Thursday, August 05, 2021

If Truth Evolves, It Isn't

Lotta durned innarestin' questions raised by Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange in this here new translation of his The Philosophy of Being and the Development of Doctrine. I'm only into the first 34 pages, but so far it's a purt' good story. Made me cogitate to beat the band. Parts anyway. 

Just one thing: does he have to use s'many Latin words?

As we know, one of the perennial cosmic heresies of the left is historicism. This term has a number of connotations, but the focus here is on the idea that all truth claims are historically conditioned and cannot be understood outside their historo-cultural matrix. Here we arrive at hell's bottom: birthplace of such twisted ideologies as multiculturalism, moral relativism, deconstruction, CRT, et al. 

Like all heresies, historicism takes a perfectly useful  and even trivial partial truth but expands it all out of proportion -- as is true of any ideology, say the Barbaric Larcenous Marxists of BLM. If these criminal retards and political psychopaths were only defending the proposition that race has no bearing on a person's natural rights, we'd be right there along side them protesting. 

Hell, if blacks were truly being denied their natural and civil rights, we'd even go so far as to join them in protesting with guns, bombs, arson, and other mostly peaceful means.

Anyway, the underlying issue G-L addresses here "is the historical contextualization of all truth claims." At the extreme other end of historicism (here in Celestial Central) is the proposition that the most important moral, political, and philosophical truths are timeless, universal, and self-evident; they are "in the nature of things" -- a nature that includes the human person -- and are accessible to any person in all conceivable times and places. Where one happens to find oneself thrown into history has nothing to do with it.

"A metaphysical doctrine," writes Schuon, "is the mental incarnation of a universal truth." Conversely leftist ideology is the emotional incarnation of a universal lie. Marxism, for example, denies the Absolute while privileging its own counterfeit absoluteness; likewise the diabolical doctrine of anti-racism, which would imply that, say, Obama, is 50% victim and 50% oppressor of himself.

I know what you're thinking: the Progressive Savior is a hypostatic union of perfect Victim and perfect Oppressor, having two complete and distinct natures at once. Although he is Victim and Oppressor, yet Obama is not two, but the One we've been waiting for.

A moment's reflection will tell you that our quintessential transhistoricism is one of the bases of our value and dignity, i.e., our consciousness of the Absolute and all this both presumes and entails. 

For example, what sort of being is potentially conformed to the Absolute? Only human beings, hence the literally infinite divide between man and beast (notwithstanding the equally obvious continuities). 

Likewise, in what sort of cosmos is this mysterious adequation of intellect to intelligibility even possible? The number of cosmic coincidences needed to render this reality possible makes the whole scheme look suspiciously con-spiratorial (in the literal sense of "breathing together," or even where threegather).

Schuon: "Man is made for what he is able to conceive; the very ideas of absoluteness and transcendence prove both his spiritual nature and the supraterrestrial character of his destiny."

Come to think on it, "One of the keys to the understanding of our true nature and our ultimate destiny is the fact that the things of this world never measure up to the real range of our intelligence" (FS) -- which is another way of saying that all ideologies are self-imposed means of enclosing the intellect behind a grid of crisscrossing bars of stupidity and pride; or maybe envy and ingratitude; or perhaps journalism and tenure.

With regard to these ideological grids, "The world scatters us, and the ego compresses us; God gives us recollection and dilates us..." (ibid.). 

Dilation is required for any birth, whether the first or second. 

Another way of looking at historicism is to say that it is intrinsically peripheral, in the sense that there is no earthly hope of finding -- much less abiding -- in the Center. But this is the whole point! Put conversely, it takes a foolsgold-plated nihilist to maintain that the point of life is pointlessness. 

Schuon: "In order to be happy, man must have a center; now, this center is above all the certitude of the One. The greatest calamity is the loss of the center and the abandonment of the soul to the caprices of the periphery. To be man is to be at the center; it is to be the center" (as in O <-> ʘ).

Speaking of centers, let's get back to ours, i.e., the book. G-L agrees that "there are fundamental metaphysical principles constituting the ground of enduring dogmatic truth, that people know without need for study. These principles allow dogmatic propositions to be ontologically understandable by all..."

Yes, but... some aspects of doctrine are a little difficult to swallow, and not just communion. Are such things really common sense

Yes -- we suspect -- if only we go back and down far enough to first principles; the question is "whether the Church has been given a knowable, propositionally enunciable deposit of faith" which is neither myth nor metaphysics per se, while not denying their importance to the imagination and intellect in unpacking and assimilating them -- in making them fruitful. For man is more than just his intellect; he is also body, passion, creativity, love, freedom, etc. 

While the Christian doctrine surely develops in time, it does not do so in any historicist manner that would negate what went before; rather, with the passage of time the Church "does not know 'more' revealed realities, but rather knows more of what is (and was) present in the revealed realities" all along.

We might say that if the Truth "evolves," then it can't be. 

Look at me, ramblin' again. Retirement'll do that to a man, but I happen to know that another little post is already on the way, just waitin' to be born. I'll catch ya further on down the trail in the next e-pistle.


Joan of Argghh! said...

Such a breath of fresh air to come here for some Slack. Not that I've turned in my Raccoon cap, but I've been on walkabout here in Mexico. *waves to all*

Anonymous said...

So I tried looking up Marxism in the bible. I found a handful of verses, most of them having nothing to do with Marxism. But I did find this:

“You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor's.” – Exodus 20:17

Indeed. But later, in verse 25, God spake thus:

“If you make an altar of stones for me, do not build it with dressed stones, for you will defile it if you use a tool on it. And do not go up to my altar on steps, or your private parts may be exposed.”

So I became curious once again. Is there a verse where God instructs the robesmen to wear underwear?

Anonymous said...

I've been reading here long enough to have witnessed several periods over the years when it seemed you may have exhausted your passion and enthusiasm for producing the quality and quantity of these posts and I always worried you may leave and not come back. And who could blame you after all you've given your readers over so many years? I took solace in the knowing that you enjoyed exploring the content you shared with us, possibly even more than we, your readers, did. For you, it was and is a labor of love and you and we are richer for it. I hope you keep up the beautiful work for many years to come, and I thank you for it.

Gagdad Bob said...

Nicest comment ever!

julie said...

Hi Joan!

Anon @ 5:30, agreed.

I mostly just popped in to say that I read this entire post in Sam Elliot's voice. Well done.

The number of cosmic coincidences needed to render this reality possible makes the whole scheme look suspiciously con-spiratorial (in the literal sense of "breathing together," or even where threegather).

Heh. The real reason our moral and intellectual betters so hate the idea of people sharing the same breathing room.

Anonymous said...

I’ve been thinking of ways to bring back that passion and enthusiasm for producing the quality and quantity posts we’d all came to know. A few ideas:

* A fire and brimstone phase, like the ministers of old. In one episode, Bob calls out the anons one by one and chastises them mercilessly, as an example for the others.

* Bob turns leftist. The posts become all woke-screwy. And then we the audience slowly bring Bob back home with our love and support, one post at a time. And sometimes tough love.

* Spirituality for pets. Lets do big dogs!

* Posts done in Chinese. That way, we could learn Chinese.

* A kids day, sort of like the kids sermons we see at church. That way we’d finally know what the hell Bob’s talking about.

Anonymous said...

Julie wrote, in regards to taking inspiration (breathing) together:

"Heh. The real reason our moral and intellectual betters so hate the idea of people sharing the same breathing room."

For f*cks sake, really? You can't possibly believe that. That is ridiculous.

Have you ever seen a woke yoga or meditation session? Take a deep breath? Now let it out? Sound familiar? Lefties LOVE that breathing together sh*t.

I don't often call you out Julie, but I did today because you are one of the few people who are sincere around here and this just saddens me.

Who are you pandering to, GDB? Not worth it.

julie said...

Gosh, sorry to have disappointed you with my half-assed, half-baked, mostly joking observation. I forget sometimes that I'm not allowed to crack a joke because it spooks the unsuspecting.

That said, the most rabid maskholes I know are also raging leftists. I haven't seen the inside of a yoga studio in a long time, but would not be surprised if the ones willing to attend would also be willing to double mask, wear a face shield, and sit in a hula-hoop spaced 6 feet apart to maintain proper social distancing. They may be breathing deep, but they really don't want to share their air.

Anonymous said...

Julie, this is the good anon speaking. Don't listen to that other, more evil anon.

We all need to pull together and get Bob some ideas. The only thing sadder than a once great band which has lost its mojo, is all the Greatest Hits CDs that follow. As we all know, everything about Greatest Hits CDs sucks. I even have a Queen's Greatest Hits which cut that infamous asian gong entry sound at the beginning of "Tie Your Mother Down" - it just starts right into the guitar part. We can't let Bob just start right into at the guitar part!

Maybe Bob can do a series about why leftists cant go to heaven? How to make out with a leftist who doesn't want to make out with you? Projection as a useful debate strategy? Idle masks are tools of the devil? (worn masks?)

He can allow guest postings. He can allow conservative Christians to actually debate amongst themselves. He can link to leftist, MSM, academic or scientific sources as a sort of prank. So many possibilities!

Van Harvey said...

Hi Joan!

Joan of Argghh! said...

Hi Van! Been following you on FB!

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