Thursday, March 11, 2021

Pure Land Dudeism

I've been slowly making my way through Garrigou's Three Ages of the Spiritual Life, -- and this is not the sort of book one rushes through -- but decided to jump ahead to chapter XXVI, on The Active Purification of the Intellect, because it touches on so much of what's going on with the left's free fall into mass psychosis. 

Purification of the intellect. On the one hand, this title makes no sense in a post-reality world. Then again, what is going on in our world but an obsession with impure thoughts? -- whether these filthy thoughts are of Speedy Gonzalez, Pepe Le Pew, Dr. Seuss, Mr. Potato Head, or even worse? 

To say man is to say God, such that man as such cannot not be religious. It's just a matter of how bad the religion, and it is difficult to get worse than leftism, at least on a widescale basis. 

I just heard the shout of a hundred million amens! echoing up from the 20th century. Yes, I hear dead people; and if everyone could hear them, no one would be a leftist. 

In another context, Chesterton spoke of a "democracy of the dead," meaning that, if we wish to be scrupulously fair, we should regard being alive at the moment a mere accident. Real social justice extends to our illustrious forebears, without whom we'd be like any other shithole country.

Why, for example, should we not respect the wishes of the founders, or of those who died in the civil war? I challenge the left to locate a single one of them who thought he was defending the country from cartoon characters that might hurt the feelings of college educated white women of both sexes and all races. 

I'm pretty sure the guys who fought World War 2 didn't think the goal was to make the US safe for fascism and totalitarianism. What an insult to their heroism, their intelligence, and their basic sanity. 

Our point is that the most dreadfully impure thoughts ooze from people who would reject on principle the idea that purification of the intellect is mandatory if you wish to think properly, let alone if you presume to force others to think in the SJW Approved Way.

We begin -- as anyone with a vestige of self-awareness must begin -- with the principle of Original Sin. To be perfectly accurate, we shouldn't call it a principle; rather, in our view, Original Sin is a quasi-mythic formulation of a principial reality. Nevertheless, if appreciated and situated in its proper context, it will more than do the job. Just don't be a hubristic jackass, okay? 

In short, "man's intellect is wounded." Having said that, our Protestant friends go too far in the other direction, claiming that the wound is mortal and that to believe otherwise is to fall into the sin of pride. In short, they lower the bar of hubris to the ground.  

In this latter scheme, God provides us with revelation because we have no natural ability to understand what's what. Moreover, we must accept the revelation on faith, again, because our minds are too decimated by sin to reach the truth. To extend the baseball analogy, revelation shows us how to get home despite the fact that, left to our own devices, we can never get to first.

The reality is somewhere in between, i.e., between wounded and dead. Yes, the wound can become mortal, but that's on us. Only we can kill our own intellect, although doing a thorough job of it will set you back 50k a year, or whatever it costs to attend an elite university these days.

Anyway, here is our cosmic situation, nor do I want to minimize the gravity of the wound:

the intellect, instead of inclining spontaneously toward the true, and especially toward supreme Truth, has difficulty attaining it and tends to become absorbed in the consideration of earthly things without rising to their cause.

Is this not true? 

Of course it is true. Moreover, the intellect -- our most precious gift, mind you -- 

is inclined with curiosity toward ephemeral things and, on the other hand, it is negligent and slothful in the search for our true last end and the means leading to it.

As a consequence, the intellect not only "easily falls into error" but "may finally reach the state that is called spiritual blindness," or worse, spiritual wokeness. For truly, just as there is nothing so dead as a "living constitution," there is no one as somnolent as a wide awoke assoul.

So, revelation is given to man as a kind of aide-mémoire -- which is to say, a vertical aide. However, we are not totally lost without it, nor could the divine message even resonate in us if we were. 

Rather, with time and effort (and aptitude) the intellect "can even acquire, without the help of revelation, the knowledge of a certain number of fundamental truths..." 

Nevertheless -- you will have noticed -- "few men are capable of this labor, and they reach this result only after a considerable length of time," not to mention "without succeeding in freeing themselves from all error." 

My son, for example, knows things at 15 that I didn't know until [too embarrassed to say]. Thus, he has a multi-decade head start, but even then, he'll never be omniscient. Unless I get there first and pass along the secret.

There's a helpful footnote at the bottom of the page reminding us that "thanks to divine revelation," the "truths of religion can be known by all, quickly, with a firm certitude, and without any admixture of errors." 

Here again, revelation reveals a vertical shortcut; on the one hand it tells us about the end, but on the other, this is only the beginning (of our vertical adventure). 

This post is getting too long, so, to be continued.


Anonymous said...

Hello Dr. Godwin and Panel. I enjoyed the post. You are sounding an alarm against wokeism. It is about time someone did.

The left is not psychotic. The left is systematically dismantling euro-centric culture; they have decided to order the white male to move his desk the back of the class, and bring the dark woman to the front to take his spot. Quite literally, that is the project. Now why would they want to do this?

They feel guilty, that's why. Guilty.

Now, Woke is the lingua franca of our nation. You must now speak and write Woke or you will be side-lined. It requires study to become fluent in woke. You must first choose what pro-nouns you prefer. That is where it all starts.

If you are a man, you will choose "she, her, them, they" as the pronoun set you prefer to be addressed as. Changing your gender identity signals you as are woke as f*ck and a force to be reckoned with. That will get you in to the higher circles.

They are indeed cancelling cartoon characters and that is just the beginning. You have no idea what they are planning to cancel. When all is said and done, history will be re-written.

It started small, it is now getting very noticeable and Gagdad is the canary in the coal mine. Sniff. Sniff. Do you smell that? Is that gas?

Someday soon, overhead form a park bench:

"Trump? Wasn't he a game show host or something?"

Nobody will recall.

Total Ideological Change. This is not a drill. Take cover.

julie said...

Only we can kill our own intellect, although doing a thorough job of it will set you back 50k a year, or whatever it costs to attend an elite university these days.

Or even an elite grade school, apparently. They do like to start young, just to make sure the brain is really most sincerely dead.

Anonymous said...


I happen to live a few blocks from that school. I feel like going there and spray painting: Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother across all 3 of their sidewalks. Truly disgusted.

And it's not just a grade school. It's K-12.

Irene NYC

Anonymous said...

Now, the left is bad, but:

We must on our guard against becoming too square.

That is, pious, truthful, thoughtful, morally upright, dependable, salt of the earth, self-reliant farmers "we don't buy it we make it ourselves" lets go to the county fair, cake baking Betty Crocker gee whiz her beef stew is the best ever. Gosh I make my children's clothing its easy. Stop.

You don't want to become a "square." Someone who never passes the dutchie to the leff han' side. Who when they show up everyone leaves. You know who I'm talking about.

So there are elements of being a "conservative" that can be overdone and get toxic. I think we all know that. Be careful.

julie said...

@ Irene, My goodness, can you imagine the screeching about hate crimes that would ensue? It's astounding that people are paying tens of thousands of dollars to get their kids a specialized education, only to have the kids come home and express a heartfelt desire to be "race traitors" in order to purge their collective guilt about having the wrong skin color and ancestry.

Purification of the intellect. On the one hand, this title makes no sense in a post-reality world. Then again, what is going on in our world but an obsession with impure thoughts? -- whether these filthy thoughts are of Speedy Gonzalez, Pepe Le Pew, Dr. Seuss, Mr. Potato Head, or even worse?

It occurs to me recently that in part, at least, we're seeing another facet of arrested development. These people are like children who have just discovered that there are grey areas in life, and are vigorously policing those areas to classify them not as intolerable grey, but as solid black or white. Like mapmakers intent on measuring the shoreline to the millimeter, they get lost in the minutiae of personal classifications in an ever-expanding, constantly self-contradicting attempt at imposing order on an inherently chaotic mass.

Anonymous said...

M'kay leftist here. My my my. Much being said about arrested development, psychosis, and general wrongness on our part.

What about what is done right on our part? Does not the leftist stand up against vested concerns?

Who else would resist the Japanese whaling ships? Do you think conservatives would do that? You want whales to be on Earth? Ok then. Snaps to the leftist.

There are probably more examples I can think of. Irene NYC do you vote? Yes? Conservatives did not make that possible. You're welcome.

Julie, suppose your mate gives you a hefty wallop upside the head. Not that he every would. How would you like cops coming out and doing nothing? Bantering with your abuser on the front porch before they leave? Yeah? No.

Not on lefties watch. Domestic abuse will get the perp locked up. He does it again, and the key gets tossed. Maybe the victim will live this time.

Oh there are just a million examples of how we have applied skillful and needed body checks to the vested paternalistic interests entrenched since time out of mind which had abusive and exploitative tendencies.

Yeah. Not on our watch. You're welcome.

-The Leftist on your block.

Daisy said...

It's like last year's anti-cop riots (and subsequent soaring crime rates wherever police were defunded) never happened. Or Bill Clinton, or Cuomo's death homes, or Biden's long track record of sexual assault including groping of minors, etc., yadda yadda yadda, talking to the wind anyway...

The only thing democrats routinely do really, really well is convince people that because they "mean well," they are good and deserve to make important decisions that afflict everyone. Which always ends in a hellscape, and so here-we-go-again.

Anonymous said...

Can we talk some more about Dr. Seuss and Mr. Potato Head? Everything I ever needed to know about sex I learned from those two. At least til the movie came out. And I turned out arrow straight, able to hug other men without the least feeling of weirdness.

Plus when my own Mr. Potato Head broke he tossed me a real potato as replacement and I never looked back, even after it sprouted buds in all the wrong spots.

I worry about future generations. I’d be open to a generic Potato Head which would save Playskool some manufacturing costs, and obviously come equipped with only with one hole but two sex parts. But would transsexualism then explode with the kids? Jeez, I can still remember when a little tiny tattoo was the ultimate sign of rebel coolness.

Anonymous said...

Biden and Trump need to get a room together and bring on the ladies for a most awesome gropefest. Be the geriatric rock stars they really are. No doubts they wouldn't realize that there's a toilet in the room, and never realize that after roasting a goat how hard it is to get the smell of charcoal and cumin out of the curtains. But that's half the fun.

Oh crap. Did I just type that out loud? In this world it's all fake news unless The Left is involved.

NPC said...

Dur hur, Biden and Bad Orange Man are exactly the same! Except Biden good, Orange Man Bad.

Anonymous said...

@-The Leftist on your block.

Over 90% of my mother's family were murdered by Leftists. Should I thank you for that too?

Irene NYC

Anonymous said...

Dur, but what about an Orange Biden?

Irene, I empathize. My own ancestors were also slaughtered by Norwegians.

Anonymous said...

Our society needs both a strong conservative element and an effective progressive element to keep the conservatives from ossifying and becoming rigidly stuck. The conservatives tend to help us keep what should be kept moving forward.

We must remember that agriculture largely replaced pastoralism, and prior to that the hunter-gatherer was king; if humanity had been totally committed to being conservative, we would still be subsistence hunting. Not necessarily a bad thing, if you like a short life.

To it has been said: The conservative is prone to cling to old evils, where the progressive wants to replace them with new ones."

We conclude the "leftist bashing" that occurs on this site and elsewhere is mental fornication of the lowest sort, not well leavened with reason. Sorry Bob- your chronic cranky critiques form nothing more significant than a fey hobby shared by some.

Fortunately Bob, as a philosopher you are an actual going concern. Stick to that and you will never go hungry.

Similarly the "Orange Man Bad" crowd are masturbating their frontal lobes and have nothing useful to add to any discussion.

Critique done for the pure joy of critiquing; boy do I understand that. It is not going to produce any useful policy changes however.

-Peyton Farquhar

Jules said...

Lol the list of positive leftie laws can be measured on 1 hand.... legalizing weed and a few others. Read " radical son" ,and other rx leftists for a very high criticism of it.
Its because of leftist female supremacists that abortion is endemic, that kids grow up without fathers. Which results in a massive spike in crime since the 60s, self harm , pregnant teens etc.
And the contempt and hatred of Christianity and worship of promiscuous sex has also led to this, and more violence towards women.
Not to mention meth addicts. The left swims in oceans of blood..

Jules said...

Ha ! Biden is mr public groping of kids. Trump is mr alpha male whom women like to be touched by. You cant compare a senile spineless old fart with less spine than my 88 yr old mother to

Trump, who is mr tough negotiator, with many many female fans . And who actually won the election with record 100k to 600k leads before the scum kicked out the observers and got those fake ballots mass delivered.

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