Hackett Fischer. 

Champlain was a genuine friend to the native Americans he encountered, and made favorable comments about their intelligence, appearance, and athleticism, nor did he approve of the way they were treated by Spanish conquerors, but nevertheless harbored no illusions about their barbarism and cruelty, since he personally witnessed it.

For example, in one of his first encounters in 1603, he describes a large gathering of many nations in celebration of a victory over a common enemy:
The Indian drums were beating in celebration. More than a hundred fresh Iroquois scalps were on display. Wounded Iroquois captives were tightly bound to stakes, and their torture had already begun. Blood dripped from what remained of slashed and shattered fingers, as they stoically awaited their fate.

They were stoic because they were well aware of the rules of the game: if the roles had been reversed, then they would be the ones who would be taunting their captives and cutting off appendages. 

Champlain notes that the Indians "worshiped one Great Spirit, believed in the immortality of the soul, and had an idea of the Devil," but "lived by a primitive system of customary law, and an ethic of lex talionis, the rule of retaliation." He added that "They have one evil in them, which is that they are given to revenge."

Yeah, maybe a little. On one occasion he helped one tribe prevail in battle over another: "Everyone knew what was coming. A fire was built and Champlain watched in horror as many warriors came forward and claimed the victor's role of torturer":

Each took a brand and burned this poor wretch a little at a time, so as to make him suffer more torment. They stopped from time to time, and threw water on his back. Then they tore out his nails and applied fire to the tips of his fingers and his penis. After that, they scalped him, slowly poured very hot gum on the crown of his head, pierced his arms near their wrists, and with sticks they tried to pull out his sinews by brute force.... This poor brute uttered strange cries, and I felt pity to see him treated this way.

Still, he knew it was not only pointless to intervene, but counter-productive. 

When he was dead they were not satisfied. They opened his body and threw his entrails into the lake. After that they cut off his head, arms and legs, which they scattered about, but they kept the scalp, which they flayed, as they did with the scalps of all the others whom they had killed in their attack.

The finale was "to cut his heart in several pieces and give it to his brother to eat, and to other companions who were prisoners."

Equity: "Some of the captives were kept alive so that they could be tortured by wives and daughters," who "greatly surpass the man in cruelty, for by their cunning they invent more cruel torments, and take delight in them."

Multiculturalism: "Torture and cannibalism of captives was an ancient custom among these nations." Champlain noted that it had an escalating quality (one is reminded Girard's scapegoat theory) "designed to exceed the horror of tortures past."

One wonders if they developed a kind of PTSD that kept the cycle going: "the continuing practice of turture was a way of guaranteeing a state of perpetual war. It meant that the work of retribution would always need to be done":

The Indians were driven by their fear, which appears to have been deepened by the torture... In dark nights along the lake, the torturers dreamed terrible dreams.

Back to the commenter, who adds that "three of the four founding members of the Perennialist School became practicing Muslims -- the first of which, Guénon, abandoned his Roman Catholicism and spent the remainder of his life in Cairo Egypt."

There's an oxymoron in there, because how could the perennial philosophy or religion only be founded in the 20th century? If that's the case, then it's hardly perennial, now is it?

As to Guénon, well, onó ináwa shyó. But conveniently, there's an entire chapter devoted to him in a book I'm currently reading, called The Lord of History: An Essay on the Mystery of History, by Jean Daniélou. But right now I gotta run.... 


ted said...

I think why the founders of the Perennialist school didn't end up Christian is because if they were truly Christian they could do not be Perennialists. Christianity in its essence, and not the watered down new-age version of it, can't be integrated as true Perennialism. That's my take.

julie said...

No offense, but if Aquinas isn't an advance over sweat lodges, pantheism, casinos, and Ward Churchill, then I need to get a new hobby.

We live in the neighborhood of one of the big casinos. On the one hand, they're decent neighbors - they have a lot of money invested in the area, and they are very determined to protect it. On the other, while they don't make a habit of physically torturing anyone, their younguns have a tendency to engage in drag races in very loud cars at all hours of the night, and the financial scalping of hapless gambling addicts of course continues 24/7.

These were Mission Indians at one point, but as I understand it the Mission has largely been forgotten, much to the detriment of the community. Sick quantities of cash don't exactly help improve their lives, either. A lot of them end up in the local substance abuse and psych programs.

Gagdad Bob said...


That's Danielou's take. He's very respectful to Guenon, but there's just no way to reconcile Christianity with perennialism. Either Christianity is a fulfillment and advance over what came before, or what is unique about it has to be denied.

ted said...

Yup, this is why every spiritual, but not religious person is ABC (Anything But Christian).

Anonymous said...

No doubt the Indians meted out terribly cruel punishments to their adversaries (as Christians were also wont to do to in their inquisitions against heretics) but at least they didn’t commit the particularly heinous (and arguably much worse) crime of sexually abusing thousands of children over many decades - and this at the hands of men charged with the sacred responsibility of administering the holy Mass. The profound trauma (and loss of faith) caused by this diabolical destruction of innonence in such tender, little souls is utterly heartbreaking; and often concealed by an institution that purports to be suffused with the Holy Spirit (and to be the only true religion no less - now there’s a merciful God for you!). One is rendered speechless by the spiritual and moral calamity of this appalling outrage. Christians need to keep their own chauvinism in check and honestly reflect on the ethical (and theological) train wrecks in their own backyard. Enough of this hypocritical hubris and sham superiority.

Anonymous said...

“Every exoteric doctrine is in fact characterized by a disproportion between its dogmatic demands and its dialectical guarantees; for its demands are absolute as deriving from the Divine Will and therefore also from Divine Knowledge, whereas its guarantees are relative, because they are independent of this Will and based, not on Divine Knowledge, but on a human point of view, that of reason and sentiment. For instance, Brahmins are invited by Christian missionaries to abandon completely a religion that has lasted for several thousand of years, one that has provided the spiritual support of innumerable generations and has produced flowers of wisdom and holiness down to our times. The arguments that are produced to justify this extraordinary demand are in no wise logically conclusive, nor do they bear any proportion to the magnitude of the demand; the reasons that the Brahmins have for remaining faithful to their spiritual patrimony are therefore infinitely stronger than the reasons by which it is sought to persuade them to cease being what they are. The disproportion, from the Hindu point of view, between the immense reality of the Brahmanic tradition and the insufficiency of the religious counter arguments is such as to prove quite sufficiently that had God wished to submit the world to one religion only, the arguments put forward on behalf of this religion would not be so feeble, nor those of certain so-called 'infidels' so powerful; in other words, if God were on the side of one religious form only, the arguments put forward on behalf of this religion would be such that no man of good faith would be able to resist it.”

Frithjof Schuon - ‘The Transcendent Unity of Religions’ (Harper and Row, 1975), p. 14.

EbonyRaptor said...

God is merciful - humans are sinners, even those who administer the holy Mass. Christianity is about the perfect human - Jesus the Christ, not about those who fall short of that perfection. The Word is true, whether the followers can live up to it or not.

Nicolás said...

Whoever wants to know what the serious objections to Christianity are should ask us. The unbeliever has only silly objections.

Nicolás said...

Today’s Christian is not sorry that no one else agrees with him but is sorry that he does not agree with everyone else.

Nicolás said...

What is thought against the Church -- if it is not thought from within the Church -- lacks interest.

Daisy said...

Anon said: No doubt the Indians meted out terribly cruel punishments to their adversaries ... but at least they didn’t commit the particularly heinous (and arguably much worse) crime of sexually abusing thousands of children over many decades

I'm gonna have to stop you right there.

Have you ever met any Native Americans? Known them well enough to see any of the severely f-ed up family dynamics? I'm going to guess no, but I have, and it can be pretty horrific. Do you really think a people who delight in torture to that extent wouldn't also engage in the casual everyday rape and molestation of children, particularly children not of their own tribe?

Or how about that vaunted Islam? Bacha Bazi boys? Aisha?

Oh, but that's ok because it's their culture and we totally shouldn't judge, or something.

I tell you, anon, that I can't think of a single culture or racial group that hasn't had a problem with the abuse of children. The difference with the Christianized West is that we finally recognized it for the heinous evil it actually is, and have tried to do something about it. Although currently, there is a massive secular push to make child molestation acceptable again. Not to mention the wickedness of gender confusion and encouraging children to take actions that harm them for life just because sometimes they like to do atypical things.

But sure, aside from all that Christians are the worst plague the world has ever known and they just need to stay in their own lane.


John Venlet said...

Anonymous simply conflates the evil which resides in each and every individual man, to denigrate the holy catholic Church as a whole, and as such does not properly assign blame where blame is due. Maybe anonymous is under the impression, false though it is, that perfection in man, other than Jesus Christ, can somehow be achieved in this world.

Anonymous said...

Western Christianity was at its peak in the early 1980's. Back then, if a Christian observed something satanic done by a Christian world leader or by some nobody in their own little worlds, one could get reasonable and wise answers from their priest, minister, or sanctioned elder which often put them back on the right track.

Today everybody goes to the internet, where there are many yahoos to tell you that “What? You’re just now learning what sin is?!” and “What? You’re not happy you’re not an Indian, black, BLM or antifa?!” and “What? You’re not concerned we have a senile president and Trump is our real president and that the Pope is demonically possessed?!”

Confused, most of those Christians then move on to discover one of the great many websites which explains things in far more pleasingly plausible ways. Except without the God, who really does never seem to physically show up in any meaningful way. At least not the way he used to, as documented in the Bible.

The miffed Christian then has a few choices. Suck up the pain of watching other Christians behave like crazy people, rewire their own psychology to join the crazy people, or try to do what Jesus told them to do except without all the spiritual parts. It’s quite the pickle.

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