Thursday, October 22, 2020

Rules for Counter-Revolutionaries

Let us bow our heads and begin with a benediction... Better yet, let's lift our heads and begin with a malediction:

Transforming the world: the occupation of a convict resigned to his punishment (NGD).

Am I a reactionary?  I suppose not, if only because going back in time is impractical and impossible anyway.  No one believes more in progress than the Christian.  Indeed, we invented it.  It all depends on what one means by "progress."  Here is one man's definition, which we long ago adopted as our own on the basis of common sense:

The only possible progress is the internal progress of each individual.


Social salvation is near when each one admits that he can only save himself.  Society is saved when its presumed saviors despair (ibid.).

As a clinical psychologist I saw how difficult it was to facilitate "fundamental change" in so much as a single person. Beginning with myself, of course.  So much easier to change the world!  Just ask Obama.  

Yes, there are aphorisms for him -- aphorisms he will never understand, which means he is condemned to a certain kind of systematic stupidity -- or structural idiocy --  that debilitates whatever native intelligence he might possess:

Man matures when he stops believing that politics solves his problems (ibid.).

Imagine telling the average BLM member to rechannel his destructive revolutionary energy into something constructive, for example, working hard and studying in school.  The problem here is that doing so would reveal his lack of intelligence and talent.  Failure evokes the Revolution.  

Thus the perennial temptation and seduction of the Revolution -- a Revolution that will indeed turn the existing order upside down, such that the scum rises to the top.  

Which it already does, pretty much. It's why Al Sharpton is a Black Leader instead of Thomas Sowell (who would never accept the job anyway, since he doesn't believe blacks have some special need for leaders).  It's why Joy Reid has a network TV show instead of Candace Owens.  For that matter, it is also why pre-Trump Republicans were and are such cowardly mediocrities at best.

To fight the eternal Revolution we need counter-Revolutionaries.  Obviously. 

But in order to do this, we must first recognize the Revolution.  What is it? And why? And what do we do about it?

In one sense, we could say there has been only one big Revolution.  It takes place outside terrestrial time, and its outlines are transmitted to us via Genesis 3.  In response there has been one big counter-Revolution, which we might call John 1:  problem and solution.

By the way: which comes first, the problem or the solution?  One might be tempted to say the former, but if we stand outside and above time -- instead of being lost in the flux of historical contingency --  there is a proportionality and fittingness between these two that is not coincidental: a BIG solution for a BIG problem.   Man is sick, sick, sick.  Nothing short of a radical cure will suffice.  More on this as we proceed.

As I was saying above, I suppose I'm not a reactionary.  Nevertheless, the bad folks at Amazon directed this book to my attention, on the grounds that "people like me" had purchased it:  Revolution and Counter-Revolution  ( 

Apparently the author is "controversial." I don't know anything about that. I only know that this is one of the best books I've ever read on the deep metacosmic structure of revolutionary leftism, AKA the Revolution.  I don't agree with everything the author says, but I do agree with just about everything he says about the Revolution.  Time enough for only few excerpts, but we'll get more deeply into it in the next post.

By Revolution we mean a movement that aims to destroy a legitimate power or order and replace it with an illegitimate power or state of things.  

It is a vision of the universe and a way of being of man that the Revolution seeks to abolish with the intention of replacing them with radically contrary counterparts.

Two notions conceived as metaphysical values express well the spirit of the Revolution:  absolute equality, complete liberty [which is of course an impossibility, thus guaranteed to generate only chaos and dis-order].

Among the intermediate groups to be abolished, the family ranks first. Until it manages to wipe it out, the Revolution tries to lower it, mutilate it, and vilify it in every way.... Even the psychological and attitudinal differences between the sexes tend to diminish as much as possible.

[L]iberalism is not interested in freedom for what is good. It is solely interested in freedom for evil. When in power, it easily, and even joyfully, restricts the freedom of the good as much as possible. But in many ways, it protects, favors, and promotes freedom for evil.

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