Friday, November 05, 2021

Meta-World & Meta-Man

Thanks to the luxury of time -- and the timelessness tucked away therein -- I've lately been engaged in what you might call a close reading of Schuon. Being that he already writes in such a compact style -- deploying a minimum of words to convey a maximum of meaning -- his works are uniquely suited to such a line-by-line...

I was about to say "analysis," but that would be inaccurate and misleading. More like a pondering-and-abiding, waiting for the associations -- the vertical ins & outs -- to stream into the cabeza. Lightning & thunder, respectively. 

Reminds me of what the rabbis say of scripture -- that a single blow of the hammer sets off a multitude of sparks. According to Schuon, this is because

the truth is above all in the symbol's effective power of illumination and not in its literalness, and that is all the more evident since God, whose wisdom goes beyond all words, puts multiple meanings into a single expression.

Yup. And speaking of up yonder, here's one to ponder:

The uncreated Word shatters created speech, whilst at the same time directing it towards concrete and saving truth (ibid.).

Sure does. But that's not our immediate focus. Rather, we've lately been pondering two subjects -- or questions -- 1) the ultimate ground of reality, or meta-cosmology, and 2) the ultimate nature of man, or meta-anthropology, i.e., What is reality?What is man?, and What the heck is the nature of the relationship between them? 

In knowing these we would pretty much know everything worth knowing, or at least everything we need to know, leaving it to our STEMitic friends to fill in the details. 

Yes, I've already read all of Schuon's books more than once, and several of them many times, but this is different. It reminds me of slow-motion weight training, whereby, instead of doing a lot of repetitions, you do just a few, but verrrry slowwwwwly. Instead of doing fifty push-ups in one minute, do a single push-up in 30 seconds or whatever. 

Recall what Schuon said in the previous post: that the Science of Fundamental Principles, AKA philosophy, "operates with intuition, which 'perceives,' and not with reason alone, which 'concludes.'"  

This is because man is an open system, which means open to being and truth (or, to the truth-of-being which is constantly being-spoken in our cosmos).

Come to think of it, what is reality but Being-spoken? And what is man but understanding-being? Intelligibility and intelligence, respectively. A single lightbeam split into subject and object and meeting in the conceptual middle.

Conversely, postmodern sophistry is "hardly concerned with 'perceiving' and taking into account that which 'is.'" 

Rather, it "reasons" in such a way that reason is sealed off from the outside, to say nothing of the above. It is the proverbial snake attempting to devour its own tail. Schuon refers to it as "the codification of an acquired infirmity," an infirmity acquired way back in Genesis 3, when our adamant protodope deicided to unfriend God.

This is in no way to deny or denigrate the importance of reason. It's just that -- at risk of belaboring the point -- the principle of reason is not located in man. Rather, it was here long before we arrived on the scene. We didn't invent it. If we did, then the primordial link is broken between it and the world. 

"Man is not a closed system," writes Schuon, "although he can try to be so." In other words, just as man is free to reject freedom, he may choose to inhabit his own hermetically sealed matrix, which is one of the central themes of Genesis 3. Human nature never changes, but it can look that way because of the diverse simulations he constructs and inhabits, taking them for "reality." 

For example, there is nothing remotely real about progressivism or its many tentacles such as feminism, CRT, AGW, LGBTWTF, etc. But this hardly prevents these clueless anti-STEMites from living in their ontological tent cities.  

As we all know, matrix is etymologically related to mother and to womb, and isn't that convenient, because you could say that there are two possible wombs. Let's call them the wombs of Eve and of Mary. 

This cosmos just got interesting. And the subject of this post just got much bigger, but let's see if we can tame it in the time remaining. 

Chapp writes of 

the deep anthropological and ontological implications of the fact that we were not lowered into this world by God on the end of a crane as some sort of angelic visitor to a foreign land....


we were created along with this world precisely as temporal beings whose existence is characterized by the dynamic of event and sequential becoming.

Becoming. What, like in a womb?


I'm a bit distracted this morning, since I have one ear on the Rittenhouse trial, which sucked me in. We'll try to refocus tomorrow. 


julie said...

I haven't been paying much attention to the Rittenhouse trial, but it seems like it is getting interesting. Having seen enough of the original footage when it happened, any sane person could see that he was clearly acting in self defense and the only proper response to the shooting of three predators is to congratulate the young man on performing a good service to the community.

This being clown world, the fact that it went to trial suggests that the poor kid is going to end up rotting in jail for the rest of his life instead. However, given the shockingly poor job the prosecution is doing at making this case, there seems to be a glimmer of hope for Kyle.

If he is acquitted, it offers a ray of hope that justice in America might still have a thread of a pulse... or maybe that's just to lull the normies into thinking we still have an honest-to-goodness rule of law. I'm so cynical these days, it's hard to decide.

julie said...

Surreal news headline of the day:

"B.C. to permanently close all mink farms over Covid-19 transmission risk"


Gagdad Bob said...

On another subject, today I'm remembering back five years ago, when a Trump-deranged troll was telling us that Trump had had a sexually inappropriate relationship with his daughter, a popular leftwing fantasy at the time. As always, if you want to understand what the left is up to, just listen to what they accuse others of doing....

julie said...

No joke, the Bidens have a serious problem with keeping their hands off - well, pretty much anyone. Including underage family members. You can't even call it a secret, but the news won't talk about it and no agency will pursue charges.

Gagdad Bob said...

They have the gene for psychopathy, that's for sure.

julie said...

That and/ or just straight up demonic possession.

julie said...

Speaking of things demonic, Good News! Your doctor will now treat you using approved equity language.

Conventional statement:

"Native Americans have the highest mortality rates in
the United States."

Approved revised statement:

"Dispossessed by the government of their land and
culture, Native Americans have the highest mortality
rates in the United States."

This may decrease the amount of time your doctor can spend actually addressing the reason for your visit, but rest assured that every visit will be socially just.

Anonymous said...

My doctor was never much more than a gatekeeper anyways. And it only got worse when I called every "nurse practitioner" they sent me to Nurse Quackchet.

Anonymous said...

Well Julie, considering that as late as 1868, the US government paid a $50 bounty for each severed head of a Costanoan tribesperson (man, woman, or child), and the eventual total pay out was $250,000 (do the math), each tribesperson has earned the added verbiage. Right?

Oh, and the tribespersons want Las Angeles County returned to them, and the entirety of the San Fernando Valley, and the townships of Simi Valley and Calabasas.

New signage will be put up "Costoanoan only." That means gabachos out. Get a room at Motel 6.

Then we can get the lawyers together to talk about the cash settlement for the mass murders. We should be able to work something out for under a trillion USD. Maybe.

Anonymous said...

Heroin used to be sold as a baby cough medicine, and it was very effective.

Neocons sweep history under the rug. You want to know why there is a cancel culture?

Well, let's see. How about some slave-trader selling your two pretty teenage daughters to a fat slobbering Georgia cracker who then takes them down the Savannah river?

And you, their mother, don't get to go too? Because the slobbering cracker didn't want you?

And their father was sold to some prim and proper Southern Belle because she fancied him for a footman? Oh, but that job would take him to Alabama. So long, father.

Yeah, let's think about things a little bit here.

You want to know why there is PC? Because women in New York used to be gas-lighted by their husbands until they were insane. Routinely.

Wake up and smell the Joe Biden.

Anonymous said...

Good points anon. Good explanations.

I'm still amazed by conservative Christians fretting over minor inconveniences, when the cause is clearly a total lack of ability to empathize with others who're unlike themselves. No wonder the religion is in such steep decline. Maybe I keep assuming they're capable of normal reasoning because I'm one of those fools who always gives benefit of the doubt to folks who otherwise appear normal to me.

There's an interview with a very normal appearing old white man who hates CRT but when asked to explain why, reveals that he knows absolutely nothing about it. They couldn't even get to stuff like CRT not even being taught in grade schools or why it's bad. He just 'knows' that it's bad. I'm sure he thinks himself the deepest of critical thinkers, yet he displays a total inability to be curious and think critically. It's easy to imagine such people not caring one whit about anybody different from them.

Walter said...

Say what you want about the tenets of CRT, at least it's an ethos.

Anonymous said...

There can be no stopping until every single instance of a person being forcibly detained put to hard labor without pay gets day in court.

There is no statute of limitations on the crimes of kidnapping, harassment, and labor fraud which constituted the practice of slavery.

Every scrap of paper with with the most minute record about slavery will be pored over in the smallest detail. Then the web of economic connection between the owners of yore and the descendants of today will be worked out by the biggest Cray you ever saw. Once we know where the money went, then we seek the civil damages, with interest compounded from the date of the crime.

Lets say male slave X, now named John Hancock, landed at Savanah Georgia and was sold to J.P. Reddy for $800.00 cash on October 2, 1822. That starts the clock on the interest.

Now, we can't press criminal charges on the descendants of the offending party, but we can seek assets in recompense for the lost wages.

Then, we do the big class action with millions of complainants, and just sit back and rake in the phenomenal awards which the judges will have to impose. They must under the law.

This won't stop until every last man, woman, and child slave gets their day in court. This may take awhile.

Cousin Dupree said...

Nah. The Democrat party will never be held liable for its sins and crimes against humanity.

EbonyRaptor said...

God creates. Godless destroys. You will know them by their fruits.

Anonymous said...

Say what you want about the tenets of CRT, at least it's an ethos.

I totally agree Walter. Yesterday, conservative christian Americans cheered on the outsourcing of jobs to atheist overseas nations like China, ruining the livelihoods of many of their own brethren. Some were my friends.

Today they whine about obscure medical political correctness policies.

Anonymous said...

anon @11/06/2021 06:34:00 PM,

A cabal of tobacco industry executives was proven to have intentionally lied about the science which proved the deadly dangers of tobacco consumption. And all of them got away with it. The tobacco company execs were well funded. They had many options:

1. Let the truth chips fall where they may and in our free country, let the consumers decide for themselves.
2. Devise cancer mitigation consumption methods. How about selling Turkish hookahs?
3. Do their own science to modify their products to mitigate the cancer risks.
4. Find other products to profit from.
5. Devise Bernays strategy to lie to and confuse the American public, since most are blithering idiots anyways. Who cares about who dies as long as corporate profits are maintained?

They chose #5 and as I stated, got away with it, even after the truth was disclosed by many incriminating internal memos. What makes you think native reparations are even remotely possible in such an environment?

Cousin Dupree said...

If someone is confused about the effects of smoking, smoking is far from their biggest problem.

Anonymous said...

Smoking wasn't the point Dupree. The existence of extreme sinning, the existence and nature of sinning well agreed upon by our host here, to gain power over everything was the point.

Nobody commenting here disagrees with the spiritual parts. It's the material parts we quibble over. And for one example, EbonyRappers confusions.

EbonyRaptor said...

Must be over the target.

Anonymous said...

Yes Rapper, everybody knows that China isn't Godless.

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