Thursday, January 14, 2021

The First Principle of Normality

The first task of philosophy -- come to think of it -- must be to distinguish the real from the unreal. Reality, of course, is one. If you do not accept this principle, then you are dismissed. For to differ on a principle so fundamental is to differ on everything else. 

As the Aphorist says, Intelligence is the capacity for discerning principles. And Intelligent discussion should be reduced to clarifying divergences. Thus, the most intelligent -- or consequential anyway -- discussion involves the clarification of differing fundamental principles. 

For example, I believe political violence is always wrong (at least in a free society such as ours). The left believes it is good so long as it is being committed by the left. Big difference. 

On what deeper principle can the left's seemingly contradictory stance be founded? It can't be the principle that "might makes right," for if gangs of deplorable MAGA rioters and looters were to burn down our cities to exert political pressure, the left would immediately recognize it as fascism.

Nevertheless, there is a deeper principle involved in the left's seeming lack of principle, most ably articulated by comrade Lenin; for him, the question always comes down to: Who and Whom. When the left is the hammer, it is Good; conversely, when the left is the anvil, it is Evil. 

We see the same principle with regard to racism: it is always bad unless the left engages in it. Thus, affirmative action is just racial profiling under new management.  

But just try explaining this to an NPC leftist. It will not compute. Instead, one will be greeted with regurgitated epithets such as RACIST, FASCIST, and in recent days TERRORIST, INSURRECTIONIST, and TREASONIST.

Nevertheless, these NPCs make it a special point to visit our comment section on a daily basis and rewordgitate their memes. For it has never occurred to them that Engaging in dialogue with those who do not share our assumptions is nothing more than a stupid way to kill time, for both NPC and living human alike.

So, we don't engage in dialogue with people who have never even examined their own principles, any more than we would ask a dog why it is such a slave to instinct. We prefer the mode of meta-level insultainment, i.e., Four or five invulnerable philosophical propositions allow us to make fun of the rest.

Back to our main theme, which is the one reality and its many alternatives. Now, man is always arguing 1) from principle; 2) toward principle; or 3) from or toward any or no principle at all, this latter corresponding to the intellectual Calvinball of the left. 

A normal person...

STOP! That right there is controversial, isn't it? For one of the first principles of the left is that there can be no such thing as normality because there is no such thing as human nature. "Normality" presupposes a transcendent essence, but transcendence presupposes God, and the left can't consistently go there: In the Christianity of the leftist Christian, one of the two elements sooner or later eliminates the other (NGD).

This principle-of-no-principle leads directly to a host of "illogically logical entailments" such as men can be women or marriage can be anything. For the normal person these are absurdities, but for the absurd person they are normalities. How can one argue with a person who doesn't even bow to the principle of non-contradiction? One can't.  

For example, if a person who believes in the principle of free speech argues with a person who believes in the principle that free speech means suppression of thoughtcrime, the argument inevitably ends with the former expressing impermissible thoughtcrime. Banished from Twitter. No conversation for you!   

Nevertheless, we believe in human nature and in normality, including intellectual normality. Is there such a thing? Of course there is: for it is identical to asking whether truth exists. Supposing it does, then it is normal to conform to it.  


Now, to reject the principle of human nature is to reject any principle of objective morality. Give Lenin credit for intellectual honesty and for arguing from first principle:
We reject any morality based on extra-human and extra-class concepts.... there is no such thing as a morality that stands outside human society; that is a fraud. To us morality is subordinated to the interests of the proletariat's class struggle.... all morality lies in this united discipline and conscious mass struggle against the exploiters.

Mass struggle against the exploiters. Or in our day, the left's victim culture whereby certain citizens are innocent and others guilty by virtue of immutable characteristics such as Whiteness or Maleness. 

For example, Biden's pick for head of the Civil Rights Division is innocent of racism despite believing the chemical melanin renders blacks superior, or that race should go into determining who pilots your plane.

About the principle of non-contradiction that permits and constrains normal thought. As it so happens, the latest Hillsdale Imprimus discusses this in the context of 1984, which has arrived 36 years late. Nevertheless, "better late than never" according to our technofascists.

As the first essential step of his education, Winston has to learn doublethink -- a way of thinking that defies the law of contradiction [which] is the basis of all reasoning, the means of making sense of the world.

Note well that last one, for it means that denying the law of non-contraction renders one forever incapable of making sense of the world. And there's a name for a world that isn't reducible to rational sense: hell.

Speaking of which, here's an example:

In our time, the law of non-contradiction would mean that a governor, say, could not simultaneously hold that the COVID pandemic renders church services too dangerous to allow, and also that massive protest marches are fine.

Well, unless there is a "higher" principle involved, Lenin's principle that whatever contributes to the left's success is good. Nothing more opposes the left's project than genuine religiosity, so Governor Newsom's logic actually checks out.

Just getting started. To be continued. 


julie said...

For example, Biden's pick for head of the Civil Rights Division is innocent of racism despite believing the chemical melanin renders blacks superior, or that race should go into determining who pilots your plane.

I have read that in Africa, it is quite common for passengers to look into the cockpit to see whether the pilot is white or black. They prefer white pilots.

Me, I prefer pilots who know how to fly, are sober, and non-suicidal. Those aren't usually things you can tell at a glance, though.

Anonymous said...

Strange. I read that in Christian nations, when the white Dear Leader exhorts his white people to revolution, the white people do better when the white Dear Leader actually gets physically involved in the revolution.

When he disappears into a safe space to watch the proceedings on TV, it takes the revolt down a notch. So then the revolutionaries wind up blaming the blacks for everything.

julie said...

Thank you anon for demonstrating, once again, that discussion with you is utterly pointless.

Petey said...

The leftist always betrays the unconscious principle that animates him. He's the last to know, supposing he's lucky enough to discover it.

Petey said...

For example, what could be the principles animating Biden, being that the principles of his Democrat party of 50 years ago are irreconcilable with those of today? How can the same person believe antithetical things? I suppose senility has its uses.

Anonymous said...

Julie, you'd inspired me with the "pilots who know how to fly, are sober, and non-suicidal" bit. Can we change the enemy de jour back to Islam? I'd prefer to pointless discuss what to do about them.

Anonymous said...

Petey, my only interest here is an answer to the question:

Why do modern Christians always need to have enemies?

Muslims, mexicans, gays, feminists, asians, liberals, socialists, democrats, coastal elites, secularists and now our duly designated congressional members. So many enemies so little time.

I don't remember that being the case, way back when I was a Christian, back in those days America really was great and we really only had just the one big enemy, the USSR.

Daisy said...

Do you know nothing of history?

When have Christians ever not had enemies? Either from without, or from within?

Where is Christ's kingdom, and whose kingdom is the one in which we now dwell?

Petey said...

Christians must always have enemies because enemies of Christianity -- of the good --always exist. But only until the end of time.

Petey said...

That even the Apostles included a traitor is a Big Hint.

Petey said...

And the idea that "Muslims, mexicans, gays, feminists, asians, liberals, socialists, democrats, coastal elites, secularists" are enemies is plain stupid. We oppose anti-human ideologies, not people.

julie said...

Re. the Apostles, I've long suspected that one of the bitter ironies about Judas was that he was the only one who really understood what Jesus was going to do. The ones who loved Jesus best couldn't believe He would allow Himself to be executed. Judas was pissed, because it meant he would never have the position of power he wanted so badly, so he turned traitor for money.

Petey said...

These ideologies are but vehicles of the powers and principalities that can take over even whole nations. Fortunately, the Holy Spirit is also able to endarken the mind, hence the inevitable overreaching that eventually does them in.

Gagdad Bob said...

Another illustration of today's post:

"these journalists thought the quote was shocking when they attributed it to Gohmert. One wanted to expel Gohmert from the House. So, does that mean that she now wants Nancy Pelosi expelled? And do the other journalists quoted above now think that Pelosi’s quote was reprehensible? Will they jump to condemn Pelosi, as they did Gohmert? Or are statements tolerant of rioting, or even encouraging rioting, perfectly fine when they are made by Democrats?"

Gagdad Bob said...

Oh good: EXPERTS -- at paralogic, no doubt -- explain why you can't compare BLM barbarians to capitol crazies. Lenin lives.

Gagdad Bob said...

And so much for "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter."

julie said...

To be fair, they don't compare, because one group destroys cities while the other politely marches, and cleans up after itself on the way out.

Anonymous said...

Hello Julie. One group destroys, the other kills a cop by clocking him on the head with a fire extinguisher. Then they cleaned up on the way out.

I hate to put that in your face because you are a nice lady.

Bob, I get your puzzlement about the left. Anyone who's dated a series of women will sooner or later encounter "little miss can't be wrong." This gal will deal out blame but never accept any.

What do these people really think in their minds? It is hard to tell. They just put up a very hard front.

After thinking about the leftist tendency to be "little miss can't be wrong," it occurred to me that leftism is above all REACTIONARY.

This reaction is the sequelae to centuries of the white man planting his fist in everyone's face and taking the money.

Consequently no one talks seriously to the white man or cares what he thinks; all they want to do is get that blonde beast subdued, caged, neutered, de-fanged, and eliminated as a threat. This is grossly simplifying it, but leftism is not going to talk nice or accept any blame because it is too busy going for the jugular. It is PTSD on a massive scale; leftism is a frightened and hysterical negress with a broom and my can she swing that thing well.

julie said...

Akshully, Officer Sicknick died of a medical condition, and apparently not by being hit by a fire extinguisher. Whoever was hit, it wasn't him, and presumably that person wasn't seriously hurt or we'd be hearing about it constantly. Lest you disagree with my source, even ABC admitted as much, even though they really, really want it to be the fire extinguisher because they need to believe we on the right are just as brutal as the rioters who were rampaging all summer long.

I hate to put that in your face, but you seem like the kind of person who believes everything the MSM says without question.

Anonymous said...

Petey/Daisy/Dupree, I understand the attacks from your demons, and they sound quite serious.

But ever since Constantine, haven't Christians held pretty much most of the power in our western civilization? Even today I don't think there's a single openly non-theist in American congress.

In addition to my "Enemy Ideologies List" (correction by Petey), please add climatologists, big tech, virologists, academia, historians, public school teachers, all of the media (now including Fox News), the NFL, the NBA, most civil rights groups, Planned Parenthood, Judaism, Mormonism, those dangblasted Jehovah's Witnesses and the nation of France. I'm sure there are many more but typing all that is hard.

I've seen you people talking. Okay, maybe not you fine people right here in this fine place, but out there in the real world. I mean damn, that's a lot of "anti-human ideology" enemies! I'd think there's an awful lot of folks working inside that enemies list of career and birth choices, which people may want to defend.

Is this a good strategy, going around making all these enemies? I remember the simpler times when all one had to do was ask Jesus for forgiveness, and then POW! Done. So easy.
Seemed everybody was a Christian back then. Today folks have to sign on to your humongous list of demonic enemies to fight with all these strictures, unless they want to live as a Christian cave hermit. Like my poor man Frank Schaeffer.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Julie. I was getting pretty depressed over that video showing them pulling cops down the steps to be beaten by flagpoles, with the flag still attached.

I really don't think this was indicative or your typical Christian. It was just the dark web nutjobs doing the worst of it. But mama did tell me to never march with Nazis. And plus I worry that this is the direction many Christians are headed. Trump really shoulda been there like he said he would.

julie said...

Pretending for a second that you have any care for what the vast majority of real people went there to do, try checking out this series of interviews compiled by a man who traveled across the country to be in DC on the 6th.

Anonymous said...

Julie, real Christians may have their second chance.

There are reports from hundreds of non-reporters claiming that “the extremist chatter” for Inauguration Day is off the charts, worse than what they were seeing before the 6th.

The world is watching. Will real people Christians do the right thing?

Anonymous said...

Good and Evil can be subjective and discussion may find a middle ground, but in reality there is no compromise between Life and Death.

The Dude said...

Objectively speaking, or just, like, your opinion?

Anonymous said...

Good and Evil can be subjective and discussion may find a middle ground, but in reality there is no compromise between Life and Death.

There's suffering and there's contentment. Christians say that neither matters because eternal life lasts a lot longer. I say that this makes being concerned about another's eternal life that much more important, because it's much longer. Then Christians tell me to go screw myself with my "much longer". And that's when I become more concerned.

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